def main(): imageDir = r"C:\Study\test\bone\pic-test" pmSavingDir = r"C:\Study\test\bone\preprocess\pm-results" claheSavingDir = r"C:\Study\test\bone\preprocess\clahe-results" cropSavigDir = r"C:\Study\test\bone\preprocess\crop-results" util.mkdirs([pmSavingDir, claheSavingDir, cropSavigDir]) picFiles = api.getFiles(imageDir) total = len(picFiles) for i, f in enumerate(picFiles): imgFileName = os.path.basename(f) print("[info] process {} / {}, img: {}".format(i + 1, total, imgFileName)) img = cv2.imread(f, 0) # # 去噪 denoiseImg = PmDenoise(img) denoiseSavingPath = os.path.join(pmSavingDir, imgFileName) cv2.imwrite(denoiseSavingPath, denoiseImg) # 增强 denoiseImg = cv2.imread(denoiseSavingPath, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) claheImg = CLAHE(denoiseImg) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(claheSavingDir, imgFileName), claheImg) # 为方便函数调用,最后统一裁剪 crop(claheSavingDir, cropSavigDir)
def handle(dirs, out_dir, clip): start_time = if not os.path.isdir(out_dir): os.mkdir(out_dir) files = getFiles(dirs) total = len(files) fail, success, skip, count = 0, 0, 0, 0 for f in files: count += 1 print(count, '/', total) img_dirs = os.path.join(out_dir, f.split("\\")[-1]) if os.path.isfile(img_dirs): skip += 1 continue try: # 读取图片 img = cv2.imread(f, 0) # 切边 x, w, y, h = clip img = img[x:w, y:h] # 去除噪点 img = moveNoise(img, 7) # 根据最大熵算法获得最佳阈值 threshed = maxEntrop(img) # 二值化 threshold, thrshed_img = cv2.threshold(img, threshed * 0.4, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) saveImage(img_dirs, "_threshed_raw", thrshed_img) # 使用区域生长法分割 img_segement, thresh_img = regionGrowing(img, thrshed_img) saveImage(img_dirs, "_threshed", thresh_img) # 去除多余边缘 img_remove_margin = moveMargin(img_segement, thresh_img) saveImage(img_dirs, "_remove_margin", img_remove_margin) # 扩充为正方形并缩小为256x256 img_new = normalization(img_remove_margin) saveImage(img_dirs, "_new", img_new) # 打印信息到输出台 printToConsole(start_time, f, count, total, 5) success += 1 except Exception as e: # 错误情况 saveError(e, out_dir, f) fail += 1 end_time = expend = end_time - start_time print( "\n\ntotal: %d\nsuccessful: %d\nskip: %d\nfailed: %d\nExpend time: %s" % (total, success, skip, fail, expend)) os.startfile(out_dir)
def testPM(): imageDir = r"C:\Study\test\bone\pic-test" outputDir = r"C:\Study\test\bone\pm-results" util.mkdirs(outputDir) picFiles = api.getFiles(imageDir) total = len(picFiles) for it, file in enumerate(picFiles): print("[info] process {} / {}.".format(it + 1, total)) img = cv2.imread(file, 0) retPic = PmDenoise(img, iter=2) savePath = os.path.join(outputDir, os.path.basename(file)) # print(savePath) cv2.imwrite(savePath, retPic)
def handle(dirs, out_dir, clip): start_time = if not os.path.isdir(out_dir): os.mkdir(out_dir) files = getFiles(dirs) total = len(files) fail, success, skip, count = 0, 0, 0, 0 for f in files: count += 1 print(count, '/', total) img_dirs = os.path.join(out_dir, f.split("\\")[-1]) if os.path.isfile(img_dirs): skip += 1 continue try: # 读取图片 img = cv2.imread(f, 0) # 切边 x, w, y, h = clip img = img[x:w, y:h] # 去除噪点 img = moveNoise(img, 7) # 获得图像像素均值 threshed = getMean(img) # 二值化 threshold, thrshed_img = cv2.threshold(img, threshed * 0.86, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # 使用轮廓法(速度快)分割 img_segement, thresh_img = maxContour(img, thrshed_img) # 保存 saveImage(img_dirs, "_new", img_segement) # 打印信息到输出台 printToConsole(start_time, f, count, total, 5) success += 1 except Exception as e: # 错误情况 saveError(e, out_dir, f) fail += 1 end_time = expend = end_time - start_time print( "\n\ntotal: %d\nsuccessful: %d\nskip: %d\nfailed: %d\nExpend time: %s" % (total, success, skip, fail, expend)) os.startfile(out_dir)
def handle(dirs, out_dir, clip, w0): start_time = if not os.path.isdir(out_dir): os.mkdir(out_dir) files = getFiles(dirs) total = len(files) fail, success, skip, count = 0, 0, 0, 0 for f in files: count += 1 print(count, '/', total) img_dirs = os.path.join(out_dir, f.split("\\")[-1]) if os.path.isfile(img_dirs): skip += 1 continue try: # 读取图片 img = cv2.imread(f, 0) # 切边 x, w, y, h = clip img = img[x:w, y:h] # 去除噪点 thresh_value = getThreshValuebyHistogram(img, w0, is_handle=False) # 二值化 threshold, thrshed_img = cv2.threshold(img, thresh_value, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # 使用区域生长法分割 img_segement, thresh_img = regionGrowing(img, thrshed_img) # 保存 saveImage(img_dirs, "_new", img_segement) # 打印信息到输出台 printToConsole(start_time, f, count, total, 5) success += 1 except Exception as e: # 错误情况 saveError(e, out_dir, f) fail += 1 end_time = expend = end_time - start_time print( "\n\ntotal: %d\nsuccessful: %d\nskip: %d\nfailed: %d\nExpend time: %s" % (total, success, skip, fail, expend)) os.startfile(out_dir)
def cropImgUsingMarginInfo(marginInfoPath, imageDir, outputDir): """切边, 需保证待切边图片与marginInfo中的图片名称一致""" files = api.getFiles(imageDir) total = len(files) marginInfo = pickle.load(open(marginInfoPath,'rb')) util.mkdirs(outputDir) for i, f in enumerate(files): basename = os.path.basename(f) print("process {} / {}: {}".format(i+1, total, basename)) img = cv2.imread(f, 0) if basename not in marginInfo: print("process {} / {}: {}, skip cause current pic name does not find in marginInfo".format(i+1, total, basename)) continue margin = marginInfo[basename] retImg = crop.cropImage(img, margin) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(outputDir, basename), retImg)
def handle(dirs, out_dir): start_time = if not os.path.isdir(out_dir): os.mkdir(out_dir) files = getFiles(dirs) total = len(files) fail, success, skip, count = 0, 0, 0, 0 for f in files: count += 1 print(count, '/', total) img_dirs = os.path.join(out_dir, f.split("\\")[-1]) if os.path.isfile(img_dirs): skip += 1 continue try: img = cv2.imread(f, 0) # img_new = moveMargin(img, img) img_new = normalization(img_new) saveImage(img_dirs, "", img_new) # 打印信息到输出台 printToConsole(start_time, f, count, total, 5) success += 1 except Exception as e: # 错误情况 saveError(e, out_dir, f) fail += 1 end_time = expend = end_time - start_time print( "\n\ntotal: %d\nsuccessful: %d\nskip: %d\nfailed: %d\nExpend time: %s" % (total, success, skip, fail, expend)) os.startfile(out_dir)
def handle(dirs, out_dir, clip): """ 随机选取20张图片,在像素平均值附近取值 dirs: 原图路径,20张图片 out_dir: 二值图片输出路径 clip = (30,-30,30,-30) """ if not os.path.isdir(out_dir): os.mkdir(out_dir) files = getFiles(dirs) # 在label.txt里加上阈值 out_label = os.path.join(out_dir, 'label.txt') label_file = open(out_label, "w") out_data = os.path.join(out_dir, 'data.txt') data_file = open(out_data, "w") # 原图对应序号 record = os.path.join(out_dir, 'record.txt') record_file = open(record, "w") count = 0 for f in files: record_data = str(count) + '\t' + str(f) + '\n' record_file.write(record_data) # continue img = cv2.imread(f, 0) # 裁剪边缘 x, w, y, h = clip img = img[x:w, y:h] ######### 二值处理 ########## img_w, img_h = img.shape # 去噪 img_med = cv2.medianBlur(img, 5) kernel = np.zeros((7, 7), np.uint8) thresh = cv2.morphologyEx(img_med, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) # 不同阈值处理 # 计算均值 sums = 0 for i in range(img_w): for j in range(img_h): sums += thresh[i][j] mean_value = sums // (img_w * img_h) print() # 计算方差的 sum_diff = 0 for i in range(img_w): for j in range(img_h): diff = float( (mean_value - thresh[i][j]) * (mean_value - thresh[i][j])) sum_diff += diff # print(sum_diff) variance = int((sum_diff // (img_w * img_h))**0.5) print("mean value: ", mean_value, ", variance: ", variance) # 计算直方图 histogram = [0 for _ in range(256)] for i in range(img_w): for j in range(img_h): histogram[thresh[i][j]] += 1 # print(histogram) for i in range(len(histogram)): histogram[i] = str(histogram[i]) # 写入数据 # 先写入均值 直方图 方差 数据 至 data.txt # histogram转换类型 for i in range(len(histogram)): histogram[i] = str(histogram[i]) data = str(count) + "\t" + str(mean_value) + "\t" + str( variance) + '\t' + "\t".join(histogram) + '\n' data_file.write(data) # 写入标签数据至label.txt label = str(count) + "\t" + str(mean_value) + "\t" + str( variance) + '\n' label_file.write(label) # 获取n个阈值 n = 20 gap = 2 # 两个阈值之间的间隔 thresh_value = [] small = mean_value left = 0 while small > 0 and left < n: thresh_value.append(small) small -= gap left += 1 # 大于均值的很差,所以不考虑了 large = mean_value r = 5 right = 0 while large < 255 and right < r: thresh_value.append(large) large += 2 right += 1 for v in thresh_value: ret, new_thresh = cv2.threshold(thresh, v, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) kernel = np.zeros((7, 7), np.uint8) new_thresh = cv2.morphologyEx(new_thresh, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) new_thresh = cv2.medianBlur(new_thresh, 5) # 保存 basename = os.path.basename(f) file = os.path.splitext(basename) file_prefix = str(count) # file[0] file_suffix = file[-1] if v == mean_value: image_name = file_prefix + '_thresh_value_' + str( v) + '_mean' + file_suffix else: image_name = file_prefix + '_thresh_value_' + str( v) + file_suffix out_file = os.path.join(out_dir, image_name) print("saving :", out_file) cv2.imwrite(out_file, new_thresh) count += 1 data_file.close() label_file.close() record_file.close() os.startfile(out_dir)
def process(imageDir, outputDir): """使用DBSACN裁剪图片""" files = api.getFiles(imageDir) total = len(files) pointsDir = os.path.join(outputDir, "points") cluserDir = os.path.join(outputDir, "cluster") cropDir = os.path.join(outputDir, "crop") util.mkdirs([cluserDir, cropDir, pointsDir]) marginInfo = {} for i, f in enumerate(files): basename = os.path.basename(f) print("[info] crop image, process {} / {}: {}".format( i + 1, total, basename)) img = cv2.imread(f) cropImg = moveMargin(img, (45, -45, 45, -45)) # 删除边框特征 maxMargin = None method = ["SIFT", "SURF", "ORB"] mergePoints = [] for m in method: img = copy.deepcopy(cropImg) curpointsDir = os.path.join(pointsDir, m) curcluserDir = os.path.join(cluserDir, m) curcropDir = os.path.join(cropDir, m) util.mkdirs([curcluserDir, curcropDir, curpointsDir]) points = getROIPoint(img, f=m) # 获得ROI点 # 保存ROI pointsSavePath = os.path.join(curpointsDir, basename) savePointsImg(pointsSavePath, points, img.shape) try: maxCluster = getMaxCluster(points, 40) # 获得最大聚类 except: print("[error] skip: {}".format(basename)) continue mergePoints.extend(maxCluster) # 融合特征点 # 保存关键点图像 clusterSavePath = os.path.join(curcluserDir, basename) savePointsImg(clusterSavePath, maxCluster, img.shape) margin = getMargin(maxCluster) # 获得边界点u, r, d, l if not maxMargin: maxMargin = margin else: u, r, d, l = margin maxMargin[0] = min(maxMargin[0], u) maxMargin[1] = max(maxMargin[1], r) maxMargin[2] = max(maxMargin[2], d) maxMargin[3] = min(maxMargin[3], l) retImg = cropImage(img, margin) # 裁剪图片 # 保存裁剪结果 cropSavePath = os.path.join(curcropDir, basename) cv2.imwrite(cropSavePath, retImg) # 三种方法获得的最大边界 w, h = img.shape[0], img.shape[1] if maxMargin[0] - up < 0: maxMargin[0] = 0 else: maxMargin[0] -= up if maxMargin[1] + right > w: maxMargin[1] = w - 1 else: maxMargin[1] += right # 图片下边缘不补偿 if maxMargin[3] - left < 0: maxMargin[3] = 0 else: maxMargin[3] -= left marginInfo[basename] = maxMargin # 记录切边信息 retImg = cropImage(img, maxMargin) # 裁剪图片 # 保存不同特征点融合图像 mergeSavePath = os.path.join(pointsDir, "mergePoints_{}".format(basename)) savePointsImg(mergeSavePath, mergePoints, img.shape) # 保存裁剪结果 cropSavePath = os.path.join(cropDir, basename) cv2.imwrite(cropSavePath, retImg) # if i == 5: assert False, 'break' writeMarginInfo(os.path.join(outputDir, "marginInfo.txt"), marginInfo) # 保存到结果目录 os.startfile(outputDir)
def genDiffPicByThresholdValue(imgDir, outputDir): files = api.getFiles(imgDir) util.mkdirs(outputDir)
def process(imageDir, outputDir): """使用DBSACN裁剪图片""" files = api.getFiles(imageDir) total = len(files) pointsDir = os.path.join(outputDir, "points") cluserDir = os.path.join(outputDir, "cluster") cropDir = os.path.join(outputDir, "crop") util.mkdirs([cluserDir, cropDir, pointsDir]) marginInfo = {} for i, f in enumerate(files): basename = os.path.basename(f) print("process {} / {}: {}".format(i+1, total, basename)) img = cv2.imread(f) maxMargin = None method = ["SIFT", "SURF", "ORB"] for m in method: curpointsDir = os.path.join(pointsDir, m) curcluserDir = os.path.join(cluserDir, m) curcropDir = os.path.join(cropDir, m) util.mkdirs([curcluserDir, curcropDir, curpointsDir]) points = getROIPoint(img) # 获得ROI点 # 保存ROI pointsSavePath = os.path.join(curpointsDir, basename) savePointsImg(pointsSavePath, points, img.shape) maxCluster = getMaxCluster(points, 40) # 获得最大聚类 # 保存关键点图像 clusterSavePath = os.path.join(curcluserDir, basename) savePointsImg(clusterSavePath, maxCluster, img.shape) margin = getMargin(maxCluster) # 获得边界点u, r, d, l if not maxMargin: maxMargin = margin else: u, r, d, l = margin maxMargin[0] = min(maxMargin[0], u) maxMargin[1] = max(maxMargin[1], r) maxMargin[2] = max(maxMargin[2], d) maxMargin[3] = min(maxMargin[3], l) retImg = cropImage(img, margin) # 裁剪图片 # 保存裁剪结果 cropSavePath = os.path.join(curcropDir, basename) cv2.imwrite(cropSavePath, retImg) # 三种方法获得的最大边界 h, w = img.shape[0], img.shape[1] print if maxMargin[0] - up < 0: maxMargin[0] = 0 else: maxMargin[0] -= up if maxMargin[1] + right > w: maxMargin[1] = w - 1 else: maxMargin[1] += right if maxMargin[3] - left < 0: maxMargin[3] = 0 else: maxMargin[3] -= left marginInfo[basename] = maxMargin # 记录切边信息 retImg = cropImage(img, maxMargin) # 裁剪图片 # 保存裁剪结果 cropSavePath = os.path.join(cropDir, basename) cv2.imwrite(cropSavePath, retImg) writeMarginInfo(os.path.join(outputDir, "marginInfo.txt"), marginInfo) # 保存到结果目录 os.startfile(outputDir)