Exemplo n.º 1
        ### find stars
        if os.path.exists(frame + ".fullcoo"):
            # 			worked = aries.readFullCoo(frame,useFWHM,useBkg,useThresh)
            worked = ao.readFullCooAllStars(frame, useFWHM, useBkg, useThresh)
            ao.findStars(frame, useFWHM, useBkg, useThresh)
            # 			worked = aries.readFullCoo(frame,useFWHM,useBkg,useThresh)
            worked = ao.readFullCooAllStars(frame, useFWHM, useBkg, useThresh)
        while worked[0] != True:
            useFWHM, useBkg, useThresh = worked
            os.system("rm -f " + frame + ".fullcoo")
            ao.findStars(frame, useFWHM, useBkg, useThresh)
            # 			worked = aries.readFullCoo(frame,useFWHM,useBkg,useThresh)
            worked = ao.readFullCooAllStars(frame, useFWHM, useBkg, useThresh)
            ### Now that we know where the stars are, we can check the FWHM estimate
        measFWHM, measX, measY = ao.getFWHM(frame + "//.red.sub", frame + ".coo", fwhmType=useFwhm)
        print frame + " Measured: X, Y (daophot); X, Y, FWHM (imexam)", worked[1], worked[2], measX, measY, measFWHM
        if 2 < measFWHM < 50:
            useFWHM = measFWHM
            #### NOTE: a seeing criteria is used in step6

            # shiftListCoords[frame]=[worked[1],worked[2],measFWHM]
        shiftListCoords[frame] = [measX, measY, measFWHM]

        ### Now make shiftlist
    shiftListFile = "Shiftlist_" + properName[nn] + "_" + filt + ".txt"
    allObjFile = "allObj_" + properName[nn] + "_" + filt + "_use.txt"
    g = open(shiftListFile, "w")
    gAll = open(allObjFile, "w")
        refFrame = aries.refFrameForObj[properName[nn], useNight]
Exemplo n.º 2
	## The shiftlist, object list, and final image are saved in the main folder
	print "Copying shiftfile"
	os.system("cp Shiftlist_"+obj+"_"+filt+".txt "+objFilterDir)
	print "Copying list of frames"
	os.system("cp "+ff+" "+objFilterDir+ff)
	print "Copying final image"
	os.system("cp "+obj+"_"+filt+"_mp.fits "+objFilterDir+obj+"_"+filt+".fits")
	## The intermediate steps get saved to a subdirectory
	print "Copying saved info..."
	os.system("cp "+obj+"_"+filt+"* "+savedDir)

	## Also we should print the FWHM for our target in the combined image
	finalFrame = obj+"_"+filt+"_mp.fits"
	os.system("rm -f "+finalFrame+".fullcoo")

	print "Finding the FWHM for the final frame and exporting to a summary file"
	ao.findStars(finalFrame, aries.useFWHM, aries.useBkg ,aries.useThresh, extra="")
	worked = ao.readFullCooAllStars(finalFrame, aries.useFWHM, aries.useBkg, aries.useThresh, interactive=True)
	while worked[0] != True:
		useFWHM,useBkg,useThresh, useX, useY, useEdge = worked
		os.system("rm -f "+finalFrame+".fullcoo")
		ao.findStars(finalFrame, useFWHM, useBkg, useThresh,extra="")
		worked = ao.readFullCooAllStars(finalFrame, useFWHM, useBkg, useThresh, numXpixels=useX, numYpixels=useY, ignoreEdgePixels=useEdge, interactive=True)

	measFWHM, measX, measY = ao.getFWHM(finalFrame, finalFrame+".coo", fwhmType=aries.useFWHM)
	print obj,measX, measY, measFWHM, eval(measFWHM)*0.02
	print >>g, obj,measX, measY, measFWHM, eval(measFWHM)*0.02
