Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_metric(self, reset: bool = False) -> Tuple[float, float]:
        Average exact match and F1 score (in that order) as computed by the official SQuAD script
        over all inputs.
        if is_distributed():
            device = "cuda" if dist.get_backend() == "nccl" else "cpu"
            device = "cpu"

        _total_em = torch.tensor(self._total_em, device=device)
        _total_f1 = torch.tensor(self._total_f1, device=device)
        _count = torch.tensor(self._count, device=device)
        if is_distributed():
            dist.all_reduce(_total_em, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            dist.all_reduce(_total_f1, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            dist.all_reduce(_count, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)

        if reset:

        exact_match = _total_em.item() / _count.item() if _count > 0 else 0
        f1_score = _total_f1.item() / _count.item() if _count > 0 else 0
        count = _count.item()

        return {"em": exact_match, "f1": f1_score, "count": count}
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(
        serialization_dir: Union[str, os.PathLike],
        save_completed_epochs: bool = True,
        save_every_num_seconds: Optional[float] = None,
        save_every_num_batches: Optional[int] = None,
        keep_most_recent_by_count: Optional[int] = 2,
        keep_most_recent_by_age: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> None:
        self._serialization_dir = str(serialization_dir)
        self._save_completed_epochs = save_completed_epochs
        self._save_every_num_seconds = save_every_num_seconds
        self._save_every_num_batches = save_every_num_batches
        self._keep_most_recent_by_count = keep_most_recent_by_count
        self._keep_most_recent_by_age = keep_most_recent_by_age
        self._last_save_time = time.time()
        self._last_save_num_epochs_completed = 0
        self._last_save_num_batches_in_epoch_completed = 0
        self._rank = 0 if not is_distributed() else dist.get_rank()
        self.state_is_sharded = False

        if is_distributed() and save_every_num_seconds is not None:
            # This would involve extra overhead to keep syncronized between workers,
            # so we don't support it.
            raise ValueError(
                "Checkointer parameter 'save_every_num_seconds' is not supported in distributed training"
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __call__(
        self,  # type: ignore
        predictions: torch.LongTensor,
        gold_targets: torch.LongTensor,
    ) -> None:
        Update precision counts.

        # Parameters

        predictions : `torch.LongTensor`, required
            Batched predicted tokens of shape `(batch_size, max_sequence_length)`.
        references : `torch.LongTensor`, required
            Batched reference (gold) translations with shape `(batch_size, max_gold_sequence_length)`.

        # Returns

        predictions, gold_targets = self.detach_tensors(predictions, gold_targets)
        device = gold_targets.device
        if is_distributed():
            world_size = dist.get_world_size()

        for ngram_size, _ in enumerate(self._ngram_weights, start=1):
            precision_matches, precision_totals = self._get_modified_precision_counts(
                predictions, gold_targets, ngram_size
            if is_distributed():
                _precision_matches = torch.tensor(precision_matches).to(device)
                _precision_totals = torch.tensor(precision_totals).to(device)
                dist.all_reduce(_precision_matches, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
                dist.all_reduce(_precision_totals, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
                precision_matches = _precision_matches.item() / world_size
                precision_totals = _precision_totals.item() / world_size
            self._precision_matches[ngram_size] += precision_matches
            self._precision_totals[ngram_size] += precision_totals
        if not self._exclude_indices:
            self._prediction_lengths += predictions.size(0) * predictions.size(1)
            self._reference_lengths += gold_targets.size(0) * gold_targets.size(1)
            from allennlp.training.util import get_valid_tokens_mask

            valid_predictions_mask = get_valid_tokens_mask(predictions, self._exclude_indices)
            self._prediction_lengths += valid_predictions_mask.sum().item()
            valid_gold_targets_mask = get_valid_tokens_mask(gold_targets, self._exclude_indices)
            self._reference_lengths += valid_gold_targets_mask.sum().item()

        if is_distributed():
            _prediction_lengths = torch.tensor(self._prediction_lengths).to(device)
            _reference_lengths = torch.tensor(self._reference_lengths).to(device)
            dist.all_reduce(_prediction_lengths, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            dist.all_reduce(_reference_lengths, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            self._prediction_lengths = _prediction_lengths.item()
            self._reference_lengths = _reference_lengths.item()
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __call__(
        self,  # type: ignore
        batched_top_spans: torch.Tensor,
        batched_metadata: List[Dict[str, Any]],
        num_gold_mentions = 0
        num_recalled_mentions = 0
        for top_spans, metadata in zip(batched_top_spans.tolist(),

            gold_mentions: Set[Tuple[int, int]] = {
                for cluster in metadata["clusters"] for mention in cluster
            predicted_spans: Set[Tuple[int, int]] = {(span[0], span[1])
                                                     for span in top_spans}

            num_gold_mentions += len(gold_mentions)
            num_recalled_mentions += len(gold_mentions & predicted_spans)

        if is_distributed():
            device = batched_top_spans.device
            _num_gold_mentions = torch.tensor(num_gold_mentions).to(device)
            _num_recalled_mentions = torch.tensor(num_recalled_mentions).to(
            dist.all_reduce(_num_gold_mentions, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            dist.all_reduce(_num_recalled_mentions, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            num_gold_mentions = _num_gold_mentions.item()
            num_recalled_mentions = _num_recalled_mentions.item()

        self._num_gold_mentions += num_gold_mentions
        self._num_recalled_mentions += num_recalled_mentions
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __call__(
        predictions: torch.Tensor,
        gold_labels: torch.Tensor,
        mask: Optional[torch.BoolTensor] = None,
        # Parameters

        predictions : `torch.Tensor`, required.
            A tensor of predictions of shape (batch_size, ...).
        gold_labels : `torch.Tensor`, required.
            A tensor of the same shape as `predictions`.
        mask : `torch.BoolTensor`, optional (default = `None`).
            A tensor of the same shape as `predictions`.
        predictions, gold_labels, mask = self.detach_tensors(
            predictions, gold_labels, mask)
        device = gold_labels.device

        absolute_errors = torch.abs(predictions - gold_labels)
        if mask is not None:
            absolute_errors *= mask
            self._total_count += torch.sum(mask)
            self._total_count += gold_labels.numel()
        self._absolute_error += torch.sum(absolute_errors)

        if is_distributed():
            _absolute_error = torch.tensor(self._absolute_error).to(device)
            _total_count = torch.tensor(self._total_count).to(device)
            dist.all_reduce(_absolute_error, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            dist.all_reduce(_total_count, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            self._absolute_error = _absolute_error.item()
            self._total_count = _total_count.item()
Exemplo n.º 6
    def get_metric(self, reset: bool = False):
        # Returns

        The accumulated sample Pearson correlation.
        covariance = self._predictions_labels_covariance.get_metric(
        predictions_variance = self._predictions_variance.get_metric(
        labels_variance = self._labels_variance.get_metric(reset=reset)
        denominator = math.sqrt(predictions_variance) * math.sqrt(
        if is_distributed():
            # Note: this gives an approximate aggregation of the covariance.

            device = self._device
            _covariance = torch.tensor(covariance).to(device)
            dist.all_reduce(_covariance, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            covariance = _covariance.item()
            _denominator = torch.tensor(denominator).to(device)
            dist.all_reduce(_denominator, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            denominator = _denominator.item()
        if reset:

        if np.around(denominator, decimals=5) == 0:
            pearson_r = 0
            pearson_r = covariance / denominator
        return pearson_r
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _get_rouge_l_score(
        self, predicted_tokens: torch.LongTensor, reference_tokens: torch.LongTensor
    ) -> float:
        Compute sum of F1 scores given batch of predictions and references.
        total_f1 = 0.0

        for predicted_seq, reference_seq in zip(predicted_tokens, reference_tokens):
            from allennlp.training.util import get_valid_tokens_mask

            m = get_valid_tokens_mask(reference_seq, self._exclude_indices).sum().item()
            n = get_valid_tokens_mask(predicted_seq, self._exclude_indices).sum().item()

            lcs = self._longest_common_subsequence(reference_seq, predicted_seq)

            # This also rules out the case that m or n are 0, so we don't worry about it later
            if lcs == 0:

            recall_lcs = lcs / m
            precision_lcs = lcs / n

            f1 = 2 * recall_lcs * precision_lcs / (recall_lcs + precision_lcs)

            total_f1 += f1

        if is_distributed():
            device = predicted_tokens.device
            _total_f1 = torch.tensor(total_f1).to(device)
            dist.all_reduce(_total_f1, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            total_f1 = _total_f1.item()

        return total_f1
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, base_reader: DatasetReader, **kwargs) -> None:
        # ShardedDatasetReader is a wrapper for the original base_reader so some of the parameters like 'lazy'
        # can be safely inherited. However, ShardedDatasetReader is a class instance of a DatasetReader as well.
        # So we give priority to the parameters for the current instance stored in 'kwargs'.
        # If not present, we check the ones in the base reader
        kwargs["lazy"] = kwargs.get("lazy", base_reader.lazy)

        super().__init__(manual_distributed_sharding=True, **kwargs)

        if util.is_distributed():
            self._rank = torch.distributed.get_rank()
            self._world_size = torch.distributed.get_world_size()
            self._rank = 0
            self._world_size = 1

        self.reader = base_reader
        # We have to check that the base reader doesn't implement manual distributed
        # sharding itself, because if it does, then only a fraction of the instances
        # will be read.
        if getattr(self.reader, "manual_distributed_sharding", False):
            raise ValueError(
                "The base reader of a sharded dataset reader should not implement "
                "manual distributed sharding itself.")
        # However we still need to set this flag to `True` after the fact so that
        # all of the instances within each shard are used.
        self.reader.manual_distributed_sharding = True
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __call__(
        self,  # type: ignore
        logits: torch.Tensor,
        mask: Optional[torch.BoolTensor] = None,
        # Parameters

        logits : `torch.Tensor`, required.
            A tensor of unnormalized log probabilities of shape (batch_size, ..., num_classes).
        mask : `torch.BoolTensor`, optional (default = `None`).
            A masking tensor of shape (batch_size, ...).
        logits, mask = self.detach_tensors(logits, mask)
        device = logits.device

        if mask is None:
            mask = torch.ones(logits.size()[:-1], device=logits.device).bool()

        log_probs = torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(logits, dim=-1)
        probabilities = torch.exp(log_probs) * mask.unsqueeze(-1)
        weighted_negative_likelihood = -log_probs * probabilities
        entropy = weighted_negative_likelihood.sum(-1)

        _entropy = entropy.sum() / mask.sum()
        _count = 1

        if is_distributed():
            count = torch.tensor(_count, device=device)
            dist.all_reduce(_entropy, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            dist.all_reduce(count, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            _count = count.item()
        self._entropy += _entropy.item()
        self._count += _count
Exemplo n.º 10
    def get_metric(self, reset: bool = False):
        # Returns

        The accumulated sample Pearson correlation.
        if is_distributed():
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Distributed aggregation for PearsonCorrelation is currently not supported."
        covariance = self._predictions_labels_covariance.get_metric(
        predictions_variance = self._predictions_variance.get_metric(
        labels_variance = self._labels_variance.get_metric(reset=reset)
        denominator = math.sqrt(predictions_variance) * math.sqrt(
        if reset:

        if np.around(denominator, decimals=5) == 0:
            pearson_r = 0
            pearson_r = covariance / denominator
        return pearson_r
Exemplo n.º 11
    def shard_iterable(self, iterable: Iterable[_T]) -> Iterator[_T]:
        Helper method that determines which items in an iterable object to skip based
        on the current node rank (for distributed training) and worker ID (for multi-process data loading).
        if not self.manual_distributed_sharding or not self.manual_multiprocess_sharding:
            raise ValueError(
                "self.shard_iterable() was called but self.manual_distributed_sharding and "
                "self.manual_multiprocess_sharding was not set to True. Did you forget to call "
                "super().__init__(manual_distributed_sharding=True, manual_multiprocess_sharding=True) "
                "in your constructor?"

        sharded_slice: Iterator[_T] = iter(iterable)

        if util.is_distributed():
            sharded_slice = itertools.islice(
                sharded_slice, dist.get_rank(), None, dist.get_world_size()

        if self._worker_info is not None:
            sharded_slice = itertools.islice(
                sharded_slice, self._worker_info.id, None, self._worker_info.num_workers

        # We don't know for sure how many instances we have to produce.
        # _multi_worker_islice() figures that out. But we know for sure
        # it won't be more than max_instances.
        if self.max_instances is not None:
            sharded_slice = itertools.islice(sharded_slice, self.max_instances)

        return sharded_slice
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __call__(self, best_span_string, answer_strings):
        value : ``float``
            The value to average.
        exact_match = squad.metric_max_over_ground_truths(
            squad.exact_match_score, best_span_string, answer_strings)
        f1_score = squad.metric_max_over_ground_truths(squad.f1_score,

        count = 1
        if is_distributed():
            if dist.get_backend() == "nccl":
                device = torch.cuda.current_device()
                device = torch.device("cpu")
            # Converting bool to int here, since we want to count the number of exact matches.
            _exact_match = torch.tensor(exact_match,
            _f1_score = torch.tensor(f1_score).to(device)
            _count = torch.tensor(count).to(device)
            dist.all_reduce(_exact_match, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            dist.all_reduce(_f1_score, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            dist.all_reduce(_count, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            exact_match = _exact_match.item()
            f1_score = _f1_score.item()
            count = _count.item()

        self._total_em += exact_match
        self._total_f1 += f1_score
        self._count += count
Exemplo n.º 13
    def __call__(
        predictions: torch.Tensor,
        gold_labels: torch.Tensor,
        mask: Optional[torch.BoolTensor] = None,
        # Parameters

        predictions : `torch.Tensor`, required.
            A tensor of predictions of shape (batch_size, ...).
        gold_labels : `torch.Tensor`, required.
            A tensor of the same shape as `predictions`.
        mask : `torch.BoolTensor`, optional (default = `None`).
            A tensor of the same shape as `predictions`.
        predictions, gold_labels, mask = self.detach_tensors(predictions, gold_labels, mask)
        # Flatten predictions, gold_labels, and mask. We calculate the Spearman correlation between
        # the vectors, since each element in the predictions and gold_labels tensor is assumed
        # to be a separate observation.
        predictions = predictions.reshape(-1)
        gold_labels = gold_labels.reshape(-1)

        self.total_predictions = self.total_predictions.to(predictions.device)
        self.total_gold_labels = self.total_gold_labels.to(gold_labels.device)

        if mask is not None:
            mask = mask.reshape(-1)
            self.total_predictions = torch.cat((self.total_predictions, predictions * mask), 0)
            self.total_gold_labels = torch.cat((self.total_gold_labels, gold_labels * mask), 0)
            self.total_predictions = torch.cat((self.total_predictions, predictions), 0)
            self.total_gold_labels = torch.cat((self.total_gold_labels, gold_labels), 0)

        if is_distributed():
            world_size = dist.get_world_size()
            device = gold_labels.device
            # Check if batch lengths are equal.
            _all_batch_lengths = [torch.tensor(0) for i in range(world_size)]
                _all_batch_lengths, torch.tensor(self.total_predictions.shape[0], device=device)
            _all_batch_lengths = [batch_length.item() for batch_length in _all_batch_lengths]

            if len(set(_all_batch_lengths)) > 1:
                # Subsequent dist.all_gather() calls currently do not handle tensors of different length.
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Distributed aggregation for SpearmanCorrelation is currently not supported "
                    "for batches of unequal length."
            _total_predictions = [
                torch.zeros(self.total_predictions.shape, device=device) for i in range(world_size)
            _total_gold_labels = [
                torch.zeros(self.total_gold_labels.shape, device=device) for i in range(world_size)
            dist.all_gather(_total_predictions, self.total_predictions)
            dist.all_gather(_total_gold_labels, self.total_gold_labels)
            self.total_predictions = torch.cat(_total_predictions, dim=0)
            self.total_gold_labels = torch.cat(_total_gold_labels, dim=0)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def _read(self, file_path: str):
        # if `file_path` is a URL, redirect to the cache
        file_path = cached_path(file_path)

        import torch.distributed as dist
        from allennlp.common.util import is_distributed

        if is_distributed():
            start_index = dist.get_rank()
            step_size = dist.get_world_size()
                "Reading SNLI instances %% %d from jsonl dataset at: %s",
                step_size, file_path)
            start_index = 0
            step_size = 1
            logger.info("Reading SNLI instances from jsonl dataset at: %s",

        with open(file_path, "r") as snli_file:
            example_iter = (json.loads(line) for line in snli_file)
            filtered_example_iter = (example for example in example_iter
                                     if example["gold_label"] != "-")
            for example in itertools.islice(filtered_example_iter, start_index,
                                            None, step_size):
                label = example["gold_label"]
                premise = example["sentence1"]
                hypothesis = example["sentence2"]
                yield self.text_to_instance(premise, hypothesis, label)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def __call__(self, logits: torch.Tensor, labels: torch.Tensor,
                 label_weights: torch.Tensor):
        # Parameters

        logits : `torch.Tensor`, required.
            A tensor of predictions of shape (batch_size, num_classes).
        labels : `torch.Tensor`, required.
            A tensor of integer class label of shape (batch_size, num_labels).
        label_weights : `torch.Tensor`, required.
            A tensor of floats of shape (batch_size, num_labels), giving a weight or score to
            every one of the labels.

        logits, labels, label_weights = self.detach_tensors(
            logits, labels, label_weights)
        predictions = logits.argmax(dim=1)

        # Sum over dimension 1 gives the score per question. We care about the overall sum though,
        # so we sum over all dimensions.
        local_sum_of_scores = ((
            label_weights * (labels == predictions.unsqueeze(-1))).sum().to(
        local_score_count = torch.tensor(labels.size(0),

        from allennlp.common.util import is_distributed

        if is_distributed():
            dist.all_reduce(local_sum_of_scores, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            dist.all_reduce(local_score_count, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)

        self._sum_of_scores += local_sum_of_scores.item()
        self._score_count += local_score_count.item()
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __call__(
        predictions: torch.Tensor,
        gold_labels: torch.Tensor,
        mask: Optional[torch.BoolTensor] = None,
        # Parameters

        predictions : `torch.Tensor`, required.
            A tensor of predictions of shape (batch_size, k, sequence_length).
        gold_labels : `torch.Tensor`, required.
            A tensor of integer class label of shape (batch_size, sequence_length).
        mask : `torch.BoolTensor`, optional (default = `None`).
            A masking tensor the same size as `gold_labels`.
        predictions, gold_labels, mask = self.detach_tensors(predictions, gold_labels, mask)
        device = gold_labels.device

        # Some sanity checks.
        if gold_labels.dim() != predictions.dim() - 1:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "gold_labels must have dimension == predictions.dim() - 1 but "
                "found tensor of shape: {}".format(gold_labels.size())
        if mask is not None and mask.size() != gold_labels.size():
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "mask must have the same size as predictions but "
                "found tensor of shape: {}".format(mask.size())

        k = predictions.size()[1]
        expanded_size = list(gold_labels.size())
        expanded_size.insert(1, k)
        expanded_gold = gold_labels.unsqueeze(1).expand(expanded_size)

        if mask is not None:
            expanded_mask = mask.unsqueeze(1).expand(expanded_size)
            masked_gold = expanded_mask * expanded_gold
            masked_predictions = expanded_mask * predictions
            masked_gold = expanded_gold
            masked_predictions = predictions

        eqs = masked_gold.eq(masked_predictions)
        matches_per_question = eqs.min(dim=2)[0]
        some_match = matches_per_question.max(dim=1)[0]
        correct = some_match.sum().item()

        self.total_count += predictions.size()[0]
        self.correct_count += correct

        if is_distributed():
            _correct_count = torch.tensor(self.correct_count).to(device)
            _total_count = torch.tensor(self.total_count).to(device)
            dist.all_reduce(_correct_count, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            dist.all_reduce(_total_count, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            self.correct_count = _correct_count.item()
            self.total_count = _total_count.item()
Exemplo n.º 17
 def _read(self, file_path):
     start_index = 0
     step_size = 1
     if common_util.is_distributed():
         start_index += dist.get_rank()
         step_size *= dist.get_world_size()
     for i in islice(range(TOTAL_INSTANCES), start_index, None, step_size):
         yield self.text_to_instance(i)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def _get_rouge_n_stats(
        predicted_tokens: torch.LongTensor,
        reference_tokens: torch.LongTensor,
        ngram_size: int,
    ) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
        Compare the predicted tokens to the reference (gold) tokens at the desired
        ngram size and compute recall, precision and f1 sums
        total_recall = 0.0
        total_precision = 0.0
        total_f1 = 0.0

        for predicted_seq, reference_seq in zip(predicted_tokens,
            from allennlp.training.util import ngrams

            predicted_ngram_counts = ngrams(predicted_seq, ngram_size,
            reference_ngram_counts = ngrams(reference_seq, ngram_size,

            matches = 0
            total_reference_ngrams = 0
            for ngram, count in reference_ngram_counts.items():
                matches += min(predicted_ngram_counts[ngram], count)
                total_reference_ngrams += count

            total_predicted_ngrams = sum(predicted_ngram_counts.values())

            if total_reference_ngrams == 0 or total_predicted_ngrams == 0 or matches == 0:

            recall = matches / total_reference_ngrams
            precision = matches / total_predicted_ngrams

            f1 = 2.0 * recall * precision / (recall + precision)

            # Accumulate stats
            total_recall += recall
            total_precision += precision
            total_f1 += f1

        if is_distributed():
            device = predicted_tokens.device
            _total_recall = torch.tensor(total_recall, device=device)
            _total_precision = torch.tensor(total_precision, device=device)
            _total_f1 = torch.tensor(total_f1, device=device)
            dist.all_reduce(_total_recall, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            dist.all_reduce(_total_precision, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            dist.all_reduce(_total_f1, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            total_recall = _total_recall.item()
            total_precision = _total_precision.item()
            total_f1 = _total_f1.item()

        return total_recall, total_precision, total_f1
Exemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self, base_reader: DatasetReader, **kwargs,) -> None:

        if util.is_distributed():
            self._rank = torch.distributed.get_rank()
            self._world_size = torch.distributed.get_world_size()
            self._rank = 0
            self._world_size = 1

        self.reader = base_reader
Exemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(self,
                 offload_to_cpu: Optional[bool] = True,
                 maintain_forward_counter: Optional[bool] = None) -> None:
        self._offload_to_cpu = offload_to_cpu
        if maintain_forward_counter is None:
            from allennlp.common.util import is_distributed

            # Better to assume we need this in the distributed case, since we definitely
            # need this when the model is wrapped with FairScale's FSDP.
            self._maintain_forward_counter = is_distributed()
            self._maintain_forward_counter = maintain_forward_counter
Exemplo n.º 21
    def get_metric(self, reset: bool = False):
        # Returns

        The accumulated covariance.
        if is_distributed():
            raise RuntimeError("Distributed aggregation for Covariance is currently not supported.")
        covariance = self._total_co_moment / (self._total_count - 1)
        if reset:
        return covariance
Exemplo n.º 22
    def get_metric(self, reset: bool = False):
        # Returns

        A Dict per label containing following the span based metrics:

        - precision : `float`
        - recall : `float`
        - f1-measure : `float`

        Additionally, an `overall` key is included, which provides the precision,
        recall and f1-measure for all spans.
        if is_distributed():
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Distributed aggregation for `SrlEvalScorer` is currently not supported."
        all_tags: Set[str] = set()
        all_metrics = {}
        for tag in all_tags:
            if tag == "overall":
                raise ValueError(
                    "'overall' is disallowed as a tag type, "
                    "rename the tag type to something else if necessary.")
            precision, recall, f1_measure = self._compute_metrics(
                self._true_positives[tag], self._false_positives[tag],
            precision_key = "precision" + "-" + tag
            recall_key = "recall" + "-" + tag
            f1_key = "f1-measure" + "-" + tag
            all_metrics[precision_key] = precision
            all_metrics[recall_key] = recall
            all_metrics[f1_key] = f1_measure

        # Compute the precision, recall and f1 for all spans jointly.
        precision, recall, f1_measure = self._compute_metrics(
        all_metrics["precision-overall"] = precision
        all_metrics["recall-overall"] = recall
        all_metrics["f1-measure-overall"] = f1_measure
        if reset:
        return all_metrics
Exemplo n.º 23
def all_gather_anchor_positive_pairs(
        anchors: torch.Tensor,
        positives: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
    """If training on 2 or more GPUs, `all_gather`s the embeddings produced on each replica,
    ensuring that the gradients for the embeddings produced on each replica are not lost. The
    returned anchor, positive pairs can be fed to a contrastive loss. This method is necessary to
    ensure that we train against the expected number of negatives 2 * (batch size - 1) per batch,
    as a naive implementation would end up training against 2 * (batch size / n_gpus - 1) number of
    negatives. If we are not training on 2 or more GPUs, this method is a no-op and returns its

    # Parameters

    anchors : torch.Tensor
        Embedded text representing the anchors.
    positives : TextFieldTensors
        Embedded text representing the positives.

    # Returns

    Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]
        Embedded anchor, positive pairs that can be fed to a contrastive loss.

    # If we are not using distributed training, this is a no-op.
    if not util.is_distributed():
        return anchors, positives

    # Gather the encoded anchors and positives on all replicas
    anchors_list = [
        torch.ones_like(anchors) for _ in range(dist.get_world_size())
    positives_list = [
        torch.ones_like(positives) for _ in range(dist.get_world_size())
    dist.all_gather(anchors_list, anchors.contiguous())
    dist.all_gather(positives_list, positives.contiguous())
    # The gathered copy of the current replicas positive pairs have no gradients, so we overwrite
    # them with the positive pairs generated on this replica, which DO have gradients.
    anchors_list[dist.get_rank()] = anchors
    positives_list[dist.get_rank()] = positives
    # Finally, we concatenate the positive pairs so they can be fed to the contrastive loss.
    anchors = torch.cat(anchors_list)
    positives = torch.cat(positives_list)

    return anchors, positives
Exemplo n.º 24
    def __call__(self, value):
        # Parameters

        value : `float`
            The value to average.
        self._total_value += list(self.detach_tensors(value))[0]
        self._count += 1
        if is_distributed():
            device = torch.device("cpu")
            _count = torch.tensor(self._count).to(device)
            _total_value = torch.tensor(self._total_value).to(device)
            dist.all_reduce(_count, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            dist.all_reduce(_total_value, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            self._count = _count.item()
            self._total_value = _total_value.item()
Exemplo n.º 25
    def __call__(
        best_span_strings: Union[str, List[str]],
        answer_strings: Union[List[str], List[List[str]]],
        if not isinstance(best_span_strings, list):
            best_span_strings = [best_span_strings]
            answer_strings = [answer_strings]  # type: ignore

        cast(List[str], best_span_strings)
        cast(List[List[str]], answer_strings)

        assert len(best_span_strings) == len(answer_strings)

        count = len(best_span_strings)
        exact_match = 0
        f1_score = 0.0

        for prediction, gold_answers in zip(best_span_strings, answer_strings):
            exact_match += squad.metric_max_over_ground_truths(
                squad.compute_exact, prediction, gold_answers
            f1_score += squad.metric_max_over_ground_truths(
                squad.compute_f1, prediction, gold_answers

        if is_distributed():
            if dist.get_backend() == "nccl":
                device = torch.cuda.current_device()
                device = torch.device("cpu")
            # Converting bool to int here, since we want to count the number of exact matches.
            _exact_match = torch.tensor(exact_match, dtype=torch.int).to(device)
            _f1_score = torch.tensor(f1_score, dtype=torch.double).to(device)
            _count = torch.tensor(count).to(device)
            dist.all_reduce(_exact_match, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            dist.all_reduce(_f1_score, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            dist.all_reduce(_count, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            exact_match = _exact_match.item()
            f1_score = _f1_score.item()
            count = _count.item()

        self._total_em += exact_match
        self._total_f1 += f1_score
        self._count += count
Exemplo n.º 26
    def get_metric(self, reset: bool = False):
        # Returns
        `Dict[str, float]`
            A Dict per label containing following the span based metrics:
            - precision : `float`
            - recall : `float`
            - f1-measure : `float`
            Additionally, an `overall` key is included, which provides the precision,
            recall and f1-measure for all spans.
        if is_distributed():
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Distributed aggregation for SpanBasedF1Measure is currently not supported."
        all_tags: Set[str] = set()
        all_metrics = {}
        # for tag in all_tags:
        #     precision, recall, f1_measure = self._compute_metrics(
        #         self._true_positives[tag], self._false_positives[tag], self._false_negatives[tag]
        #     )
        #     precision_key = "precision" + "-" + tag
        #     recall_key = "recall" + "-" + tag
        #     f1_key = "FR-" + "-" + tag
        #     all_metrics[precision_key] = precision
        #     all_metrics[recall_key] = recall
        #     all_metrics[f1_key] = f1_measure

        # Compute the precision, recall and f1 for all spans jointly.
        precision, recall, f1_measure = self._compute_metrics(

        all_metrics["PR-overall"] = precision
        all_metrics["RR-overall"] = recall
        all_metrics["FR-overall"] = f1_measure
        if reset:
        return precision, recall, f1_measure
Exemplo n.º 27
    def __call__(self, value):
        # Parameters

        value : `float`
            The value to average.
        _total_value = list(self.detach_tensors(value))[0]
        _count = 1
        if is_distributed():
            device = torch.device("cuda" if dist.get_backend() == "nccl" else "cpu")
            count = torch.tensor(_count).to(device)
            total_value = torch.tensor(_total_value).to(device)
            dist.all_reduce(count, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            dist.all_reduce(total_value, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            _count = count.item()
            _total_value = total_value.item()
        self._count += _count
        self._total_value += _total_value
Exemplo n.º 28
    def __init__(
        max_instances: Optional[int] = None,
        manual_distributed_sharding: bool = False,
        manual_multiprocess_sharding: bool = False,
        serialization_dir: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> None:
        # Do some validation.
        if max_instances is not None and max_instances < 0:
            raise ValueError("If specified, max_instances should be a positive int")

        self.max_instances = max_instances
        self.manual_distributed_sharding = manual_distributed_sharding
        self.manual_multiprocess_sharding = manual_multiprocess_sharding
        self.serialization_dir = serialization_dir
        self._worker_info: Optional[WorkerInfo] = None
        self._distributed_info: Optional[DistributedInfo] = None
        # If we're actually in the main process, we can find the info using torch utils.
        if util.is_distributed():
            self._distributed_info = DistributedInfo(dist.get_world_size(), dist.get_rank())
Exemplo n.º 29
    def __call__(
        self,  # type: ignore
        predictions: torch.LongTensor,
        gold_targets: torch.LongTensor,
    ) -> None:
        Update recall counts.

        # Parameters

        predictions : `torch.LongTensor`
            Batched predicted tokens of shape `(batch_size, max_sequence_length)`.
        references : `torch.LongTensor`
            Batched reference (gold) sequences with shape `(batch_size, max_gold_sequence_length)`.

        # Returns

        # ROUGE-N
        predictions, gold_targets = self.detach_tensors(
            predictions, gold_targets)
        for n in range(1, self._ngram_size + 1):

            recall, precision, f1 = self._get_rouge_n_stats(
                predictions, gold_targets, n)
            self._total_rouge_n_recalls[n] += recall
            self._total_rouge_n_precisions[n] += precision
            self._total_rouge_n_f1s[n] += f1

        # ROUGE-L
        self._total_rouge_l_f1 += self._get_rouge_l_score(
            predictions, gold_targets)

        sequence_count = len(predictions)
        if is_distributed():
            device = predictions.device
            _sequence_count = torch.tensor(sequence_count, device=device)
            dist.all_reduce(_sequence_count, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            sequence_count = _sequence_count.item()
        self._total_sequence_count += sequence_count
Exemplo n.º 30
    def __call__(self, prediction: Union[str, List],
                 ground_truths: List):  # type: ignore
        prediction: ``Union[str, List]``
            The predicted answer from the model evaluated. This could be a string, or a list of string
            when multiple spans are predicted as answer.
        ground_truths: ``List``
            All the ground truth answer annotations.
        # If you wanted to split this out by answer type, you could look at [1] here and group by
        # that, instead of only keeping [0].
        ground_truth_answer_strings = [
            for annotation in ground_truths
        exact_match, f1_score = metric_max_over_ground_truths(
            drop_em_and_f1, prediction, ground_truth_answer_strings)
        count = 1

        if is_distributed():
            if dist.get_backend() == "nccl":
                device = torch.cuda.current_device()
                device = torch.device("cpu")
            # Converting bool to int here, since we want to count the number of exact matches.
            _exact_match = torch.tensor(exact_match,
            _f1_score = torch.tensor(f1_score).to(device)
            _count = torch.tensor(count).to(device)
            dist.all_reduce(_exact_match, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            dist.all_reduce(_f1_score, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            dist.all_reduce(_count, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM)
            exact_match = _exact_match.item()
            f1_score = _f1_score.item()
            count = _count.item()

        self._total_em += exact_match
        self._total_f1 += f1_score
        self._count += count