Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_references(self):
        """Get references."""
        self.logger.debug("Getting references")

        references_string = alias_api.get_references()
        references = []

        self.logger.debug("Received: {}".format(references_string))

        for row in references_string.split(ROW_SEPARATOR):
            if not row or COL_SEPARATOR not in row:

            name, path = row.split(COL_SEPARATOR)

                "node": name,
                "type": "reference",
                "path": path.replace("/", os.path.sep),

        self.logger.debug("Sending: {}".format(references))

        return references
Exemplo n.º 2
def _alias_find_additional_session_dependencies():
    Find additional dependencies from the session

    references = []
    for reference in alias_api.get_references():
        path = reference.path
        if path not in references:

    return references
Exemplo n.º 3
    def scan_scene(self):
        The scan scene method is executed once at startup and its purpose is
        to analyze the current scene and return a list of references that are
        to be potentially operated on.
        The return data structure is a list of dictionaries. Each scene reference
        that is returned should be represented by a dictionary with three keys:
        - "node": The name of the 'node' that is to be operated on. Most DCCs have
          a concept of a node, path or some other way to address a particular
          object in the scene.
        - "type": The object type that this is. This is later passed to the
          update method so that it knows how to handle the object.
        - "path": Path on disk to the referenced object.
        Toolkit will scan the list of items, see if any of the objects matches
        any templates and try to determine if there is a more recent version
        available. Any such versions are then displayed in the UI as out of date.

        refs = []

        # only deal with references which match a template
        for r in alias_api.get_references():

            reference_template = self._get_reference_template_from_path(
            if not reference_template:
                reference_template = self._get_reference_template_from_path(

            # here, we've imported a file as reference and we need to use the source path to get the next
            # available version
            if reference_template and reference_template.validate(r.path):
                    "node": r.name if r.uuid == [] else r.uuid,
                    "type": "reference",
                    "path": r.source_path.replace("/", os.path.sep),
                    "node": r.name if r.uuid == [] else r.uuid,
                    "type": "reference",
                    "path": r.path.replace("/", os.path.sep),

        return refs
Exemplo n.º 4
    def accept(self, settings, item):
        Method called by the publisher to determine if an item is of any
        interest to this plugin. Only items matching the filters defined via the
        item_filters property will be presented to this method.

        A publish task will be generated for each item accepted here. Returns a
        dictionary with the following booleans:

            - accepted: Indicates if the plugin is interested in this value at
                all. Required.
            - enabled: If True, the plugin will be enabled in the UI, otherwise
                it will be disabled. Optional, True by default.
            - visible: If True, the plugin will be visible in the UI, otherwise
                it will be hidden. Optional, True by default.
            - checked: If True, the plugin will be checked in the UI, otherwise
                it will be unchecked. Optional, True by default.

        :param settings: Dictionary of Settings. The keys are strings, matching
            the keys returned in the settings property. The values are `Setting`
        :param item: Item to process

        :returns: dictionary with boolean keys accepted, required and enabled

        publisher = self.parent

        publish_template_setting = settings.get("Publish Template").value
        if publish_template_setting:

            # if a publish template is configured, disable context change. This
            # is a temporary measure until the publisher handles context switching
            # natively.
            item.context_change_allowed = False

            # get the publish template definition to determine if we are trying to publish a WREF file.
            # If so, disable the plugin if some references are loaded in the current session
            publish_template = publisher.engine.get_template_by_name(
            if publish_template and "wref" in publish_template.definition:
                alias_references = alias_api.get_references()
                if alias_references:
                    return {
                        "accepted": True,
                        "enabled": False,
                        "checked": False

        path = _session_path()

        if not path:
            # the session has not been saved before (no path determined).
            # provide a save button. the session will need to be saved before
            # validation will succeed.
            self.logger.warn("The Alias session has not been saved.",

            "Alias '%s' plugin accepted the current Alias session." %
            (self.name, ))

        return {"accepted": True, "checked": False}
Exemplo n.º 5
    def validate(self, settings, item):
        Validates the given item to check that it is ok to publish. Returns a
        boolean to indicate validity.

        :param settings: Dictionary of Settings. The keys are strings, matching
            the keys returned in the settings property. The values are `Setting`
        :param item: Item to process
        :returns: True if item is valid, False otherwise.

        publisher = self.parent
        path = _session_path()

        # ---- ensure the session has been saved

        if not path:
            # the session still requires saving. provide a save button.
            # validation fails.
            error_msg = "The Alias session has not been saved."
                error_msg, extra=sgtk.platform.current_engine().open_save_as_dialog
            raise Exception(error_msg)

        # ---- check that references exist, display warning for invalid refs

        for reference in alias_api.get_references():
            ref_path = reference.path
            if not os.path.exists(ref_path):
                    "Reference path does not exist '{}'".format(ref_path)

        # ---- check the session against any attached work template

        # get the path in a normalized state. no trailing separator,
        # separators are appropriate for current os, no double separators,
        # etc.
        path = sgtk.util.ShotgunPath.normalize(path)

        # if the session item has a known work template, see if the path
        # matches. if not, warn the user and provide a way to save the file to
        # a different path
        work_template = item.properties.get("work_template")
        if work_template:
            if not work_template.validate(path):
                error_msg = "The current session does not match the configured work file template."
                        "action_button": {
                            "label": "Save File",
                            "tooltip": "Save the current Alias session to a "
                            "different file name",
                            "callback": sgtk.platform.current_engine().open_save_as_dialog,
                raise Exception(error_msg)
                self.logger.debug("Work template configured and matches session file.")
            self.logger.debug("No work template configured.")

        # ---- see if the version can be bumped post-publish

        # check to see if the next version of the work file already exists on
        # disk. if so, warn the user and provide the ability to jump to save
        # to that version now
        (next_version_path, version) = self._get_next_version_info(path, item)
        if next_version_path and os.path.exists(next_version_path):

            # determine the next available version_number. just keep asking for
            # the next one until we get one that doesn't exist.
            while os.path.exists(next_version_path):
                (next_version_path, version) = self._get_next_version_info(
                    next_version_path, item

            error_msg = "The next version of this file already exists on disk."
                    "action_button": {
                        "label": "Save to v%s" % (version,),
                        "tooltip": "Save to the next available version number, "
                        "v%s" % (version,),
                        "callback": lambda: publisher.engine.save_file_as(
            raise Exception(error_msg)

        # ---- populate the necessary properties and call base class validation

        # populate the publish template on the item if found
        publish_template_setting = settings.get("Publish Template")
        publish_template = publisher.engine.get_template_by_name(
        if publish_template:
            item.properties["publish_template"] = publish_template

        # set the session path on the item for use by the base plugin validation
        # step. NOTE: this path could change prior to the publish phase.
        item.properties["path"] = path

        # run the base class validation
        return super(AliasSessionPublishPlugin, self).validate(settings, item)