Exemplo n.º 1
    def _get_skeleton_galaxy_yml(template_path, inject_data):
        with open(to_bytes(template_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), 'rb') as template_obj:
            meta_template = to_text(template_obj.read(), errors='surrogate_or_strict')

        galaxy_meta = get_collections_galaxy_meta_info()

        required_config = []
        optional_config = []
        for meta_entry in galaxy_meta:
            config_list = required_config if meta_entry.get('required', False) else optional_config

            value = inject_data.get(meta_entry['key'], None)
            if not value:
                meta_type = meta_entry.get('type', 'str')

                if meta_type == 'str':
                    value = ''
                elif meta_type == 'list':
                    value = []
                elif meta_type == 'dict':
                    value = {}

            meta_entry['value'] = value

        link_pattern = re.compile(r"L\(([^)]+),\s+([^)]+)\)")
        const_pattern = re.compile(r"C\(([^)]+)\)")

        def comment_ify(v):
            if isinstance(v, list):
                v = ". ".join([l.rstrip('.') for l in v])

            v = link_pattern.sub(r"\1 <\2>", v)
            v = const_pattern.sub(r"'\1'", v)

            return textwrap.fill(v, width=117, initial_indent="# ", subsequent_indent="# ", break_on_hyphens=False)

        def to_yaml(v):
            return yaml.safe_dump(v, default_flow_style=False).rstrip()

        env = Environment(loader=BaseLoader)
        env.filters['comment_ify'] = comment_ify
        env.filters['to_yaml'] = to_yaml

        template = env.from_string(meta_template)
        meta_value = template.render({'required_config': required_config, 'optional_config': optional_config})

        return meta_value
Exemplo n.º 2
def _get_galaxy_yml(b_galaxy_yml_path):
    meta_info = get_collections_galaxy_meta_info()

    mandatory_keys = set()
    string_keys = set()
    list_keys = set()
    dict_keys = set()

    for info in meta_info:
        if info.get('required', False):

        key_list_type = {
            'str': string_keys,
            'list': list_keys,
            'dict': dict_keys,
        }[info.get('type', 'str')]

    all_keys = frozenset(
        list(mandatory_keys) + list(string_keys) + list(list_keys) +

        with open(b_galaxy_yml_path, 'rb') as g_yaml:
            galaxy_yml = yaml.safe_load(g_yaml)
    except YAMLError as err:
        raise AnsibleError(
            "Failed to parse the galaxy.yml at '%s' with the following error:\n%s"
            % (to_native(b_galaxy_yml_path), to_native(err)))

    set_keys = set(galaxy_yml.keys())
    missing_keys = mandatory_keys.difference(set_keys)
    if missing_keys:
        raise AnsibleError(
            "The collection galaxy.yml at '%s' is missing the following mandatory keys: %s"
            % (to_native(b_galaxy_yml_path), ", ".join(sorted(missing_keys))))

    extra_keys = set_keys.difference(all_keys)
    if len(extra_keys) > 0:
            "Found unknown keys in collection galaxy.yml at '%s': %s" %
            (to_text(b_galaxy_yml_path), ", ".join(extra_keys)))

    # Add the defaults if they have not been set
    for optional_string in string_keys:
        if optional_string not in galaxy_yml:
            galaxy_yml[optional_string] = None

    for optional_list in list_keys:
        list_val = galaxy_yml.get(optional_list, None)

        if list_val is None:
            galaxy_yml[optional_list] = []
        elif not isinstance(list_val, list):
            galaxy_yml[optional_list] = [list_val]

    for optional_dict in dict_keys:
        if optional_dict not in galaxy_yml:
            galaxy_yml[optional_dict] = {}

    # license is a builtin var in Python, to avoid confusion we just rename it to license_ids
    galaxy_yml['license_ids'] = galaxy_yml['license']
    del galaxy_yml['license']

    return galaxy_yml
Exemplo n.º 3
def _normalize_galaxy_yml_manifest(
        galaxy_yml,  # type: Dict[str, Optional[Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, str]]]]
        b_galaxy_yml_path,  # type: bytes
    # type: (...) -> Dict[str, Optional[Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, str]]]]
    galaxy_yml_schema = (get_collections_galaxy_meta_info()
                         )  # type: List[Dict[str, Any]]  # FIXME: <--
    # FIXME: 👆maybe precise type: List[Dict[str, Union[bool, str, List[str]]]]

    mandatory_keys = set()
    string_keys = set()  # type: Set[str]
    list_keys = set()  # type: Set[str]
    dict_keys = set()  # type: Set[str]

    for info in galaxy_yml_schema:
        if info.get('required', False):

        key_list_type = {
            'str': string_keys,
            'list': list_keys,
            'dict': dict_keys,
        }[info.get('type', 'str')]

    all_keys = frozenset(
        list(mandatory_keys) + list(string_keys) + list(list_keys) +

    set_keys = set(galaxy_yml.keys())
    missing_keys = mandatory_keys.difference(set_keys)
    if missing_keys:
        raise AnsibleError(
            "The collection galaxy.yml at '%s' is missing the following mandatory keys: %s"
            % (to_native(b_galaxy_yml_path), ", ".join(sorted(missing_keys))))

    extra_keys = set_keys.difference(all_keys)
    if len(extra_keys) > 0:
            "Found unknown keys in collection galaxy.yml at '%s': %s" %
            (to_text(b_galaxy_yml_path), ", ".join(extra_keys)))

    # Add the defaults if they have not been set
    for optional_string in string_keys:
        if optional_string not in galaxy_yml:
            galaxy_yml[optional_string] = None

    for optional_list in list_keys:
        list_val = galaxy_yml.get(optional_list, None)

        if list_val is None:
            galaxy_yml[optional_list] = []
        elif not isinstance(list_val, list):
            galaxy_yml[optional_list] = [list_val]  # type: ignore[list-item]

    for optional_dict in dict_keys:
        if optional_dict not in galaxy_yml:
            galaxy_yml[optional_dict] = {}

    # NOTE: `version: null` is only allowed for `galaxy.yml`
    # NOTE: and not `MANIFEST.json`. The use-case for it is collections
    # NOTE: that generate the version from Git before building a
    # NOTE: distributable tarball artifact.
    if not galaxy_yml.get('version'):
        galaxy_yml['version'] = '*'

    return galaxy_yml