Exemplo n.º 1
def test_propagation_round_trip():
    screen = phasescreen.ft_phase_screen(0.16, 512, 4.2 / 512, 100, 0.01)

    # Input E Field
    E = numpy.exp(1j * screen)

    prop1 = opticalpropagation.angularSpectrum(E, 500e-9, 4.2 / 512, 4.2 / 512, 10000.)
    prop2 = opticalpropagation.angularSpectrum(prop1, 500e-9, 4.2 / 512, 4.2 / 512, -10000.)

    assert numpy.allclose(E, prop2)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_propagation_round_trip():
    screen = phasescreen.ft_phase_screen(0.16, 512, 4.2 / 512, 100, 0.01)

    # Input E Field
    E = numpy.exp(1j * screen)

    prop1 = opticalpropagation.angularSpectrum(E, 500e-9, 4.2 / 512, 4.2 / 512,
    prop2 = opticalpropagation.angularSpectrum(prop1, 500e-9, 4.2 / 512,
                                               4.2 / 512, -10000.)

    assert numpy.allclose(E, prop2)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_propagation_conserves_intensity():
    screen = phasescreen.ft_phase_screen(0.16, 512, 4.2 / 512, 100, 0.01)

    # Input E Field
    E = numpy.exp(1j * screen)

    Em = E * circle(150, 512)
    sum1 = (abs(Em) ** 2).sum()
    prop1 = opticalpropagation.angularSpectrum(Em, 500e-9, 4.2 / 512, 4.2 / 512, 10000.)
    sum2 = (abs(prop1) ** 2).sum()

    assert numpy.allclose(sum1, sum2)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_propagation_conserves_intensity():
    screen = phasescreen.ft_phase_screen(0.16, 512, 4.2 / 512, 100, 0.01)

    # Input E Field
    E = numpy.exp(1j * screen)

    Em = E * circle(150, 512)
    sum1 = (abs(Em)**2).sum()
    prop1 = opticalpropagation.angularSpectrum(Em, 500e-9, 4.2 / 512,
                                               4.2 / 512, 10000.)
    sum2 = (abs(prop1)**2).sum()

    assert numpy.allclose(sum1, sum2)
Exemplo n.º 5
def physical_atmosphere_propagation(
            phase_screens, output_mask, layer_altitudes, source_altitude,
            wavelength, output_pixel_scale,
    Finds total line of sight complex amplitude by propagating light through phase screens

        radii (dict, optional): Radii of each meta pupil of each screen height in pixels. If not given uses pupil radius.
        apos (ndarray, optional):  The angular position of the GS in radians. If not set, will use the config position

    scrnNo = len(phase_screens)
    z_total = 0
    scrnRange = range(0, scrnNo)

    nx_output_pixels = phase_screens[0].shape[0]

    phs2Rad = 2 * numpy.pi / (wavelength * 10 ** 9)

    # Get initial up/down dependent params
    if propagation_direction == "up":
        ht = 0
        ht_final = source_altitude
        if ht_final==0:
            raise ValueError("Can't propagate up to infinity")
        scrnAlts = layer_altitudes

        EFieldBuf = output_mask.copy().astype(CDTYPE)
        logger.debug("Create EField Buf of mask")

        ht = layer_altitudes[scrnNo-1]
        ht_final = 0
        scrnAlts = layer_altitudes[::-1]
        phase_screens = phase_screens[::-1]
        EFieldBuf = numpy.exp(
                1j*numpy.zeros((nx_output_pixels,) * 2)).astype(CDTYPE)
        logger.debug("Create EField Buf of zero phase")

    # Propagate to first phase screen (if not already there)
    if ht!=scrnAlts[0]:
        logger.debug("propagate to first phase screen")
        z = abs(scrnAlts[0] - ht)
        z_total += z
        EFieldBuf[:] = opticalpropagation.angularSpectrum(
                    EFieldBuf, wavelength,
                    output_pixel_scale, output_pixel_scale, z)

    # Go through and propagate between phase screens
    for i in scrnRange:

        phase = phase_screens[i]
        # print("Got phase")

        # Convert phase to radians
        phase *= phs2Rad

        # Change sign if propagating up
        if propagation_direction == 'up':
            phase *= -1
        # print("Get distance")
        # Get propagation distance for this layer
        if i==(scrnNo-1):
            z = abs(ht_final - ht) - z_total
            z = abs(scrnAlts[i+1] - scrnAlts[i])

        # Update total distance counter
        z_total += z

        # print("Make EField")
        # Apply phase to EField
        EFieldBuf *= numpy.exp(1j*phase)

        # Do ASP for last layer to next
        EFieldBuf[:] = opticalpropagation.angularSpectrum(
                    EFieldBuf, wavelength,
                    output_pixel_scale, output_pixel_scale, z)

        # logger.debug("Propagation: {}, {} m. Total: {}".format(i, z, z_total))

    return EFieldBuf
Exemplo n.º 6
def physical_atmosphere_propagation(
            phase_screens, output_mask, layer_altitudes, source_altitude,
            wavelength, output_pixel_scale,
    Finds total line of sight complex amplitude by propagating light through phase screens

        radii (dict, optional): Radii of each meta pupil of each screen height in pixels. If not given uses pupil radius.
        apos (ndarray, optional):  The angular position of the GS in radians. If not set, will use the config position

    scrnNo = len(phase_screens)
    z_total = 0
    scrnRange = range(0, scrnNo)
    prop_scrns = phase_screens.copy()

    nx_output_pixels = phase_screens[0].shape[0]

    phs2Rad = 2 * numpy.pi / (wavelength * 10 ** 9)

    # Get initial up/down dependent params
    if propagation_direction == "up":
        ht = 0
        ht_final = source_altitude
        if ht_final==0:
            raise ValueError("Can't propagate up to infinity")
        scrnAlts = layer_altitudes

        EFieldBuf = output_mask.copy().astype(CDTYPE)
        logger.debug("Create EField Buf of mask")

        ht = layer_altitudes[scrnNo-1]
        ht_final = 0
        scrnAlts = layer_altitudes[::-1]
        prop_scrns = prop_scrns[::-1]
        EFieldBuf = numpy.exp(
                1j*numpy.zeros((nx_output_pixels,) * 2)).astype(CDTYPE)
        logger.debug("Create EField Buf of zero phase")

    # Propagate to first phase screen (if not already there)
    if ht!=scrnAlts[0]:
        logger.debug("propagate to first phase screen")
        z = abs(scrnAlts[0] - ht)
        z_total += z
        EFieldBuf[:] = opticalpropagation.angularSpectrum(
                    EFieldBuf, wavelength,
                    output_pixel_scale, output_pixel_scale, z)

    # Go through and propagate between phase screens
    for i in scrnRange:

        phase = prop_scrns[i]
        # print("Got phase")

        # Convert phase to radians
        phase *= phs2Rad

        # Change sign if propagating up
        if propagation_direction == 'up':
            phase *= -1
        # print("Get distance")
        # Get propagation distance for this layer
        if i==(scrnNo-1):
            z = abs(ht_final - ht) - z_total
            z = abs(scrnAlts[i+1] - scrnAlts[i])

        # Update total distance counter
        z_total += z

        # print("Make EField")
        # Apply phase to EField
        EFieldBuf *= numpy.exp(1j*phase)

        # Do ASP for last layer to next
        EFieldBuf[:] = opticalpropagation.angularSpectrum(
                    EFieldBuf, wavelength,
                    output_pixel_scale, output_pixel_scale, z)

        # logger.debug("Propagation: {}, {} m. Total: {}".format(i, z, z_total))

    return EFieldBuf
Exemplo n.º 7
def physical_atmosphere_propagation(phase_screens,
    Finds total line of sight complex amplitude by propagating light through phase screens

    If the source altitude is infinity (denoted as 0), then the result of the propagation is


    scrnNo = len(phase_screens)
    z_total = 0
    scrnRange = range(0, scrnNo)

    nx_output_pixels = phase_screens[0].shape[0]

    phs2Rad = 2 * numpy.pi / (wavelength * 10**9)

    if input_efield is None:
        EFieldBuf = numpy.exp(1j * numpy.zeros(
            (nx_output_pixels, ) * 2)).astype(CDTYPE)

    # Get initial up/down dependent params
    if propagation_direction == "up":
        ht = 0
        ht_final = source_altitude
        # if ht_final==0:
        #     raise ValueError("Can't propagate up to infinity")
        scrnAlts = layer_altitudes
        # If propagating up from telescope, apply mask to the EField
        EFieldBuf *= output_mask
        logger.debug("Create EField Buf of mask")

        ht = layer_altitudes[scrnNo - 1]
        ht_final = 0
        scrnAlts = layer_altitudes[::-1]
        phase_screens = phase_screens[::-1]
        logger.debug("Create EField Buf of zero phase")

    # Propagate to first phase screen (if not already there)
    if ht != scrnAlts[0]:
        logger.debug("propagate to first phase screen")
        z = abs(scrnAlts[0] - ht)
        z_total += z
        EFieldBuf[:] = opticalpropagation.angularSpectrum(
            EFieldBuf, wavelength, output_pixel_scale, output_pixel_scale, z)

    # Go through and propagate between phase screens
    for i in scrnRange:

        phase = phase_screens[i]
        # print("Got phase")

        # Convert phase to radians
        phase *= phs2Rad

        # Apply phase to EField
        EFieldBuf *= numpy.exp(1j * phase)

        # Change sign if propagating up
        # if propagation_direction == 'up':
        #     phase *= -1
        # print("Get distance")
        # Get propagation distance for this layer
        if i == (scrnNo - 1):
            if ht_final == 0:
                # if the final height is infinity, don't propagate any more!
                z = abs(ht_final - ht) - z_total
            z = abs(scrnAlts[i + 1] - scrnAlts[i])

        # Update total distance counter
        z_total += z

        # print("Make EField")

        # Do ASP for last layer to next
        EFieldBuf[:] = opticalpropagation.angularSpectrum(
            EFieldBuf, wavelength, output_pixel_scale, output_pixel_scale, z)

        # logger.debug("Propagation: {}, {} m. Total: {}".format(i, z, z_total))

    return EFieldBuf
Exemplo n.º 8
    def makePhasePhys(self, radii=None, apos=None):
        Finds total line of sight complex amplitude by propagating light through phase screens

            radii (dict, optional): Radii of each meta pupil of each screen height in pixels. If not given uses pupil radius.
            apos (ndarray, optional):  The angular position of the GS in radians. If not set, will use the config position

        scrnNo = len(self.scrns)
        z_total = 0
        scrnRange = range(0, scrnNo)

        # Get initial up/down dependent params
        if self.propagationDirection == "up":
            ht = 0
            ht_final = self.config.height
            if ht_final==0:
                raise ValueError("Can't propagate up to infinity")
            scrnAlts = self.atmosConfig.scrnHeights

            self.EFieldBuf = self.outMask.copy().astype(CDTYPE)
            logger.debug("Create EField Buf of mask")

            ht = self.atmosConfig.scrnHeights[scrnNo-1]
            ht_final = 0
            scrnRange = scrnRange[::-1]
            scrnAlts = self.atmosConfig.scrnHeights[::-1]
            self.EFieldBuf = numpy.exp(
                    1j*numpy.zeros((self.nx_out_pixels,) * 2)).astype(CDTYPE)
            logger.debug("Create EField Buf of zero phase")

        # Propagate to first phase screen (if not already there)
        if ht!=scrnAlts[0]:
            logger.debug("propagate to first phase screen")
            z = abs(scrnAlts[0] - ht)
            self.EFieldBuf[:] = opticalpropagation.angularSpectrum(
                        self.EFieldBuf, self.wavelength,
                        self.out_pixel_scale, self.out_pixel_scale, z)

        # Go through and propagate between phase screens
        for i in scrnRange:
            # Check optional radii and position
            if radii is None:
                radius = None
                radius = radii[i]

            if self.metaPupilPos is None:
                pos = None
                pos = self.metaPupilPos[i]

            # Get phase for this layer
            phase = self.getMetaPupilPhase(
                    self.atmosConfig.scrnHeights[i], radius=radius, pos=pos)

            # Convert phase to radians
            phase *= self.phs2Rad

            # Change sign if propagating up
            if self.propagationDirection == 'up':
                self.phase *= -1

            # Get propagation distance for this layer
            if i==(scrnNo-1):
                z = abs(ht_final - ht) - z_total
                z = abs(scrnAlts[i+1] - scrnAlts[i])

            # Update total distance counter
            z_total += z

            # Apply phase to EField
            self.EFieldBuf *= numpy.exp(1j*phase)

            # Do ASP for last layer to next
            self.EFieldBuf[:] = opticalpropagation.angularSpectrum(
                        self.EFieldBuf, self.wavelength,
                        self.out_pixel_scale, self.out_pixel_scale, z)

            logger.debug("Propagation: {}, {} m. Total: {}".format(i, z, z_total))

            self.EField[:] = self.EFieldBuf

        return self.EField