def __updatePrism(self, mesh, o, e, index, p):
        dir = aljabr.vsub(e, o) # direction vector from o to e
        len = aljabr.vlen(dir) # distance from o to e
        scale = 0.5 # the thickness is 10% of the length
        i = aljabr.vadd(o, aljabr.vmul(dir, 0.25)) # the thickest part is 25% from o
        n = aljabr.vmul(dir, 1.0 / len) # the normalized direction
        q = aljabr.axisAngleToQuaternion(n, pi / 2.0) # a quaternion to rotate the point p1 to obtain the other points
        p1 = p # a random point in the plane defined by 0,0,0 and n
        p1 = aljabr.vmul(aljabr.vnorm(p1), scale) # the point scaled to the thickness
        p2 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p1) # the other points
        p3 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p2)
        p4 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p3)
        p1 = aljabr.vadd(i, p1) # translate by i since we were working in the origin
        p2 = aljabr.vadd(i, p2)
        p3 = aljabr.vadd(i, p3)
        p4 = aljabr.vadd(i, p4)

        # The 6 vertices
        mesh.verts[index].co = o
        mesh.verts[index+1].co = p1
        mesh.verts[index+2].co = p2
        mesh.verts[index+3].co = p3
        mesh.verts[index+4].co = p4
        mesh.verts[index+5].co = e
Exemplo n.º 2
def updatePrism(mesh, o, e, index, p):
    dir = aljabr.vsub(e, o)  # direction vector from o to e
    if dir == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]:
        dir = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
    len = aljabr.vlen(dir)  # distance from o to e
    if len == 0:
        len = 1
    scale = 0.5  # the thickness is 10% of the length
    i = aljabr.vadd(o, aljabr.vmul(dir,
                                   0.25))  # the thickest part is 25% from o
    n = aljabr.vmul(dir, 1.0 / len)  # the normalized direction
    q = aljabr.axisAngleToQuaternion(
        n, pi /
        2.0)  # a quaternion to rotate the point p1 to obtain the other points
    p1 = p  # a random point in the plane defined by 0,0,0 and n
    p1 = aljabr.vmul(aljabr.vnorm(p1),
                     scale)  # the point scaled to the thickness
    p2 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p1)  # the other points
    p3 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p2)
    p4 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p3)

    p1 = aljabr.vadd(i,
                     p1)  # translate by i since we were working in the origin
    p2 = aljabr.vadd(i, p2)
    p3 = aljabr.vadd(i, p3)
    p4 = aljabr.vadd(i, p4)

    # The 6 vertices
    mesh.verts[index].co = o
    mesh.verts[index + 1].co = p1
    mesh.verts[index + 2].co = p2
    mesh.verts[index + 3].co = p3
    mesh.verts[index + 4].co = p4
    mesh.verts[index + 5].co = e
Exemplo n.º 3
def addPrism(mesh, o=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], e=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0], name='prism'):
    fg = mesh.createFaceGroup(name)

    dir = aljabr.vsub(e, o)  # direction vector from o to e
    if dir == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]:
        dir = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
    len = aljabr.vlen(dir)  # distance from o to e
    if len == 0:
        len = 1
    scale = 0.5  # the thickness is 10% of the length
    i = aljabr.vadd(o, aljabr.vmul(dir,
                                   0.25))  # the thickest part is 25% from o
    n = aljabr.vmul(dir, 1.0 / len)  # the normalized direction
    q = aljabr.axisAngleToQuaternion(
        n, pi /
        2.0)  # a quaternion to rotate the point p1 to obtain the other points
    p = p1 = aljabr.randomPointFromNormal(
        n)  # a random point in the plane defined by 0,0,0 and n
    p1 = aljabr.vmul(aljabr.vnorm(p1),
                     scale)  # the point scaled to the thickness
    p2 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p1)  # the other points
    p3 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p2)
    p4 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p3)

    p1 = aljabr.vadd(i,
                     p1)  # translate by i since we were working in the origin
    p2 = aljabr.vadd(i, p2)
    p3 = aljabr.vadd(i, p3)
    p4 = aljabr.vadd(i, p4)

    # The 6 vertices
    v = []
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(o))  # 0             0
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(p1))  # 1            /|\
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(p2))  # 2           /.2.\
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(p3))  # 3          1` | `3
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(p4))  # 4          \`.4.`/
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(e))  # 5           \ | /
    #              \|/
    #               5

    # The 8 faces
    fg.createFace((v[0], v[1], v[4], v[0]))
    fg.createFace((v[0], v[4], v[3], v[0]))
    fg.createFace((v[0], v[3], v[2], v[0]))
    fg.createFace((v[0], v[2], v[1], v[0]))
    fg.createFace((v[5], v[4], v[1], v[5]))
    fg.createFace((v[5], v[1], v[2], v[5]))
    fg.createFace((v[5], v[2], v[3], v[5]))
    fg.createFace((v[5], v[3], v[4], v[5]))

    return p
Exemplo n.º 4
def addPrism(mesh, o=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], e=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0], name='prism'):
    fg = mesh.createFaceGroup(name)

    dir = aljabr.vsub(e, o) # direction vector from o to e
    if dir == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]:
        dir = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
    len = aljabr.vlen(dir) # distance from o to e
    if len == 0:
        len = 1
    scale = 0.5 # the thickness is 10% of the length
    i = aljabr.vadd(o, aljabr.vmul(dir, 0.25)) # the thickest part is 25% from o
    n = aljabr.vmul(dir, 1.0 / len) # the normalized direction
    q = aljabr.axisAngleToQuaternion(n, pi / 2.0) # a quaternion to rotate the point p1 to obtain the other points
    p = p1 = aljabr.randomPointFromNormal(n) # a random point in the plane defined by 0,0,0 and n
    p1 = aljabr.vmul(aljabr.vnorm(p1), scale) # the point scaled to the thickness
    p2 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p1) # the other points
    p3 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p2)
    p4 = aljabr.quaternionVectorTransform(q, p3)
    p1 = aljabr.vadd(i, p1) # translate by i since we were working in the origin
    p2 = aljabr.vadd(i, p2)
    p3 = aljabr.vadd(i, p3)
    p4 = aljabr.vadd(i, p4)

    # The 6 vertices
    v = []
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(o))      # 0             0
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(p1))     # 1            /|\
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(p2))     # 2           /.2.\
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(p3))     # 3          1` | `3
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(p4))     # 4          \`.4.`/ 
    v.append(mesh.createVertex(e))      # 5           \ | /
                                        #              \|/
                                        #               5
    # The 8 faces
    fg.createFace((v[0], v[1], v[4], v[0]))
    fg.createFace((v[0], v[4], v[3], v[0]))
    fg.createFace((v[0], v[3], v[2], v[0]))
    fg.createFace((v[0], v[2], v[1], v[0]))
    fg.createFace((v[5], v[4], v[1], v[5]))
    fg.createFace((v[5], v[1], v[2], v[5]))
    fg.createFace((v[5], v[2], v[3], v[5]))
    fg.createFace((v[5], v[3], v[4], v[5]))
    return p
Exemplo n.º 5
    def direction(self):

        direction = vnorm(self.offset)
        axis = vnorm(vcross([0.0, 0.0, 1.0], direction))
        angle = acos(vdot([0.0, 0.0, 1.0], direction))
        return axisAngleToQuaternion(axis, angle)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def direction(self):
     direction = vnorm(self.offset)
     axis = vnorm(vcross([0.0, 0.0, 1.0], direction))
     angle = acos(vdot([0.0, 0.0, 1.0], direction))
     return axisAngleToQuaternion(axis, angle)