Exemplo n.º 1
class TestRelations(unittest2.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        print("setting up ...")
        self.dmg = DataManager(alignak_webui.app.app)
        print('Data manager', self.dmg)

        # Initialize and do not load
        assert self.dmg.user_login('admin', 'admin', load=False)

    def tearDown(self):
        print("tearing down ...")
        # Logout

    def test_relation_host_command(self):
        """ Datamanager objects get - host/command relation """
        print("--- test Item")

        # Get main realm
        self.dmg.get_realm({'where': {'name': 'All'}})

        # Get main TP
        self.dmg.get_timeperiod({'where': {'name': '24x7'}})

        # Get host
        host = self.dmg.get_host({'where': {'name': 'localhost'}})

        assert isinstance(host.check_command, Command)
        assert host.check_command

    def test_relation_host_service(self):
        """ Datamanager objects get - host/services relation """
        print("--- test Item")

        # Get main realm
        self.dmg.get_realm({'where': {'name': 'All'}})

        # Get main TP
        self.dmg.get_timeperiod({'where': {'name': '24x7'}})

        # Get host
        host = self.dmg.get_host({'where': {'name': 'localhost'}})
        print("Host: ", host.__dict__)

        # Get services of this host
        service = self.dmg.get_service(
            {'where': {
                'name': 'Shinken2-broker',
                'host_name': host.id
        print("Services: ", service)
Exemplo n.º 2
class TestLoadCreate(unittest2.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.dmg = DataManager(alignak_webui.app.app)
        print('Data manager', self.dmg)

    def test_3_1_load(self):
        """ Datamanager load """
        print('test load as admin')

        # Initialize and load ... no reset
        assert self.dmg.user_login('admin', 'admin')
        result = self.dmg.load()
        print("Result:", result)
        # self.assertEqual(result, 0)  # No new objects created ...

        # Initialize and load ... with reset
        result = self.dmg.load(reset=True)
        print("Result:", result)
        # Must not have loaded any objects ... behavior changed, no more objects loading on login
        # self.assertEqual(result, 0)

    def test_3_3_get_errors(self):
        """ Datamanager objects get errors """
        print('test get errors')

        # Initialize and load ... no reset
        assert self.dmg.user_login('admin', 'admin')
        result = self.dmg.load()
        print("Result:", result)
        assert result == 0  # No new objects created ...

        # Get elements error
        item = self.dmg.get_user('unknown')
        assert not item
        item = self.dmg.get_userrestrictrole('unknown')
        assert not item
        item = self.dmg.get_realm('unknown')
        assert not item
        item = self.dmg.get_host('unknown')
        assert not item
        item = self.dmg.get_hostgroup('unknown')
        assert not item
        item = self.dmg.get_hostdependency('unknown')
        assert not item
        item = self.dmg.get_service('unknown')
        assert not item
        item = self.dmg.get_servicegroup('unknown')
        assert not item
        item = self.dmg.get_servicedependency('unknown')
        assert not item
        item = self.dmg.get_command('unknown')
        assert not item
        item = self.dmg.get_history('unknown')
        assert not item
        item = self.dmg.get_logcheckresult('unknown')
        assert not item
        item = self.dmg.get_timeperiod('unknown')
        assert not item
class TestCreation(unittest2.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # Test application
        self.app = TestApp(alignak_webui.app.session_app)

        print('login accepted - go to home page')
        self.login_response = self.app.post('/login', {'username': '******', 'password': '******'})

        # A session cookie exist
        assert self.app.cookies['Alignak-WebUI']
        for cookie in self.app.cookiejar:
            if cookie.name=='Alignak-WebUI':
                assert cookie.expires is None

        # A session exists and it contains: current user, his realm and his live synthesis
        self.session = self.login_response.request.environ['beaker.session']
        assert 'current_user' in self.session and self.session['current_user']
        assert self.session['current_user'].name == 'admin'
        assert 'current_realm' in self.session and self.session['current_realm']
        assert self.session['current_realm'].name == 'All'
        # assert 'current_ls' in self.session and self.session['current_ls']

        # edition_mode is defined but not activated in the session...
        assert 'edition_mode' in self.session
        assert False == self.session['edition_mode']

        print('Enable edition mode')
        response = self.app.post('/edition_mode', params={'state': 'on'})
        assert response.json == {'edition_mode': True, 'message': 'Edition mode enabled'}
        self.session = response.request.environ['beaker.session']
        # edition_mode is defined and activated in the session...
        assert 'edition_mode' in self.session
        assert True == self.session['edition_mode']

        self.datamgr = DataManager(alignak_webui.app.app, session=self.session)

        # Get realm in the backend
        self.realm = self.datamgr.get_realm({'where': {'name': 'All'}})
        print("Realm: %s" % self.realm)
        assert self.realm.name == 'All'

        # Count hosts templates
        self.hosts_templates_count = self.datamgr.count_objects('host', search={'where': {'_is_template': True}})
        print("Hosts templates count: %s" % self.hosts_templates_count)
        assert self.hosts_templates_count == hosts_templates_count

        # Count services templates
        self.services_templates_count = self.datamgr.count_objects('service', search={'where': {'_is_template': True}})
        print("Services templates count: %s" % self.services_templates_count)
        assert self.services_templates_count == services_templates_count

        # Count users templates
        self.users_templates_count = self.datamgr.count_objects('user', search={'where': {'_is_template': True}})
        print("Users templates count: %s" % self.users_templates_count)
        assert self.users_templates_count == users_templates_count

        # Count hosts
        self.hosts_count = self.datamgr.count_objects('host', search={'where': {'_is_template': False}})
        print("Hosts count: %s" % self.hosts_count)

        # Count services
        self.services_count = self.datamgr.count_objects('service', search={'where': {'_is_template': False}})
        print("Services count: %s" % self.services_count)

        # Count users
        self.users_count = self.datamgr.count_objects('user', search={'where': {'_is_template': False}})
        print("users count: %s" % self.users_count)

    def tearDown(self):
    def test_host_new_host(self):
        """Create a new host edition form"""

        datamgr = DataManager(alignak_webui.app.app, session=self.session)

        # Get realm in the backend
        realm = datamgr.get_realm({'where': {'name': 'All'}})
        # Get host template in the backend
        template = datamgr.get_host({'where': {'name': 'generic-host', '_is_template': True}})

        print('Enable edition mode')
        response = self.app.post('/edition_mode', params={'state': 'on'})
        session = response.request.environ['beaker.session']
        # edition_mode is defined and activated in the session...
        assert 'edition_mode' in session
        assert True == session['edition_mode']
        assert response.json == {'edition_mode': True, 'message': 'Edition mode enabled'}

        # Count hosts
        count = datamgr.count_objects('host')
        print("Host count: %s" % count)

        print('get page /host_form (edition mode) - for a new host')
        response = self.app.get('/host_form/unknown_host')
            '''<div id="form_host">''',
            '''<form role="form" data-element="None" class="element_form " method="post" action="/host_form/None">''',
            '''<h4>You are creating a new host.</h4>''',
            '''$('form[data-element="None"]').on("submit", function (evt) {'''

        # A name is enough to create a new host
        print('Host creation - missing name')
        data = {
            "_is_template": False,
        response = self.app.post('/host_form/None', params=data)
        assert response.json == {
            '_is_template': False,
            '_message': 'host creation failed!',
            '_errors': ['']

        # A name is enough to create a new host
        print('Host creation without template')
        data = {
            "_is_template": False,
            'name': "New host",
            'alias': "Friendly name"
        response = self.app.post('/host_form/None', params=data)
        # Returns the new item _id
        new_host_id = response.json['_id']
        resp = response.json
        assert resp == {
            "_message": "New host created",
            "_realm": realm.id,

            "_is_template": False,
            "name": "New host",
            'alias': "Friendly name"

        # Count hosts (one more!)
        new_count = datamgr.count_objects('host')
        print("Host count: %s" % new_count)
        assert new_count == count + 1

        # Get the new host in the backend
        host = datamgr.get_host({'where': {'name': 'New host'}})
        assert host
        assert host.id == new_host_id
        assert host.name == "New host"
        assert host.alias == "Friendly name"

        print('Host creation with a template')
        data = {
            "_is_template": False,
            "_templates": [template.id],
            'name': "New host 2",
            'alias': "Friendly name 2"
        response = self.app.post('/host_form/None', params=data)
        # Returns the new item _id
        new_host_id = response.json['_id']
        resp = response.json
        assert resp == {
            "_message": "New host created",
            "_realm": realm.id,

            "_is_template": False,
            "_templates": [template.id],
            "name": "New host 2",
            'alias': "Friendly name 2"

        # Count hosts (one more!)
        new_count = datamgr.count_objects('host')
        print("Host count: %s" % new_count)
        assert new_count == count + 2

        # Get the new host in the backend
        host = datamgr.get_host({'where': {'name': 'New host 2'}})
        assert host
        assert host.id == new_host_id
        assert host.name == "New host 2"
        assert host.alias == "Friendly name 2"
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_host_new_host(self):
        """Create a new host edition form"""

        datamgr = DataManager(alignak_webui.app.app, session=self.session)

        # Get realm in the backend
        realm = datamgr.get_realm({'where': {'name': 'All'}})
        # Get host template in the backend
        template = datamgr.get_host(
            {'where': {
                'name': 'generic-host',
                '_is_template': True

        print('Enable edition mode')
        response = self.app.post('/edition_mode', params={'state': 'on'})
        session = response.request.environ['beaker.session']
        # edition_mode is defined and activated in the session...
        assert 'edition_mode' in session
        assert True == session['edition_mode']
        assert response.json == {
            'edition_mode': True,
            'message': 'Edition mode enabled'

        # Count hosts
        count = datamgr.count_objects('host')
        print("Host count: %s" % count)

        print('get page /host_form (edition mode) - for a new host')
        response = self.app.get('/host_form/unknown_host')
            '''<div id="form_host">''',
            '''<form role="form" data-element="None" class="element_form " method="post" action="/host_form/None">''',
            '''<h4>You are creating a new host.</h4>''',
            '''$('form[data-element="None"]').on("submit", function (evt) {''')

        # A name is enough to create a new host
        print('Host creation - missing name')
        data = {
            "_is_template": False,
        response = self.app.post('/host_form/None', params=data)
        assert response.json == {
            '_is_template': False,
            '_message': 'host creation failed!',
            '_errors': ['']

        # A name is enough to create a new host
        print('Host creation without template')
        data = {
            "_is_template": False,
            'name': "New host",
            'alias': "Friendly name"
        response = self.app.post('/host_form/None', params=data)
        # Returns the new item _id
        new_host_id = response.json['_id']
        resp = response.json
        assert resp == {
            "_message": "New host created",
            "_realm": realm.id,
            "_is_template": False,
            "name": "New host",
            'alias': "Friendly name"

        # Count hosts (one more!)
        new_count = datamgr.count_objects('host')
        print("Host count: %s" % new_count)
        assert new_count == count + 1

        # Get the new host in the backend
        host = datamgr.get_host({'where': {'name': 'New host'}})
        assert host
        assert host.id == new_host_id
        assert host.name == "New host"
        assert host.alias == "Friendly name"

        print('Host creation with a template')
        data = {
            "_is_template": False,
            "_templates": [template.id],
            'name': "New host 2",
            'alias': "Friendly name 2"
        response = self.app.post('/host_form/None', params=data)
        # Returns the new item _id
        new_host_id = response.json['_id']
        resp = response.json
        assert resp == {
            "_message": "New host created",
            "_realm": realm.id,
            "_is_template": False,
            "_templates": [template.id],
            "name": "New host 2",
            'alias': "Friendly name 2"

        # Count hosts (one more!)
        new_count = datamgr.count_objects('host')
        print("Host count: %s" % new_count)
        assert new_count == count + 2

        # Get the new host in the backend
        host = datamgr.get_host({'where': {'name': 'New host 2'}})
        assert host
        assert host.id == new_host_id
        assert host.name == "New host 2"
        assert host.alias == "Friendly name 2"
class TestCreation(unittest2.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # Test application
        self.app = TestApp(alignak_webui.app.session_app)

        print('login accepted - go to home page')
        self.login_response = self.app.post('/login', {
            'username': '******',
            'password': '******'

        # A session cookie exist
        assert self.app.cookies['Alignak-WebUI']
        for cookie in self.app.cookiejar:
            if cookie.name == 'Alignak-WebUI':
                assert cookie.expires is None

        # A session exists and it contains: current user, his realm and his live synthesis
        self.session = self.login_response.request.environ['beaker.session']
        assert 'current_user' in self.session and self.session['current_user']
        assert self.session['current_user'].name == 'admin'
        assert 'current_realm' in self.session and self.session['current_realm']
        assert self.session['current_realm'].name == 'All'
        # assert 'current_ls' in self.session and self.session['current_ls']

        # edition_mode is defined but not activated in the session...
        assert 'edition_mode' in self.session
        assert False == self.session['edition_mode']

        print('Enable edition mode')
        response = self.app.post('/edition_mode', params={'state': 'on'})
        assert response.json == {
            'edition_mode': True,
            'message': 'Edition mode enabled'
        self.session = response.request.environ['beaker.session']
        # edition_mode is defined and activated in the session...
        assert 'edition_mode' in self.session
        assert True == self.session['edition_mode']

        self.datamgr = DataManager(alignak_webui.app.app, session=self.session)

        # Get realm in the backend
        self.realm = self.datamgr.get_realm({'where': {'name': 'All'}})
        print("Realm: %s" % self.realm)
        assert self.realm.name == 'All'

        # Count hosts templates
        self.hosts_templates_count = self.datamgr.count_objects(
            'host', search={'where': {
                '_is_template': True
        print("Hosts templates count: %s" % self.hosts_templates_count)
        assert self.hosts_templates_count == hosts_templates_count

        # Count services templates
        self.services_templates_count = self.datamgr.count_objects(
            'service', search={'where': {
                '_is_template': True
        print("Services templates count: %s" % self.services_templates_count)
        assert self.services_templates_count == services_templates_count

        # Count users templates
        self.users_templates_count = self.datamgr.count_objects(
            'user', search={'where': {
                '_is_template': True
        print("Users templates count: %s" % self.users_templates_count)
        assert self.users_templates_count == users_templates_count

        # Count hosts
        self.hosts_count = self.datamgr.count_objects(
            'host', search={'where': {
                '_is_template': False
        print("Hosts count: %s" % self.hosts_count)

        # Count services
        self.services_count = self.datamgr.count_objects(
            'service', search={'where': {
                '_is_template': False
        print("Services count: %s" % self.services_count)

        # Count users
        self.users_count = self.datamgr.count_objects(
            'user', search={'where': {
                '_is_template': False
        print("users count: %s" % self.users_count)

    def tearDown(self):
Exemplo n.º 7
class TestHosts(unittest2.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        print("setting up ...")
        self.dmg = DataManager(alignak_webui.app.app)
        print('Data manager', self.dmg)

        # Initialize and do not load
        assert self.dmg.user_login('admin', 'admin', load=False)

    def tearDown(self):
        print("tearing down ...")
        # Logout

    def test_hosts(self):
        """ Datamanager objects get - hosts """
        print("Get all hosts")

        # Get main realm
        self.dmg.get_realm({'where': {'name': 'All'}})

        # Get main TP
        self.dmg.get_timeperiod({'where': {'name': '24x7'}})

        # Get all hosts
        hosts = self.dmg.get_hosts()
        assert 13 == len(hosts)
        for host in hosts:
            print("Got host: %s" % host)

        # Get all hosts (really all...)
        hosts = self.dmg.get_hosts(all_elements=True)
        assert 13 == len(hosts)
        for host in hosts:
            print("Got host: %s" % host)

        # Get all hosts (with all embedded relations)
        hosts = self.dmg.get_hosts(embedded=True)
        assert 13 == len(hosts)
        for host in hosts:
            print("Got host: %s" % host)

        # Get all hosts templates
        hosts = self.dmg.get_hosts(template=True)
        assert 28 == len(hosts)
        for host in hosts:
            print("Got host template: %s" % host)

        # Get one host
        hosts = self.dmg.get_hosts({'where': {'name': 'alignak_glpi'}})
        assert 1 == len(hosts)
        for host in hosts:
            print("Got host: %s" % host)
        assert hosts[0].name == 'alignak_glpi'

        # Get one host
        host = self.dmg.get_host({'where': {'name': 'alignak_glpi'}})
        assert host.name == 'alignak_glpi'

        # Get one host
        host = self.dmg.get_host(host._id)
        assert host.name == 'alignak_glpi'
        assert host.status == 'UNREACHABLE'

        # Get host services
        services = self.dmg.get_host_services({'where': {'name': 'unknown'}})
        assert services == -1

        services = self.dmg.get_host_services(
            {'where': {
                'name': 'alignak_glpi'
        service_name = ''
        for service in services:
            print("Got service: %s" % service)
            service_name = service['name']
        assert len(services) > 1
        services = self.dmg.get_host_services(
            {'where': {
                'name': 'alignak_glpi'
            search={'where': {
                'name': service_name
        services = self.dmg.get_host_services(host)
        assert len(services) > 1

        # Get host overall state
        (state, status) = self.dmg.get_host_overall_state(host)
        print("Host overall state: %s %s" % (state, status))
        assert state == 3
        assert status == 'warning'

    def test_host(self):
        """ Datamanager objects get - host """
        print("--- test Item")

        # Get main realm
        self.dmg.get_realm({'where': {'name': 'All'}})

        # Get main TP
        self.dmg.get_timeperiod({'where': {'name': '24x7'}})

        # Get host
        host = self.dmg.get_host({'where': {'name': 'localhost'}})

        assert isinstance(host.check_command, Command)
        assert host.check_command
Exemplo n.º 8
class TestNotAdmin(unittest2.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.dmg = DataManager(alignak_webui.app.app)
        print('Data manager', self.dmg)

        "Skipped because creating a new user do not allow him to get its own data (timeperiod get is 404)!"
    def test_4_1_load(self):
        """ Datamanager load, not admin user """
        print('test load not admin user')

        # Initialize and load ... no reset
        assert self.dmg.user_login('admin', 'admin')
        result = self.dmg.load()
        print("Result:", result)
        assert result == 0  # No new objects created ...

        # Get main realm
        realm_all = self.dmg.get_realm({'where': {'name': 'All'}})

        # Get main TP
        tp_all = self.dmg.get_timeperiod({'where': {'name': '24x7'}})

        # Create a non admin user ...
        # Create a new user
        print('create a user')
        data = {
            "name": "not_admin",
            "alias": "Testing user - not administrator",
            "min_business_impact": 0,
            "email": "*****@*****.**",
            "is_admin": False,
            "expert": False,
            "can_submit_commands": False,
            "host_notifications_enabled": True,
            "host_notification_period": tp_all.id,
            "host_notification_commands": [],
            "host_notification_options": ["d", "u", "r"],
            "service_notifications_enabled": True,
            "service_notification_period": tp_all.id,
            "service_notification_commands": [],
            "service_notification_options": ["w", "u", "c", "r"],
            "definition_order": 100,
            "address1": "",
            "address2": "",
            "address3": "",
            "address4": "",
            "address5": "",
            "address6": "",
            "pager": "",
            "notificationways": [],
            "_realm": realm_all.id
        new_user_id = self.dmg.add_user(data)
        print("New user id: %s" % new_user_id)

        # Logout
        # self.dmg.reset(logout=True)
        # assert not self.dmg.backend.connected
        # assert self.dmg.logged_in_user is None
        # assert self.dmg.loaded == False

        # Login as not_admin created user
        assert self.dmg.user_login('admin', 'admin', load=False)

        assert self.dmg.user_login('not_admin', 'NOPASSWORDSET', load=False)
        assert self.dmg.my_backend.connected
        assert self.dmg.logged_in_user
        print("Logged-in user: %s" % self.dmg.logged_in_user)
        assert self.dmg.logged_in_user.get_username() == 'not_admin'
        print('logged in as not_admin')

        # Initialize and load ...
        result = self.dmg.load()
        print("Result:", result)
        print("Objects count:", self.dmg.get_objects_count())
        print("Objects count:", self.dmg.get_objects_count('host'))
        print("Objects count:", self.dmg.get_objects_count('service'))
        print("Objects count (log):", self.dmg.get_objects_count(log=True))
        # assert result == 0                          # Only the newly created user, so no new objects loaded
        # assert self.dmg.get_objects_count() == 1    # not_admin user

        # Initialize and load ... with reset
        result = self.dmg.load(reset=True)
        print("Result:", result)
        print("Objects count:", self.dmg.get_objects_count())
        print("Objects count:", self.dmg.get_objects_count('host'))
        print("Objects count:", self.dmg.get_objects_count('service'))
        print("Objects count (log):", self.dmg.get_objects_count(log=True))
        # assert result == 3                          # not_admin user + test_service + relation
        # assert self.dmg.get_objects_count() == 3    # not_admin user + test_service + relation

        # Not admin user can see only its own data, ...
        # -------------------------------------------

        # Do not check the length because the backend contains more elements than needed ...
        # dump_backend(not_admin_user=True, test_service=True)

        # Get users
        items = self.dmg.get_users()
        print("Users:", items)
        # assert len(items) == 1
        # 1 user only ...

        # Get commands
        items = self.dmg.get_commands()
        print("Commands:", items)
        # assert len(items) == 1

        # Get realms
        items = self.dmg.get_realms()
        print("Commands:", items)
        # assert len(items) == 1

        # Get timeperiods
        items = self.dmg.get_timeperiods()
        print("Commands:", items)
        # assert len(items) == 1

        # Get hosts
        items = self.dmg.get_hosts()
        print("Hosts:", items)
        # assert len(items) == 1

        # Get services
        items = self.dmg.get_services()
        print("Services:", items)
        # assert len(items) == 1

        result = self.dmg.delete_user(new_user_id)
        # Cannot delete the current logged-in user
        assert not result

        # Logout
        assert not self.dmg.my_backend.connected
        assert self.dmg.logged_in_user is None
        assert self.dmg.loaded == False

        # Login as admin
        assert self.dmg.user_login('admin', 'admin', load=False)
        assert self.dmg.my_backend.connected
        assert self.dmg.logged_in_user.get_username() == 'admin'

        result = self.dmg.delete_user(new_user_id)
        # Can delete the former logged-in user
        assert result