Exemplo n.º 1
def disk_properties(snapshot, sink_id, **kwargs):
    r_start = kwargs.pop('r_start', 50*1.49597871e13)
    r_step = kwargs.pop('r_step', 1.49597871e14)
    r_multiplier = kwargs.pop('multiplier', 1.2)
    verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', True)
    n_min = kwargs.pop('n_min', 32)
    dens_lim = kwargs.pop('dens_lim', 1e6)
    orb_crit = kwargs.pop('orb_crit', 1.)
    disky_crit = kwargs.pop('disky_crit', .9)
    kepler_crit = kwargs.pop('kepler_crit', .8)

    redshift = snapshot.header.Redshift
    length_unit = 'cm'
    mass_unit = 'g'
    velocity_unit = 'cgs'
    xyz = snapshot.gas.get_coords(length_unit)
    uvw = snapshot.gas.get_velocities()
    snapshot.update_sink_frame_ofR(xyz, uvw)

    dens = snapshot.gas.get_number_density('cgs')
    mass = snapshot.gas.get_masses(mass_unit)
    temp = snapshot.gas.get_temperature()
    csound = snapshot.gas.get_sound_speed()

    i = 0
        while snapshot.sinks[i].pid != sink_id:
            i += 1
    except IndexError:
        raise IndexError("Sink {} has not yet formed!".format(sink_id))
        sink = snapshot.sinks[i]
        sinkpos = (sink.x, sink.y, sink.z)
        sinkvel = (sink.vx, sink.vy, sink.vz)
        pos = snapshot.gas.get_coords(system='spherical',view='face',
                                      center=sinkpos, vcenter=sinkvel)
    vel = snapshot.gas.get_velocities(system='spherical')
    xyz = snapshot.gas.get_coords()
    uvw = snapshot.gas.get_velocities()
    snapshot.update_sink_frame_ofR(xyz, uvw)
    pos = numpy.nan_to_num(pos)
    vel = numpy.nan_to_num(vel)

    L9 = analyze.total_angular_momentum(*analyze.data_slice(dens > 1e9,
    uL9 = L9 / numpy.linalg.norm(L9)

    if dens_lim:
        arrs = [dens,pos,vel,xyz,uvw,mass,temp,csound]
        dslice = dens > dens_lim
        dens,pos,vel,xyz,uvw,mass,temp,csound = analyze.data_slice(dslice,
    L = analyze.angular_momentum(xyz,uvw,mass)
    uL = L / numpy.linalg.norm(L, axis=1)[:, numpy.newaxis]
    disky = numpy.where((numpy.abs(vel[:,2])/numpy.abs(vel[:,0]) > orb_crit)
                    & (uL.dot(uL9) > disky_crit))[0]
    print disky.size, '"disky" particles',
    print '({}) percent'.format(float(disky.size)/dens.size * 100)

    inf = numpy.where(numpy.abs(vel[:,0])
                      / numpy.linalg.norm(vel, axis=1) > .5)[0]
    print inf.size, 'infalling particles',
    print '({}) percent'.format(float(inf.size)/dens.size * 100)

    orb = numpy.where((numpy.abs(vel[:,2])/numpy.abs(vel[:,0]) > orb_crit)
                   & (uL.dot(uL9) < disky_crit))[0]
    print orb.size, '"orbiting" particles',
    print '({}) percent'.format(float(orb.size)/dens.size * 100)

    notorb = numpy.where(numpy.abs(vel[:,2]) < numpy.abs(vel[:,0]))[0]
    print notorb.size, '"not orbiting" particles',
    print '({}) percent'.format(float(notorb.size)/dens.size * 100)

    print 'Data loaded.  Analyzing...'
    disk_properties = []
    vrot = vk = 1.
    n = old_n = r0 = 0
    r1 = r_start
    print "Starting at {:.2e} AU".format(r1/1.49e13)
    r2d = numpy.sqrt(xyz[:,0]**2 + xyz[:,1]**2)
    data = []
    while vrot/vk > kepler_crit  and n < disky.size:
        inR = numpy.where(pos[disky,0] <= r1)[0]
        n = inR.size
        if n > old_n and n > n_min:
            annulus = numpy.where((r2d[disky] > r0) & (r2d[disky] <= r1))[0]
            annulus = disky[annulus]
            radii = r2d[annulus]
            radius = radii.mean()
            vrot = vel[annulus, 2].mean()
            T = analyze.reject_outliers(temp[annulus]).mean()
            cs = analyze.reject_outliers(csound[annulus]).mean()
            H = cs * radius / vrot
            Mcyl = mass[annulus].sum()
            if annulus.size > 0:
                zmax = numpy.abs(xyz[annulus,2]).max()
                zmax = 0.0
            density = dens[annulus].mean()
            if numpy.isnan(density):
                density = dens.max()
            mdensity = density * constants.m_H / constants.X_h
            tff = numpy.sqrt(3 * numpy.pi / 32 / constants.GRAVITY / mdensity)

            tavg = analyze.reject_outliers(temp[inR]).mean()
            Mtot = mass[numpy.where(pos[:,0] <= radius)[0]].sum()
            vk = numpy.sqrt(6.6726e-8 * Mtot / radius) / 1e5

            Lj = cs*tff #Jeans Length
            Mj = mdensity * (4*numpy.pi/3) * Lj**3 / 1.989e33 #Jeans Mass
            H = cs * radius / vrot #Disk Scale Height

            rau = radius/1.49597871e13
            Msun = Mtot/1.989e33
            vrot = vrot / 1e5
            if verbose:
                print 'R = %.2e AU' %rau,
                print 'Mass enclosed: %.2e' %Msun,
                print 'density: %.3e' %density,
                print 'vrot: %.3e' %vrot,
                print 'npart: {}'.format(n)
        old_n = n
        r0 = r1
        r1 *= r_multiplier
    print 'snapshot', snapshot.number, 'analyzed.'
    return disk_properties