Exemplo n.º 1
def solve():

    # Setup computer
    print("Solving Day 13")
    program = list(map(int, aoc.read_program('13.txt')))
    computer = intcode.IntCodeComputer(program, pause_on_output=True)

    state = defaultdict[int]

    while computer.status != intcode.StatusFlag.FINISHED:

        # parse 3 output values
        for i in range(3):
            except intcode.ProgramFinished:
                print("Program end found")

        if computer.status != intcode.StatusFlag.FINISHED:
            x, y, t_id = computer.output_value
            computer.output_value = None

            state[(x, y)] = t_id

    total_block_tiles = sum(
        [t_id == TileID.BLOCK.value for t_id in state.values()])
    print(f"Total Blocks: {total_block_tiles}")
Exemplo n.º 2
def best_base(txtfile):
    # Preprocess data
    contents = aoc.read_program(txtfile)
    table, height, width = transform_program(contents)

    # Locate asteroids
    asteroids = locate_asteroids(table, height, width)

    # Calculate maximum number of visible asteroids from the best base location
    max_seen, where_seen = how_well_can_i_see(asteroids)

    print('Day 10, Part 1 - Max asteroids visible = {} from asteroid at {}'
          .format(max_seen, where_seen))

    return max_seen, where_seen
def preprocess_transmission(x, y, txtfile):
    # load transmission information
    transmission_received = aoc.read_program(txtfile)

    # Process transmission dimensions
    digits_per_image_layer = x * y
    transmission_length = len(transmission_received)
    image_count = transmission_length // digits_per_image_layer
    image_count_error = transmission_length % digits_per_image_layer
    if image_count_error:
        raise Exception('Transmission corrupted. Partial final image')

    print('length of transmission = {}, number of images = {}'.format(
        transmission_length, image_count))

    # Find number of image layers
    image_layers = transform_program(transmission_received, image_count,

    return digits_per_image_layer, image_count, image_layers
Exemplo n.º 4
def blast_rotation(txtfile):
    # Preprocess data
    contents = aoc.read_program(txtfile)
    table, height, width = transform_program(contents)

    # Locate asteroids
    asteroids = locate_asteroids(table, height, width)

    # Calculate maximum number of visible asteroids from the best base location
    max_seen, where_seen = how_well_can_i_see(asteroids)

    # create vector of the seen asteroid locations from the new base
    remaining_asteroids = other_asteroids(asteroids, where_seen)
    lst = asteroids_seen_from_new_base(remaining_asteroids, where_seen)
    lst = lst.loc[lst.groupby('theta')['radius'].idxmin()]

    # Sort the vector to enable visual determination of Part 2 answer
    lst = lst.sort_values('theta').reset_index()

    return lst
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, board_dim=(25, 25), ai=False):
        self.automated = ai
        game_input = self.game_input()
        program = list(map(int, aoc.read_program('13.txt')))
        program[0] = 2  # Set up for unlimited play

        self.computer = intcode.IntCodeComputer(program,

        self.state = defaultdict(int)
        self.score = 0
        self.last_input = None
        self.board_dim = board_dim
        self.char_map = {
            0: ' ',
            1: '\u2588',
            2: '\u2591',
            3: '\u2501',
            4: '\u25cf'
# # process inner sums
#     eris_copy = check_adjacent_folding(eris, layers_needed)

#     eris_copy[:, 3, 3] = 0

#     eris = eris_copy

# # count critters
# print(f"Day 24, Part 2 - There are currently "
#       f"{count_critters(eris, layers_needed)}"
#       f" bugs present.")

# %% Production Environment

txtfile = "../data/AoC2019_day_24_input.txt"
contents = aoc.read_program(txtfile)
eris = transform_program(contents)
minutes = 50

layer = day24_part1(eris, minutes)
biodiversity_rating = biodiversity(layer)
print(f"Day 24, Part 1 - Biodiversity rating = {biodiversity_rating}")

txtfile = "../data/AoC2019_day_24_input.txt"
contents = aoc.read_program(txtfile)
eris_initiator = transform_program(contents)
minutes = 200

day24_part2(eris_initiator, minutes)
Exemplo n.º 7
            if order['chain_reaction_level'] == reaction_level_index - 1:
                for chem_name, amount in order['recipe'].items():
                    print(f"{chem_name} {amount}")
                    order_key_index = create_order(ledger, inventory, orders,
                                                   chemicals, order_key_index,

# %% Development Environment

txtfile = "../data/AoC2019_day_14_input.txt"

raw_data = aoc.read_program(txtfile)
data = transform_input(raw_data)

chemicals = create_chemicals_dictionary(data)
ledger = create_dictionary(data)
inventory = create_dictionary(data)

order_key_index = 0
reaction_level_index = 0
orders = {}

chem_name = 'FUEL'

order_key_index = create_order(ledger, inventory, orders, chemicals,
                               order_key_index, chem_name,
Exemplo n.º 8
        quarter_moons = position_at_end_of_time_step(harvest_moons)
        e = energy(quarter_moons)
        time_steps += 1
        if not (time_steps % 100000):
            print('Passing time step...{0:,d}'.format(time_steps))
        # if quarter_moons == new_moons:
        #     break
        if e == 0:

    print_format(quarter_moons, time_steps)
    print('Total energy in the system = {}'.format(e))

# %%  Set up variables

pairs = [[0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3], [1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 3]]

# %% Development Environment

txtfile = "../data/AoC2019_day_12_input.txt"
start = aoc.read_program(txtfile)
start_vector = transform_input(start)
new_moons = convert_moon_list_to_dictionary(start_vector, 3, 2, 4)
full_moons = convert_moon_list_to_dictionary(start_vector, 3, 2, 4)

moon_shot(new_moons, full_moons, 100000000000)

# %% Production Environment