Exemplo n.º 1
 def mergeSpecifications(self, mergeSpecs, withSpecs):
     Merges the provided specifications.
     @param mergeSpecs: dictionary{string: Specification}
         The specifications to be merged.
     @param withSpecs: dictionary{string: Specification}
         The specifications to merge with.
     @return: dictionary{string: Specification}
         The merged specifications.
     assert isinstance(mergeSpecs, dict), 'Invalid specifications %s' % mergeSpecs
     assert isinstance(withSpecs, dict), 'Invalid specifications %s' % withSpecs
     specifications = dict(mergeSpecs)
     for name, spec in withSpecs.items():
         ownSpec = specifications.get(name)
         if ownSpec is None: specifications[name] = spec
             assert isinstance(spec, Specification), 'Invalid specification %s' % spec
             try: specifications[name] = self.mergeSpecification(ownSpec, spec, definedIn=spec.definedIn)
             except AttrError:
                 raise AttrError('Cannot merge attribute \'%s\', from:%s\n, with:%s' % 
                                 (name, ''.join(locationStack(clazz) for clazz in ownSpec.usedIn),
                                  ''.join(locationStack(clazz) for clazz in spec.usedIn)))
     return specifications
Exemplo n.º 2
    def register(self, sources, resolvers, extensions, calls, report):
        @see: IProcessor.register
        assert isinstance(calls, list), 'Invalid calls %s' % calls
        assert isinstance(report, IReport), 'Invalid report %s' % report

            merge(resolvers, self.contexts)
            raise AssemblyError('Cannot merge contexts at:%s' %

        report = report.open('Branching processor at:%s' %

        processings = []
        for branch in self.branches:
            assert isinstance(branch, IBranch), 'Invalid branch %s' % branch
                processing = branch.process(sources, resolvers, extensions,
                raise AssemblyError('Cannot create processing at:%s' %
            assert processing is None or isinstance(
                processing, Processing), 'Invalid processing %s' % processing

        def wrapper(*args, **keyargs):
            self.call(*itertools.chain(args, processings), **keyargs)

        updateWrapper(wrapper, self.call)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __str__(self):
     ctxs = '\n'.join(('%s=%s' % item for item in self.contexts.items()))
     if ismethod(self.function):
         return '%s with:\n%s\n, defined at:%s\n, in instance %s' % \
             (self.__class__.__name__, ctxs, locationStack(self.function), self.function.__self__)
     return '%s with:\n%s\n, defined at:%s' % (
         self.__class__.__name__, ctxs, locationStack(self.function))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def assemble(self, assembly):
     @see: Setup.assemble
     assert isinstance(assembly, Assembly), 'Invalid assembly %s' % assembly
     for target in self._targets:
         if target not in assembly.calls:
             raise SetupError(
                 'There is no setup call for target \'%s\' to add the event on:%s'
                 % (target, locationStack(self._function)))
         call = assembly.calls[target]
         if not isinstance(call, WithListeners):
             raise SetupError(
                 'Cannot find any listener support for target \'%s\' to add the event on:%s'
                 % (target, locationStack(self._function)))
         assert isinstance(call, WithListeners)
             if self._event == self.BEFORE:
                 call.addBefore(partial(assembly.processForName, self.name),
             elif self._event == self.AFTER:
                 call.addAfter(partial(assembly.processForName, self.name),
         except SetupError:
             raise SetupError('Cannot add listener for \'%s\' from:%s' %
                              (self._event, locationStack(self._function)))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def assemble(self, assembly):
        @see: Setup.assemble
        assert isinstance(assembly, Assembly), 'Invalid assembly %s' % assembly
        if self.name not in assembly.calls:
            raise SetupError(
                'There is no setup call for name \'%s\' to be replaced by:%s' %
                (self.name, locationStack(self._function)))
        call = assembly.calls[self.name]
        if not isinstance(call, WithCall) and not isinstance(call, WithType):
            raise SetupError('Cannot replace call for name \'%s\' from:%s' %
                             (self.name, locationStack(self._function)))
        assert isinstance(call, WithCall)
        if self._withOriginal:
            call.call = self.createCallWithOriginal(self._function, call.call)
            call.call = self._function
        if self._types:
            assert isinstance(call, WithType)
            if call.types:
                found = False
                for clazz in self._types:
                    for clazzCall in call.types:
                        if clazz == clazzCall or issubclass(clazz, clazzCall):
                            found = True
                    if found: break
                if not found:
                    raise SetupError(
                        'There is no common class for replaced classes %s and replace classes %s'
                        % ([str(clazz) for clazz in self._types
                            ], [str(clazz) for clazz in call.types]))

            call.types = self._types
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, function, proceed=False):
     Constructs a processor based on a function.
     @see: Processor.__init__
     @param function: function|method
         The function of the processor with the arguments annotated.
     @param proceed: boolean
         Flag indicating that the processor should auto proceed for the executed chain.
         Attention if this flag is provided then the function should not have a 'chain' argument.
     assert isinstance(proceed, bool), 'Invalid proceed flag %s' % proceed
     assert isfunction(function) or ismethod(function), 'Invalid function %s' % function
     self.proceed = proceed
     self.function = function
     fnArgs = getfullargspec(function)
     arguments, annotations = self.processArguments(fnArgs.args, fnArgs.annotations)
     assert isinstance(arguments, Iterable), 'Invalid arguments %s' % arguments
     assert isinstance(annotations, dict), 'Invalid annotations %s' % annotations
     contexts = {}
     for name in arguments:
         assert isinstance(name, str), 'Invalid argument name %s' % name
         clazz = annotations.get(name)
         if clazz is None: continue
         if not isinstance(clazz, ContextMetaClass):
             raise ProcessorError('Not a context class %s for argument %s, at:%s' % 
                                  (clazz, name, locationStack(self.function)))
         contexts[name] = clazz
     if not contexts: raise ProcessorError('Cannot have a function with no context, at:%s' % 
     super().__init__(contexts, self.processCall(function))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def process(self, chain, register: Register, Invoker: InvokerCall,
        @see: HandlerProcessor.process
        Provides the invokers to be registered based on services.
        assert isinstance(register, Register), 'Invalid register %s' % register
        assert issubclass(Invoker, InvokerCall), 'Invalid invoker %s' % Invoker
        assert isinstance(register.services,
                          Iterable), 'Invalid services %s' % register.services

        if register.invokers is None: register.invokers = []
        for implementation in register.services:
            service = typeFor(implementation)
            assert isinstance(
                service, TypeService
            ), 'Invalid service implementation %s' % implementation

            for call in service.calls.values():
                assert isinstance(call, TypeCall), 'Invalid call %s' % call

                invokerId = '%s.%s.%s' % (service.clazz.__module__,
                                          service.clazz.__name__, call.name)
                if Register.exclude in register and register.exclude and invokerId in register.exclude:

                invoker = Invoker()
                assert isinstance(invoker,
                                  InvokerCall), 'Invalid invoker %s' % invoker
                invoker.id = invokerId
                invoker.service = service
                invoker.call = call
                invoker.method = call.method
                invoker.inputs = tuple(iterateInputs(call))
                invoker.output = call.output
                invoker.location = locationStack(
                    getattr(service.clazz, call.name))
                if call.definer.__module__ != service.clazz.__module__ or call.definer.__name__ != service.clazz.__name__:
                    invoker.location = '%s\n,inherited from %s' % (
                        locationStack(service.clazz), invoker.location)
                invoker.doInvoke = getattr(implementation, call.name)

            if Register.validations in register:
                validations = validationsFor(proxiedClass(
                if validations:
                    if register.validations is None: register.validations = {}
                    svalidations = register.validations.get(service)
                    if svalidations is None:
                        register.validations[service] = validations

        if register.invokers: register.doCopyInvoker = self.doCopyInvoker
Exemplo n.º 8
    def decorator(clazz):
        assert isclass(clazz), 'Invalid class %s' % clazz

        prototype = None
        service = clazz._ally_type = TypeService(clazz)
        for name, function in clazz.__dict__.items():
            if not isfunction(function): continue
                service.calls[name] = TypeCall(service, clazz,
            except AttributeError:
                raise Exception('No call for method at:%s' %
            del function._ally_call

        classes = list(clazz.__bases__)
        while classes:
            base = classes.pop()
            inherited = typeFor(base)
            if inherited is None:
                if base == object: continue
                for name, function in base.__dict__.items():
                    if not isfunction(function) or name in service.calls:
                        callPrototype = function._ally_call_prototype
                    except AttributeError:
                        if prototype is None:
                            prototype = Prototype(replaces, clazz)
                        service.calls[name] = TypeCall(
                            service, base, *callPrototype(prototype))
                        service.calls[name] = TypeCall(service, base,
                    except AttributeError:
                        raise Exception('No call for inherited method at:%s' %

            elif not isinstance(inherited, TypeService):
                raise Exception('Unexpected inherited type %s' % inherited)

                assert isinstance(inherited, TypeService)
                for name, cal in inherited.calls.items():
                    assert isinstance(cal, TypeCall)
                    if name not in service.calls:
                        service.calls[name] = TypeCall(
                            service, cal.definer,
                            *processGenericCall(cal, generics))

        return processAsService(clazz, service)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def assemble(self, assembly):
     @see: Setup.assemble
     assert isinstance(assembly, Assembly), 'Invalid assembly %s' % assembly
     if self.name not in assembly.calls:
         raise SetupError(
             'There is no setup call for name \'%s\' to be replaced by:%s' %
             (self.name, locationStack(self._function)))
     call = assembly.calls[self.name]
     if not isinstance(call, WithCall) and not isinstance(call, WithType):
         raise SetupError('Cannot replace call for name \'%s\' from:%s' %
                          (self.name, locationStack(self._function)))
     assert isinstance(call, WithCall)
     call.call = self._function
Exemplo n.º 10
def handleExploitError(exploit):
    Handles the error for the provided exploit.
    if isfunction(exploit) or ismethod(exploit):
        raise ResolveError('Problems with exploit at:%s' % locationStack(exploit))
    else: raise ResolveError('Problems with exploit call %s' % exploit)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def do(self):
        Called in order to do the next chain element. A *process* method needs to be executed first.
        @return: boolean
            True if the chain has performed the execution of the next element, False if there is no more to be executed.
        while self._calls and isinstance(self._calls[0], Execution):
            if self._calls[0].do(): return True
        if self._calls and self._status is None:
            call = self._calls.popleft()
            assert log.debug('Processing %s', call) or True
            try: call(self, **self.arg.__dict__)
            except Exception as e:
                if isinstance(e, TypeError) and 'arguments' in str(e):
                    raise TypeError('A problem occurred while invoking with arguments %s, at:%s' % 
                                    (', '.join(self.arg.__dict__), locationStack(call)))

                self._status = EXCEPTION
                if self._handleError(e): return True
            assert log.debug('Processing finalized \'%s\'', call) or True
        if self._status is None:
            if self._calls: return True
            self._status = CONSUMED
        if self._handleFinalization(): return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 12
def extractCriterias(clazz):
    Extract the criteria's that are found in the provided class, including the inherited definitions.
    It will automatically remove the used definitions from the class.
    @param clazz: class
        The class to extract the criterias from.
    @return: dictionary{string, TypeCriteria}
        A dictionary containing as the key the criteria name and as a value the criteria type.
    assert isclass(clazz), 'Invalid class %s' % clazz

    definitions = extractPropertiesInhertied(clazz, TypeQuery)
    for name, value in list(clazz.__dict__.items()):
        if name.startswith('_') or isfunction(value): continue
        criteria = typeFor(value)
        if isinstance(criteria, TypeCriteria):
            assert isinstance(criteria, TypeCriteria)
            definitions[name] = criteria.clazz
            delattr(clazz, name)
            log.warn('Invalid criteria \'%s\' definition \'%s\' at:%s', name,
                     value, locationStack(clazz))

    for name, typ in extractPropertiesInhertied(clazz, TypeQuery).items():
        if not isinstance(typ, TypeCriteria): continue
        assert isinstance(typ, TypeCriteria)
        if name not in definitions: definitions[name] = typ.clazz

    return definitions
Exemplo n.º 13
    def decorator(function):
        assert isfunction(function), 'Invalid function %s' % function
        nonlocal method
        name = function.__name__
        if method is None:
            for regex, m in NAME_TO_METHOD.items():
                if match(regex, name):
                    method = m
                raise Exception(
                    'Cannot deduce method for function name \'%s\'' % name)

        inputs, output = extractInputOuput(function,
                                           modelToId=method in (GET, DELETE))
        for inp in inputs:
            assert isinstance(inp, Input), 'Invalid input %s' % inp
            if not match(RULE_CALL_ARGUMENTS[0], inp.name):
                raise Exception(RULE_CALL_ARGUMENTS[1] %
                                (inp.name, locationStack(function)))

        function.__isabstractmethod__ = True  # Flag that notifies the ABCMeta that is is an actual abstract method.
        function._ally_call = name, method, inputs, output, hints
        return function
Exemplo n.º 14
    def place(self, clazz, name):
        @see: IAttribute.place
        if not self.isPlaced:
            assert isinstance(clazz,
                              ContextMetaClass), 'Invalid class %s' % clazz
            assert isinstance(name, str), 'Invalid name %s' % name

            if __debug__:
                assert hasattr(
                    name), 'Invalid class %s has no descriptor for %s' % (
                        clazz, name)
                self.descriptor = getattr(clazz, name)
                assert isinstance(
                    IGet), 'Invalid descriptor %s' % self.descriptor
                assert isinstance(
                    ISet), 'Invalid descriptor %s' % self.descriptor
                setattr(clazz, name, self)
            self.isPlaced, self.__objclass__, self.__name__ = True, clazz, name
        elif not issubclass(clazz, self.__objclass__) or self.__name__ != name:
            raise AttrError(
                '%s\n, is already placed in:%s as attribute %s' %
                (self, locationStack(self.__objclass__), self.__name__))
Exemplo n.º 15
def extractProperties(clazz, forType=TypeContainer):
    Extracts the properties definitions from the class, including the inherited definitions.
    It will automatically remove the used definitions from the class.
    @param clazz: class
        The class to extract the properties from.
    @param forType: class
        The inherited type to be extracted, the type needs to be a subclass of TypeContainer.
    @return: dictionary{string, Type}
        A properties definitions dictionary containing as a key the property name and as a value the property type.
    assert isclass(clazz), 'Invalid class %s' % clazz
    definitions = extractPropertiesInhertied(clazz, forType)
    for name, value in list(clazz.__dict__.items()):
        if name.startswith('_') or isfunction(value): continue
        typ = typeFor(value)
        if typ is None:
            log.warn('Invalid property \'%s\' definition \'%s\' at:%s', name, value, locationStack(clazz))
            definitions[name] = typ
            delattr(clazz, name)
    return definitions
Exemplo n.º 16
            def followWiring():
                from ally.container.support import entityFor
                wiring = Wiring.wiringOf(value.__class__)
                if wiring:
                    assert isinstance(wiring,
                                      Wiring), 'Invalid wiring %s' % wiring
                    for wentity in wiring.entities:
                        assert isinstance(wentity, WireEntity)
                        if wentity.name not in value.__dict__:
                                setattr(value, wentity.name,
                                        entityFor(wentity.type, wentity.name))
                                raise SetupError(
                                    'Cannot solve wiring \'%s\' at: %s' %

                    mapping = wirings.get(wiring)
                    if mapping:
                        assert isinstance(mapping,
                                          dict), 'Invalid mapping %s' % mapping
                        for wconfig in wiring.configurations:
                            assert isinstance(wconfig, WireConfig)
                            if wconfig.name not in value.__dict__:
                                name = mapping.get(wconfig.name)
                                if name is not None:
                                    setattr(value, wconfig.name,

                if followUp: followUp()
Exemplo n.º 17
def extractCriterias(clazz):
    Extract the criteria's that are found in the provided class, including the inherited definitions.
    It will automatically remove the used definitions from the class.
    @param clazz: class
        The class to extract the criterias from.
    @return: dictionary{string, TypeCriteria}
        A dictionary containing as the key the criteria name and as a value the criteria type.
    assert isclass(clazz), 'Invalid class %s' % clazz
    definitions = extractPropertiesInhertied(clazz, TypeQuery)
    for name, value in list(clazz.__dict__.items()):
        if name.startswith('_') or isfunction(value): continue
        criteria = typeFor(value)
        if isinstance(criteria, TypeCriteria): 
            assert isinstance(criteria, TypeCriteria)
            definitions[name] = criteria.clazz
            delattr(clazz, name)
            log.warn('Invalid criteria \'%s\' definition \'%s\' at:%s', name, value, locationStack(clazz))
    for name, typ in extractPropertiesInhertied(clazz, TypeQuery).items():
        if not isinstance(typ, TypeCriteria): continue
        assert isinstance(typ, TypeCriteria)
        if name not in definitions: definitions[name] = typ.clazz

    return definitions
Exemplo n.º 18
 def assemble(self, assembly):
     @see: Setup.assemble
     assert isinstance(assembly, Assembly), 'Invalid assembly %s' % assembly
     if self.name not in assembly.calls:
         raise SetupError('There is no setup call for name \'%s\' to be replaced by:%s' % 
                          (self.name, locationStack(self._function)))
     call = assembly.calls[self.name]
     if not isinstance(call, WithCall) and not isinstance(call, WithType):
         raise SetupError('Cannot replace call for name \'%s\' from:%s' % (self.name, locationStack(self._function)))
     assert isinstance(call, WithCall)
     call.call = self._function
     if self._types:
         assert isinstance(call, WithType)
         if call.types:
             found = False
             for clazz in self._types:
                 for clazzCall in call.types:
                     if clazz == clazzCall or issubclass(clazz, clazzCall):
                         found = True
                 if found: break
             if not found: raise SetupError('There is no common class for replaced classes %s and replace classes %s' % 
                                            ([str(clazz) for clazz in self._types], [str(clazz) for clazz in call.types]))
         call.types = self._types
Exemplo n.º 19
    def do(self):
        Called in order to do the next chain element. A *process* method needs to be executed first.
        @return: boolean
            True if the chain has performed the execution of the next element, False if there is no more to be executed.
        while self._calls and isinstance(self._calls[0], Execution):
            if self._calls[0].do(): return True

        if self._calls and self._status is None:
            call = self._calls.popleft()
            assert log.debug('Processing %s', call) or True
                call(self, **self.arg.__dict__)
            except Exception as e:
                if isinstance(e, TypeError) and 'arguments' in str(e):
                    raise TypeError(
                        'A problem occurred while invoking with arguments %s, at:%s'
                        % (', '.join(self.arg.__dict__), locationStack(call)))

                self._status = EXCEPTION
                if self._handleError(e): return True
            assert log.debug('Processing finalized \'%s\'', call) or True

        if self._status is None:
            if self._calls: return True
            self._status = CONSUMED
        if self._handleFinalization(): return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 20
    def process(self, chain, node:Node, invoker:Invoker, create:Create, **keyargs):
        @see: HandlerProcessor.process
        Create the accesible path encoder.
        assert isinstance(node, Node), 'Invalid node %s' % node
        assert isinstance(invoker, Invoker), 'Invalid invoker %s' % invoker
        assert isinstance(create, Create), 'Invalid create %s' % create
        if not node.invokersAccessible: return  # No accessible paths
        if not invoker.target: return  # No target available
        if create.encoder is not None: return  # There is already an encoder, nothing to do.
        assert isinstance(invoker.target, TypeModel), 'Invalid target %s' % invoker.target
        accessible = []
        for name, ainvoker in node.invokersAccessible:
            assert isinstance(ainvoker, Invoker), 'Invalid invoker %s' % ainvoker
            corrupted = False
            for pname in ainvoker.target.properties:
                if pname.startswith(ainvoker.target.name):
                    log.error('Illegal property name \'%s\', is not allowed to start with the model name, at:%s',
                              pname, locationStack(ainvoker.target.clazz))
                    corrupted = True
            if corrupted: continue

            accessible.append(('%s%s' % (invoker.target.name, name), ainvoker))
        create.encoder = EncoderAccessiblePath(self.nameRef, OrderedDict(accessible))
Exemplo n.º 21
def extractProperties(clazz, forType=TypeContainer):
    Extracts the properties definitions from the class, including the inherited definitions.
    It will automatically remove the used definitions from the class.
    @param clazz: class
        The class to extract the properties from.
    @param forType: class
        The inherited type to be extracted, the type needs to be a subclass of TypeContainer.
    @return: dictionary{string, Type}
        A properties definitions dictionary containing as a key the property name and as a value the property type.
    assert isclass(clazz), 'Invalid class %s' % clazz

    definitions = extractPropertiesInhertied(clazz, forType)
    for name, value in list(clazz.__dict__.items()):
        if name.startswith('_') or isfunction(value): continue
        typ = typeFor(value)
        if typ is None:
            log.warn('Invalid property \'%s\' definition \'%s\' at:%s', name,
                     value, locationStack(clazz))
            definitions[name] = typ
            delattr(clazz, name)

    return definitions
Exemplo n.º 22
    def createDescriptors(self, specifications):
        Create the descriptors attribute.
        @param specifications: dictionary{string: Specification}
            The specifications to create the descriptors for.
        @return: dictionary{string: IAttribute}
            The created attributes.
        assert isinstance(specifications,
                          dict), 'Invalid specifications %s' % specifications
        attributes = {}
        for name, spec in specifications.items():
            assert isinstance(name, str), 'Invalid name %s' % name
            assert isinstance(spec,
                              Specification), 'Invalid specification %s' % spec
            if spec.status == REQUIRED:
                raise AttrError('Cannot generate attribute %s=%s, used in:%s' %
                                (name, spec, ''.join(
                                    for clazz in spec.usedIn)))
            if spec.status & OPTIONAL:
                continue  # If is optional then no need to create it
            attributes[name] = AttributeObject(spec)

        return attributes
Exemplo n.º 23
    def __init__(self, function):
        Constructs a processor based on a function.
        @see: Processor.__init__
        @param function: function|method
            The function of the processor with the arguments annotated.
        assert isfunction(function) or ismethod(
            function), 'Invalid function %s' % function

        self.function = function

        fnArgs = getfullargspec(function)
        arguments, annotations = self.processArguments(fnArgs.args,

        assert isinstance(arguments,
                          Iterable), 'Invalid arguments %s' % arguments
        assert isinstance(annotations,
                          dict), 'Invalid annotations %s' % annotations
        contexts = {}
        for name in arguments:
            assert isinstance(name, str), 'Invalid argument name %s' % name
            annot = annotations.get(name)
            if annot is None:
                raise ProcessorError(
                    'Context class required for argument %s, at:%s' %
                    (name, locationStack(self.function)))
            if not isinstance(annot, tuple): annot = (annot, )
            if not annot:
                raise ProcessorError(
                    'At least one context class is required for argument %s, at:%s'
                    % (name, locationStack(self.function)))

            context = None
            for clazz in annot:
                if clazz is Context: continue
                if not isinstance(clazz, ContextMetaClass):
                    raise ProcessorError(
                        'Not a context class %s for argument %s, at:%s' %
                        (clazz, name, locationStack(self.function)))
                if context is None: context = resolverFor(clazz)
                else: context = context.solve(resolverFor(clazz))
            if context is not None: contexts[name] = context

        super().__init__(contexts, function)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def process(self, chain, register:Register, **keyargs):
        @see: HandlerProcessor.process
        Process the hints.
        assert isinstance(register, Register), 'Invalid register %s' % register
        assert isinstance(register.doSuggest, IDo), 'Invalid do suggest %s' % register.doSuggest
        reported = set()
        if register.invokers:
            if register.hintsCall is None: hintsCall = {}
            else: hintsCall = register.hintsCall

            present = False
            for invoker in register.invokers:
                assert isinstance(invoker, Invoker), 'Invalid invoker %s' % invoker
                if not invoker.call: continue
                assert isinstance(invoker.call, TypeCall), 'Invalid call %s' % invoker.call
                unknown = []
                for hname in invoker.call.hints:
                    if hname not in hintsCall: unknown.append('\'%s\'' % hname)
                if unknown:
                    if invoker.location not in reported:
                        register.doSuggest('Unknown hints %s, at:%s', ', '.join(unknown), invoker.location)
                    present = True
            if present:
                available = []
                for hname in sorted(hintsCall):
                    available.append('\t%s: %s' % (hname, hintsCall[hname]))
                register.doSuggest('The available call hints are:\n%s', '\n'.join(available))
        if register.relations:
            if register.hintsModel is None: hintsModel = {}
            else: hintsModel = register.hintsModel 

            present = False
            for model in register.relations:
                assert isinstance(model, TypeModel), 'Invalid model %s' % model
                unknown = []
                for hname in model.hints:
                    if hname not in hintsModel: unknown.append('\'%s\'' % hname)
                if unknown:
                    location = locationStack(model.clazz)
                    if location not in reported:
                        register.doSuggest('Unknown hints %s, at:%s', ', '.join(unknown), location)
                    present = True
            if present:
                available = []
                for hname in sorted(hintsModel):
                    available.append('\t%s: %s' % (hname, hintsModel[hname]))
                register.doSuggest('The available model hints are:\n%s', '\n'.join(available))
Exemplo n.º 25
 def index(self, assembly):
     @see: Setup.index
     assert isinstance(assembly, Assembly), 'Invalid assembly %s' % assembly
     if self.name in assembly.calls:
         raise SetupError('There is already a setup call for name \'%s\', overlaps with:%s' % 
                          (self.name, locationStack(self._function)))
     assembly.calls[self.name] = CallEvent(assembly, self.name, self._function)
Exemplo n.º 26
 def register(self, sources, resolvers, extensions, calls, report):
     @see: IProcessor.register
     assert isinstance(calls, list), 'Invalid calls %s' % calls
     try: merge(resolvers, self.contexts)
     except: raise AssemblyError('Cannot merge contexts at:%s' % locationStack(self.function))
Exemplo n.º 27
def handleExploitError(exploit):
    Handles the error for the provided exploit.
    if isfunction(exploit) or ismethod(exploit):
        raise ResolveError('Problems with exploit at:%s' %
        raise ResolveError('Problems with exploit call %s' % exploit)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def add(self, attribute):
        Combines this attribute assembly with the provided attribute.
        @param attr: Attribute
            The attributes to be combined with.
        assert isinstance(attribute, Attribute), 'Invalid attribute %s' % attribute

        if attribute.status & DEFINED: self.defined.update(attribute.types)

        if attribute.status & (REQUIRED | OPTIONAL):
            if not self.required: self.required.update(attribute.types)
                if self.required.isdisjoint(attribute.types):
                    args = []
                    args.append(', '.join('\'%s\'' % typ.__name__ for typ in self.required))
                    args.append(', '.join('\'%s\'' % typ.__name__ for typ in attribute.types))
                    argss = ('%s\n, of attribute %s' % (locationStack(attr.clazz), attr) for attr in self.attributes)
                    raise AssemblyError('The required assembly types %s are not compatible with the required types %s of '
                                        'attribute %s, from:%s\nCurrent assembly is based on attributes:%s' % tuple(args))

        if self.required and self.defined and self.required != self.defined and self.defined.issuperset(self.required):
                args = []
                args.append(', '.join('\'%s\'' % typ.__name__ for typ in self.defined))
                args.append(', '.join('\'%s\'' % typ.__name__ for typ in self.required))
                argss = ['%s\n, of attribute %s' % (locationStack(attr.clazz), attr) for attr in self.attributes]
                argss.append('%s\n, of attribute %s' % (locationStack(attribute.clazz), attribute))
                raise AssemblyError('The defined attributes types %s are not compatible with the required types %s'
                                    '\nCurrent assembly is based on attributes:%s' % tuple(args))

        self.status |= attribute.status
        docs = []
        if self.doc is not None: docs.append(self.doc)
        if attribute.doc is not None: docs.append(attribute.doc)

        if docs: self.doc = '\n'.join(docs)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def process(self, chain, register:Register, Invoker:InvokerCall, **keyargs):
        @see: HandlerProcessor.process
        Provides the invokers to be registered based on services.
        assert isinstance(register, Register), 'Invalid register %s' % register
        assert issubclass(Invoker, InvokerCall), 'Invalid invoker %s' % Invoker
        assert isinstance(register.services, Iterable), 'Invalid services %s' % register.services

        if register.invokers is None: register.invokers = []
        for implementation in register.services:
            service = typeFor(implementation)
            assert isinstance(service, TypeService), 'Invalid service implementation %s' % implementation

            for call in service.calls.values():
                assert isinstance(call, TypeCall), 'Invalid call %s' % call
                invokerId = '%s.%s.%s' % (service.clazz.__module__, service.clazz.__name__, call.name)
                if Register.exclude in register and register.exclude and invokerId in register.exclude: continue
                invoker = Invoker()
                assert isinstance(invoker, InvokerCall), 'Invalid invoker %s' % invoker
                invoker.id = invokerId
                invoker.service = service
                invoker.call = call
                invoker.method = call.method
                invoker.inputs = tuple(iterateInputs(call))
                invoker.output = call.output
                invoker.location = locationStack(getattr(service.clazz, call.name))
                if call.definer.__module__ != service.clazz.__module__ or call.definer.__name__ != service.clazz.__name__:
                    invoker.location = '%s\n,inherited from %s' % (locationStack(service.clazz), invoker.location)
                invoker.doInvoke = getattr(implementation, call.name)
            if Register.validations in register:
                validations = validationsFor(proxiedClass(type(implementation)))
                if validations:
                    if register.validations is None: register.validations = {}
                    svalidations = register.validations.get(service)
                    if svalidations is None: register.validations[service] = validations
                    else: svalidations.extend(validations)
        if register.invokers: register.doCopyInvoker = self.doCopyInvoker
Exemplo n.º 30
 def register(self, sources, resolvers, extensions, calls, report):
     @see: IProcessor.register
     assert isinstance(resolvers, Resolvers), 'Invalid resolvers %s' % resolvers
     assert isinstance(calls, list), 'Invalid calls %s' % calls
     try: resolvers.merge(self.contexts)
     except ResolverError: raise AssemblyError('Cannot merge contexts at:%s' % locationStack(self.function))
Exemplo n.º 31
 def assemble(self, assembly):
     @see: Setup.assemble
     assert isinstance(assembly, Assembly), 'Invalid assembly %s' % assembly
     for target in self._targets:
         if target not in assembly.calls:
             raise SetupError('There is no setup call for target \'%s\' to add the event on:%s' % 
                              (target, locationStack(self._function)))
         call = assembly.calls[target]
         if not isinstance(call, WithListeners):
             raise SetupError('Cannot find any listener support for target \'%s\' to add the event on:%s' % 
                              (target, locationStack(self._function)))
         assert isinstance(call, WithListeners)
             if self._event == self.BEFORE: call.addBefore(partial(assembly.processForName, self.name), self._auto)
             elif self._event == self.AFTER: call.addAfter(partial(assembly.processForName, self.name), self._auto)
         except SetupError:
             raise SetupError('Cannot add listener for \'%s\' from:%s' % (self._event, locationStack(self._function)))
Exemplo n.º 32
 def processArguments(self, arguments, annotations):
     @see: Contextual.processArguments
     arguments, annotations = super().processArguments(arguments, annotations)
     n = len(self.branches)
     if len(arguments) > n: return arguments[n:], annotations
     raise ProcessorError('Required function of form \'def processor(self, [chain], '
                          'processing, ..., contex:Context ...)\' for:%s' % locationStack(self.function))
Exemplo n.º 33
 def index(self, assembly):
     @see: Setup.index
     assert isinstance(assembly, Assembly), 'Invalid assembly %s' % assembly
     if self.name in assembly.calls:
         raise SetupError(
             'There is already a setup call for name \'%s\', overlaps with:%s'
             % (self.name, locationStack(self._function)))
     assembly.calls[self.name] = CallStart(assembly, self.name,
                                           self._function, self._priority)
Exemplo n.º 34
 def __str__(self):
     status = []
     if self.status & DEFINED: status.append('DEFINES')
     if self.status & REQUIRED: status.append('REQUIRED')
     if self.status & OPTIONAL: status.append('OPTIONAL')
     st = ''.join(('|'.join(status), '[', ','.join(t.__name__ for t in self.types), ']'))
     st = ''.join((self.__class__.__name__, ' having ', st))
     if self._clazz:
         return ''.join((st, ' in:', locationStack(self._clazz), ' as attribute ', self._name))
     return ''.join((st, ' unplaced'))
Exemplo n.º 35
 def index(self, assembly):
     @see: Setup.index
     assert isinstance(assembly, Assembly), 'Invalid assembly %s' % assembly
     if self.name in assembly.calls:
         raise SetupError('There is already a setup call for name \'%s\', overlaps with:%s' % 
                          (self.name, locationStack(self._function)))
     if self._event == self.BEFORE or len(self._targets) == 1:
         assembly.calls[self.name] = CallEvent(assembly, self.name, self._function)
         assembly.calls[self.name] = CallEventOnCount(assembly, self.name, self._function, len(self._targets))
Exemplo n.º 36
 def __str__(self):
     status = []
     if self.status & DEFINED: status.append('DEFINES')
     if self.status & REQUIRED: status.append('REQUIRED')
     if self.status & OPTIONAL: status.append('OPTIONAL')
     st = ''.join(('|'.join(status), '[', ','.join(t.__name__ for t in self.types), ']'))
     st = ''.join((self.__class__.__name__, ' having ', st))
     if self.usedIn:
         used = (clazzName for clazzName, status in self.usedIn.items() if status == self.status)
         used = ['%s as attribute \'%s\'' % (locationStack(clazz), name) for clazz, name in used]
         return ''.join((st, ' used in:', ''.join(used), '\n'))
     return ''.join((st, ' unused'))
Exemplo n.º 37
 def assemble(self, assembly):
     @see: Setup.assemble
     assert isinstance(assembly, Assembly), 'Invalid assembly %s' % assembly
     if self.name not in assembly.calls:
         raise SetupError('There is no setup call for name \'%s\' to be replaced by:%s' % 
                          (self.name, locationStack(self._function)))
     call = assembly.calls[self.name]
     if not isinstance(call, WithCall) and not isinstance(call, WithType):
         raise SetupError('Cannot replace call for name \'%s\' from:%s' % (self.name, locationStack(self._function)))
     assert isinstance(call, WithCall)
     call.call = self._function
Exemplo n.º 38
    def processArguments(self, arguments, annotations):
        Process the context arguments as seen fit.
        @param arguments: list[string]|tuple(string)
            The arguments to process.
        @param annotations: dictionary{string, object}
            The annotations to process.
        @return: tuple(list[string], dictionary{string, object})
            A tuple containing the list of processed arguments names and second value the dictionary containing the 
            annotation for arguments.
        assert isinstance(arguments, (list, tuple)), 'Invalid arguments %s' % arguments
        assert isinstance(annotations, dict), 'Invalid annotations %s' % annotations
        if self.proceed:
            if len(arguments) > 1 and 'self' == arguments[0]: return arguments[1:], annotations
            raise ProcessorError('Required function of form \'def processor(self, contex:Context ...)\' for:%s' % 

        if len(arguments) > 2 and 'self' == arguments[0]: return arguments[2:], annotations
        raise ProcessorError('Required function of form \'def processor(self, chain, contex:Context ...)\' for:%s' % 
Exemplo n.º 39
 def __init__(self, function):
     Constructs a processor based on a function.
     @see: Processor.__init__
     @param function: function|method
         The function of the processor with the arguments annotated.
     assert isfunction(function) or ismethod(function), 'Invalid function %s' % function
     self.function = function
     fnArgs = getfullargspec(function)
     arguments, annotations = self.processArguments(fnArgs.args, fnArgs.annotations)
     assert isinstance(arguments, Iterable), 'Invalid arguments %s' % arguments
     assert isinstance(annotations, dict), 'Invalid annotations %s' % annotations
     contexts = {}
     for name in arguments:
         assert isinstance(name, str), 'Invalid argument name %s' % name
         annot = annotations.get(name)
         if annot is None:
             raise ProcessorError('Context class required for argument %s, at:%s' % (name, locationStack(self.function)))
         if not isinstance(annot, tuple): annot = (annot,)
         if not annot:
             raise ProcessorError('At least one context class is required for argument %s, at:%s' % 
                                  (name, locationStack(self.function)))
         context = None
         for clazz in annot:
             if clazz is Context: continue
             if not isinstance(clazz, ContextMetaClass):
                 raise ProcessorError('Not a context class %s for argument %s, at:%s' % 
                                      (clazz, name, locationStack(self.function)))
             if context is None: context = resolverFor(clazz)
             else: context = context.solve(resolverFor(clazz))
         if context is not None: contexts[name] = context
     super().__init__(contexts, function)
Exemplo n.º 40
 def prototype(prototype):
     assert isinstance(prototype,
                       Prototype), 'Invalid replaces %s' % prototype
     inputs, output = extractInputOuput(function,
                                        in (GET, DELETE),
     for inp in inputs:
         assert isinstance(inp, Input), 'Invalid input %s' % inp
         if not match(RULE_CALL_ARGUMENTS[0], inp.name):
             raise Exception(RULE_CALL_ARGUMENTS[1] %
                             (inp.name, locationStack(function)))
     return name, method, inputs, output, hints
Exemplo n.º 41
    def __str__(self):
        status = []
        if self.status & DEFINED: status.append('DEFINES')
        if self.status & REQUIRED: status.append('REQUIRED')
        if self.status & OPTIONAL: status.append('OPTIONAL')
        st = ''.join(
            ('|'.join(status), '[', ','.join(t.__name__
                                             for t in self.types), ']'))
        st = ''.join((self.__class__.__name__, ' having ', st))

        if self._clazz:
            return ''.join((st, ' in:', locationStack(self._clazz),
                            ' as attribute ', self._name))
        return ''.join((st, ' unplaced'))
Exemplo n.º 42
    def index(self, assembly):
        @see: Setup.index
        assert isinstance(assembly, Assembly), 'Invalid assembly %s' % assembly
        if self.name in assembly.calls:
            raise SetupError('There is already a setup call for name \'%s\', overlaps with:%s' % 
                             (self.name, locationStack(self._function)))
        if self._event == DEPLOYER:
            assembly.calls[self.name] = CallEvent(assembly, self.name, self._function)
            assembly.calls[self.name] = CallEventAcknowledged(assembly, self.name, self._function, self._event)

Exemplo n.º 43
    def assemble(self, assembly):
        @see: Setup.assemble
        assert isinstance(assembly, Assembly), 'Invalid assembly %s' % assembly
        if self.name not in assembly.calls:
            raise SetupError('There is no setup configuration call for name \'%s\' to be replaced by:%s' % 
                             (self.name, locationStack(self._function)))
        config = assembly.calls[self.name]
        assert isinstance(config, CallConfig), 'Invalid call configuration %s' % config
        try: config.value = self._function()
        except ConfigError as e: config.value = e

        assembly.configurations[self.name] = Config(self.name, config.value, self.group, self.target.documentation)
Exemplo n.º 44
 def register(self, sources, resolvers, extensions, calls, report):
     @see: IProcessor.register
     assert isinstance(calls, list), 'Invalid calls %s' % calls
     assert isinstance(report, IReport), 'Invalid report %s' % report
     try: merge(resolvers, self.contexts)
     except: raise AssemblyError('Cannot merge contexts at:%s' % locationStack(self.function))
     report = report.open('Branching processor at:%s' % locationStack(self.function))
     processings = []
     for branch in self.branches:
         assert isinstance(branch, IBranch), 'Invalid branch %s' % branch
         try: processing = branch.process(sources, resolvers, extensions, report)
         except: raise AssemblyError('Cannot create processing at:%s' % locationStack(self.function))
         assert processing is None or isinstance(processing, Processing), 'Invalid processing %s' % processing
     def wrapper(*args, **keyargs): self.call(*itertools.chain(args, processings), **keyargs)
     updateWrapper(wrapper, self.call)
Exemplo n.º 45
 def place(self, clazz, name):
     @see: IAttribute.place
     if not self.isPlaced:
         assert isinstance(clazz, ContextMetaClass), 'Invalid class %s' % clazz
         assert isinstance(name, str), 'Invalid name %s' % name
         self.isPlaced, self.__objclass__, self.__name__ = True, clazz, name
         self.specification.usedIn[clazz] = self.specification.status
         if self.specification.definedIn is None and self.specification.status == DEFINED:
             self.specification.definedIn = clazz
     elif not issubclass(clazz, self.__objclass__) or self.__name__ != name:
         raise AttrError('%s\n, is already placed in:%s as attribute %s' % 
                         (self, locationStack(self.__objclass__), self.__name__))
Exemplo n.º 46
    def mergeSpecifications(self, mergeSpecs, withSpecs):
        Merges the provided specifications.
        @param mergeSpecs: dictionary{string: Specification}
            The specifications to be merged.
        @param withSpecs: dictionary{string: Specification}
            The specifications to merge with.
        @return: dictionary{string: Specification}
            The merged specifications.
        assert isinstance(mergeSpecs,
                          dict), 'Invalid specifications %s' % mergeSpecs
        assert isinstance(withSpecs,
                          dict), 'Invalid specifications %s' % withSpecs

        specifications = dict(mergeSpecs)
        for name, spec in withSpecs.items():
            ownSpec = specifications.get(name)
            if ownSpec is None: specifications[name] = spec
                assert isinstance(
                    spec, Specification), 'Invalid specification %s' % spec
                    specifications[name] = self.mergeSpecification(
                        ownSpec, spec, definedIn=spec.definedIn)
                except AttrError:
                    raise AttrError(
                        'Cannot merge attribute \'%s\', from:%s\n, with:%s' %
                        (name, ''.join(
                            for clazz in ownSpec.usedIn), ''.join(
                                for clazz in spec.usedIn)))

        return specifications
Exemplo n.º 47
 def followWiring():
     from ally.container.support import entityFor
     assert isinstance(wiring, Wiring)
     for wentity in wiring.entities:
         assert isinstance(wentity, WireEntity)
         if wentity.name not in value.__dict__:
             try: setattr(value, wentity.name, entityFor(wentity.type, wentity.name))
             except: raise SetupError('Cannot solve wiring \'%s\' at: %s' % 
                                      (wentity.name, locationStack(value.__class__)))
     for wconfig in wiring.configurations:
         assert isinstance(wconfig, WireConfig)
         if wconfig.name not in value.__dict__:
             name = self.nameFor(self.group, clazz, wconfig)
             setattr(value, wconfig.name, assembly.processForName(name))
     if followUp: followUp()
Exemplo n.º 48
 def index(self, assembly):
     @see: Setup.index
     assert isinstance(assembly, Assembly), 'Invalid assembly %s' % assembly
     if self.name in assembly.calls:
         raise SetupError(
             'There is already a setup call for name \'%s\', overlaps with:%s'
             % (self.name, locationStack(self._function)))
     if self._event == self.BEFORE or len(self._targets) == 1:
         assembly.calls[self.name] = CallEvent(assembly, self.name,
         assembly.calls[self.name] = CallEventOnCount(
             assembly, self.name, self._function, len(self._targets))
Exemplo n.º 49
 def place(self, clazz, name):
     @see: IAttribute.place
     if not self.isPlaced:
         assert isinstance(clazz,
                           ContextMetaClass), 'Invalid class %s' % clazz
         assert isinstance(name, str), 'Invalid name %s' % name
         self.isPlaced, self.__objclass__, self.__name__ = True, clazz, name
         self.specification.usedIn[clazz] = self.specification.status
         if self.specification.definedIn is None and self.specification.status == DEFINED:
             self.specification.definedIn = clazz
     elif not issubclass(clazz, self.__objclass__) or self.__name__ != name:
         raise AttrError(
             '%s\n, is already placed in:%s as attribute %s' %
             (self, locationStack(self.__objclass__), self.__name__))
Exemplo n.º 50
    def __init__(self, name, after=None, before=None, **keywords):
        Create a new priority.
        @param name: string
            The name for priority.
        @param after: Priority|None
            The created priority will be after the provided priority.
        @param before: Priority|None
            The created priority will be before the provided priority.
        assert isinstance(name, str), 'Invalid name %s' % name

        self.name = name
        location = keywords.get('location')
        if location is None:
            self.location = locationStack(callerFrame()).strip()
            assert isinstance(location, str), 'Invalid location %s' % location
            self.location = location.strip()

        if before:
            assert isinstance(before, Priority), 'Invalid priority %s' % before
            assert after is None, 'Can only have before or after priority'
            if __debug__:
                    assert before != PRIORITY_FIRST, 'Cannot add a priority above PRIORITY_FIRST'
                except NameError:

            self._group = before._group
            self._group.insert(self._group.index(before), self)
        elif after:
            assert isinstance(after, Priority), 'Invalid priority %s' % after
            if __debug__:
                    assert before != PRIORITY_LAST, 'Cannot add a priority after PRIORITY_LAST'
                except NameError:

            self._group = after._group
            self._group.insert(self._group.index(after) + 1, self)
            self._group = [self]

        for k, priority in enumerate(self._group):
            priority._index = k
Exemplo n.º 51
def wrapperWiredConfiguration(clazz, wconfig):
    Wraps the wired configuration and behaves like a configuration function so it can be used for setup.
    @param clazz: class
        The class containing the wired configuration.
    @param wconfig: WireConfig
        The wired configuration to wrap.
    assert isclass(clazz), 'Invalid class %s' % clazz
    assert isinstance(wconfig,
                      WireConfig), 'Invalid wire configuration %s' % wconfig
    value = clazz.__dict__.get(wconfig.name, None)
    if value and not isclass(value): return deepcopy(value)
    if wconfig.hasValue: return deepcopy(wconfig.value)
    raise ConfigError('A configuration value is required for \'%s\' in:%s' %
                      (wconfig.name, locationStack(clazz)))
Exemplo n.º 52
 def place(self, clazz, name):
     @see: IAttribute.place
     if not self.isPlaced:
         assert isinstance(clazz, ContextMetaClass), 'Invalid class %s' % clazz
         assert isinstance(name, str), 'Invalid name %s' % name
         if __debug__:
             assert hasattr(clazz, name), 'Invalid class %s has no descriptor for %s' % (clazz, name)
             self.descriptor = getattr(clazz, name)
             assert isinstance(self.descriptor, IGet), 'Invalid descriptor %s' % self.descriptor
             assert isinstance(self.descriptor, ISet), 'Invalid descriptor %s' % self.descriptor
             setattr(clazz, name, self)
         self.isPlaced, self.__objclass__, self.__name__ = True, clazz, name
     elif not issubclass(clazz, self.__objclass__) or self.__name__ != name:
         raise AttrError('%s\n, is already placed in:%s as attribute %s' % 
                         (self, locationStack(self.__objclass__), self.__name__))
Exemplo n.º 53
    def __str__(self):
        status = []
        if self.status & DEFINED: status.append('DEFINES')
        if self.status & REQUIRED: status.append('REQUIRED')
        if self.status & OPTIONAL: status.append('OPTIONAL')
        st = ''.join(
            ('|'.join(status), '[', ','.join(t.__name__
                                             for t in self.types), ']'))
        st = ''.join((self.__class__.__name__, ' having ', st))

        if self.usedIn:
            used = (clazzName for clazzName, status in self.usedIn.items()
                    if status == self.status)
            used = [
                '%s as attribute \'%s\'' % (locationStack(clazz), name)
                for clazz, name in used
            return ''.join((st, ' used in:', ''.join(used), '\n'))
        return ''.join((st, ' unused'))
Exemplo n.º 54
 def process(self, chain, register:Register, Invoker:InvokerResources, **keyargs):
     @see: HandlerProcessor.process
     Create the collection encoder.
     assert isinstance(register, Register), 'Invalid register %s' % register
     assert issubclass(Invoker, InvokerResources), 'Invalid invoker class %s' % Invoker
     if self.nameResources in register.exclude: return
     if register.invokers is None: register.invokers = []
     invoker = Invoker()
     assert isinstance(invoker, InvokerResources), 'Invalid invoker %s' % invoker
     invoker.id = self.nameResources
     invoker.location = locationStack(self.__class__)
     invoker.methodHTTP = HTTP_GET
     invoker.path = []
     invoker.encoder = EncoderResources(self.nameResources, self.nameRef, invoker)
Exemplo n.º 55
    def __init__(self, name, after=None, before=None, **keywords):
        Create a new priority.
        @param name: string
            The name for priority.
        @param after: Priority|None
            The created priority will be after the provided priority.
        @param before: Priority|None
            The created priority will be before the provided priority.
        assert isinstance(name, str), 'Invalid name %s' % name
        self.name = name
        location = keywords.get('location')
        if location is None: self.location = locationStack(callerFrame()).strip()
            assert isinstance(location, str), 'Invalid location %s' % location
            self.location = location.strip()

        if before:
            assert isinstance(before, Priority), 'Invalid priority %s' % before
            assert after is None, 'Can only have before or after priority'
            if __debug__:
                try: assert before != PRIORITY_FIRST, 'Cannot add a priority above PRIORITY_FIRST'
                except NameError: pass

            self._group = before._group
            self._group.insert(self._group.index(before), self)
        elif after:
            assert isinstance(after, Priority), 'Invalid priority %s' % after
            if __debug__:
                try:assert before != PRIORITY_LAST, 'Cannot add a priority after PRIORITY_LAST'
                except NameError: pass
            self._group = after._group
            self._group.insert(self._group.index(after) + 1, self)
            self._group = [self]
        for k, priority in enumerate(self._group): priority._index = k
Exemplo n.º 56
 def createDescriptors(self, specifications):
     Create the descriptors attribute.
     @param specifications: dictionary{string: Specification}
         The specifications to create the descriptors for.
     @return: dictionary{string: IAttribute}
         The created attributes.
     assert isinstance(specifications, dict), 'Invalid specifications %s' % specifications
     attributes = {}
     for name, spec in specifications.items():
         assert isinstance(name, str), 'Invalid name %s' % name
         assert isinstance(spec, Specification), 'Invalid specification %s' % spec
         if spec.status == REQUIRED:
             raise AttrError('Cannot generate attribute %s=%s, used in:%s' % 
                             (name, spec, ''.join(locationStack(clazz) for clazz in spec.usedIn)))
         if spec.status & OPTIONAL: continue  # If is optional then no need to create it
         attributes[name] = AttributeObject(spec)
     return attributes