Exemplo n.º 1
 def testGroupVariablesIfBool(self):
     du = {
         (0, 0): [7, 5],
         (0, 4): [8],
         (0, 5): [8],
         (0, 7): [8],
         (1, 6): [7],
         (2, -1): [6, 1],
         (3, -2): [2, 3]
     ud = {
         (0, 5): [0],
         (0, 7): [0],
         (0, 8): [4, 5, 7],
         (1, 7): [6],
         (2, 1): [-1],
         (2, 6): [-1],
         (3, 2): [-2],
         (3, 3): [-2]
     groups = dataflow.group_variables([0, 1, 2, 3], du, ud)
     expected_groups = {
         0: [([0], [5, 7]), ([4, 5, 7], [8])],
         1: [([6], [7])],
         2: [([-1], [1, 6])],
         3: [([-2], [2, 3])]
     self.assertItemsEqual(groups, expected_groups)
     for entry in groups:
         self.assertItemsEqual(groups[entry], expected_groups[entry])
Exemplo n.º 2
 def testGroupVariablesGCD(self):
     du = {
         ('a', -1): [0],
         ('b', -2): [1],
         ('c', 0): [2, 5, 6, 7, 8],
         ('c', 6): [8],
         ('d', 1): [3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
         ('ret', 3): [9],
         ('ret', 8): [9]
     ud = {
         ('a', 0): [-1],
         ('b', 1): [-2],
         ('c', 2): [0],
         ('c', 5): [0],
         ('c', 6): [0],
         ('c', 7): [0],
         ('c', 8): [0, 6],
         ('d', 3): [1],
         ('d', 4): [1],
         ('d', 5): [1],
         ('d', 6): [1],
         ('d', 7): [1],
         ('ret', 9): [3, 8]
     expected_groups = {
         'a': [([-1], [0])],
         'b': [([-2], [1])],
         'c': [([0, 6], [8, 2, 5, 6, 7])],
         'd': [([1], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7])],
         'ret': [([3, 8], [9])]
     groups = dataflow.group_variables(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'ret'], du, ud)
     self.assertItemsEqual(groups, expected_groups)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def testGroupVariablesGCD(self):
     du = {
         ('a', -1): [0],
         ('b', -2): [1],
         ('c', 0): [2, 5, 6, 7, 8],
         ('c', 6): [8],
         ('d', 1): [3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
         ('ret', 3): [9],
         ('ret', 8): [9]
     ud = {
         ('a', 0): [-1],
         ('b', 1): [-2],
         ('c', 2): [0],
         ('c', 5): [0],
         ('c', 6): [0],
         ('c', 7): [0],
         ('c', 8): [0, 6],
         ('d', 3): [1],
         ('d', 4): [1],
         ('d', 5): [1],
         ('d', 6): [1],
         ('d', 7): [1],
         ('ret', 9): [3, 8]
     expected_groups = {
         'a': [([-1], [0])],
         'b': [([-2], [1])],
         'c': [([0, 6], [8, 2, 5, 6, 7])],
         'd': [([1], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7])],
         'ret': [([3, 8], [9])]
     groups = dataflow.group_variables(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'ret'], du, ud)
     self.assertEqual(groups, expected_groups)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def testGroupVariablesIfBool(self):
     du = {
         (0, 0): [7, 5],
         (0, 4): [8],
         (0, 5): [8],
         (0, 7): [8],
         (1, 6): [7],
         (2, -1): [6, 1],
         (3, -2): [2, 3]
     ud = {
         (0, 5): [0],
         (0, 7): [0],
         (0, 8): [4, 5, 7],
         (1, 7): [6],
         (2, 1): [-1],
         (2, 6): [-1],
         (3, 2): [-2],
         (3, 3): [-2]
     groups = dataflow.group_variables([0, 1, 2, 3], du, ud)
     expected_groups = {
         0: [([0], [5, 7]), ([4, 5, 7], [8])],
         1: [([6], [7])],
         2: [([-1], [1, 6])],
         3: [([-2], [2, 3])]
     self.assertItemsEqual(groups, expected_groups)
     for entry in groups:
         self.assertItemsEqual(groups[entry], expected_groups[entry])
Exemplo n.º 5
    def process(self, doAST=False):
        Processes the method and decompile the code.

        There are two modes of operation:

        1) Normal Decompilation to Java Code
        2) Decompilation into an abstract syntax tree (AST)

        The Decompilation is done twice. First, a rough decompilation is created,
        which is then optimized. Second, the optimized version is used to create the final version.

        :param doAST: generate AST instead of Java Code
        logger.debug('METHOD : %s', self.name)

        # Native methods... no blocks.
        if self.start_block is None:
            logger.debug('Native Method.')
            if doAST:
                self.ast = JSONWriter(None, self).get_ast()
                self.writer = Writer(None, self)

        # Construct the CFG
        graph = construct(self.start_block, self.var_to_name, self.exceptions)
        self.graph = graph

        if not __debug__:
            # TODO: use tempfile to create a correct tempfile (cross platform compatible)
            util.create_png(self.cls_name, self.name, graph, '/tmp/dad/blocks')

        use_defs, def_uses = build_def_use(graph, self.lparams)
        split_variables(graph, self.var_to_name, def_uses, use_defs)
        dead_code_elimination(graph, def_uses, use_defs)
        register_propagation(graph, def_uses, use_defs)
        resolve_variables_type(graph, self.var_to_name, def_uses, use_defs)
        new_instance_propgation(graph, def_uses, use_defs)  #for dummy
        setattr(graph, "group_var",
                group_variables(self.var_to_name, def_uses, use_defs))

        # FIXME var_to_name need to contain the created tmp variables.
        # This seems to be a workaround, we add them into the list manually
        for var, i in def_uses:
            if not isinstance(var, int):
                self.var_to_name[var] = var.upper()

        place_declarations(graph, self.var_to_name, def_uses, use_defs)
        del def_uses, use_defs
        # After the DCE pass, some nodes may be empty, so we can simplify the
        # graph to delete these nodes.
        # We start by restructuring the graph by spliting the conditional nodes
        # into a pre-header and a header part.
        # We then simplify the graph by merging multiple statement nodes into
        # a single statement node when possible. This also delete empty nodes.


        if not __debug__:
            # TODO: use tempfile to create a correct tempfile (cross platform compatible)
            util.create_png(self.cls_name, self.name, graph,

        identify_structures(graph, graph.immediate_dominators())

        if not __debug__:
            # TODO: use tempfile to create a correct tempfile (cross platform compatible)
            util.create_png(self.cls_name, self.name, graph,

        if doAST:
            self.ast = JSONWriter(graph, self).get_ast()
            self.writer = Writer(graph, self)