Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_action_parameterization(self, core_output_size):
        if not self.cfg.adaptive_stddev and is_continuous_action_space(self.action_space):
            action_parameterization = ActionParameterizationContinuousNonAdaptiveStddev(
                self.cfg, core_output_size, self.action_space,
            action_parameterization = ActionParameterizationDefault(self.cfg, core_output_size, self.action_space)

        return action_parameterization
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, cfg, core_out_size, action_space):
        super().__init__(cfg, action_space)

        assert not cfg.adaptive_stddev
        assert is_continuous_action_space(self.action_space), \
            'Non-adaptive stddev makes sense only for continuous action spaces'

        num_action_outputs = calc_num_logits(action_space)

        # calculate only action means using the policy neural network
        self.distribution_linear = nn.Linear(core_out_size,
                                             num_action_outputs // 2)

        # stddev is a single learned parameter
        initial_stddev = torch.empty([num_action_outputs // 2])
        self.learned_stddev = nn.Parameter(initial_stddev, requires_grad=True)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(
        self, worker_idx, policy_id, cfg, obs_space, action_space, report_queue, policy_worker_queues, shared_buffers,
        policy_lock, resume_experience_collection_cv,
        log.info('Initializing the learner %d for policy %d', worker_idx, policy_id)

        self.worker_idx = worker_idx
        self.policy_id = policy_id

        self.cfg = cfg

        # PBT-related stuff
        self.should_save_model = True  # set to true if we need to save the model to disk on the next training iteration
        self.load_policy_id = None  # non-None when we need to replace our parameters with another policy's parameters
        self.pbt_mutex = threading.Lock()
        self.new_cfg = None  # non-None when we need to update the learning hyperparameters

        self.terminate = False
        self.num_batches_processed = 0

        self.obs_space = obs_space
        self.action_space = action_space

        self.rollout_tensors = shared_buffers.tensor_trajectories
        self.traj_tensors_available = shared_buffers.is_traj_tensor_available
        self.policy_versions = shared_buffers.policy_versions
        self.stop_experience_collection = shared_buffers.stop_experience_collection

        self.stop_experience_collection_num_msgs = self.resume_experience_collection_num_msgs = 0

        self.device = None
        self.dqn = None
        self.optimizer = None
        self.policy_lock = policy_lock
        self.resume_experience_collection_cv = resume_experience_collection_cv

        self.task_queue = MpQueue()
        self.report_queue = report_queue

        self.initialized_event = MultiprocessingEvent()

        self.model_saved_event = MultiprocessingEvent()

        # queues corresponding to policy workers using the same policy
        # we send weight updates via these queues
        self.policy_worker_queues = policy_worker_queues

        self.experience_buffer_queue = Queue()

        self.tensor_batch_pool = ObjectPool()
        self.tensor_batcher = TensorBatcher(self.tensor_batch_pool)

        self.with_training = True  # set to False for debugging no-training regime
        self.train_in_background = self.cfg.train_in_background_thread  # set to False for debugging

        self.training_thread = Thread(target=self._train_loop) if self.train_in_background else None
        self.train_thread_initialized = threading.Event()

        self.is_training = False

        self.train_step = self.env_steps = 0

        # decay rate at which summaries are collected
        # save summaries every 20 seconds in the beginning, but decay to every 4 minutes in the limit, because we
        # do not need frequent summaries for longer experiments
        self.summary_rate_decay_seconds = LinearDecay([(0, 20), (100000, 120), (1000000, 240)])
        self.last_summary_time = 0

        self.last_saved_time = self.last_milestone_time = 0

        self.discarded_experience_over_time = deque([], maxlen=30)
        self.discarded_experience_timer = time.time()
        self.num_discarded_rollouts = 0

        self.process = Process(target=self._run, daemon=True)

        if is_continuous_action_space(self.action_space) and self.cfg.exploration_loss == 'symmetric_kl':
            raise NotImplementedError('KL-divergence exploration loss is not supported with '
                                      'continuous action spaces. Use entropy exploration loss')

        if self.cfg.exploration_loss_coeff == 0.0:
            self.exploration_loss_func = lambda action_distr: 0.0
        elif self.cfg.exploration_loss == 'entropy':
            self.exploration_loss_func = self.entropy_exploration_loss
        elif self.cfg.exploration_loss == 'symmetric_kl':
            self.exploration_loss_func = self.symmetric_kl_exploration_loss
            raise NotImplementedError(f'{self.cfg.exploration_loss} not supported!')