Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_add_to_graph_low_threshold(self):
        Test adding nodes and edges to a graph with a low threshold.

        graph = nx.Graph()
        links = {
            'Olympique Lyonnais': ['Ligue 1', 'AS Monaco'],

        tokenizer = Tokenizer(stem=True, stopwords=stopwords.words('english'))
        extrapolator = WikipediaExtrapolator([], tokenizer, TF())
        extrapolator._add_to_graph(graph, links, threshold=0)
        self.assertEqual(3, len(graph.nodes))
        self.assertEqual(2, len(graph.edges))
        self.assertTrue('Olympique Lyonnais' in graph.nodes)
            len(graph.nodes['Olympique Lyonnais']['document'].dimensions))
        self.assertTrue('Ligue 1' in graph.nodes)
        self.assertTrue('AS Monaco' in graph.nodes)
        self.assertTrue(('Olympique Lyonnais', 'Ligue 1') in graph.edges)
        self.assertTrue(('Olympique Lyonnais', 'AS Monaco') in graph.edges)
        self.assertFalse(('Ligue 1', 'AS Monaco') in graph.edges)
            graph.edges[('Olympique Lyonnais', 'Ligue 1')]['weight'], 0)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_add_to_graph_high_threshold(self):
        Test that adding nodes and edges to a graph with a high threshold excludes some edges.

        graph = nx.Graph()
        links = {
            'Olympique Lyonnais': ['Ligue 1', 'AS Monaco'],

        tokenizer = Tokenizer(stem=True, stopwords=stopwords.words('english'))
        extrapolator = WikipediaExtrapolator([], tokenizer, TF())
        extrapolator._add_to_graph(graph, links, threshold=1)
        self.assertFalse(('Olympique Lyonnais', 'Ligue 1') in graph.edges)
        self.assertFalse(('Olympique Lyonnais', 'AS Monaco') in graph.edges)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_add_to_graph_node_with_no_page(self):
        Test that when adding a node that does not have an article, it is not added to the graph.

        random_string = ''.join(
            random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits)
            for i in range(32))
        graph = nx.Graph()
        links = {
            'Olympique Lyonnais': ['Ligue 1', random_string],

        tokenizer = Tokenizer(stem=True, stopwords=stopwords.words('english'))
        extrapolator = WikipediaExtrapolator([], tokenizer, TF())
        extrapolator._add_to_graph(graph, links, threshold=1)
        self.assertEqual(2, len(graph.nodes))
        self.assertTrue('Olympique Lyonnais' in graph.nodes)
        self.assertTrue('Ligue 1' in graph.nodes)
        self.assertFalse(random_string in graph.nodes)