Exemplo n.º 1
def create(params):
	if "g-recaptcha-response" not in params:
		raise WebException("Please do the captcha.")
	captcha_response = params["g-recaptcha-response"]
	del params["g-recaptcha-response"]
	if "type" in params:
		params["type"] = int(params["type"])
	r = requests.post("https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify", data={
		"secret": api.config.recaptcha_secret,
		"response": captcha_response,
		"remoteip": request.remote_addr
	if not r.json()["success"] == True: raise WebException("Please do the captcha.")
	verify_to_schema(UserSchema, params)
	db = api.common.db_conn()
	uid = "user_" + api.common.token()
	if "notify" in params and params["notify"] == "on":
		r = requests.post("https://us11.api.mailchimp.com/2.0/lists/subscribe", data={
			"apikey": api.config.mailchimp_secret,
			"id": api.config.mailchimp_subscriber_list,
			"email[email]": params["email"]
	user = {
		"uid": uid,
		"name": params["name"],
		"username": params["username"],
		"username_lower": params["username"].lower(),
		"email": params["email"].lower(),
		"password": hash_password(params["password"]),
		"type": int(params["type"])
	return uid
Exemplo n.º 2
def login(username, password):
	verify_to_schema(UserLoginSchema, { "username": username, "password": password })
	user = api.user.get_user(username_lower=username.lower())
	if user is None:
		raise WebException("No user with that username exists!")
	if user.get("disabled", False):
		raise WebException("This account is disabled.")
	if confirm_password(password, user["password"]):
		if user["uid"] is not None:
			session["uid"] = user["uid"]
			if user["type"] == 0:
				session["admin"] = True
			session.permanent = True
			raise WebException("Login error. Error code: 1.")
		raise WebException("Wrong password.")
Exemplo n.º 3
def create(params):
	db = api.common.db_conn()
	teamname = params["teamname"]
	if len(teamname) > 32:
		raise WebException("Team name too long!")
	params["school"] = ""
	verify_to_schema(TeamSchema, params)
	user = api.user.get_user()
	if api.user.in_team():
		raise WebException("You can't create a team if you're already in one!")
	tid = "team_" + api.common.token()
	team = {
		"tid": tid,
		"teamname": teamname,
		"last_updated": int(datetime.now().timestamp()),
		"owner": user['uid']
	db.users.update_one({ "uid": user['uid'] }, {
		"$set": {
			"team": tid
	return tid