Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    Read input from file and count the number of times the list is increasing.
    data = aoc.read_input("input.txt", int)
    print(count_increase(data, 1))
    print(count_increase(data, 3))
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_count_increase():
    Test if the count increases

    data = read_input("test.txt", int)

    assert depth.count_increase(data, 1) == 7
    assert depth.count_increase(data, 3) == 5
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_part2_input(self):
        # When viewed, my answer is 'AGUEB'
        expected_result = \
            " XX   XX  X  X XXXX XXX  \n" \
            "X  X X  X X  X X    X  X \n" \
            "X  X X    X  X XXX  XXX  \n" \
            "XXXX X XX X  X X    X  X \n" \
            "X  X X  X X  X X    X  X \n" \
            "X  X  XXX  XX  XXXX XXX  \n"

        result = day08.part2(aoc.read_input('day08.input'))
        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_part2_input(self):
        result = day11.part2(aoc.read_input('day11.input'))

        # Our ship's identifier is AGALRGJE
        expected = \
            "  **   **   **  *    ***   **    ** ****   \n" \
            " *  * *  * *  * *    *  * *  *    * *      \n" \
            " *  * *    *  * *    *  * *       * ***    \n" \
            " **** * ** **** *    ***  * **    * *      \n" \
            " *  * *  * *  * *    * *  *  * *  * *      \n" \
            " *  *  *** *  * **** *  *  ***  **  ****   \n"

        self.assertEqual(expected, result)
Exemplo n.º 5
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from functools import reduce
from operator import and_, or_

from aoc import read_input

def group_reduce(groups, func):
    return sum(len(reduce(func, group)) for group in groups)

def puzzle1(groups):
    return group_reduce(groups, or_)

def puzzle2(groups):
    return group_reduce(groups, and_)

raw = read_input(2020, 6).split('\n\n')
groups = [list(map(set, group.split())) for group in raw]

print("Puzzle 1: {}".format(puzzle1(groups)))
print("Puzzle 2: {}".format(puzzle2(groups)))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_part1_input(self):
     result = day07.part1(aoc.read_input('day07.input'))
     self.assertEqual(result, 'GDHOSUXACIMRTPWNYJLEQFVZBK')
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_part2_input(self):
     result = day07.part2(aoc.read_input('day07.input'))
     self.assertEqual(result, 1024)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_part2_input(self):
     distance = day24.part2(aoc.read_input('day24.input'))
     self.assertEqual(4428, distance)
Exemplo n.º 9
    if t < 0: t += m

    return t

def f(bus1, bus2):
    a_1, m_1 = bus1
    a_2, m_2 = bus2

    return (a_1 * m_2 * modmultinv(m_2, m_1) +
            a_2 * m_1 * modmultinv(m_1, m_2)) % (m_1 * m_2), m_1 * m_2

def puzzle1(departure, busse):
    earliest = min([(bus, bus - departure % bus) for _, bus in busses],
                   key=lambda b: b[1])
    return prod(earliest)

def puzzle2(busses):
    return reduce(f, busses)

raw = read_input(2020, 13)
departure, busses = raw.split()
departure = int(departure)
busses = [(-pos, int(bus)) for pos, bus in enumerate(busses.split(','))
          if bus.isdigit()]

print("Puzzle 1: {}".format(puzzle1(departure, busses)))
print("Puzzle 2: {}".format(puzzle2(busses)))
Exemplo n.º 10
        if max([path.count(v)
                for v in path if v.upper() != v]) < max_visit or v not in path:

    ret = []
    for v in explore:
        rest = all_path(path + [v], graph, max_visit)
        for r in rest:
            if r: ret.append(r)

    return ret

def puzzle1(graph):
    return len(all_path(['start'], graph, 1))

def puzzle2(graph):
    return len(all_path(['start'], graph, 2))

raw = read_input(2021, 12)
edges = [l.split('-') for l in raw.split()]
graph = defaultdict(list)

for v1, v2 in edges:

print(f"\033[97m★\033[00m {puzzle1(graph)}")
print(f"\033[93m★\033[00m {puzzle2(graph)}")
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_part2_input(self):
     result = day04.part2(aoc.read_input('day04.input'))
     self.assertEqual(710, result)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_part1_input(self):
     result = day11.part1(aoc.read_input('day11.input'))
     self.assertEqual(2252, result)
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_dive():

    data = read_input("test.txt", str)

    assert dive.dive(data) == 150
    assert dive.aim(data) == 900
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_part2_input(self):
     result = day01.part2(aoc.read_input('day01.input'))
     self.assertEqual(result, 5106777)
Exemplo n.º 15
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from math import prod

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label

from aoc import read_input

def puzzle1(a):
    ap = np.pad(a, 1, mode='constant', constant_values=10)
    mini = ((a < ap[:-2, 1:-1]) & 
            (a < ap[2:, 1:-1]) & 
            (a < ap[1:-1, :-2]) & 
            (a < ap[1:-1, 2:]))
    return sum(a[mini] + 1)

def puzzle2(a):
    c, n = label(a<9, structure=[[0,1,0],[1,0,1],[0,1,0]])
    _, s = np.unique(c, return_counts=True)
    return prod(sorted(s)[-4:-1])

a = np.array(list(map(list, read_input(2021, 9).split())), dtype=int)

print(f"Puzzle 1: {puzzle1(a)}")
print(f"Puzzle 2: {puzzle2(a)}")
Exemplo n.º 16
 def test_part1_input(self):
     result = day01.part1(aoc.read_input('day01.input'))
     self.assertEqual(result, 3406432)
Exemplo n.º 17
# Day 2: Dive!

from aoc import read_input

data = read_input(2, str.split)

x = y = aim = 0

for command, value in data:
    value = int(value)
    if command == 'forward':
        x += value
        y += aim * value
    elif command == 'down':
        aim += value
    elif command == 'up':
        aim -= value

print(x * aim, x * y)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def test_part1_input(self):
     result = day05.part1(aoc.read_input('day05.input'))
     self.assertEqual(result, 11152)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def test_part1_input(self):
     result = day03.part1(aoc.read_input('day03.input'))
     self.assertEqual(293, result)
Exemplo n.º 20
def main():
    data = read_input("input.txt", str)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def test_part2_input(self):
     result = day03.part2(aoc.read_input('day03.input'))
     self.assertEqual(27306, result)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def test_part2_input(self):
     result = day18.part2(aoc.read_input('day18.input'))
     self.assertEqual(1996, result)
Exemplo n.º 23
    t = 1
    n = 0
    while t != pub:
        t = (t * subject) % 20201227
        n += 1

    return n

def enc_key(subject, n):
    t = 1
    for _ in range(n):
        t = (t * subject) % 20201227

    return t

def puzzle1(door, card):
    loop_size = bf_loop_size(7, door)
    return enc_key(card, loop_size)

def puzzle2():

raw = read_input(2020, 25)
door, card = list(map(int, raw.split()))

print(f"Puzzle 1: {puzzle1(door, card)}")
print(f"Puzzle 2: {puzzle2()}")
Exemplo n.º 24
 def test_part1_input(self):
     result = day04.part1(aoc.read_input('day04.input'))
     self.assertEqual(1099, result)
Exemplo n.º 25
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from aoc import read_input

def puzzle1(raw):
    fwd = filter(lambda s: s['d']=='forward', raw)
    updown = filter(lambda s: s['d']!='forward', raw)
    fwd_total =  sum((s['m'] for s in fwd))
    updown_total = sum((s['m'] if s['d']=='down' else -s['m'] for s in updown))
    return fwd_total * updown_total

def puzzle2(raw):
    hor = dep = aim = 0
    for s in raw:
        if s['d'] == 'down':
            aim += s['m']
        if s['d'] == 'up':
            aim -= s['m']
        if s['d'] == 'forward':
            hor += s['m']
            dep += aim * s['m']
    return dep * hor

raw = read_input(2021, 2).split('\n')[:-1]
raw = list(map(lambda s: dict(d=s.split()[0],m=int(s.split()[1])),  raw))

print(f"Puzzle 1: {puzzle1(raw)}")
print(f"Puzzle 2: {puzzle2(raw)}")
Exemplo n.º 26
 def test_part1_input(self):
     result = day08.part1(aoc.read_input('day08.input'))
     self.assertEqual(result, 41926)
Exemplo n.º 27
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from statistics import median, mean
from math import floor, ceil

from aoc import read_input

def solve(crabs, cost, center):
    m = center(crabs)
    opt = {floor(m), ceil(m)}
    return int(min((sum((cost(c, o) for c in crabs)) for o in opt)))

def puzzle1(crabs):
    cost = lambda crab, pos: abs(crab - pos)
    return solve(crabs, cost, median)

def puzzle2(crabs):
    cost = lambda crab, pos: abs(crab - pos) * (abs(crab - pos) + 1) // 2
    return solve(crabs, cost, mean)

raw = read_input(2021, 7)
crabs = list(map(int, raw.split(",")))

print(f"Puzzle 1: {puzzle1(crabs)}")
print(f"Puzzle 2: {puzzle2(crabs)}")
Exemplo n.º 28
 def test_part2_input(self):
     result = day08.part2(aoc.read_input('day08.input'))
     self.assertEqual(result, 24262)
Exemplo n.º 29
 def test_part1_input(self):
     result = day18.part1(aoc.read_input('day18.input'))
     self.assertEqual(5964, result)
Exemplo n.º 30
            stack = deal_new(stack)
        elif i.startswith("deal"):
            _, _, _, n = i.split()
            stack = deal_inc(stack, int(n))
            _, n = i.split()
            stack = cut(stack, int(n))
    return stack

def puzzle1(instr):
    stack = tuple(range(10007))
    stack = run(instr, stack)
    pos, *_ = [n for (n, c) in enumerate(stack) if c == 2019]
    return (pos)

def puzzle2():
    stack = tuple(range(119315717514047))
    for _ in range(101741582076661):
        stack = run(stack)

    pos, *_ = [n for (n, c) in enumerate(stack) if c == 2019]
    return (pos)

raw = read_input(2019, 22)
instr = tuple(raw.split('\n')[:-1])

print(f"Puzzle 1: {puzzle1(instr)}")
print(f"Puzzle 2: {puzzle2()}")