Exemplo n.º 1
def primitives(cn):
    mydir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve()
    pdk_path = mydir.parent.parent.parent / 'pdks' / 'FinFET14nm_Mock_PDK'
    test_path = mydir.parent / 'test_circuits' / (cn + '.sp')
    updated_ckt, library = compiler(test_path, cn, pdk_path)
    assert cn in updated_ckt
    return compiler_output(test_path, library, updated_ckt, 'sizing',
                           pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / 'Results', pdk_path)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_sizing1():
    mydir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve()
    test_path = mydir.parent / 'test_circuits' / 'intel_circuit1.sp'
    updated_ckt,library = compiler(test_path, "intel_circuit1",0 )
    all_subckt_list = [ele["name"] for ele in updated_ckt]
    assert 'intel_circuit1' in all_subckt_list
    pdk_path = mydir.parent.parent.parent / 'pdks' / 'FinFET14nm_Mock_PDK' 
    primitives = compiler_output(test_path, library, updated_ckt, 'sizing', pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / 'Results', pdk_path )
    assert primitives['DCL_PMOS_nfin6_m4_n12_X2_Y1_ST6_HVT']['stack']==6
    assert primitives['DCL_PMOS_nfin6_m4_n12_X2_Y1_ST6_HVT']['vt_type']=='HVT'
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_sizing4(path):
    test_path, pdk_path = path
    updated_ckt, library = compiler(test_path, 'intel_circuit4', pdk_path)
    assert 'SCM_PMOS' in updated_ckt
    assert 'CMB_PMOS_2' in updated_ckt
    assert 'INV_B' in updated_ckt
    assert 'intel_circuit4' in updated_ckt
    primitives = compiler_output(test_path, library, updated_ckt, 'sizing',
                                 pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / 'Results',
    assert len(primitives) == 7
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_sizing4():
    mydir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve()
    test_path = mydir.parent / 'test_circuits' / 'intel_circuit4.sp'
    updated_ckt,library = compiler(test_path, "intel_circuit4",0 )
    all_subckt_list = [ele["name"] for ele in updated_ckt]
    assert 'SCM_PMOS' in all_subckt_list
    assert 'CMB_PMOS_2' in all_subckt_list
    assert 'INV_B' in all_subckt_list
    assert 'intel_circuit4' in all_subckt_list
    pdk_path = mydir.parent.parent.parent / 'pdks' / 'FinFET14nm_Mock_PDK' 
    primitives = compiler_output(test_path, library, updated_ckt, 'sizing', pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / 'Results', pdk_path )
    assert  len(primitives) ==9
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_compiler():
    test_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent / 'ota.sp'
    updated_ckt, library = compiler(test_path, "ota", 0)
    all_subckt_list = [ele["name"] for ele in updated_ckt]
    assert 'CMC_PMOS_S' in all_subckt_list
    assert 'CMC_PMOS' in all_subckt_list
    assert 'SCM_NMOS' in all_subckt_list
    assert 'CMC_NMOS' in all_subckt_list
    assert 'DP_NMOS' in all_subckt_list
    assert 'ota' in all_subckt_list

    return (updated_ckt, library)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_sizing3():
    mydir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve()
    test_path = mydir.parent / 'test_circuits' / 'intel_circuit3.sp'
    updated_ckt,library = compiler(test_path, "intel_circuit3",0 )
    all_subckt_list = [ele["name"] for ele in updated_ckt]
    assert 'DP_NMOS_B' in all_subckt_list
    assert 'intel_circuit3' in all_subckt_list
    pdk_path = mydir.parent.parent.parent / 'pdks' / 'FinFET14nm_Mock_PDK' 
    primitives = compiler_output(test_path, library, updated_ckt, 'sizing', pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / 'Results', pdk_path )
    assert  len(primitives) ==6
    assert 'Switch_PMOS_nfin4_nf1_m4_n12_X2_Y1_ST3' in primitives.keys()
    assert primitives['Switch_PMOS_nfin4_nf1_m4_n12_X2_Y1_ST3']['stack']==3
    assert primitives['Switch_PMOS_nfin6_nf4_m3_n12_X3_Y2_LVT']['vt_type']=='LVT'
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_compiler():
    test_path = pathlib.Path(
        __file__).resolve().parent / 'test_circuits' / 'ota' / 'ota.sp'
    pdk_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve(
    ).parent.parent.parent / 'pdks' / 'FinFET14nm_Mock_PDK'

    updated_ckt, library = compiler(test_path, "ota", pdk_dir)
    assert 'CMC_PMOS' in updated_ckt
    assert 'SCM_NMOS' in updated_ckt
    assert 'CMC_S_NMOS_B' in updated_ckt
    assert 'DP_NMOS_B' in updated_ckt
    assert 'ota' in updated_ckt

    return (updated_ckt, library)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_compiler_hsc(dir_name):
    circuit_name = 'high_speed_comparator'
    test_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve(
    ).parent / 'test_circuits' / dir_name / (circuit_name + '.sp')
    pdk_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve(
    ).parent.parent.parent / 'pdks' / 'FinFET14nm_Mock_PDK'
    updated_ckt, library = compiler(test_path, circuit_name, pdk_dir)
    assert 'DP_NMOS_B' in updated_ckt.keys()
    assert 'CCP_S_NMOS_B' in updated_ckt.keys()
    assert 'CCP_PMOS' in updated_ckt.keys()
    assert 'DP_NMOS_B' in updated_ckt.keys()
    assert 'INV' in updated_ckt.keys()
    assert 'dp' in updated_ckt.keys()
    assert 'ccn' in updated_ckt.keys()
    assert 'ccp' in updated_ckt.keys()
    assert 'inv_p' in updated_ckt.keys()
    assert 'inv_n' in updated_ckt.keys()
    return (updated_ckt, library, dir_name)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_cap():
    mydir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve()
    pdk_path = mydir.parent.parent.parent / 'pdks' / 'FinFET14nm_Mock_PDK'
    test_path = mydir.parent / 'test_circuits' / 'test_cap.sp'
    gen_const_path = mydir.parent / 'Results' / 'test_cap.const.json'
    gold_const_path = mydir.parent / 'test_results' / 'test_cap.const.json'

    updated_ckt, library = compiler(test_path, "test_cap", pdk_path)
    assert 'test_cap' in updated_ckt
    primitives = compiler_output(test_path, library, updated_ckt, 'test_cap',
                                 pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / 'Results',
    assert 'Cap_12f' in primitives.keys()
    with open(gen_const_path, "r") as const_fp:
        gen_const = json.load(const_fp)
    with open(gold_const_path, "r") as const_fp:
        gold_const = json.load(const_fp)
    assert gold_const == gen_const