Exemplo n.º 1
def get_area_cells(grid, lon, lat):
    """Calculate the area for each cell in the grid.

    lon/lat are coordinates in decimal degrees.

    grid : 2d-array
        A rectangular grid.
    x, y : 1d-arrays
        The coordinates of the cells or nodes (edges). If x and y are
        of the same lengh as grid dimensions, then cell-centered 
        coordinates are assumed, otherwise edges are assumed.

    out : 2d-array
        Same shape as 'grid' with the values of the area on each cell.

    Grid-cell area is in km**2.

    ny, nx = grid.shape
    area = np.zeros_like(grid)
    if len(lat) == ny:
        lon, lat = cell2node(lon, lat)   # convert cells -> nodes
    for i in xrange(ny):
        for j in xrange(nx):
            a = haversine(lon[j], lat[i], lon[j], lat[i+1]) 
            b = haversine(lon[j], lat[i], lon[j+1], lat[i])
            area[i,j] = a * b
    return area
Exemplo n.º 2
    f = tb.open_file(FILE_MSK, 'r')
    x_msk = f.root.x[:]
    y_msk = f.root.y[:]
    msk = f.root.mask[:]
    print 'done'

if 1: # 2d -> 1d, x/y -> lon/lat
    x_msk, y_msk = np.meshgrid(x_msk, y_msk)    # 1d -> 2d
    x_msk, y_msk = x_msk.ravel(), y_msk.ravel() # 2d -> 1d
    msk = msk.ravel()
    lon_msk, lat_msk = ap.xy2ll(x_msk, y_msk, units='m')
    lon_msk = ap.lon_180_360(lon_msk)
    del x_msk, y_msk

lon_nodes, lat_nodes = ap.cell2node(lon, lat)
area = np.full(data[0].shape, np.nan)
cells_idx = []

# count number of mask cells falling into each data cell
for i in xrange(len(lat)):
    for j in xrange(len(lon)):
        i_cells, = np.where((lon_nodes[j] <= lon_msk) & \
                            (lon_msk <= lon_nodes[j+1]) & \
                            (lat_nodes[i] <= lat_msk) & \
                            (lat_msk <= lat_nodes[i+1]) & \
                            (msk == 4))  # 4 = ice shelf
        area[i,j] = len(i_cells)         # each mask cell is 1 km**2
        cells_idx = np.append(cells_idx, i_cells)

cells_idx = [int(i) for i in cells_idx]
Exemplo n.º 3
if 1: # print values
    f = poly_rate[~np.isnan(poly_rate)].round(2)
    print 'poly rate (m/yr):  ', f 
    f = line_rate[~np.isnan(line_rate)].round(2)
    print 'line rate (m/yr):  ', f 
    f = dpoly_rate[~np.isnan(dpoly_rate)].round(2)
    print 'dpoly acce (m/yr2): ', f

# save data 

# spherical -> cartesian
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)
xed, yed = ap.cell2node(lon, lat)
xed2d, yed2d = np.meshgrid(xed, yed)
xyz = np.column_stack(ap.sph2xyz(xed2d.ravel(), yed2d.ravel()))

if 1:
    print('saving data...')
    fout = tb.open_file(DIR + FILE_OUT, 'w')
        fout.create_array('/', 'time', time)
        fout.create_array('/', 'lon', lon)
        fout.create_array('/', 'lat', lat)
Exemplo n.º 4
    data = as_frame(data, dt, lat, lon)
    data = data.apply(peak_filt, x=time, n_std=3, max_deg=3, iterative=True, plot=False, raw=True)

# (NO) filter ts with std > max_std 
if 0:
    print 'std filtering...'
    data = as_frame(data, dt, lat, lon)
    data = data.apply(std_filt, x=time, max_std=2, max_deg=3, plot=False, raw=False)

# (yes) filter out uncomplete time series
if 1:
    print 'percent filtering...'
    data = data.apply(percent_filt, min_perc=0.7, plot=False, raw=True)

# spherical -> cartesian
xed, yed = ap.cell2node(lon, lat)
xed2d, yed2d = np.meshgrid(xed, yed)
xyz = np.column_stack(ap.sph2xyz(xed2d.ravel(), yed2d.ravel()))

data = as_frame(data, dt, lat, lon)
data = data.apply(ap.referenced, to='mean', raw=True)    # to mean !!!
data = as_array(data)
error[np.isnan(data)] = np.nan


if PLOT: # plot time series
    data = as_array(data)
    j, = ap.find_nearest(lon, LON)
    i, = ap.find_nearest(lat, LAT)
    i, j = i[0], j[0]