Exemplo n.º 1
def add_node(dyad, parent_node):
    """Make a cost-scored node from a target pair dyad.  Use memoized cost lookups for speed"""
    matches = [x for x in parent_node.children if x.name == dyad]
    if not any(matches):
        n = Node(dyad)
        n.cost = get_cost(dyad)
        n.parent = parent_node
        n = matches[0]
    return n
Exemplo n.º 2
def make_tree():
    """Iteratively build a tree of unique, valid tetrads.  A valid tetrad has 4 target dyads
    whose elements obey the relationship  {(a, c), (a, d), (b, c), (b, d)} """

    # memoized cache of previously-added valid tetrads to prevent duplication.
    valid_tetrads = set()

    root = Node('root')
    root.cost = 0

    # bush_root is A and C
    for parent in dyad_pairs:
        # all children are A and D
        br_children = [
            d for d in dyads if parent[0] == d[0]  # is a
            and parent[1] != d[1]
        ]  # is not A.
        for child in br_children:
            # all grandchildren are B and C
            grandchildren = [
                d for d in dyads if d[0] != parent[0]  # not a
                and d[0] != child[1]  # not d
                and d[1] == parent[1]
            ]  # is c

            for grandchild in grandchildren:
                # all greatgrandchildren are B and D
                greatgrandchildren = [
                    d for d in dyads
                    if d[0] == grandchild[0] and d[1] == child[1]

                for greatgrandchild in greatgrandchildren:
                    tetrad = make_tetrad(parent, child, grandchild,

                    if is_valid(tetrad) and tetrad not in valid_tetrads:
                        parent_node = add_node(parent, root)
                        child_node = add_node(child, parent_node)
                        grandchild_node = add_node(grandchild, child_node)
                        greatgrandchild_node = add_node(
                            greatgrandchild, grandchild_node)

        print(f'processed bush with root {parent}')

        f'took {(datetime.now() -start).total_seconds()} to generate full tree before pruning'
    return root