Exemplo n.º 1
def update_loyality():
    """Loyality update. loyality_type and loyality_param required"""
    data = get_request_data(request, cls=LoyalityJSONDecoder)
    host_uid = get_current_host_id()
    if not host_uid:
        return jsonify({'message':
                        "Please log in as owner"}), HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
    loyality_type, loyality_param = int(
        data.get(LOYALITY_TYPE)), data.get(LOYALITY_PARAM)
    loyality_time = data.get(LOYALITY_TIME_PARAM) and int(
    loyality_burn = NO_BURN if data.get(LOYALITY_BURN_PARAM) is None else int(
    if not Host.check_loyality(loyality_type, loyality_param, loyality_time,
        return jsonify({'message': "Loyality is wrong"}), HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
    host = Host(uid=host_uid)
    if current_user.uid != host.owner_uid:
        return jsonify({'message':
                        "You are not owner of this host"}), HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
    offer = unicode(data[OFFER]) if data.get(OFFER) else None
    return jsonify(SUCCESS)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def checking():
     data = get_request_data(request, cls=LoyalityJSONDecoder)
     host_uid = get_current_host_id()
     if not host_uid:
         return jsonify({'message':
                         "You need to be a staff"}), HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
     user_uid = data.get('user_id')
     if not user_uid:
         return jsonify({'message':
                         "No user_id provided"}), HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
     score_update = data['score'] if data.get('score') else None
     if not score_update or not (isinstance(score_update, int)
                                 or isinstance(score_update, float)):
         return jsonify({'message':
                         "Score value is invalid"}), HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
     host = Host(uid=host_uid)
     if host.uid is None:
         return jsonify({'message': "No such host"}), HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
     if not host.check_loyality(host.loyality_type, host.loyality_param,
         return jsonify({
             'code': 2,
             'message': "Loyality of the host is not set"
     if current_user.uid not in host.staff_uids:
         return jsonify({'message': "You are not a staff of this place"
                         }), HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
     user = User(uid=user_uid)
     if user.login is None:
         return jsonify({'message': "No such user"}), HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
     score = Score(host.uid, user.uid)
     return f(host, user, score, score_update)
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_hosts():
    data = get_request_data(request)
    offset = 0
    if data.get('offset'):
        offset = int(data['offset'])
    query = data.get('query')
    client_id = session['user_id']
    client = User(uid=client_id)
    hosts = [
            'host_id': id,
            'title': host.get(TITLE),
            'description': host.get(DESCRIPTION),
            # dynamic offer
            'offer': host.get(OFFER),
            'address': host.get(ADDRESS),
            'latitude': host.get(LATITUDE),
            'longitude': host.get(LONGITUDE),
            'time_open': host.get(TIME_OPEN),
            'time_close': host.get(TIME_CLOSE),
            'profile_image': host.get(LOGO),
            'points': host.get('score'),
            'loyality_type': int(host[LOYALITY_TYPE]),
            host.get(LOYALITY_PARAM) if host.get(LOYALITY_TYPE)
            in {CUP_LOYALITY, PERCENT_LOYALITY} else None,
        } for id, host in client.get_list(offset, query=query).items()
    return jsonify({'code': 0, 'hosts': hosts})
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_host():
    host_id = get_request_data(request).get('host_id')
    if not host_id:
        return jsonify({'message':
                        "No host id provided"}), HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
    host = Host(uid=host_id)
    # 404 if there is a host with no title in db. No unnamed hosts allowed.
    response = host.to_dict()
    if response is None:
        return jsonify({'message': "No such host in db"}), HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
    score = Score(host_id, session['user_id'])
    response.update({'score': score.score})
    return jsonify(response)
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_client_score():
    data = get_request_data(request)
    client_id = data.get('client_id')
    if client_id is None:
        return jsonify({'message': "client_id required"}), HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
    host_id = session.get('host_id')
    if host_id is None:
        return jsonify({'message':
                        "Please login as a staff"}), HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
    score = Score(host_id, client_id).score
    if score is None:
        return jsonify({'message': "No host with this id"}), HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
    return jsonify({'code': 0, 'points': score})
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_info():
    """If host_id provided returns that host info elif host_id in session returns your host info else 400"""
    if not session.get('host_id'):
        session['host_id'] = current_user.workplace_uid
    host_id = get_request_data(request).get('host_id') or session.get(
    if not host_id:
        return jsonify({'message':
                        "No host id provided"}), HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
    host = Host(uid=host_id)
    # 404 if there is a host with no title in db. No unnamed hosts allowed.
    response = host.to_dict()
    if response is None:
        return jsonify({'message': "No such host in db"}), HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
    return jsonify(response)
Exemplo n.º 7
def create_host():
    """Required: title"""
    data = get_request_data(request)
    if not data.get(TITLE):
        return jsonify(HOST_CREATION_FAILED), HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
    data[OWNER_UID] = current_user.uid
    owner = User(uid=current_user.uid)
    if owner.workplace_uid is not None:
        return jsonify({'message': "Please retire first"}), HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
    host = Host(data)
    host_uid = host.save()
    if host_uid is None:
        return jsonify({
            "Host with this title (and owner) already exists"
        }), HTTP_409_CONFLICT
    owner.workplace_uid = session['host_id'] = host_uid
    return jsonify({'code': 0, 'host_id': host_uid, 'message': 'OK'})
Exemplo n.º 8
def retire():
    """worker_id required"""
    host_uid = get_current_host_id()
    if host_uid is None:
        return jsonify({'message':
                        "You need to be an owner"}), HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
    data = get_request_data(request)
    worker_uid = data.get('worker_id')
    if not worker_uid or not ObjectId.is_valid(worker_uid):
        return jsonify({'message': "worker_id required"}), HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
    host = Host(uid=host_uid)
    if current_user.uid != host.owner_uid:
        return jsonify({'message':
                        "You are not owner of this host"}), HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
    if host.owner_uid == ObjectId(worker_uid):
        return jsonify({'message':
                        "You can't retire yourself"}), HTTP_409_CONFLICT
    if ObjectId(worker_uid) not in host.staff_uids:
        return jsonify({'message': "No such worker"}), HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
    worker_uid = host.retire(worker_uid)
    return jsonify(SUCCESS)
Exemplo n.º 9
def update_host():
    """All fields updated at a time"""
    host_uid = get_current_host_id()
    if not host_uid:
        return jsonify({'message': "Not logged in"}), HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
    data = get_request_data(request)
    if not data.get(TITLE):
        return jsonify({'message': "Title required"}), HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
    host = Host(uid=host_uid)
    if current_user.uid != host.owner_uid:
        return jsonify({'message':
                        "You are not this host"}), HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
    host.title = data[TITLE]
    host.description = data.get(DESCRIPTION)
    host.address = data.get(ADDRESS)
    host.latitude = data.get(LATITUDE)
    host.longitude = data.get(LONGITUDE)
    host.time_open = Host.parse_time(data.get(TIME_OPEN))
    host.time_close = Host.parse_time(data.get(TIME_CLOSE))
    result_uid = host.save()
    if result_uid is None:
        return jsonify({'message': "Update failed"}), HTTP_409_CONFLICT
    return jsonify({'code': 0, 'message': "OK"})
Exemplo n.º 10
def hire():
    """worker_id required"""
    host_uid = get_current_host_id()
    if host_uid is None:
        return jsonify({'message':
                        "You need to be an owner"}), HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
    host_uid = ObjectId(host_uid)
    data = get_request_data(request)
    worker_uid = data.get('worker_id')
    if worker_uid is None or not ObjectId.is_valid(worker_uid):
        return jsonify({'message': "worker_id required"}), HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
    worker = User(uid=worker_uid)
    if worker.login is None:
        return jsonify({'message': "No such user"}), HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
    if worker.workplace_uid is not None:
        return jsonify({'message': "This user is occupied"}), HTTP_409_CONFLICT
    host = Host(uid=host_uid)
    if current_user.uid != host.owner_uid:
        return jsonify({'message':
                        "You are not owner of this host"}), HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
    worker.workplace_uid = host_uid
    return jsonify(SUCCESS)
Exemplo n.º 11
def _get_creds(request):
    data = get_request_data(request)
    return data.get('login', None), data.get('password', None)