Exemplo n.º 1
def get_description(record: Record, feature: CDSFeature, type_: str,
                    options: ConfigType, mibig_result: List[clusterblast.results.MibigEntry]) -> str:
    "Get the description text of a CDS feature"

    urls = {
        "blastp": ("http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?PAGE=Proteins&"
                   "LINK_LOC=protein&PAGE_TYPE=BlastSearch") % feature.translation,
        "mibig": "",
        "transport": "",
        "smcog_tree": ""

    genomic_context_url = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/sviewer/?" \

    if mibig_result:
        assert feature.region
        region_number = feature.region.get_region_number()
        mibig_homology_file = os.path.join(options.output_dir, "knownclusterblast",
                                           "region%d" % region_number,
                                           feature.get_accession() + '_mibig_hits.html')
        generate_html_table(mibig_homology_file, mibig_result)
        urls["mibig"] = mibig_homology_file[len(options.output_dir) + 1:]

    if type_ == 'transport':
        urls["transport"] = ("http://blast.jcvi.org/er-blast/index.cgi?project=transporter;"
                             "sequence=sequence%%0A%s") % feature.translation

    urls["context"] = genomic_context_url % (record.id,
                                             max(feature.location.start - 9999, 0),
                                             min(feature.location.end + 10000, len(record)))

    if options.smcog_trees:
        for note in feature.notes:  # TODO find a better way to store image urls
            if note.startswith('smCOG tree PNG image:'):
                urls["smcog_tree"] = note.split(':')[-1]

    asf_notes = generate_asf_tooltip_section(record, feature)
    go_notes = generate_pfam2go_tooltip(record, feature)
    pfam_notes = generate_pfam_tooltip(record, feature)
    tigr_notes = generate_tigr_tooltip(record, feature)

    urls["searchgtr"] = searchgtr_links.get("{}_{}".format(record.id, feature.get_name()), "")
    template = html_renderer.FileTemplate(path.get_full_path(__file__, "templates", "cds_detail.html"))
    ec_numbers = ""
    ec_number_qual = feature.get_qualifier("EC_number")
    if isinstance(ec_number_qual, list):
        ec_numbers = ",".join(ec_number_qual)
    return template.render(feature=feature, ec_numbers=ec_numbers, go_notes=go_notes,
                           asf_notes=asf_notes, pfam_notes=pfam_notes, tigr_notes=tigr_notes,
                           record=record, urls=urls)
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_description(
        record: Record, feature: CDSFeature, type_: str, options: ConfigType,
        mibig_result: List[clusterblast.results.MibigEntry]) -> str:
    "Get the description text of a CDS feature"

    blastp_url = "http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?PAGE=Proteins&" \
                 "PROGRAM=blastp&BLAST_PROGRAMS=blastp&QUERY=%s&" \
                 "LINK_LOC=protein&PAGE_TYPE=BlastSearch" % feature.translation
    genomic_context_url = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/sviewer/?" \
    template = '<span class="svgene-tooltip-bold">%s</span><br>\n' % feature.product or feature.get_name(
    template += 'Locus-tag: %s; Protein-ID: %s<br>\n' % (feature.locus_tag,

    if feature.get_qualifier('EC_number'):
        template += "EC-number(s): %s<br>\n" % ",".join(

    for gene_function in feature.gene_functions:
        template += "%s<br>\n" % str(gene_function)

    template += "Location: %d - %d<br><br>\n" % (
        feature.location.start + 1,  # 1-indexed

    if mibig_result:
        cluster_number = feature.cluster.get_cluster_number()
        mibig_homology_file = os.path.join(
            options.output_dir, "knownclusterblast",
            "cluster%d" % cluster_number,
            feature.get_accession() + '_mibig_hits.html')
        generate_html_table(mibig_homology_file, mibig_result)
        mibig_path = mibig_homology_file[len(options.output_dir) + 1:]
        template += '<br><a href="%s" target="_new">MiBIG Hits</a><br>\n' % mibig_path

    if type_ == 'transport':
        url = "http://blast.jcvi.org/er-blast/index.cgi?project=transporter;" \
              "program=blastp;database=pub/transporter.pep;" \
              "sequence=sequence%%0A%s" % feature.translation
        template += '<a href="%s" target="_new">TransportDB BLAST on this gene<br>' % url

    key = record.id + "_" + feature.get_name()
    if key in searchgtr_links:
        url = searchgtr_links[key]
        template += '<a href="%s" target="_new">SEARCHGTr on this gene<br>\n' % url

    template += '<a href="%s" target="_new">NCBI BlastP on this gene</a><br>\n' % blastp_url

    context = genomic_context_url % (
        record.id, max(feature.location.start - 9999,
                       0), min(feature.location.end + 10000, len(record)))
    template += """<a href="%s" target="_new">View genomic context</a><br>\n""" % context

    if options.smcogs_trees:
        for note in feature.notes:  # TODO find a better way to store image urls
            if note.startswith('smCOG tree PNG image:'):
                url = note.split(':')[-1]
                entry = '<a href="%s" target="_new">View smCOG seed phylogenetic tree with this gene</a>\n'
                template += entry % url

    template += generate_asf_tooltip_section(record, feature)

    go_notes = generate_pfam2go_tooltip(record, feature)
    if go_notes:
        template += '<br><span class="bold">Gene Ontology terms for PFAM domains:</span><br>\n' \
                    '%s<br><br>\n' % "<br>".join(go_notes)

    clipboard_fragment = """<a href="javascript:copyToClipboard('%s')">Copy to clipboard</a>"""
    template += "AA sequence: %s<br>\n" % (clipboard_fragment %
    template += "Nucleotide sequence: %s<br>\n" % (clipboard_fragment %

    return "".join(char for char in template if char in string.printable)