Exemplo n.º 1
    def _test_suggestions(self, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError()

        """ Test basic suggested entity searches """

        suggestedEntities = MongoSuggestedEntities()
        suggested = suggestedEntities.getSuggestedEntities(**kwargs)

        utils.log("-" * 80)
        utils.log("TEST %s" % pformat(kwargs))

        for section in suggested:
            utils.log("SECTION %s:" % section["name"])

            for i in xrange(len(section["entities"])):
                entity = section["entities"][i]
                types = list(entity.types)[0] if len(entity.types) == 1 else entity.types

                utils.log("   %d) %s (%s) (id=%s)" % (i + 1, entity.title, types, entity.search_id))

        utils.log("-" * 80)
        self.assertTrue(len(suggested) > 0)

        count = 0
        seen = defaultdict(set)

        for section in suggested:
            title = section["name"]
            entities = section["entities"]

            # ensure the entities and title are valid for this section
            self.assertIsInstance(title, basestring)
            self.assertTrue(len(title) > 0)
            self.assertTrue(len(entities) > 0)
            count += len(entities)

            for entity in entities:
                self.assertIsInstance(entity, BasicEntity)
                self.assertTrue(entity.search_id is not None)
                self.assertTrue(len(entity.search_id) > 0)
                self.assertTrue(entity.title is not None)
                self.assertTrue(len(entity.title) > 0)

            # ensure the sections contain no obvious duplicates
            entities2 = Entity.fast_id_dedupe(entities, seen)
            self.assertEqual(len(entities), len(entities2))

        # if we set a limit on the number of results returned, ensure that
        # that limit was satisfied.
        limit = kwargs.get("limit", None)
        if limit is not None:
            self.assertTrue(count <= limit)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def searchEntities(self, 
                       coords       = None, 
                       full         = True, 
                       local        = False, 
                       category     = None, 
                       subcategory  = None, 
                       offset       = 0, 
                       limit        = 10):
        results = []
        kinds, types = _convertCategorySubcategory(category, subcategory)
            if coords.lat is not None and coords.lng is not None:
                coords = (coords.lat, coords.lng)
                coords = None
        except Exception as e:
            logs.warning("Exception (%s) - setting coords to None" % e)
            coords = None
        search  = self.search(query, 
                              coords    = coords, 
                              full      = full, 
                              local     = local, 
                              offset    = offset, 
                              limit     = limit, 
                              kinds     = kinds,
                              types     = types)
        for item in search:
            source = item[1].target.source
            if source not in self._sources_map:
                source = 'stamped'

            entity = EntityProxyContainer().addProxy(item[1].target).buildEntity()

            # Hack to make sure entity_id is set (since it's not a part of a group)
            if source == 'stamped':
                entity.entity_id = item[1].target.key
        return Entity.fast_id_dedupe(results)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, name, types, maxQueueSize=None):
     self._name = name
     self._id = EntitySources.getSourceID(name)
     self._output = Queue(maxQueueSize)
     self._started = False
     self._maxQueueSize = maxQueueSize
     self.subcategories = types
     self.categories = set()
     # validate the types
     for t in types:
         if not t in Constants.subcategories:
             raise AttributeError("Source subcategory '%s' not supported" % t)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def buildEntity(self):
        if not self.__proxies:
            raise Exception('No proxies added so far, cannot build entity')
        primaryProxy = self.__proxies[0]
        entity = Entity.buildEntity(kind=primaryProxy.kind)
        entity.kind = primaryProxy.kind 
        entity.types = primaryProxy.types

        if entity.isType('book'):
            entity.title = self.__chooseBookTitle()
            entity.title = self.__chooseBestTitle()

        sourceContainer = BasicSourceContainer()
        for proxy in self.__proxies:

        sourceContainer.enrichEntity(entity, {})
        return entity
Exemplo n.º 5
    def getSuggestedEntities(self, userId=None, coords=None, category=None, subcategory=None, limit=None):
            Returns a list of suggested entities (separated into sections), restricted 
            to the given category / subcategory, and possibly personalized with respect 
            to the given userId.
            Each section is a dict, with at least two required attributes, name, and entities.
        if category is not None:
            category    = category.lower().strip()
        if subcategory is not None:
            subcategory = subcategory.lower().strip()
        if category is None and subcategory is None:
            # TODO: what is the expected behavior here?
            raise NotImplementedError
            if category is None:
                    category = Constants.subcategories[subcategory]
                except KeyError:
                    raise StampedInvalidSubcategoryError("invalid subcategory '%s'" % subcategory)
        if category != 'place':
            coords = None

        if coords is not None:
            # Convert from Coordinates object
            coords = (coords.lat, coords.lng)
        suggested    = self._getGlobalSuggestedEntities(coords, category, subcategory)
        num_sections = len(suggested)
        if num_sections > 0:
            out_suggested     = []
            seen              = defaultdict(set)
            # filter suggested entities already stamped by this user
            if userId is not None:
                stampIds      = self._collection_collection.getUserStampIds(userId)
                stamps        = self._stamp_collection.getStamps(stampIds, limit=1000, sort='modified')
                for stamp in stamps:
            def _get_section_limit(i):
                if limit:
                    return (limit / num_sections) + (1 if i + 1 <= (limit % num_sections) else 0)
                return None
            # process each section, removing obvious duplicates and enforcing per section limits
            for i in xrange(num_sections):
                section_limit = _get_section_limit(i)
                section  = suggested[i]

                entities = Entity.fast_id_dedupe(section['entities'], seen)
                entities = entities[:section_limit]
                if len(entities) > 0:
                    section['entities'] = entities
            suggested = out_suggested
        return suggested