Exemplo n.º 1
 def get_po_names(self):
         Collect configured lag interface names
     # load db config
     for ns in NAMESPACE_LIST:
         rt, out, err = self.module.run_command(
             "sonic-cfggen -m /etc/sonic/minigraph.xml {} -v \"PORTCHANNEL.keys() | join(' ')\""
             .format('-n ' + ns if ns else ''))
         if rt != 0:
             fail_msg = "Command to retrieve portchannel names failed return=%d, out=%s, err=%s" % (
                 rt, out, err)
             for po in out.split():
                 if 'sonic_py_common' in sys.modules and multi_asic.is_port_channel_internal(
                 self.lag_names[po] = ns
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_port_alias_to_name_map(hwsku, asic_id=None):
        from sonic_py_common import multi_asic
        from ansible.module_utils.multi_asic_utils  import load_db_config
        namespace_list = multi_asic.get_all_namespaces()
        for key, list in namespace_list.items():
            asic_ids = []
            for ns in list:
            namespace_list[key] = asic_ids
    except ImportError:
        namespace_list = ['']
    port_alias_to_name_map = {}
    port_alias_asic_map = {}
    if hwsku == "Force10-S6000":
        for i in range(0, 128, 4):
            port_alias_to_name_map["fortyGigE0/%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % i
    elif hwsku == "Force10-S6100":
        for i in range(0, 4):
            for j in range(0, 16):
                port_alias_to_name_map["fortyGigE1/%d/%d" % (i + 1, j + 1)] = "Ethernet%d" % (i * 16 + j)
    elif hwsku == "Force10-Z9100":
        for i in range(0, 128, 4):
            port_alias_to_name_map["hundredGigE1/%d" % (i / 4 + 1)] = "Ethernet%d" % i
    # TODO: Come up with a generic formula for generating etp style aliases based on number of ports and lanes
    elif hwsku == "DellEMC-Z9332f-M-O16C64":
        # 100G ports
        s100G_ports = [x for x in range(0, 96, 2)] + [x for x in range(128, 160, 2)]

        # 400G ports
        s400G_ports = [x for x in range(96, 128, 8)] + [x for x in range(160, 256, 8)]

        # 10G ports
        s10G_ports = [x for x in range(256, 258)]

        for i in s100G_ports:
            alias = "etp{}{}".format(((i + 8) // 8), chr(ord('a') + (i // 2) % 4))
            port_alias_to_name_map[alias] = "Ethernet{}".format(i)
        for i in s400G_ports:
            alias = "etp{}".format((i // 8) + 1)
            port_alias_to_name_map[alias] = "Ethernet{}".format(i)
        for i in s10G_ports:
            alias = "etp{}".format(33 if i == 256 else 34)
            port_alias_to_name_map[alias] = "Ethernet{}".format(i)
    elif hwsku == "DellEMC-Z9332f-O32":
        for i in range(0, 256, 8):
            alias = "etp{}".format((i // 8) + 1)
            port_alias_to_name_map[alias] = "Ethernet{}".format(i)
        for i in range(256, 258):
            alias = "etp{}".format(33 if i == 256 else 34)
            port_alias_to_name_map[alias] = "Ethernet{}".format(i)
    elif hwsku == "Arista-7050-QX32":
        for i in range(1, 25):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
        for i in range(25, 33):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
    elif hwsku == "Arista-7050-QX-32S":
        for i in range(0, 4):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet1/%d" % (i + 1)] = "Ethernet%d" % i
        for i in range(6, 29):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 5) * 4)
        for i in range(29, 37):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 5) * 4)
    elif hwsku == "Arista-7280CR3-C40":
        for i in range(1, 33):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
        for i in range(33, 41, 2):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/5" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % (i * 4)
    elif hwsku == "Arista-7260CX3-C64" or hwsku == "Arista-7170-64C":
        for i in range(1, 65):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
    elif hwsku == "Arista-7060CX-32S-C32" or hwsku == "Arista-7060CX-32S-Q32" or hwsku == "Arista-7060CX-32S-C32-T1" or hwsku == "Arista-7170-32CD-C32" \
        or hwsku == "Arista-7050CX3-32S-C32":
        for i in range(1, 33):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
    elif hwsku == "Mellanox-SN2700-D40C8S8":
        # 10G ports
        s10G_ports = range(0, 4) + range(8, 12)

        # 50G ports
        s50G_ports = [x for x in range(16, 24, 2)] + [x for x in range(40, 88, 2)] + [x for x in range(104, 128, 2)]

        # 100G ports
        s100G_ports = [x for x in range(24, 40, 4)] + [x for x in range(88, 104, 4)]

        for i in s10G_ports:
            alias = "etp%d" % (i / 4 + 1) + chr(ord('a') + i % 4)
            port_alias_to_name_map[alias] = "Ethernet%d" % i
        for i in s50G_ports:
            alias = "etp%d" % (i / 4 + 1) + ("a" if i % 4 == 0 else "b")
            port_alias_to_name_map[alias] = "Ethernet%d" % i
        for i in s100G_ports:
            alias = "etp%d" % (i / 4 + 1)
            port_alias_to_name_map[alias] = "Ethernet%d" % i
    elif hwsku == "Mellanox-SN2700-D48C8":
        # 50G ports
        s50G_ports = [x for x in range(0, 24, 2)] + [x for x in range(40, 88, 2)] + [x for x in range(104, 128, 2)]

        # 100G ports
        s100G_ports = [x for x in range(24, 40, 4)] + [x for x in range(88, 104, 4)]

        for i in s50G_ports:
            alias = "etp%d" % (i / 4 + 1) + ("a" if i % 4 == 0 else "b")
            port_alias_to_name_map[alias] = "Ethernet%d" % i
        for i in s100G_ports:
            alias = "etp%d" % (i / 4 + 1)
            port_alias_to_name_map[alias] = "Ethernet%d" % i
    elif hwsku == "Mellanox-SN2700" or hwsku == "ACS-MSN2700":
        for i in range(1, 33):
            port_alias_to_name_map["etp%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
    elif hwsku == "Arista-7060CX-32S-D48C8":
        # All possible breakout 50G port numbers:
        all_ports = [x for x in range(1, 33)]

        # 100G ports
        s100G_ports = [x for x in range(7, 11)]
        s100G_ports += [x for x in range(23, 27)]

        port_alias_to_name_map = _port_alias_to_name_map_50G(all_ports, s100G_ports)
    elif hwsku == "Arista-7260CX3-D108C8":
        # All possible breakout 50G port numbers:
        all_ports = [x for x in range(1, 65)]

        # 100G ports
        s100G_ports = [x for x in range(13, 21)]

        port_alias_to_name_map = _port_alias_to_name_map_50G(all_ports, s100G_ports)
    elif hwsku == "Arista-7800R3-48CQ-LC" or\
         hwsku == "Arista-7800R3K-48CQ-LC":
         for i in range(1, 48):
             port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
    elif hwsku == "INGRASYS-S9100-C32":
        for i in range(1, 33):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
    elif hwsku == "INGRASYS-S9100-C32" or hwsku == "INGRASYS-S9130-32X" or hwsku == "INGRASYS-S8810-32Q":
        for i in range(1, 33):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
    elif hwsku == "INGRASYS-S8900-54XC":
        for i in range(1, 49):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % (i - 1)
        for i in range(49, 55):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 49) * 4 + 48)
    elif hwsku == "INGRASYS-S8900-64XC":
        for i in range(1, 49):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % (i - 1)
        for i in range(49, 65):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 49) * 4 + 48)
    elif hwsku == "Accton-AS7712-32X":
        for i in range(1, 33):
            port_alias_to_name_map["hundredGigE%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
    elif hwsku == "Celestica-DX010-C32":
        for i in range(1, 33):
            port_alias_to_name_map["etp%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
    elif hwsku == "Seastone-DX010":
        for i in range(1, 33):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Eth%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
    elif hwsku in ["Celestica-E1031-T48S4", "Nokia-7215", "Nokia-M0-7215"]:
        for i in range(1, 53):
            port_alias_to_name_map["etp%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1))
    elif hwsku == "et6448m":
        for i in range(0, 52):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % i
    elif hwsku == "Nokia-IXR7250E-36x400G":
        if asic_id is not None:
            asic_offset = int(asic_id) * 18
            for i in range(0, 18):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" % (asic_offset + i)] = "Ethernet%d" % ((asic_offset + i))
                port_alias_asic_map["Eth%d-ASIC%d" % (i, int(asic_id))] = "Ethernet%d" % ((asic_offset + i))
            for i in range(0, 36):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % i
    elif hwsku == 'Nokia-IXR7250E-SUP-10':
        port_alias_to_name_map = {}
    elif hwsku == "newport":
        for i in range(0, 256, 8):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % i
    elif hwsku == "32x100Gb":
        for i in range(0, 32):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % i
    elif hwsku == "36x100Gb":
        for i in range(0, 36):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % i
    elif hwsku == "64x100Gb":
        for i in range(0, 64):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % i
    elif hwsku == "msft_multi_asic_vs":
        if asic_id is not None and asic_id in namespace_list['front_ns']:
            asic_offset = int(asic_id) * 16
            backplane_offset = 15
            for i in range(1, 17):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet1/%d"%(asic_offset+i)] = "Ethernet%d"%((asic_offset + i -1) *4)
                port_alias_asic_map["Eth%d-ASIC%d"%(i-1, int(asic_id))] = "Ethernet%d"%((asic_offset + i -1) *4)
                port_alias_to_name_map["Eth%d-ASIC%d"%((backplane_offset+i), int(asic_id))] = "Ethernet-BP%d"%((asic_offset + i -1) *4)
                port_alias_asic_map["Eth%d-ASIC%d"%((backplane_offset+i), int(asic_id))] = "Ethernet-BP%d"%((asic_offset + i -1) *4)
        elif asic_id is not None  and asic_id in namespace_list['back_ns']:
            asic_offset = 32 * (int(asic_id) - 2)
            for i in range(1, 33):
                port_alias_asic_map["Eth%d-ASIC%d"%(i-1, int(asic_id))] = "Ethernet-BP%d"%((asic_offset + i -1) *4)
                port_alias_to_name_map["Eth%d-ASIC%d"%(i-1, int(asic_id))] = "Ethernet-BP%d"%((asic_offset + i -1) *4)
            for i in range(1,65):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet1/%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
    elif hwsku == "msft_four_asic_vs":
        if asic_id is not None and asic_id in namespace_list['front_ns']:
            asic_offset = int(asic_id) * 4
            backplane_offset = 3
            for i in range(1, 5):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet1/%d"%(asic_offset+i)] = "Ethernet%d"%((asic_offset + i -1) *4)
                port_alias_asic_map["Eth%d-ASIC%d"%(i-1, int(asic_id))] = "Ethernet%d"%((asic_offset + i -1) *4)
                port_alias_to_name_map["Eth%d-ASIC%d"%((backplane_offset+i), int(asic_id))] = "Ethernet-BP%d"%((asic_offset + i -1) *4)
                port_alias_asic_map["Eth%d-ASIC%d"%((backplane_offset+i), int(asic_id))] = "Ethernet-BP%d"%((asic_offset + i -1) *4)
        elif asic_id is not None  and asic_id in namespace_list['back_ns']:
            asic_offset = 8 * (int(asic_id) -1)
            for i in range(1, 9):
                port_alias_asic_map["Eth%d-ASIC%d"%(i-1, int(asic_id))] = "Ethernet-BP%d"%((asic_offset + i -1) *4)
                port_alias_to_name_map["Eth%d-ASIC%d"%(i-1, int(asic_id))] = "Ethernet-BP%d"%((asic_offset + i -1) *4)
            for i in range(1,9):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet1/%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
    elif hwsku == "B6510-48VS8CQ" or hwsku == "RA-B6510-48V8C":
        for i in range(1,49):
            port_alias_to_name_map["twentyfiveGigE0/%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % i
        for i in range(49,57):
            port_alias_to_name_map["hundredGigE0/%d" % (i-48)] = "Ethernet%d" % i
    elif hwsku == "RA-B6910-64C":
        for i in range(1,65):
            port_alias_to_name_map["hundredGigE%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % i
        for i in range(0, 128, 4):
            port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % i

    return port_alias_to_name_map, port_alias_asic_map
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_port_alias_to_name_map(hwsku, asic_name=None):
    port_alias_to_name_map = {}
    port_alias_asic_map = {}
    port_name_to_index_map = {}
        "8800-LC-48H-O", "88-LC0-36FH-MO"
        from sonic_py_common import multi_asic
        from ansible.module_utils.multi_asic_utils import load_db_config
        ports_info = multi_asic.get_port_table(namespace=asic_name)
        for port, port_data in ports_info.items():
            if "alias" in port_data:
                port_alias_to_name_map[port_data["alias"]] = port
            if "asic_port_name" in port_data:
                port_alias_asic_map[port_data["asic_port_name"]] = port
            if "index" in port_data and hwsku in HWSKU_WITH_PORT_INDEX_FROM_PORT_CONFIG:
                port_name_to_index_map[port] = int(port_data["index"])
    except ImportError:
        if hwsku == "Force10-S6000":
            for i in range(0, 128, 4):
                port_alias_to_name_map["fortyGigE0/%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % i
        elif hwsku == "Force10-S6100":
            for i in range(0, 4):
                for j in range(0, 16):
                    port_alias_to_name_map["fortyGigE1/%d/%d" %
                                           (i + 1, j +
                                            1)] = "Ethernet%d" % (i * 16 + j)
        elif hwsku == "Force10-Z9100":
            for i in range(0, 128, 4):
                port_alias_to_name_map["hundredGigE1/%d" %
                                       (i / 4 + 1)] = "Ethernet%d" % i
        # TODO: Come up with a generic formula for generating etp style aliases based on number of ports and lanes
        elif hwsku == "DellEMC-Z9332f-M-O16C64":
            # 100G ports
            s100G_ports = [x for x in range(0, 96, 2)
                           ] + [x for x in range(128, 160, 2)]

            # 400G ports
            s400G_ports = [x for x in range(96, 128, 8)
                           ] + [x for x in range(160, 256, 8)]

            # 10G ports
            s10G_ports = [x for x in range(256, 258)]

            for i in s100G_ports:
                alias = "etp{}{}".format(((i + 8) // 8),
                                         chr(ord('a') + (i // 2) % 4))
                port_alias_to_name_map[alias] = "Ethernet{}".format(i)
            for i in s400G_ports:
                alias = "etp{}".format((i // 8) + 1)
                port_alias_to_name_map[alias] = "Ethernet{}".format(i)
            for i in s10G_ports:
                alias = "etp{}".format(33 if i == 256 else 34)
                port_alias_to_name_map[alias] = "Ethernet{}".format(i)
        elif hwsku == "DellEMC-Z9332f-O32":
            for i in range(0, 256, 8):
                alias = "etp{}".format((i // 8) + 1)
                port_alias_to_name_map[alias] = "Ethernet{}".format(i)
            for i in range(256, 258):
                alias = "etp{}".format(33 if i == 256 else 34)
                port_alias_to_name_map[alias] = "Ethernet{}".format(i)
        elif hwsku == "Arista-7050-QX32":
            for i in range(1, 25):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
            for i in range(25, 33):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
        elif hwsku == "Arista-7050-QX-32S":
            for i in range(0, 4):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet1/%d" %
                                       (i + 1)] = "Ethernet%d" % i
            for i in range(6, 29):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 5) * 4)
            for i in range(29, 37):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 5) * 4)
        elif hwsku == "Arista-7280CR3-C40":
            for i in range(1, 33):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
            for i in range(33, 41, 2):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/5" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % (i * 4)
        elif hwsku == "Arista-7260CX3-C64" or hwsku == "Arista-7170-64C" or hwsku == "Arista-7260CX3-Q64":
            for i in range(1, 65):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
        elif hwsku == "Arista-7060CX-32S-C32" or hwsku == "Arista-7060CX-32S-Q32" or hwsku == "Arista-7060CX-32S-C32-T1" or hwsku == "Arista-7170-32CD-C32" \
            or hwsku == "Arista-7050CX3-32S-C32":
            for i in range(1, 33):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
        elif hwsku == "Mellanox-SN2700-D40C8S8":
            # 10G ports
            s10G_ports = range(0, 4) + range(8, 12)

            # 50G ports
            s50G_ports = [x for x in range(16, 24, 2)] + [
                x for x in range(40, 88, 2)
            ] + [x for x in range(104, 128, 2)]

            # 100G ports
            s100G_ports = [x for x in range(24, 40, 4)
                           ] + [x for x in range(88, 104, 4)]

            for i in s10G_ports:
                alias = "etp%d" % (i / 4 + 1) + chr(ord('a') + i % 4)
                port_alias_to_name_map[alias] = "Ethernet%d" % i
            for i in s50G_ports:
                alias = "etp%d" % (i / 4 + 1) + ("a" if i % 4 == 0 else "b")
                port_alias_to_name_map[alias] = "Ethernet%d" % i
            for i in s100G_ports:
                alias = "etp%d" % (i / 4 + 1)
                port_alias_to_name_map[alias] = "Ethernet%d" % i
        elif hwsku == "Mellanox-SN2700-D48C8":
            # 50G ports
            s50G_ports = [x for x in range(0, 24, 2)] + [
                x for x in range(40, 88, 2)
            ] + [x for x in range(104, 128, 2)]

            # 100G ports
            s100G_ports = [x for x in range(24, 40, 4)
                           ] + [x for x in range(88, 104, 4)]

            for i in s50G_ports:
                alias = "etp%d" % (i / 4 + 1) + ("a" if i % 4 == 0 else "b")
                port_alias_to_name_map[alias] = "Ethernet%d" % i
            for i in s100G_ports:
                alias = "etp%d" % (i / 4 + 1)
                port_alias_to_name_map[alias] = "Ethernet%d" % i
        elif hwsku == "Mellanox-SN2700" or hwsku == "ACS-MSN2700":
            for i in range(1, 33):
                port_alias_to_name_map["etp%d" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
        elif hwsku == "Arista-7060CX-32S-D48C8":
            # All possible breakout 50G port numbers:
            all_ports = [x for x in range(1, 33)]

            # 100G ports
            s100G_ports = [x for x in range(7, 11)]
            s100G_ports += [x for x in range(23, 27)]

            port_alias_to_name_map = _port_alias_to_name_map_50G(
                all_ports, s100G_ports)
        elif hwsku == "Arista-7260CX3-D108C8":
            # All possible breakout 50G port numbers:
            all_ports = [x for x in range(1, 65)]

            # 100G ports
            s100G_ports = [x for x in range(13, 21)]

            port_alias_to_name_map = _port_alias_to_name_map_50G(
                all_ports, s100G_ports)
        elif hwsku == "Arista-7800R3-48CQ-LC" or\
             hwsku == "Arista-7800R3K-48CQ-LC":
            for i in range(1, 48):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
        elif hwsku == "INGRASYS-S9100-C32":
            for i in range(1, 33):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
        elif hwsku == "INGRASYS-S9100-C32" or hwsku == "INGRASYS-S9130-32X" or hwsku == "INGRASYS-S8810-32Q":
            for i in range(1, 33):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
        elif hwsku == "INGRASYS-S8900-54XC":
            for i in range(1, 49):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % (i - 1)
            for i in range(49, 55):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 49) * 4 + 48)
        elif hwsku == "INGRASYS-S8900-64XC":
            for i in range(1, 49):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % (i - 1)
            for i in range(49, 65):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d/1" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 49) * 4 + 48)
        elif hwsku == "Accton-AS7712-32X":
            for i in range(1, 33):
                port_alias_to_name_map["hundredGigE%d" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
        elif hwsku == "Celestica-DX010-C32":
            for i in range(1, 33):
                port_alias_to_name_map["etp%d" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
        elif hwsku == "Seastone-DX010":
            for i in range(1, 33):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Eth%d" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
        elif hwsku in ["Celestica-E1031-T48S4", "Nokia-7215", "Nokia-M0-7215"]:
            for i in range(1, 53):
                port_alias_to_name_map["etp%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1))
        elif hwsku == "et6448m":
            for i in range(0, 52):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % i
        elif hwsku == "Nokia-IXR7250E-36x400G":
            for i in range(0, 36):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % i
        elif hwsku == 'Nokia-IXR7250E-SUP-10':
            port_alias_to_name_map = {}
        elif hwsku == "newport":
            for i in range(0, 256, 8):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % i
        elif hwsku == "32x100Gb":
            for i in range(0, 32):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % i
        elif hwsku == "36x100Gb":
            for i in range(0, 36):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % i
        elif hwsku == "64x100Gb":
            for i in range(0, 64):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % i
        elif hwsku in ["8800-LC-48H-O", "88-LC0-36FH-MO"]:
            for i in range(0, 48, 1):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % i
        elif hwsku in ["msft_multi_asic_vs"]:
            for i in range(1, 65):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet1/%d" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
        elif hwsku == "msft_four_asic_vs":
            for i in range(1, 9):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet1/%d" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % ((i - 1) * 4)
        elif hwsku == "B6510-48VS8CQ" or hwsku == "RA-B6510-48V8C":
            for i in range(1, 49):
                port_alias_to_name_map["twentyfiveGigE0/%d" %
                                       i] = "Ethernet%d" % i
            for i in range(49, 57):
                port_alias_to_name_map["hundredGigE0/%d" %
                                       (i - 48)] = "Ethernet%d" % i
        elif hwsku == "RA-B6910-64C":
            for i in range(1, 65):
                port_alias_to_name_map["hundredGigE%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % i
            for i in range(0, 128, 4):
                port_alias_to_name_map["Ethernet%d" % i] = "Ethernet%d" % i

    return port_alias_to_name_map, port_alias_asic_map, port_name_to_index_map