def createFact(self, attrs): """Makes a new Anki fact from an entry.""" model = self.models[attrs["et"]] self.f = Fact(model) # process attributes for attr in ["a1", "a2" "a3", "a4"]: if attr in attrs.keys(): self.f.__setitem__( self.typeAttributes[attrs["et"] + "_" + attr], self.attributeItems[attrs[attr]]) # process tags. Unit, Category plus entry type name tagString = unicode(self.unitCategories[attrs["u"]] + " " + self.unitCategories[attrs["c"]] + " " + model.tags) self.f.tags = tagString
def doAddURL(): # get URL from clipboard url = str(QApplication.clipboard().mimeData().text()) try: # download HTML file with urllib html = except ValueError: utils.showInfo("Please copy a URL to clipboard first.") return # parse HTML and find images xml = libxml2.htmlParseDoc(html, 'utf-8') context = xml.xpathNewContext() # find correct nodes via XPath count = 0 for img in context.xpathEval('//img'): # get src attribute attr = img.get_properties() imgurl = None while attr: if == 'src': _replaceImageSrc(url, attr) count += 1 break attr = attr.get_next() # add new fact fact = Fact(mw.deck.currentModel) val = tidyHTML(xml.serialize(encoding='utf-8').decode('utf-8', 'replace')) fact.fields[0].value = val mw.deck.addFact(fact, reset=True) utils.showInfo( "URL successfully added as new fact (%d pictures downloaded)" % count)
class DingsBumsHandler(ContentHandler): def __init__(self, deck): self.eid = "0" self.attributeItems = {} self.unitCategories = {} self.attributes = {} self.currentContent = "" self.labels = {} self.labels[ "pro"] = u"Pronunciation" # the user cannot change this label and therefore not in xml-file self.labels["rel"] = u"Relation" self.visibility = {} self.models = {} self.typeAttributes = { } # mapping of entry type and attribute name (e.g. "ET8_A1", "ET8_A2", ...) self.deck = deck self.f = None # the current fact self.countFacts = 0 def startElement(self, name, attrs): """Implements SAX interface""" if name in ["etai", "unit", "category"]: self.eid = attrs["eid"] elif "eta" == name: self.attributes[attrs["eid"]] = attrs["n"] elif "entrytype" == name: self.createModel(attrs) elif "e" == name: self.createFact(attrs) def endElement(self, name): """Implements SAX interface""" if "vocabulary" == name: self.deck.updateProgress() elif name.endswith("label"): self.labels[name.replace("label", "")] = self.currentContent elif name.startswith("vis"): self.visibility[name.replace("vis", "")] = self.currentContent elif "etai" == name: self.attributeItems[self.eid] = self.currentContent elif "etattributes" == name: self.deck.updateProgress() elif "entrytypes" == name: self.deck.updateProgress() elif "name" == name: self.unitCategories[self.eid] = self.prepareTag( self.currentContent) elif "units" == name: self.deck.updateProgress() elif "categories" == name: self.deck.updateProgress() elif "entries" == name: self.deck.updateProgress() elif "e" == name: self.deck.addFact(self.f) self.countFacts += 1 # there is a not logical mapping between the tags for fields and names in VocabInfo # See net.vanosten.dings.consts.Constants.XML_* elif "o" == name: self.f.__setitem__(self.labels["b"], self.currentContent) elif "d" == name: self.f.__setitem__(self.labels["t"], self.currentContent) elif "ep" == name: self.f.__setitem__(self.labels["exp"], self.currentContent) elif "ea" == name: self.f.__setitem__(self.labels["ex"], self.currentContent) elif "p" == name: self.f.__setitem__(self.labels["pro"], self.currentContent) elif "r" == name: self.f.__setitem__(self.labels["rel"], self.currentContent) def characters(self, content): """Implements SAX interface""" self.currentContent = content.strip() def createModel(self, attrs): """Makes a new Anki (fact) model from an entry type. The card models are made each time from scratch in order that evt. model specific fields (attributes) can make part.""" m = Model(attrs["n"]) # field model for standard fields m.addFieldModel( FieldModel(self.labels["b"], True, False)) #there is no uniqueness check in DingsBums?! m.addFieldModel(FieldModel(self.labels["t"], True, False)) for aField in ["exp", "ex", "pro", "rel"]: if self.visibility[aField] in "012": m.addFieldModel(FieldModel(self.labels[aField], False, False)) # field models for attributes for attr in ["a1", "a2" "a3", "a4"]: if attr in attrs.keys(): m.addFieldModel( FieldModel(self.attributes[attrs[attr]], False, False)) self.typeAttributes[attrs["eid"] + "_" + attr] = self.attributes[attrs[attr]] # card model for front frontStrings = ["%(" + self.labels["b"] + ")s"] backStrings = ["%(" + self.labels["t"] + ")s"] for aField in ["exp", "ex", "pro", "rel"]: if self.visibility[aField] in "01": frontStrings.append("%(" + self.labels[aField] + ")s") if self.visibility[aField] in "02": backStrings.append("%(" + self.labels[aField] + ")s") m.addCardModel( CardModel(u'Forward', "<br>".join(frontStrings), "<br>".join(backStrings))) # card model for back m.addCardModel( CardModel(u'Reverse', unicode("%(" + self.labels["t"] + ")s"), unicode("%(" + self.labels["b"] + ")s"))) # tags is just the name without spaces m.tags = self.prepareTag( # link self.models[attrs["eid"]] = m self.deck.addModel(m) def createFact(self, attrs): """Makes a new Anki fact from an entry.""" model = self.models[attrs["et"]] self.f = Fact(model) # process attributes for attr in ["a1", "a2" "a3", "a4"]: if attr in attrs.keys(): self.f.__setitem__( self.typeAttributes[attrs["et"] + "_" + attr], self.attributeItems[attrs[attr]]) # process tags. Unit, Category plus entry type name tagString = unicode(self.unitCategories[attrs["u"]] + " " + self.unitCategories[attrs["c"]] + " " + model.tags) self.f.tags = tagString def prepareTag(self, stringWithSpace): parts = stringWithSpace.split() return "_".join(parts)