Exemplo n.º 1
def triggeredUp(symbObj, curPrice, buyPrice, closePrice, maxPrice, sellUpDn,
    global gainers
    print("Starting thread for " + symbObj['symbol'])

    while ((curPrice / buyPrice >= maxPrice / buyPrice * sellUpDn
            or curPrice / closePrice >= maxPrice / closePrice * sellUpDn)
           and a.timeTillClose() >= 30):
        curPrice = a.getPrice(symbObj['symbol'])
        maxPrice = max(maxPrice, curPrice)
        print(symbObj['symbol'] + " - " + str(round(curPrice / buyPrice, 2)) +
              ":" + str(round(maxPrice / buyPrice * sellUpDn, 2)) + " - " +
              str(round(curPrice / closePrice, 2)) + ":" +
              str(round(maxPrice / closePrice, 2)))

    print(a.createOrder("sell", symbObj['qty'], symbObj['symbol']))
    latestTrades[symbObj['symbol']] = {
        "tradeDate": str(a.o.dt.date.today()),
        "tradeType": "sell",
        "buyPrice": 0,  #reset the avgBuyPrice to 0 after a sell
        "shouldSell": False
    with open(a.o.c['latestTradesFile'], "w") as f:
        f.write(a.o.json.dumps(latestTrades, indent=2))
    #remove from gainers in case it sells after updateStockList has run
    if (symbObj['symbol'] in gainers):
Exemplo n.º 2
def mainAlgo():
    global gStocksUpdated  #this only gets set once in this function - after market is closed
    isMaster = a.o.c[
        'isMaster']  #is the master or a slave program - a slave will relinquish control to a master if the master is running, but will take over if the master dies

    minBuyPow = a.o.c['minBuyPow']  #min buying power to hold onto if..
    buyPowMargin = a.o.c['buyPowMargin']  # actual buy pow > this*minBuyPow
    minDolPerStock = a.o.c[
        'minDolPerStock']  #min $ to dedicate to an individual stock

    minPortVal = a.o.c[
        'minPortVal']  #stop trading if portfolio reaches this amount

    sellUp = a.o.c[
        'sellUp']  #trigger point. Compare to when it was bought, additional logic to see if it goes higher
    sellDn = a.o.c['sellDn']  #limit loss
    sellUpDn = a.o.c[
        'sellUpDn']  #sell if it triggers sellUp then drops sufficiently

    #init the stock list if we rereun during the week
    if (a.o.dt.date.today().weekday() < 5):  #not saturday or sunday
        with open(a.o.c['latestTradesFile'], "r") as f:
            latestTrades = a.o.json.loads(f.read())

    portVal = float(a.getAcct()['portfolio_value'])

    while portVal > minPortVal:  #TODO: adjust minPortVal to be some % of max port val
        )  #randomize list so when buying new ones, they won't always choose the top of the original list

        #TODO: if slave, check here to see if master is back online
        if (not isMaster and a.o.masterLives()):
        else:  #is the master or the master is dead

            if (a.marketIsOpen()):
                print("\nMarket is open")
                with open(a.o.c['latestTradesFile'], "r") as f:
                    latestTrades = a.o.json.loads(f.read())

                acctInfo = a.getAcct()
                stocksUpdated = gStocksUpdated  #set the local value to the global value
                portVal = float(acctInfo['portfolio_value'])
                    f"Portfolio val is ${round(portVal,2)}. Buying power is ${round(float(acctInfo['buying_power']),2)}, ${max(float(round(float(acctInfo['buying_power']),2))-minBuyPow*buyPowMargin,0)} available"

                #only update the stock list and buy stocks if the gainers list is done being populated/updated and that we actually have enough money to buy things
                if ('listUpdate'
                        not in [t.getName() for t in threading.enumerate()]
                        and float(acctInfo['buying_power']) >= minDolPerStock):
                    #update the stock list 20 minutes before close, if it's not already updated
                    if ((not stocksUpdated) and
                            a.timeTillClose() <= a.o.c['updateListTime'] * 60):
                        updateThread = threading.Thread(
                            target=updateStockList)  #init the thread
                            'listUpdate')  #set the name to the stock symb
                        updateThread.start()  #start the thread

                    #check here if the time is close to close - in the function, check that the requested stock didn't peak today

                    if (
                            a.timeTillClose() <= a.o.c['buyTime'] * 60
                    ):  #must be within some time before close to start buying and buying thread cannot be running already
                        #Use this for non-threading:
                        check2buy(latestTrades, minBuyPow, buyPowMargin,
            #use this for threading:
            if('buying' not in [t.getName() for t in threading.enumerate()] and a.timeTillClose()<=a.o.c['buyTime']*60): #must be within some time before close to start buying and buying thread cannot be running already
              buyThread = threading.Thread(target=check2buy, args=(latestTrades, minBuyPow, buyPowMargin, dolPerStock)) #init the thread
              buyThread.setName('buying') #set the name to the stock symb
              a.o.buyThread.start() #start the thread

                print("Tradable Stocks:")
                check2sell(a.getPos(), latestTrades, sellDn, sellUp, sellUpDn)
        with open(a.o.c['webDataFile'],'w') as f:
          f.write(a.o.json.dumps({"portVal":round(portVal,2),"updated":a.o.dt.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M")+" UTC"}))

                print("Market closed.")
                gStocksUpdated = False

                p = a.getPos()
                for e in p:
                    print(f"{e['symbol']} marked to sell? ", end="")
                    news = str(ns.scrape(e['symbol'])).lower()
                    #add field to latest trades if it's marked to be sold

                    shouldSell = "reverse stock split" in news or "reverse-stock-split" in news  #sell before a reverse stock split
                    with open(a.o.c['latestTradesFile'], "r") as f:
                        latestTrades = a.o.json.loads(f.read())
                        latestTrades[e['symbol']]['shouldSell'] = shouldSell
                    except Exception:
                        latestTrades[e['symbol']] = {'shouldSell': shouldSell}
                    with open(a.o.c['latestTradesFile'], "w") as f:
                        f.write(a.o.json.dumps(latestTrades, indent=2))

                if (a.o.dt.date.today().weekday() == 4):  #if it's friday
                    print("Removing saved csv files"
                          )  #delete all csv files in stockDataDir
                    for f in glob(a.o.c['stockDataDir'] + "*.csv"):
                tto = a.timeTillOpen()
                print("Opening in " + str(round(tto / 3600, 2)) + " hours")
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    global gStocksUpdated  #this only gets set once in this function - after market is closed
    isMaster = bool(
        a.o.c['Master Info']['isMaster']
    )  #is the master or a slave program - a slave will relinquish control to a master if the master is running, but will take over if the master dies

    minBuyPow = float(a.o.c['Account Params']
                      ['minBuyPow'])  #min buying power to hold onto if..
    buyPowMargin = float(a.o.c['Account Params']
                         ['buyPowMargin'])  # actual buy pow > this*minBuyPow
    minDolPerStock = float(
        a.o.c['Account Params']
        ['minDolPerStock'])  #min $ to dedicate to an individual stock

    minPortVal = float(
        a.o.c['Account Params']
        ['minPortVal'])  #stop trading if portfolio reaches this amount

    sellUp = float(
        a.o.c['Sell Params']['sellUp']
    )  #trigger point. Compare to when it was bought, additional logic to see if it goes higher
    sellDn = float(a.o.c['Sell Params']['sellDn'])  #limit loss
    sellUpDn = float(
        a.o.c['Sell Params']
        ['sellUpDn'])  #sell if it triggers sellUp then drops sufficiently

    #init the stock list if we rereun during the week
    if (a.o.dt.date.today().weekday() < 5):  #not saturday or sunday
        with open(a.o.c['File Locations']['latestTradesFile'], "r") as f:
            latestTrades = a.o.json.loads(f.read())

    portVal = float(a.getAcct()['portfolio_value'])

    while portVal > minPortVal:  #TODO: adjust minPortVal to be some % of max port val (based on closing values)

        #TODO: if slave, check here to see if master is back online
        if (not isMaster and a.o.masterLives()):
        else:  #is the master or the master is dead

            if (a.marketIsOpen()):
                print("\nMarket is open")
                with open(a.o.c['File Locations']['latestTradesFile'],
                          "r") as f:
                    latestTrades = a.o.json.loads(f.read())
                pos = a.getPos()
                acctInfo = a.getAcct()
                #TODO: move this to after the check2Buy part to show updated port/cash values
                portVal = float(acctInfo['portfolio_value'])
                    f"Portfolio val is ${round(portVal,2)}. Buying power is ${round(float(acctInfo['cash']),2)}, ${round(float(acctInfo['cash']) if float(acctInfo['cash'])<=minBuyPow else max(0,float(acctInfo['cash'])-minBuyPow*buyPowMargin),2)} available"

                #if the program is started while the market is open, update the stock list immediately (do not try to run it again if it's already running)
                if (not gStocksUpdated and 'markUpdate'
                        not in [t.getName() for t in threading.enumerate()]):
                    #mark stocks to be sold, then update the stock list
                    markUpdateThread = threading.Thread(
                        target=markAndUpdate)  #init the thread
                        'markUpdate')  #set the name to the stock symb
                    markUpdateThread.start()  #start the thread

                #only update the stock list and buy stocks if the gainers list is done being populated/updated and that we actually have enough money to buy things
                if ('listUpdate'
                        not in [t.getName() for t in threading.enumerate()]
                        and float(acctInfo['cash']) >= minDolPerStock):
                    #check here if the time is close to close - in the function, check that the requested stock didn't peak today
                    if (
                            a.timeTillClose() <=
                            float(a.o.c['Time Params']['buyTime']) * 60
                    ):  #must be within some time before close to start buying and buying thread cannot be running already
                        #Use this for non-threading:
                        check2buyDJ(latestTrades, pos, minBuyPow, buyPowMargin,
            #use this for threading:
            if('buying' not in [t.getName() for t in threading.enumerate()] and a.timeTillClose()<=a.o.c['Time Params']['buyTime']*60): #must be within some time before close to start buying and buying thread cannot be running already
              buyThread = threading.Thread(target=check2buyDJ, args=(latestTrades, minBuyPow, buyPowMargin, dolPerStock)) #init the thread
              buyThread.setName('buying') #set the name to the stock symb
              a.o.buyThread.start() #start the thread

                # print("Tradable Stocks:")
                check2sellDJ(pos, latestTrades, sellDn, sellUp, sellUpDn)
        with open(a.o.c['File Locations']['webDataFile'],'w') as f:
          f.write(a.o.json.dumps({"portVal":round(portVal,2),"updated":a.o.dt.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M")+" UTC"}))

                print("Market closed.")
                gStocksUpdated = False

                if (a.o.dt.date.today().weekday() == 4
                        and a.o.dt.datetime.now().time() >
                        a.o.dt.time(12)):  #if it's friday afternoon
                    print("Removing saved csv files"
                          )  #delete all csv files in stockDataDir
                    for f in glob(a.o.c['File Locations']['stockDataDir'] +
                tto = a.timeTillOpen()
                print(f"Opening in {round(tto/3600,2)} hours")
                #at n minutes or later before market opens, update the stock list. If market is open, update immediately
                if (tto <= float(a.o.c['Time Params']['updateListTime']) * 60):
                    #mark stocks to be sold, then update the stock list
                    markUpdateThread = threading.Thread(
                        target=markAndUpdate)  #init the thread
                        'markUpdate')  #set the name to the stock symb
                    markUpdateThread.start()  #start the thread

                    )  #we'll probably lose ~1 second of market time in the morning
                        f"Updating list in {round((tto-float(a.o.c['Time Params']['updateListTime'])*60)/3600,2)} hours"
                        tto - float(a.o.c['Time Params']['updateListTime']) *
                        60)  #sleep until time to update

        f"Portfolio value of ${portVal} is less than minimum value of ${round(minPortVal,2)}"
Exemplo n.º 4
def algo12():
    #TODO: fix sellAll instances so that it will only record in the event that we actually made trades
    f = open("algo12.txt", "r")  #contains json info regarding trading
    j = a.json.loads(f.read())

    symb = j['symb']
    d = j["periodDateStart"].split("-")
    periodStartDate = date(int(d[0]), int(d[1]), int(d[2]))
    periodStartVal = float(j["periodPortStart"])

    d = j["lastTradeDate"].split("-")
    lastTradeDate = date(int(d[0]), int(d[1]), int(d[2]))
    lastSellPrice = float(j["lastSellPrice"])
    maxPrice = 0
    # minPrice = 100000 #may be used later in trying to get the best buy
    currentPrice = 0
    shares2buy = 0
    buyPrice = 0

    period = 10  #length of period (d)
    sellUp = 5
    sellUpDn = 3
    sellDn = 16
    # buyDnUp = 1
    portGain = 20
    portLoss = 25

    timeFromClose = 300  #seconds from close to start analyzing to buy
    timeSinceStart = 300  #seconds from start to analyze to sell (before infrequent checking)

    shortTime = 2
    medTime = 20
    longTime = 60 * 10

    while True:
        #while the market is still alive
        print("\nMarket is alive")
        print("Today is " + str(date.today()) + ", the period start date is " +
        print("Day " + str(nwd(periodStartDate, date.today()) - 1) + " of " +
        while (nwd(periodStartDate, date.today()) - 1 < period):
            #while within the period
            print("We're within the period.")

            [openTime, closeTime] = a.openCloseTimes(str(
                date.today()))  #get the open and close times of today

            while (a.marketIsOpen() and date.today() > lastTradeDate):
                #while the market is open on a given day (that we haven't traded yet)
                print("\nMarket is open, and no trades made yet")
                print("Time is: " + str(a.dt.now()))

                if (
                        a.getShares(symb) > 0
                ):  #only check to sell if we have shares in the first place
                    print("We have shares")
                    buyPrice = a.getBuyPrice(
                        symb)  #set var to avoid lots of redundant calls
                    while ((a.dt.now() - openTime).seconds < timeSinceStart):
                        #while we're near the open time
                        currentPrice = a.getPrice(
                            symb)  #set var to avoid lots of redundant calls
                            str((a.dt.now() - openTime).seconds) +
                            "s since open | stock change " +
                            str(round((currentPrice / buyPrice - 1) *
                                      100, 2)) + "%")
                        #check frequently to sell
                        if (currentPrice > buyPrice * (1 + sellUp / 100)):
                            #if the stock price has reached the sell limit
                            print("Stock has reached limit - up " + str(
                                round(100 *
                                      (currentPrice / buyPrice - 1), 2) + "%"))
                            maxPrice = max(maxPrice, currentPrice)
                            if (currentPrice <= maxPrice *
                                (1 - sellUpDn / 100)):
                                print("Sell up conditions met.")
                                if (a.sellAll(0)):
                                    #set trade flag
                                    lastTradeDate = date.today()
                                    lastSellPrice = currentPrice
                                    j['lastTradeDate'] = str(lastTradeDate)
                                    j['lastSellPrice'] = lastSellPrice
                                shortTime)  #we're excited, so check often
                            time.sleep(medTime)  #only check every so often

                if (lastTradeDate < date.today()):
                    portVal = float(a.getAcct()['portfolio_value'])
                    print("Checking portfolio status")
                    if (portVal > periodStartVal * (1 + portGain / 100)
                            or portVal < periodStartVal *
                        (1 - portLoss / 100)):
                        print("Portfolio won or lost - " +
                              str(round(portVal / periodStartVal, 2)) + "%")
                        if (a.sellAll(0)):
                            periodStartDate = a.date.today()
                            periodStartVal = portVal
                            lastTradeDate = a.date.today()
                            lastSellPrice = a.getPrice(symb)
                            j['lastTradeDate'] = str(lastTradeDate)
                            j['lastSellPrice'] = lastSellPrice
                            j['periodStartDate'] = periodStartDate
                            j['poeriodPortStart'] = periodStartVal

                            #record the end of the period data
                            portVal = float(a.getAcct()['portfolio_value'])
                            print("Portfolio Value: $" +
                                  str(round(portVal, 2)))
                            f = open("alpacaPortValues.txt", "a")
                            f.write("\n" + str(date.today()) + "," +

                            print("Starting period over.")
                        print("Portfolio change: " + str(
                            round((portVal / periodStartVal - 1) * 100, 2)) +

                if (lastTradeDate < date.today()):
                    print("No trades made yet today.")
                    while (a.timeTillClose() <= timeFromClose):
                        #while we're close to the end of the day
                        print("Close to closing | " + str(a.dt.now()) + " / " +
                        #buy if no shares held, or sell if it reaches the sellUp % method
                        currentPrice = a.getPrice(symb)
                        maxPrice = 0

                        if (a.getShares(symb) == 0):
                            print("No shares held. Buying.")
                            #include buyDnUp & minPrice here
                            shares2buy = int(
                                float(a.getAcct()['buying_power']) /
                                a.createOrder("buy", shares2buy, symb,
                                              "market", "day"))
                            lastTradeDate = a.date.today()
                            j['lastTradeDate'] = str(lastTradeDate)
                        elif (currentPrice >= a.getBuyPrice(symb) *
                              (1 + sellUp / 100)):
                            print("Shares still held, and price is going up")
                            while (currentPrice >= maxPrice * (1 - sellUpDn)
                                   and a.timeTillClose() > shortTime * 2):
                                print("Time left: " + str(a.timeTillClose(
                                )) + "s | Stock change: " + str(
                                    round(currentPrice /
                                          a.getBuyPrice(symb), 2) - 1) + "%")
                                currentPrice = a.getPrice(symb)
                                maxPrice = max(maxPrice, currentPrice)
                            if (
                                    currentPrice >= maxPrice * (1 - sellUpDn)
                            ):  #if the price is still up (hasn't started dropping yet), then wait till next morning to sell
                                    "Price is still up, but market is closing. Will continue tomorrow."
                                if (a.sellAll(0)):
                                    lastTradeDate = a.date.today()
                                    lastSellPrice = currentPrice
                                    j['lastTradeDate'] = str(lastTradeDate)
                                    j['lastSellPrice'] = lastSellPrice


                    #if we're at any other time of the day
                    #check slow - only sell
                    if (lastTradeDate < a.date.today()
                            and a.getShares(symb) > 0):
                        if (a.getPrice(symb) >= a.getBuyPrice(symb) *
                            (1 + sellUp / 100)):
                            print("Price going up")
                            maxPrice = 0
                            while (currentPrice >= maxPrice *
                                   (1 - sellUpDn / 100)):
                                currentPrice = a.getPrice(symb)
                                maxPrice = max(maxPrice, currentPrice)
                                print("Current Price: " + str(currentPrice) +
                                      ", Max Price: " + str(maxPrice))
                            if (a.sellAll(0)):
                                lastSellPrice = currentPrice
                                lastTradeDate = a.date.today()
                                j['lastTradeDate'] = str(lastTradeDate)
                                j['lastSellPrice'] = lastSellPrice
                        min(longTime, abs(a.timeTillClose() - timeFromClose))
                    )  #in case we're too close to the closing time, we don't want to overrun it

            # set values and wait for the market to open again
            print("Done trading for the day.")
            f = open("algo12.txt", "w")
            maxPrice = 0
            currentPrice = 0
            shares2buy = 0
            print("Current Time: " + str(a.marketTime()))
            print("Will resume in " + str(a.timeTillOpen()) + " seconds")

        #sell all at end of period and reset values
        print("End of period. Selling all and resetting.")
        if (a.sellAll(0)):  #sell everything at the end of the period
            #record the end of the period data
            portVal = float(a.getAcct()['portfolio_value'])
            print("Portfolio Value: $" + str(round(portVal, 2)))
            f = open("alpacaPortValues.txt", "a")
            f.write("\n" + str(date.today()) + "," + str(portVal))

            #record the trading info
            lastTradeDate = date.today()
            j['lastTradeDate'] = str(lastTradeDate)
            j['periodDateStart'] = str(date.today())
            j['periodPortStart'] = a.getAcct()['portfolio_value']
            maxPrice = 0
            currentPrice = 0
            shares2buy = 0
            f = open("algo12.txt", "w")
        print("Current Time: " + str(a.marketTime()))
        print("Will resume in " + str(a.timeTillOpen()) + " seconds")