def update(self, draft, validated_data):
        draft = super(DraftRegistrationDetailSerializer, self).update(draft, validated_data)
        user = self.context['request'].user
        auth = get_user_auth(self.context['request'])

        if 'tags' in validated_data:
            new_tags = set(validated_data.pop('tags', []))
            draft.update_tags(new_tags, auth=auth)
        if 'license_type' in validated_data or 'license' in validated_data:
            license_details = get_license_details(draft, validated_data)
            validated_data['node_license'] = license_details
        if 'affiliated_institutions' in validated_data:
            institutions_list = validated_data.pop('affiliated_institutions')
            new_institutions = [{'_id': institution} for institution in institutions_list]
            update_institutions(draft, new_institutions, user)
        if 'subjects' in validated_data:
            subjects = validated_data.pop('subjects', None)
            self.update_subjects(draft, subjects, auth)
            draft.update(validated_data, auth=auth)
        except PermissionsError:
            raise exceptions.PermissionDenied
        except DraftRegistrationStateError as e:
            raise InvalidModelValueError(detail=str(e))

        return draft
Exemplo n.º 2
    def update(self, preprint, validated_data):
        assert isinstance(preprint, PreprintService), 'You must specify a valid preprint to be updated'
        assert isinstance(preprint.node, Node), 'You must specify a preprint with a valid node to be updated.'

        auth = get_user_auth(self.context['request'])
        if not preprint.node.has_permission(auth.user, 'admin'):
            raise exceptions.PermissionDenied(detail='User must be an admin to update a preprint.')

        save_node = False
        save_preprint = False
        recently_published = False

        primary_file = validated_data.pop('primary_file', None)
        if primary_file:
            self.set_field(preprint.set_primary_file, primary_file, auth)
            save_node = True

        if 'subjects' in validated_data:
            subjects = validated_data.pop('subjects', None)
            self.set_field(preprint.set_subjects, subjects, auth)
            save_preprint = True

        if 'article_doi' in validated_data:
            preprint.node.preprint_article_doi = validated_data['article_doi']
            save_node = True

        published = validated_data.pop('is_published', None)
        if published is not None:
            self.set_field(preprint.set_published, published, auth)
            save_preprint = True
            recently_published = published

        if 'license_type' in validated_data or 'license' in validated_data:
            license_details = get_license_details(preprint, validated_data)
            self.set_field(preprint.set_preprint_license, license_details, auth)
            save_preprint = True

        if save_node:
            except ValidationValueError as e:
                # Raised from invalid DOI
                raise exceptions.ValidationError(detail=e.message)

        if save_preprint:

        # Send preprint confirmation email signal to new authors on preprint! -- only when published
        # TODO: Some more thought might be required on this; preprints made from existing
        # nodes will send emails making it seem like a new node.
        if recently_published:
            for author in preprint.node.contributors:
                if author != auth.user:
                    project_signals.contributor_added.send(preprint.node, contributor=author, auth=auth, email_template='preprint')

        return preprint
Exemplo n.º 3
    def update(self, preprint, validated_data):
        assert isinstance(preprint, PreprintService), 'You must specify a valid preprint to be updated'
        assert isinstance(preprint.node, Node), 'You must specify a preprint with a valid node to be updated.'

        auth = get_user_auth(self.context['request'])
        if not preprint.node.has_permission(auth.user, 'admin'):
            raise exceptions.PermissionDenied(detail='User must be an admin to update a preprint.')

        save_node = False
        save_preprint = False
        recently_published = False
        primary_file = validated_data.pop('primary_file', None)
        if primary_file:
            self.set_field(preprint.set_primary_file, primary_file, auth)
            save_node = True

        if 'subjects' in validated_data:
            subjects = validated_data.pop('subjects', None)
            self.set_field(preprint.set_subjects, subjects, auth)
            save_preprint = True

        if 'article_doi' in validated_data:
            preprint.node.preprint_article_doi = validated_data['article_doi']
            save_node = True

        if 'license_type' in validated_data or 'license' in validated_data:
            license_details = get_license_details(preprint, validated_data)
            self.set_field(preprint.set_preprint_license, license_details, auth)
            save_preprint = True

        published = validated_data.pop('is_published', None)
        if published is not None:
            self.set_field(preprint.set_published, published, auth)
            save_preprint = True
            recently_published = published

        if save_node:
            except ValidationError as e:
                # Raised from invalid DOI
                raise exceptions.ValidationError(detail=e.messages[0])

        if save_preprint:

        # Send preprint confirmation email signal to new authors on preprint! -- only when published
        # TODO: Some more thought might be required on this; preprints made from existing
        # nodes will send emails making it seem like a new node.
        if recently_published:
            for author in preprint.node.contributors:
                if author != auth.user:
                    project_signals.contributor_added.send(preprint.node, contributor=author, auth=auth, email_template='preprint')

        return preprint
Exemplo n.º 4
    def update(self, registration, validated_data):
        user = self.context['request'].user
        auth = Auth(user)
        self.check_perms(registration, user, validated_data)
        validated_data.pop('_id', None)

        if 'tags' in validated_data:
            self.update_registration_tags(registration, validated_data, auth)
        if 'custom_citation' in validated_data:
                validated_data.pop('custom_citation'), auth)
        if 'license_type' in validated_data or 'license' in validated_data:
            license_details = get_license_details(registration, validated_data)
            validated_data['node_license'] = license_details
            validated_data.pop('license_type', None)
            validated_data.pop('license', None)
        if 'affiliated_institutions' in validated_data:
            institutions_list = validated_data.pop('affiliated_institutions')
            new_institutions = [{
                '_id': institution
            } for institution in institutions_list]
            update_institutions(registration, new_institutions, user)
        if 'subjects' in validated_data:
            subjects = validated_data.pop('subjects', None)
            self.update_subjects(registration, subjects, auth)
        if 'withdrawal_justification' in validated_data or 'is_pending_retraction' in validated_data:
            self.retract_registration(registration, validated_data, user)
        if 'is_public' in validated_data:
            if validated_data.get('is_public') is False:
                raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                    'Registrations can only be turned from private to public.')
        if 'provider_specific_metadata' in validated_data:
                    validated_data.pop('provider_specific_metadata'), )
            except ValueError as e:
                raise exceptions.ValidationError(str(e))

            registration.update(validated_data, auth=auth)
        except ValidationError as e:
            raise InvalidModelValueError(detail=e.messages[0])
        except NodeUpdateError as err:
            raise exceptions.ValidationError(err.reason)
        except NodeStateError as err:
            raise exceptions.ValidationError(str(err))

        return registration
Exemplo n.º 5
    def update(self, registration, validated_data):
        user = self.context['request'].user
        auth = Auth(user)
        self.check_admin_perms(registration, user, validated_data)
        validated_data.pop('_id', None)

        if 'tags' in validated_data:
            self.update_registration_tags(registration, validated_data, auth)
        if 'custom_citation' in validated_data:
            registration.update_custom_citation(validated_data.pop('custom_citation'), auth)
        if 'license_type' in validated_data or 'license' in validated_data:
            license_details = get_license_details(registration, validated_data)
            validated_data['node_license'] = license_details
            validated_data.pop('license_type', None)
            validated_data.pop('license', None)
        if 'affiliated_institutions' in validated_data:
            institutions_list = validated_data.pop('affiliated_institutions')
            new_institutions = [{'_id': institution} for institution in institutions_list]
            update_institutions(registration, new_institutions, user)
        if 'withdrawal_justification' in validated_data or 'is_pending_retraction' in validated_data:
            self.retract_registration(registration, validated_data, user)
        if 'is_public' in validated_data:
            if validated_data.get('is_public') is False:
                raise exceptions.ValidationError('Registrations can only be turned from private to public.')

            registration.update(validated_data, auth=auth)
        except ValidationError as e:
            raise InvalidModelValueError(detail=e.messages[0])
        except NodeUpdateError as err:
            raise exceptions.ValidationError(err.reason)
        except NodeStateError as err:
            raise exceptions.ValidationError(str(err))

        return registration
Exemplo n.º 6
    def update(self, preprint, validated_data):
        assert isinstance(preprint, PreprintService), 'You must specify a valid preprint to be updated'
        assert isinstance(preprint.node, Node), 'You must specify a preprint with a valid node to be updated.'

        auth = get_user_auth(self.context['request'])
        if not preprint.node.has_permission(auth.user, 'admin'):
            raise exceptions.PermissionDenied(detail='User must be an admin to update a preprint.')

        published = validated_data.pop('is_published', None)
        if published and preprint.provider.is_reviewed:
            raise Conflict('{} uses a moderation workflow, so preprints must be submitted for review instead of published directly. Submit a preprint by creating a `submit` Action at {}'.format(
                absolute_reverse('preprints:preprint-review-action-list', kwargs={
                    'version': self.context['request'].parser_context['kwargs']['version'],
                    'preprint_id': preprint._id

        save_node = False
        save_preprint = False
        recently_published = False
        primary_file = validated_data.pop('primary_file', None)
        if primary_file:
            self.set_field(preprint.set_primary_file, primary_file, auth)
            save_node = True

        old_tags = set(preprint.node.tags.values_list('name', flat=True))
        if validated_data.get('node') and 'tags' in validated_data['node']:
            current_tags = set(validated_data['node'].pop('tags', []))
        elif self.partial:
            current_tags = set(old_tags)
            current_tags = set()

        for new_tag in (current_tags - old_tags):
            preprint.node.add_tag(new_tag, auth=auth)
        for deleted_tag in (old_tags - current_tags):
            preprint.node.remove_tag(deleted_tag, auth=auth)

        if 'node' in validated_data:
            save_node = True

        if 'subjects' in validated_data:
            subjects = validated_data.pop('subjects', None)
            self.set_field(preprint.set_subjects, subjects, auth)
            save_preprint = True

        if 'article_doi' in validated_data:
            preprint.node.preprint_article_doi = validated_data['article_doi']
            save_node = True

        if 'license_type' in validated_data or 'license' in validated_data:
            license_details = get_license_details(preprint, validated_data)
            self.set_field(preprint.set_preprint_license, license_details, auth)
            save_preprint = True

        if 'original_publication_date' in validated_data:
            preprint.original_publication_date = validated_data['original_publication_date']
            save_preprint = True

        if published is not None:
            if not preprint.primary_file:
                raise exceptions.ValidationError(detail='A valid primary_file must be set before publishing a preprint.')
            self.set_field(preprint.set_published, published, auth)
            save_preprint = True
            recently_published = published
            save_node = True

        if save_node:
            except ValidationError as e:
                # Raised from invalid DOI
                raise exceptions.ValidationError(detail=e.messages[0])

        if save_preprint:

        # Send preprint confirmation email signal to new authors on preprint! -- only when published
        # TODO: Some more thought might be required on this; preprints made from existing
        # nodes will send emails making it seem like a new node.
        if recently_published:
            for author in preprint.node.contributors:
                if author != auth.user:
                    project_signals.contributor_added.send(preprint.node, contributor=author, auth=auth, email_template='preprint')

        return preprint
Exemplo n.º 7
    def update(self, preprint, validated_data):
        assert isinstance(
            PreprintService), 'You must specify a valid preprint to be updated'
        assert isinstance(
            preprint.node, Node
        ), 'You must specify a preprint with a valid node to be updated.'

        auth = get_user_auth(self.context['request'])
        if not preprint.node.has_permission(auth.user, 'admin'):
            raise exceptions.PermissionDenied(
                detail='User must be an admin to update a preprint.')

        published = validated_data.pop('is_published', None)
        if published and preprint.provider.is_reviewed:
            raise Conflict(
                '{} uses a moderation workflow, so preprints must be submitted for review instead of published directly. Submit a preprint by creating a `submit` Action at {}'

        save_node = False
        save_preprint = False
        recently_published = False
        primary_file = validated_data.pop('primary_file', None)
        if primary_file:
            self.set_field(preprint.set_primary_file, primary_file, auth)
            save_node = True

        old_tags = set(preprint.node.tags.values_list('name', flat=True))
        if validated_data.get('node') and 'tags' in validated_data['node']:
            current_tags = set(validated_data['node'].pop('tags', []))
        elif self.partial:
            current_tags = set(old_tags)
            current_tags = set()

        for new_tag in (current_tags - old_tags):
            preprint.node.add_tag(new_tag, auth=auth)
        for deleted_tag in (old_tags - current_tags):
            preprint.node.remove_tag(deleted_tag, auth=auth)

        if 'node' in validated_data:
            save_node = True

        if 'subjects' in validated_data:
            subjects = validated_data.pop('subjects', None)
            self.set_field(preprint.set_subjects, subjects, auth)
            save_preprint = True

        if 'article_doi' in validated_data:
            preprint.node.preprint_article_doi = validated_data['article_doi']
            save_node = True

        if 'license_type' in validated_data or 'license' in validated_data:
            license_details = get_license_details(preprint, validated_data)
            self.set_field(preprint.set_preprint_license, license_details,
            save_preprint = True

        if 'original_publication_date' in validated_data:
            preprint.original_publication_date = validated_data[
            save_preprint = True

        if published is not None:
            if not preprint.primary_file:
                raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                    'A valid primary_file must be set before publishing a preprint.'
            self.set_field(preprint.set_published, published, auth)
            save_preprint = True
            recently_published = published
            save_node = True

        if save_node:
            except ValidationError as e:
                # Raised from invalid DOI
                raise exceptions.ValidationError(detail=e.messages[0])

        if save_preprint:

        # Send preprint confirmation email signal to new authors on preprint! -- only when published
        # TODO: Some more thought might be required on this; preprints made from existing
        # nodes will send emails making it seem like a new node.
        if recently_published:
            for author in preprint.node.contributors:
                if author != auth.user:

        return preprint
Exemplo n.º 8
    def update(self, preprint, validated_data):
        assert isinstance(
            Preprint), 'You must specify a valid preprint to be updated'

        auth = get_user_auth(self.context['request'])
        if not preprint.has_permission(auth.user, osf_permissions.WRITE):
            raise exceptions.PermissionDenied(
                'User must have admin or write permissions to update a preprint.'

        published = validated_data.pop('is_published', None)
        if published and preprint.provider.is_reviewed:
            raise Conflict(
                '{} uses a moderation workflow, so preprints must be submitted for review instead of published directly. Submit a preprint by creating a `submit` Action at {}'

        save_preprint = False
        recently_published = False

        primary_file = validated_data.pop('primary_file', None)
        if primary_file:
            self.set_field(preprint.set_primary_file, primary_file, auth)
            save_preprint = True

        old_tags = set(preprint.tags.values_list('name', flat=True))
        if 'tags' in validated_data:
            current_tags = set(validated_data.pop('tags', []))
        elif self.partial:
            current_tags = set(old_tags)
            current_tags = set()

        for new_tag in (current_tags - old_tags):
            preprint.add_tag(new_tag, auth=auth)
        for deleted_tag in (old_tags - current_tags):
            preprint.remove_tag(deleted_tag, auth=auth)

        if 'node' in validated_data:
            node = validated_data.pop('node', None)
            self.set_field(preprint.set_supplemental_node, node, auth)
            save_preprint = True

        if 'subjects' in validated_data:
            subjects = validated_data.pop('subjects', None)
            self.set_field(preprint.set_subjects, subjects, auth)
            save_preprint = True

        if 'title' in validated_data:
            title = validated_data['title']
            self.set_field(preprint.set_title, title, auth)
            save_preprint = True

        if 'description' in validated_data:
            description = validated_data['description']
            self.set_field(preprint.set_description, description, auth)
            save_preprint = True

        if 'article_doi' in validated_data:
            preprint.article_doi = validated_data['article_doi']
            save_preprint = True

        if 'license_type' in validated_data or 'license' in validated_data:
            license_details = get_license_details(preprint, validated_data)
            self.set_field(preprint.set_preprint_license, license_details,
            save_preprint = True

        if 'original_publication_date' in validated_data:
            preprint.original_publication_date = validated_data[
                'original_publication_date'] or None
            save_preprint = True

        if published is not None:
            if not preprint.primary_file:
                raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                    'A valid primary_file must be set before publishing a preprint.'
            self.set_field(preprint.set_published, published, auth)
            save_preprint = True
            recently_published = published
            preprint.set_privacy('public', log=False, save=True)

        if save_preprint:

        if recently_published:
            for author in preprint.contributors:
                if author != auth.user:

        return preprint
Exemplo n.º 9
    def update(self, preprint, validated_data):
        assert isinstance(preprint, Preprint), 'You must specify a valid preprint to be updated'

        auth = get_user_auth(self.context['request'])
        if not preprint.has_permission(auth.user, osf_permissions.WRITE):
            raise exceptions.PermissionDenied(detail='User must have admin or write permissions to update a preprint.')

        published = validated_data.pop('is_published', None)
        if published and preprint.provider.is_reviewed:
            raise Conflict('{} uses a moderation workflow, so preprints must be submitted for review instead of published directly. Submit a preprint by creating a `submit` Action at {}'.format(
                    'preprints:preprint-review-action-list', kwargs={
                        'version': self.context['request'].parser_context['kwargs']['version'],
                        'preprint_id': preprint._id,

        save_preprint = False
        recently_published = False

        primary_file = validated_data.pop('primary_file', None)
        if primary_file:
            self.set_field(preprint.set_primary_file, primary_file, auth)
            save_preprint = True

        old_tags = set(preprint.tags.values_list('name', flat=True))
        if validated_data.get('tags'):
            current_tags = set(validated_data.pop('tags', []))
        elif self.partial:
            current_tags = set(old_tags)
            current_tags = set()

        for new_tag in (current_tags - old_tags):
            preprint.add_tag(new_tag, auth=auth)
        for deleted_tag in (old_tags - current_tags):
            preprint.remove_tag(deleted_tag, auth=auth)

        if 'node' in validated_data:
            node = validated_data.pop('node', None)
            self.set_field(preprint.set_supplemental_node, node, auth)
            save_preprint = True

        if 'subjects' in validated_data:
            subjects = validated_data.pop('subjects', None)
            self.set_field(preprint.set_subjects, subjects, auth)
            save_preprint = True

        if 'title' in validated_data:
            title = validated_data['title']
            self.set_field(preprint.set_title, title, auth)
            save_preprint = True

        if 'description' in validated_data:
            description = validated_data['description']
            self.set_field(preprint.set_description, description, auth)
            save_preprint = True

        if 'article_doi' in validated_data:
            preprint.article_doi = validated_data['article_doi']
            save_preprint = True

        if 'license_type' in validated_data or 'license' in validated_data:
            license_details = get_license_details(preprint, validated_data)
            self.set_field(preprint.set_preprint_license, license_details, auth)
            save_preprint = True

        if 'original_publication_date' in validated_data:
            preprint.original_publication_date = validated_data['original_publication_date'] or None
            save_preprint = True

        if published is not None:
            if not preprint.primary_file:
                raise exceptions.ValidationError(detail='A valid primary_file must be set before publishing a preprint.')
            self.set_field(preprint.set_published, published, auth)
            save_preprint = True
            recently_published = published
            preprint.set_privacy('public', log=False, save=True)

        if save_preprint:

        if recently_published:
            for author in preprint.contributors:
                if author != auth.user:
                    project_signals.contributor_added.send(preprint, contributor=author, auth=auth, email_template='preprint')

        return preprint