Exemplo n.º 1
def get_AH_lines(im):
    all_letters = algorithm.all_letters(im)
    # AH == average character height
    AH = algorithm.dominant_char_height(im, letters=all_letters)
    if lib.debug: print('AH =', AH)
    letters = algorithm.filter_size(AH, im, letters=all_letters)
    all_lines = collate.collate_lines(AH, letters)
    # From up to down
    all_lines.sort(key=lambda l: l[0].y)

    combined = algorithm.combine_underlined(AH, im, all_lines, all_letters)

    filtered = algorithm.remove_stroke_outliers(im, combined, k=2.0)
    # filtered = algorithm.filter_spacing_deviation(im, AH, filtered)

    lines = remove_outliers(im, AH, filtered)
    # lines = combined

    # if lib.debug:
    #     debug = cv2.cvtColor(bw, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    #     for l in all_lines:
    #         for l1, l2 in zip(l, l[1:]):
    #             cv2.line(debug, tuple(l1.base_point().astype(int)),
    #                     tuple(l2.base_point().astype(int)), RED, 2)
    #     lib.debug_imwrite('all_lines.png', debug)

    return AH, lines, all_lines
Exemplo n.º 2
def crop(im, bw, split=True):
    im_h, im_w = im.shape[:2]

    all_letters = algorithm.all_letters(bw)
    AH = algorithm.dominant_char_height(bw, letters=all_letters)
    letters = algorithm.filter_size(AH, bw, letters=all_letters)
    all_lines = collate.collate_lines(AH, letters)
    combined = algorithm.combine_underlined(AH, bw, all_lines, all_letters)
    lines = algorithm.remove_stroke_outliers(bw, combined)

    if not lines:
        print('WARNING: no lines in image.')
        return AH, []

    lines = filter_position(AH, bw, lines, split)
    lines = [
        line for line in lines if not np.all(line.crop().apply(bw) == 255)

    if not lines:
        print('WARNING: eliminated all lines.')
        return AH, []

    if split and im_w > im_h:  # two pages
        line_sets = split_lines(lines)
        line_sets = [lines]

    return AH, line_sets
Exemplo n.º 3
def test(models_dir, image_path):
    im = cv2.imread(image_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)

    bw = binarize.binarize(im, algorithm=binarize.ntirogiannis2014)
    AH = algorithm.dominant_char_height(bw)
    print('AH =', AH)

    possible_AHs = np.array([int(d) for d in os.listdir(models_dir) if d.isdigit()])
    size = possible_AHs[np.abs(possible_AHs - AH).argmin()]
    model_dir = os.path.join(models_dir, str(size))

    P_l_T, P_h_T, pca, A_l_T, Q_T, A_h_T = load_model(model_dir)
Exemplo n.º 4
    assert np.all(segments[:, 0] < segments[:, 1])

    theta_p = np.zeros((len(ellipses), ))
    s_p = np.full((len(ellipses), ), 5)

    def V_pq_sites(p1, p2, l1, l2):
        s_1, theta_1 = unpack_label(l1)
        s_2, theta_2 = unpack_label(l2)

        centroid_1, centroid_2 = centroids[(p1, p2), :]

        d_pq_sq = np.square(centroid_1 - centroid_2).sum()
        scale = np.exp(-k * d_pq_sq / (s_values[s_1]**2 + s_values[s_2]**2))

        f_diff = abs(s_1 - s_2) + abs(theta_1 - theta_2)
        mu = 0 if l1 == l2 else (lam_1 if f_diff <= 3 else lam_2)

        return mu * scale

    # graph.set_smooth_cost_function(V_pq_sites)
    # graph.expansion()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    lib.debug = True
    orig = cv2.imread(sys.argv[1])
    bw = binarize.binarize(orig, algorithm=binarize.sauvola)
    lib.debug_imwrite('retinex.png', bw)
    AH = algorithm.dominant_char_height(bw)
    koo2010(bw, AH)
Exemplo n.º 5
def upscale(path, data_dir, factor):
    assert factor == 2

    im = cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
    im_h, im_w = im.shape

    bw = binarize.binarize(im, algorithm=binarize.ntirogiannis2014)
    AH = dominant_char_height(bw)
    print('AH =', AH)

    possible_AHs = np.array(
        [int(d) for d in os.listdir(data_dir) if d.isdigit()])
    size = possible_AHs[np.abs(possible_AHs - AH).argmin()]
    D_T_coupled = np.load(os.path.join(data_dir, str(size), 'dict.npy'))

    W_l = int(size / 3) | 1
    W_h = 2 * W_l
    step = 3

    assert D_T_coupled.shape[1] == W_l * W_l + W_h * W_h
    D_T = D_T_coupled[:, :W_l * W_l]

    K = D_T.shape[0]
    lam = 0.2  # weight of sparsity. TODO: confirm same as training data.

    lo_patches = patches(im, W_l, step)
    struct = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (3, 3))
    gradient = cv2.morphologyEx(im, cv2.MORPH_GRADIENT, struct)
    gradient_means, _ = binarize.mean_std(gradient, W_l)
    patch_gradient = gradient_means[W_l // 2:-W_l // 2 + 1:step,
                                    W_l // 2:-W_l // 2 + 1:step]
    assert patch_gradient.shape == (lo_patches.shape[0], lo_patches.shape[1])
    patch_mask = patch_gradient > np.percentile(patch_gradient, 50)
    good_patches = np.nonzero(patch_mask)
    cv2.imwrite('spp.png', -patch_mask.astype(np.uint8))

    lo_patches_vec = lo_patches[good_patches].reshape(-1, W_l * W_l).astype(
    means = lo_patches_vec.mean(axis=1)
    X_T = lo_patches_vec - means[:, newaxis]
    t = X_T.shape[0]

    Z_T = np.zeros((t, K), dtype=np.float64)

    last_objective = None
    while True:
        training.feature_sign_search_vec(X_T, Z_T, D_T, lam)
        objective = np.square(X_T - Z_T.dot(D_T)).sum()

        print('\ncurrent objective:', objective)
        if last_objective is not None:
            relative_err = abs(last_objective - objective) / last_objective
            print('relative error:', relative_err)
            if relative_err < 1e-4:
        last_objective = objective

    hi_patches = Z_T.dot(D_T_coupled)[:, W_l * W_l:] + means[:, newaxis]

    hi_float = np.zeros((factor * im_h, factor * im_w), dtype=np.float64)
    dest_patches = patches(hi_float, W_h, 2 * step)
    patch_count = np.zeros((factor * im_h, factor * im_w), dtype=int)
    count_patches = patches(patch_count, W_h, 2 * step)
    for i, patch in enumerate(hi_patches):
        dest_patches[good_patches[i]] += patch
        count_patches[good_patches[i]] += 1
    np.divide(hi_float, patch_count, hi_float, where=patch_count > 0)

    hi_lanczos = cv2.resize(im, (0, 0),

    return np.where(patch_count > 0, hi_float,
                    hi_lanczos).clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8)