Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_from_livejournal(self):
     data = fixture_data('from_livejournal.atom')
     ndix = nested_dicts_from_atom(data)
         'entries': [
                 'id': 'urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:damiancugley:105302',
                 'published': '2010-11-21T18:08:48Z',
                 'href': 'http://damiancugley.livejournal.com/105302.html',
                 'title': 'Sister in Storage',
                 'content': 'Mum was visiting from Malta\u2014her current home, '
                         'since that is where her yacht is\u2014and so naturally Saturday found her '
                         'and my brother and me down at Big Yellow Self-Storage to collect my sister '
                         'Rachel’s gear from there for transfer to the Big Yellow in Guildford, where '
                         'she lives. The store is all bare metal and bright yellow paint, so I took the '
                         'opportunity to take some photos of Mike and Rachel in this odd environment.',
                 'title': 'Family time'
                 'title': 'Ian Cugley, 1945–2010'
     }, ndix)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_from_flickr(self):
     data = fixture_data('from_flickr_2012.atom')
     ndix = nested_dicts_from_atom(data, group_by='published')
         'entryGroups': [
                 'published': '2012-11-29T18:36:38Z',
                 'entries': [
                         'title': 'Set Type (Reversed)',
                         'href': 'http://www.flickr.com/photos/pdc/8229589533/',
                         'square': {'href': 'http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8483/8229589533_681832d5ef_s.jpg'},
                         'thumbnail': {'href': 'http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8483/8229589533_681832d5ef_t.jpg'},
                         'enclosure': {
                             'href': 'http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8483/8229589533_681832d5ef_b.jpg',
                     {'title': 'Set Type'},
                     {'title': 'Font Menu'}
                 'published': '2012-11-22T19:40:17Z',
                 'entries': [
                     {'title': 'Baroness Orczy, By the Gods Beloved'},
                     {'title': 'Is the Any Better Recommendation than the name of Orczy'},
     }, ndix)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_from_youtube(self):
     data = fixture_data('from_youtube.atom')
     ndix = nested_dicts_from_atom(data)
         'entries': [
                 'id': 'tag:youtube.com,2008:video:49cy7-hTAb4',
                 'published': '2010-10-31T11:45:25.000Z',
                 'href': 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49cy7-hTAb4&feature=youtube_gdata',
                 'title': 'Minehouse 8: Before-Hallowe\'en Tour',
                 'content': 'Recorded the day before the much-anticipated Hallowe'en update. '
                         'As I contemplate the possibility of exploring my world a little more now biomes are to be '
                         'added to the mix, I thought this was as good a time as any to review my existing home '
                         'base(s). Warning: I don't have any startling megastructures, so people who '
                         'don't know me may not find much to hold their interest.',
                 'poster': {
                     'href': 'http://i.ytimg.com/vi/49cy7-hTAb4/default.jpg',
     }, ndix)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def setUp(self):
     data = fixture_data('from_github.atom')
     self.result = nested_dicts_from_atom(data)