Exemplo n.º 1
def test(config, log=False, kg='gauss'):

    if config in ['IC59','IC79']:
        nfiles = 5 if config=='IC79' else 14
        for i in range(nfiles):
            s = load_sim(config, spline=False, part=i)
            if i == 0:
                y, bins = ang_hist(s)
                x = getMids(bins)
                h = ang_hist(s)
                y += h[0]

    if config in ['IC86','IC86-II','IC86-III']:
        s = load_sim(config, spline=False)
        y, bins = ang_hist(s)
        x = getMids(bins)

    # Normalize values
    y = y.astype('float')
    ycut = (y!=0)
    x = x[ycut]
    y = y[ycut]
    dy = 1/np.sqrt(y)
    y /= y.sum()
    yerr = y * dy

    popt, pcov = fitter(x, y, yerr, kg=kg)
    print config, popt, np.sqrt(np.diagonal(pcov))
    f0 = np.array([gauss(i, popt[:2]) for i in x])
    f1 = np.array([gauss(i, popt[2:]) for i in x])
    fit = np.array([myfunc(i, *popt) for i in x])

    # Test fit for gaussian with median angular resolution as sigma
    #sig = 3.65
    #amp = 2 * 1 / (sig * np.sqrt(2*np.pi))
    #f2 = np.array([gauss(i, [amp, sig]) for i in x])

    # Get area of each gaussian
    a0, a1 = f0.sum(), f1.sum()
    atot = float(a0 + a1)
    #print a0
    #print a1
    print 'Fraction1: %.2f' % (a0 / atot)
    #print 'Unaccounted: %.2f' % (y.sum() - atot)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.errorbar(x, y, yerr, fmt='.')
    ax.plot(x, fit)
    #ax.plot(x, f0)
    #ax.plot(x, f1)
    #ax.plot(x, f2)
    ax.set_xlim(0, 20)
    if log:
        ax.set_ylim(1e-6, 1)
Exemplo n.º 2
def writeDist(config, infoFile, overwrite=False):

    # Load simulation
    s = analysis.load_sim(config)
    energy  = np.log10(s['MC_energy'])
    weights = analysis.getWeights(s)

    # Read in existing distribution file
    lines = []
    if os.path.isfile(infoFile):
        with open(infoFile, 'r') as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
    lines = [line.strip() for line in lines]
    table = [line.split(' ') for line in lines]
    paramList = [i[:3] for i in table]

    # Info stored in [config, nmin, nmax, median energy, sigL, sigR, counts]
    nList = range(3, 16)
    newParams = [[config, i, j] for i in nList for j in nList if i < j]

    for config, nmin, nmax in newParams:

        # Check to see if the params exists already
        found = True
        try:  i = paramList.index([config, str(nmin), str(nmax)])
        except ValueError:
            found = False
        # If it exists, option to overwrite
        if found and not overwrite:
            print 'Info for', config, nmin, nmax, 'already exists...'
        if found and overwrite:

        print 'Working on', config, nmin, nmax
        # Calculate information for energy range
        cut = (s['nstation'] >= nmin) * (s['nstation'] < nmax)
        values = energy[cut]
        w = weights[cut]
        # Weighted median and 68% containment
        median = analysis.weighted_percentile(values, w, 50)
        sigL   = median - analysis.weighted_percentile(values, w, 16)
        sigR   = analysis.weighted_percentile(values, w, 84) - median
        # Unbiased weighted variance
        mean = np.average(values, weights=w)
        var  = (sum(w * (values-mean)**2) /
               (sum(w) - sum(w**2)/sum(w)))
        counts = len(values)

        # Append to file
        newLine = [config, nmin, nmax, median, sigL, sigR, var, counts]
        newLine = ['%s' % i for i in newLine]

        # Write as you go
        lines = [' '.join(line) for line in table]
        lines = [line + '\n' for line in lines]

        with open(infoFile, 'w') as f: