Exemplo n.º 1
    def accept_phase(self, ip, port, nonce):
        # package and encrypt data
        response = marshal.dumps((nonce, self.ip, self.gui_port))
        cipher = AnonCrypto.sign_with_key(self.privKey, response)

        # respond with ((ip, port), encrypted_data)
        AnonNet.send_to_addr(ip, int(port), marshal.dumps(("accept", cipher)))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def recv_interest_voucher(self, data):
        msg, key = marshal.loads(data)
        (nonce, leader_ip, leader_gui_port, leader_com_port) = marshal.loads(msg)
            "Start round voucher from %s:%s, communicating at port %s" % (leader_ip, leader_gui_port, leader_com_port)

        # get the path to the file you want to share

        verified = self.verify(leader_ip, leader_gui_port, data)

        """ generate temporary keys for this round so leader can aggregate """
        temp1_str = AnonCrypto.pub_key_to_str(self.pubgenkey1)
        temp2_str = AnonCrypto.pub_key_to_str(self.pubgenkey2)

        """ default to random file of 128 bytes if you don't have anything to share """
        if verified:
            if os.path.exists(self.shared_filename):
                self.DEBUG("You are sharing file %s" % (self.shared_filename))
                self.DEBUG("Not a valid file path, continuing without sharing...")

            # respond with your interest
            self.DEBUG("Verified leader, participating as %s:%s at port %s" % (self.ip, self.gui_port, self.com_port))
            response = marshal.dumps((nonce, self.ip, self.gui_port, self.com_port, temp1_str, temp2_str))
            cipher = AnonCrypto.sign_with_key(self.privKey, response)
            AnonNet.send_to_addr(leader_ip, int(leader_gui_port), marshal.dumps(("interested", cipher)))
            self.DEBUG("Unkown leader, opting out...")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def prepare_round(self):
        # can't start round without 3 or more peers
        if len(self.participants) < 3:
            self.DEBUG("Not enough peers to start round!")

        prepare_voucher = marshal.dumps(
            (int(PREPARE_WAIT), int(1), copy.copy(self.participants), self.ip, self.gui_port, self.com_port)
        cipher = AnonCrypto.sign_with_key(self.privKey, prepare_voucher)

        for index, participant in enumerate(self.participants):
            down_index = (index - 1) % len(self.participants)
            up_index = (index + 1) % len(self.participants)
            if (self.ip, self.gui_port, self.com_port) != (participant[1], participant[2], participant[3]):
                    marshal.dumps(("prepare:%s:%s:%s" % (index, down_index, up_index), cipher)),
                    "Sending prepare to peer %s:%s at port %s" % (participant[1], participant[2], participant[3])

        # after informing the participants, create your node
        dn_idx = -1 % len(self.participants)
        up_idx = 1
        self.start_node(dn_idx, up_idx, self.participants, 0)

        # start round after PREPARE_WAIT minutes
        DelayTimer(PREPARE_WAIT, self.run_protocol).start()
Exemplo n.º 4
    def recv_interest_voucher(self, data):
        msg, key = marshal.loads(data)
        (nonce, leader_ip, leader_gui_port, leader_com_port) = marshal.loads(msg)
        self.DEBUG("Start round voucher from %s:%s, communicating at port %s" % (leader_ip, leader_gui_port, leader_com_port))

        # get the path to the file you want to share

        verified = self.verify(leader_ip, leader_gui_port, data)

        """ generate temporary keys for this round so leader can aggregate """
        temp1_str = AnonCrypto.pub_key_to_str(self.pubgenkey1)
        temp2_str = AnonCrypto.pub_key_to_str(self.pubgenkey2)

        """ default to random file of 128 bytes if you don't have anything to share """
        if verified:
            if os.path.exists(self.shared_filename):
                self.DEBUG("You are sharing file %s" % (self.shared_filename))
                self.DEBUG("Not a valid file path, continuing without sharing...")

            # respond with your interest
            self.DEBUG("Verified leader, participating as %s:%s at port %s" % (self.ip, self.gui_port, self.com_port))
            response = marshal.dumps((nonce,self.ip,self.gui_port,self.com_port,temp1_str,temp2_str))
            cipher = AnonCrypto.sign_with_key(self.privKey, response)
            AnonNet.send_to_addr(leader_ip, int(leader_gui_port), marshal.dumps(("interested", cipher)))
            self.DEBUG("Unkown leader, opting out...")
Exemplo n.º 5
    def accept_phase(self, ip, port, nonce):
        # package and encrypt data
        response = marshal.dumps((nonce,self.ip,self.gui_port))
        cipher = AnonCrypto.sign_with_key(self.privKey, response)

        # respond with ((ip, port), encrypted_data)
        AnonNet.send_to_addr(ip, int(port), marshal.dumps(("accept", cipher)))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def invite_phase(self, ip, port, pubkey):
        # create nonce, # peers, vector containing (ip, port, pubkey) of all peers
        nonce = 1
        num_peers = len(self.nodes) + 1
        peer_vector = [(self.ip, self.gui_port, self.public_key_string())]
        for node in self.nodes:
            hashkey = self.hash_peer(node[0], node[1])
            if hashkey != self.hashkey:

        # package the text up into (nonce, N, [array of peer data])
        invite = marshal.dumps((nonce, num_peers, peer_vector))

        # sign it
        cipher = AnonCrypto.sign_with_key(self.privKey, invite)

        # send to invitee packaged with who it's coming from ((ip:port), signed(text))
        AnonNet.send_to_addr(ip, int(port), marshal.dumps(("invite", cipher)))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def invite_phase(self, ip, port, pubkey):
        # create nonce, # peers, vector containing (ip, port, pubkey) of all peers
        nonce = 1
        num_peers = len(self.nodes) + 1
        peer_vector = [(self.ip,self.gui_port,self.public_key_string())]
        for node in self.nodes:
            hashkey = self.hash_peer(node[0], node[1])
            if hashkey != self.hashkey:

        # package the text up into (nonce, N, [array of peer data])
        invite = marshal.dumps((nonce,num_peers,peer_vector))

        # sign it
        cipher = AnonCrypto.sign_with_key(self.privKey, invite)

        # send to invitee packaged with who it's coming from ((ip:port), signed(text))
        AnonNet.send_to_addr(ip, int(port), marshal.dumps(("invite", cipher)))
Exemplo n.º 8
    def prepare_round(self):
        # can't start round without 3 or more peers
        if len(self.participants) < 3:
            self.DEBUG("Not enough peers to start round!")

        prepare_voucher = marshal.dumps((int(PREPARE_WAIT),int(1),copy.copy(self.participants), self.ip, self.gui_port, self.com_port))
        cipher = AnonCrypto.sign_with_key(self.privKey, prepare_voucher)

        for index, participant in enumerate(self.participants):
            down_index = (index - 1) % len(self.participants)
            up_index = (index + 1) % len(self.participants)
            if (self.ip, self.gui_port, self.com_port) != (participant[1], participant[2], participant[3]):
                AnonNet.send_to_addr(participant[1], participant[2], \
                        marshal.dumps(("prepare:%s:%s:%s"%(index, down_index, up_index),cipher)))
                self.DEBUG("Sending prepare to peer %s:%s at port %s" % (participant[1], participant[2], participant[3]))

        # after informing the participants, create your node
        dn_idx = -1 % len(self.participants)
        up_idx = 1
        self.start_node(dn_idx, up_idx, self.participants, 0)

        # start round after PREPARE_WAIT minutes
        DelayTimer(PREPARE_WAIT, self.run_protocol).start()
Exemplo n.º 9
    def send_to_addr(self, ip, port, msg, signed=True):
        if signed: outmsg = AnonCrypto.sign(self.id, self.key1, msg)
        else: outmsg = msg

        AnonNet.send_to_addr(ip, port, outmsg)
Exemplo n.º 10
	def send_to_addr(self, ip, port, msg, signed = True):
		if signed: outmsg = AnonCrypto.sign(self.id, self.key1, msg)
		else: outmsg = msg

		AnonNet.send_to_addr(ip, port, outmsg)