Exemplo n.º 1
def test_sky_crop_order():
    # Test that order of cropping and subtraction doesn't affect result if inside cropped image

    img_dim = 80
    img = np.random.random((img_dim, img_dim))
    xmax, ymax = np.random.randint(20, high=img_dim - 20, size=2)
    img[ymax, xmax] = img.max() * 3 + 1  # Add max pixel at pre-determined location

    isz = 2 * np.min([xmax, img.shape[1] - xmax - 1, ymax, img.shape[0] - ymax - 1]) + 1

    dr = 2
    r1 = isz // 2 - dr

    # Correct then crop
    correct = sky_correction(img, r1=r1, dr=dr, center=(xmax, ymax))[0]
    correct_crop = crop_max(correct, isz, filtmed=False)[0]

    # Crop then correct
    cropped, center = crop_max(img, isz, filtmed=False)
    crop_correct = sky_correction(cropped, r1=r1, dr=dr)[0]

    # Make sure find expected center
    assert center == (xmax, ymax)

    # Use 10 * machine precision to make sure passes
    assert np.all(np.abs(correct_crop - crop_correct) < 10 * np.finfo(float).eps)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_sky_dr_none():
    # Make sure dr=None does not crash
    img_dim = 80
    img = np.ones((img_dim, img_dim))

    # Outer radius beyond image corners
    r1 = np.sqrt(2 * (img_dim / 2) ** 2) - 10
    dr = None

    sky_correction(img, r1=r1, dr=dr)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_sky_ring_mask():
    img_dim = 80
    img = np.random.random((img_dim, img_dim))

    r1 = 20
    dr = 2
    mask = _get_ring_mask(r1, dr, img.shape[0])

    img_mask = sky_correction(img, mask=mask)[0]
    img_ring = sky_correction(img, r1=r1, dr=dr)[0]

    assert np.all(img_mask == img_ring)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_sky_inner_only():
    img_dim = 80
    img = np.ones((img_dim, img_dim))

    # Outer radius beyond image corners
    r1 = np.sqrt(2 * (img_dim / 2) ** 2) - 10
    dr = 100

    with pytest.warns(
        match="The outer radius is out of the image, using everything beyond r1 as background",
        sky_correction(img, r1=r1, dr=dr)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_clean_crop_order():
    # Test that clean_data performs both subtraction and cropping as expected

    img_dim = 80
    n_im = 5
    data = np.random.random((n_im, img_dim, img_dim))
    xmax, ymax = np.random.randint(20, high=img_dim - 20, size=2)
    data[:, ymax, xmax] = data.max() * 3 + 1  # Add max pixel at pre-determined location

    isz = (
        2 * np.min([xmax, data.shape[2] - xmax - 1, ymax, data.shape[1] - ymax - 1]) + 1

    dr = 2
    r1 = isz // 2 - dr

    # Clean cube all at once
    cube = data.copy()
    cube_clean = clean_data(cube, isz=isz, r1=r1, dr=dr, apod=False, f_kernel=None)
    img_cube_clean = cube_clean[0]

    # Correct then crop
    img = data.copy()[0]
    correct = sky_correction(img, r1=r1, dr=dr, center=(xmax, ymax))[0]
    correct[correct < 0] = 0
    img_correct_crop = crop_max(correct, isz, filtmed=False)[0]

    assert np.all(np.abs(img_correct_crop - img_cube_clean) < 10 * np.finfo(float).eps)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_sky_correction_deprecation():
    # Check deprecation warning is raised for r1 and dr
    img_dim = 400  # Big image because default r1=100
    img = np.random.random((img_dim, img_dim))

    # FUTURE: Future AMICAL release should raise error, see sky_correction()
    msg = (
        "The default value of r1 and dr is now None. Either mask or r1 must be set"
        " explicitely. In the future, this will result in an error."
        " Setting r1=100 and dr=20"
    with pytest.warns(
        img_default = sky_correction(img)[0]

    img_corr = sky_correction(img, r1=100, dr=20)[0]

    assert np.all(img_corr == img_default)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_sky_correction_mask_all():
    # Check that full correction mask gives expected result
    img_dim = 80
    img = np.random.random((img_dim, img_dim))
    mask = img.astype(bool)

    img_sky = sky_correction(img, mask=mask)[0]

    img_corr = img + 1.01 * np.abs(img.min())
    img_corr = img_corr - np.mean(img_corr[mask])

    assert np.all(img_sky == img_corr)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_sky_correction_mask_zeros():
    # Check that empty correction mask gives warning and does nothing
    img_dim = 80
    img = np.random.random((img_dim, img_dim))
    mask = np.zeros_like(img, dtype=bool)

    with pytest.warns(
        match="Background not computed because mask has no True values",
        img_corr = sky_correction(img, mask=mask)[0]

    assert np.all(img_corr == img)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_sky_out_image():
    img_dim = 80
    img = np.ones((img_dim, img_dim))

    # Inner radius beyond image corners
    r1 = np.sqrt(2 * (img_dim / 2) ** 2) + 2

    with pytest.warns(
        match="Background not computed, likely because specified radius is out of bounds",
        img_bg, bg = sky_correction(img, r1=r1)

    assert np.all(img_bg == img)
    assert np.all(bg == 0)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_sky_correction_errors():

    img_dim = 80
    img = np.random.random((img_dim, img_dim))

    # Test both r1 and mask given
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="Only one of mask and r1 can be specified"):
        sky_correction(img, r1=20, mask=np.ones_like(img, dtype=bool))
    # Test dr but no r1
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="dr cannot be set when r1 is None"):
        sky_correction(img, dr=5, mask=np.ones_like(img, dtype=bool))
    # Test bad mask shape
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="mask should have the same shape as image"):
        sky_correction(img, mask=np.ones(5))