Exemplo n.º 1
def all_tickers_for_bundle(fields,
                           raw_path=os.path.join(BASE, RAW_FLDR)):
    tickers = get_ticker_sid_dict_from_bundle(bundle_name)
    #populate_raw_data({"WMT":3173, "HD":2912, "DOGGY":69, "CSCO":2809}, fields, raw_path)
    populate_raw_data(tickers, fields, raw_path)
    return len(tickers)
def create_sid_table_from_file(filepath):
    """reads the raw file, maps tickers -> SIDS,
    then maps sector strings to integers, and saves
    to the file: SID_FILE"""

    df = pd.read_csv(filepath, index_col="ticker")
    assert df.shape[0] > 10001  # there should be more than 10k tickers
    df = df[df.exchange != 'None']
    df = df[df.exchange != 'INDEX']

    coded_sectors_for_ticker = df["sector"].map(SECTOR_CODING)

    ae_d = get_ticker_sid_dict_from_bundle(BUNDLE_NAME)
    N = max(ae_d.values()) + 1

    # create empty 1-D array to hold data where index = SID
    sectors = np.full(N, -1, np.dtype('int64'))

    # iterate over Assets in the bundle, and fill in sectors
    for ticker, sid in ae_d.items():
        sectors[sid] = coded_sectors_for_ticker.get(ticker, -1)

    # finally save the file to disk
    np.save(ZIPLINE_DATA_DIR + SID_FILE, sectors)
Exemplo n.º 3
def all_tickers_for_bundle(input_fields,
                           raw_path=os.path.join(BASE, RAW_FLDR)):
    tickers = get_ticker_sid_dict_from_bundle(bundle_name)
    populate_raw_data(tickers, input_fields, output_fields, raw_path)
    return len(tickers)
Exemplo n.º 4
def all_tickers_for_bundle(fields,
                           raw_path=os.path.join(BASE, RAW_FLDR)):
    tickers = get_ticker_sid_dict_from_bundle(bundle_name)
    #populate_raw_data(tickers, fields, dims, raw_path)
    populate_raw_data_from_database_SP500mem(tickers, fields, dims, raw_path,
                                             ACTION_CODING, Init_DATE)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_reads_file(self):
        bundle_name = 'sep'
        tickers = get_ticker_sid_dict_from_bundle(bundle_name)
        self.assertTrue(len(tickers) > 0)  # test the bundle is not empty

        BASE = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        RAW_FLDR = "raw"  # folder to store the raw text file

        fields = ['netinc', 'equity', 'bvps', 'sps', 'fcfps', 'price']  # basic QV
        dims = ['ARQ', 'ARQ', 'ARQ', 'ARQ', 'ARQ', 'ARQ']

        populate_raw_data_from_dump(tickers, fields, dims, raw_path=os.path.join(BASE, RAW_FLDR))

        self.assertEquals(True, True)
Exemplo n.º 6
def create_sid_table_from_file(filepath):
    """reads the raw file, maps tickers -> SIDS,
    then maps sector strings to integers, and saves
    to the file: SID_FILE"""
    df = pd.read_csv(filepath, index_col="Symbol")
    df = df.drop_duplicates()

    coded_sectors_for_ticker = df["Sector"].map(SECTOR_CODING)

    ae_d = get_ticker_sid_dict_from_bundle('quantopian-quandl')
    N = max(ae_d.values()) + 1

    # create empty 1-D array to hold data where index = SID
    sectors = np.full(N, -1, np.dtype('int64'))

    # iterate over Assets in the bundle, and fill in sectors
    for ticker, sid in ae_d.items():
        sectors[sid] = coded_sectors_for_ticker.get(ticker, -1)

    np.save(BASE_PATH + SID_FILE, sectors)
def create_static_table_from_file(filepath):
    """Stores static items to a persisted np array.
    The following static fields are currently persisted.

    df = pd.read_csv(filepath, index_col="ticker")
    assert df.shape[0] > 10001  # there should be more than 10k tickers
    df = df[df.exchange != 'None']
    df = df[df.exchange != 'INDEX']
    df = df[df.table == 'SEP']

    coded_sectors_for_ticker = df['sector'].map(SECTOR_CODING)
    coded_exchange_for_ticker = df['exchange'].map(EXCHANGE_CODING)
    coded_category_for_ticker = df['category'].map(CATEGORY_CODING)

    ae_d = get_ticker_sid_dict_from_bundle(BUNDLE_NAME)
    N = max(ae_d.values()) + 1

    # create 2-D array to hold data where index = SID
    sectors = np.full((3, N), -1, np.dtype('int64'))
    # sectors = np.full(N, -1, np.dtype('int64'))

    # iterate over Assets in the bundle, and fill in static fields
    for ticker, sid in ae_d.items():
        print(ticker, sid, coded_sectors_for_ticker.get(ticker, -1))
        sectors[0, sid] = coded_sectors_for_ticker.get(ticker, -1)
        sectors[1, sid] = coded_exchange_for_ticker.get(ticker, -1)
        sectors[2, sid] = coded_category_for_ticker.get(ticker, -1)

    print(sectors[:, -10:])

    # finally save the file to disk
    np.save(ZIPLINE_DATA_DIR + STATIC_FILE, sectors)
Exemplo n.º 8
def create_sid_table_from_file_ipo(ticker_df):
    """reads the raw file, maps tickers -> SIDS,
    then maps sector strings to integers, and saves
    to the file: SID_FILE"""
    df = ticker_df
    df = df.drop_duplicates()

    # coded_sectors_for_ticker = df["Sector"].map(SECTOR_CODING)

    ae_d = get_ticker_sid_dict_from_bundle('quandl')
    N = max(ae_d.values()) + 1

    # create empty 1-D array to hold data where index = SID
    ipoyears = np.full(N, -1, np.dtype('int64'))

    # iterate over Assets in the bundle, and fill in sectors
    for ticker, sid in ae_d.items():
            ipoyears[sid] = int(df.loc[ticker].firstpricedate[:4])
        except Exception as e:

    np.save(os.path.join(BASE_PATH , SID_FILE_IPO), ipoyears)
Exemplo n.º 9
def num_tkrs_in_bundle(bundle_name):
    return len(get_ticker_sid_dict_from_bundle(bundle_name))
Exemplo n.º 10
def all_tickers_for_bundle(fields,
                           raw_path=os.path.join(BASE, RAW_FLDR)):
    tickers = get_ticker_sid_dict_from_bundle(bundle_name)
    populate_raw_data(tickers, fields, dims, raw_path)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(TransactionData, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.N = len(get_ticker_sid_dict_from_bundle(
         "quandl")) + 1  # max(sid)+1 get this from the bundle
     self.data_path = os.path.join(str(Path.home()), "SF2.npy")
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Fundamentals, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.N = len(get_ticker_sid_dict_from_bundle(
            "sep")) + 1  # max(sid)+1 get this from the bundle

        self.data_path = zipline_root() + '/data/SF1.npy'
Exemplo n.º 13
def all_tickers_for_bundle(fields):
    tickers = get_ticker_sid_dict_from_bundle('quantopian-quandl')
    populate_raw_data(tickers, fields)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(sp500member, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.N = len(get_ticker_sid_dict_from_bundle(
            "sep")) + 1  # max(sid)+1 get this from the bundle

        self.data_path = ZIPLINE_DATA_DIR + 'SP500mem.npy'
Exemplo n.º 15
def create_static_table_from_database(ZIPLINE_DATA_DIR, STATIC_FILE,
                                      BUNDLE_NAME, SECTOR_CODING,
                                      EXCHANGE_CODING, CATEGORY_CODING):
    """Stores static items to a persisted np array.
    The following static fields are currently persisted.
    -code ->siccode


    query = """SELECT ticker, code, sector, exchange_id, category FROM security WHERE ttable = 'SF1' """
    df = pd.read_sql_query(query, engine)

    # add the exchange based on the exchange and exchange_id relation
    # get the exchange and exchange_id relation
    name_ex_id = get_name_exchange_id()
    my_EXCHANGE_CODING = name_ex_id.set_index('id')['name'].to_dict()
    # add the exchange based on the exchange and exchange_id relation
    df['exchange'] = df['exchange_id'].map(my_EXCHANGE_CODING)

    df['sectors_'] = df['sector'].map(SECTOR_CODING)
    df['exchange_'] = df['exchange'].map(EXCHANGE_CODING)
    df['category_'] = df['category'].map(CATEGORY_CODING)
    df['code_'] = df['code'].astype(
        int)  # just multiply the siccode by 10 and get integer

    df = df.fillna(-1)

    ae_d = get_ticker_sid_dict_from_bundle(BUNDLE_NAME)
    N = max(ae_d.values()) + 1

    # create 2-D array to hold data where index = SID
    sectors = np.full((4, N), -1, np.dtype('int64'))
    # sectors = np.full(N, -1, np.dtype('int64'))

    # iterate over Assets in the bundle, and fill in static fields
    for ticker, sid in tqdm(ae_d.items(), total=len(ae_d)):
        #for ticker, sid in ae_d.items():
        #sector_coded = coded_sectors_for_ticker.get(ticker)
        if not df[df['ticker'] == ticker].empty:
            #sector_   = df.sectors_[df['ticker']==ticker].iloc[0]
            #exchange_ = df.exchange_[df['ticker']==ticker].iloc[0]
            #category_ = df.category_[df['ticker']==ticker].iloc[0]
            #code_     = df.code_[df['ticker']==ticker].iloc[0]
            #print(ticker, sid, sector_coded, exchange_, category_, code_ ,'<-end')
            sectors[0, sid] = df.sectors_[df['ticker'] == ticker].iloc[0]
            sectors[1, sid] = df.exchange_[df['ticker'] == ticker].iloc[0]
            sectors[2, sid] = df.category_[df['ticker'] == ticker].iloc[0]
            sectors[3, sid] = df.code_[df['ticker'] == ticker].iloc[0]
            sectors[0, sid] = -1
            sectors[1, sid] = -1
            sectors[2, sid] = -1
            sectors[3, sid] = -1

            #print('ticker missing but filled with -1, everthing under control keep cool= ',ticker)
    print(sectors[:, -10:])

    # finally save the file to disk
    np.save(ZIPLINE_DATA_DIR + STATIC_FILE, sectors)
    print("this worked master")
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Fundamentals, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.N = len(get_ticker_sid_dict_from_bundle(
            "sep")) + 1  # max(sid)+1 get this from the bundle

        self.data_path = '/Users/peterharrington/.zipline/data/' + 'SF1.npy'
Exemplo n.º 17
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(Fundamentals, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.N = len(get_ticker_sid_dict_from_bundle("quantopian-quandl")) + 1  # max(sid)+1 get this from the bundle
     self.data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "SF1.npy")