Exemplo n.º 1
def run_etl_process():
    # ***
    # Possible rpy2 code to run ETL R-script
    # ***
        fin = flsk.request.args.get('i')
        fout = flsk.request.args.get('o')
#        appkey = flsk.request.args.get('appkey')
#        key    = flsk.request.args.get('key')
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception", e)
        return apilog.API_Response(
            appkey="", key="", status=apilog.URL_ERROR
        )  # Flask returns json of map_data; either through curl or web browser.

    import subprocess

    command = 'Rscript'  #or path to Rscript if required

    path2script = '/media/Joe-Jalal/API/test_update3/test.R'  #replace with actual path to script

    args = [fin, fout]
    args = [
    #replace with full path to input and output dirs
    cmd = [command, path2script] + args

    appkey, key = login_apptudio()

    flog = apilog.API_logfname()
    #    apilog.LogStart(flog, 'etl', folder=True, PID=False)

    global x
    x = subprocess.check_output(cmd, universal_newlines=True)
    #x = subprocess.call(cmd)
    exit_etl_status = x.split()[1].split(':')[0]

    #    apilog.Log(flog, 'Finish')
    if exit_etl_status == 'EE000':
        apilog.Log(flog, "Exit;ok", -1, -1, "INFO", apilog.EXIT_OK)
    else:  # if some error
        apilog.Log(flog, "Exit;error", 0, -100, "ERROR", exit_etl_status)

#    return flsk.jsonify(x)
    return apilog.API_Response(appkey, key, flog, apilog.STATUS_OK, "",
                               "etl started", {})
Exemplo n.º 2
def deepcrush_process():
    log = {}
    appkey = None
    key = None
    flog = None
        appkey = flsk.request.args.get('appkey')
        key = flsk.request.args.get('key')
        flog = flsk.request.args.get('log')
        task = flsk.request.args.get('task')
        print("deepcrush_process ", appkey, key)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception", e)
        return apilog.API_Response(
            appkey, key, flog, apilog.URL_ERROR
        )  # Flask returns json of map_data; either through curl or web browser.
    return apilog.API_process(appkey, key, flog, task)
Exemplo n.º 3
def varsig_process():
    log = {}
    appkey = None
    key = None
    flog = None
        appkey = flsk.request.args.get('appkey')
        key = flsk.request.args.get('key')
        flog = flsk.request.args.get('log')
        task = flsk.request.args.get('task')
        print(" varsig_process ", appkey, key)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception", e)
        #        log['status'] = apilog.URL_ERROR #'error'
        #        log['error']  = 'wrong url'
        #        log['exception'] = str(e)
        #        return apilog.API_Response(appkey, key, flog, apilog.URL_ERROR, log=log) # Flask returns json of map_data; either through curl or web browser.
        return apilog.API_Response(
            appkey, key, flog, apilog.URL_ERROR
        )  # Flask returns json of map_data; either through curl or web browser.

    return apilog.API_process(appkey, key, flog, task)
Exemplo n.º 4
def run_dpc_process():
    sig = 0  #limit = accuracy = 0
        fin = flsk.request.args.get('i')
        fout = flsk.request.args.get('o')
        method = flsk.request.args.get('m')  # method
        sig = int(flsk.request.args.get('s'))  # signif features
#        appkey = flsk.request.args.get('appkey')
#        key    = flsk.request.args.get('key')

#        limit = int(flsk.request.args.get('l')) #limit
#        accuracy = int(flsk.request.args.get('a')) # accuracy
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception", e)
        #        return apilog.API_Response(appkey="",key="",status="error", error="wrong url", result=str(e)) # Flask returns json of map_data; either through curl or web browser.
        #        return apilog.API_Response(appkey="",key="", status="EG100") # Flask returns json of map_data; either through curl or web browser.
        return apilog.API_Response(
            appkey="", key="", status=apilog.URL_ERROR
        )  # Flask returns json of map_data; either through curl or web browser.

#    threshold = int(flsk.request.args.get('threshold')) # Grabbing value from 'threshold' key in Query String.
#    scoop_size = int(flsk.request.args.get('scoop_size')) # Grabbing value from 'scoop_size' key in Query String.
#    file_name = flsk.request.args.get('file_name') # Grabbing value from 'file_name' key in Query String.
    print(fin, fout, method, sig)

    # check valid arguments
    errurl = vs.API_commandline(fin, fout, method, sig)
    if errurl != '':
            'Invalid args given in uri.'
        )  # Error message for if values for threshold and scoop_size are invalid.
        #        return apilog.API_Response(appkey="",key="",status="error", error="wrong url", result=errurl) # Flask returns json of map_data; either through curl or web browser.
        return apilog.API_Response(
            appkey="", key="", flog="", status=errurl
        )  # Flask returns json of map_data; either through curl or web browser.
        #        global data_
        #        data_ = dpcon.main_process(file_name, threshold, scoop_size) # Calls main_process in DpcController.py (DeepCrush's controller module).
        print('Main process initiated via API')

        #        global map_data
        #        map_data = dpcon.maps_to_dict(data_) # Creates the dictionary structure to be stored in Apptudio.
        #        print('map_data:\n{}'.format(map_data)) # Printing structure; debugging.

        appkey, key = login_apptudio(
        )  # Perform login to Apptudio; should return appkey and key.
        print('appkey: {}, key: {}'.format(appkey, key))

        data_id = post_api(
            appkey, key, 0, map_data
        )  # POST dictionary structure to Apptudio, using appkey and key as authentication. 0 is process_id for now. Should return data_id if successful.
        print('data_id: {}'.format(data_id))

        r_json = get_api(
            appkey, key, data_id
        )  # GET from Apptudio end; using appkey, key, and data_id to confirm map_data has been stored. Should return json response including map_data (map_count, map_0, map_1, ..., map_M).

        flog = apilog.API_logfname()
            varsigparam = vs.API_convertmethod(fin, fout, method, sig, appkey,
                                               key, flog)
            #            varsigparam= "-i LungFull15.csv -o lung -m s+f -l 20000 -a 99 -s 4 --log --appkey %s --apikey %s" % (appkey, key)
            #            varsigparam= "-i AcceraPlacebo.csv -o accout -m s+f -l 20000 -a 99 -s 4 --log --appkey %s --apikey %s" % (appkey, key)
            pid = vs.VarsigScriptProcess(varsigparam)  # MAIN PROCESS
            #            pid= vs.VarsigScriptProcess(vs.VarsigScript, varsigparam) # MAIN PROCESS
            #            pid= vs.VarsigScriptProcessTest(vs.VarsigTest, "A", "DD" ) # MAIN PROCESS
            print("PID", pid)

#            vs.VarsigScript(varsigparam)
#            vs.VarsigScript("-i LungFull15.csv -o lung.out -s 4")
        except Exception as e:
            print("Exception", e)
            #            return apilog.API_Response(appkey, key, status="error",error="cannot start varsig",result=str(e))
            #            return apilog.API_Response(appkey, key, flog, status="EG400")
            return apilog.API_Response(appkey,

    data = {}
    data['appkey'] = appkey
    data['key'] = key
    data['status'] = "ok"

    log = {}
    log['time'] = "00:11:45"
    log['process'] = "mixt method"
    #    return json.dump(("appkey", appkey),("key",key))
    #    return varsig_response(appkey, key, 'log') # Flask returns json of map_data; either through curl or web browser.
    #    return flsk.jsonify(("appkey",appkey), ("key",key), ("status","ok"), ("result","start process")) # Flask returns json of map_data; either through curl or web browser.
    #    return flsk.jsonify( data)#("appkey",appkey), ("key",key), ("status","ok"), ("result","start process")) # Flask returns json of map_data; either through curl or web browser.
    #    return apilog.API_Response(appkey, key, flog, "EG000","","varsig started", {})
    return apilog.API_Response(appkey, key, flog, apilog.STATUS_OK, "",
                               "varsig started", {})
Exemplo n.º 5
def run_dpc_process():
        threshold = int(
        )  # Grabbing value from 'threshold' key in Query String.
        scoop_size = int(
        )  # Grabbing value from 'scoop_size' key in Query String.
        file_name = flsk.request.args.get(
        )  # Grabbing value from 'file_name' key in Query String.
        print(threshold, scoop_size, file_name)
        print(type(threshold), type(scoop_size),
              type(file_name))  # Print statements for debugging on my end.
    except Exception as e:
        print('Exception', e)
        return apilog.API_Response(
            appkey="", key="", status=apilog.URL_ERROR
        )  # Flask returns json of map_data; either through curl or web browser.

    if threshold == 0 or scoop_size < 16:
            'Invalid args given in uri.'
        )  # Error message for if values for threshold and scoop_size are invalid.
        return apilog.API_Response(
            appkey="", key="", status=apilog.URL_ERROR
        )  # Flask returns json of map_data; either through curl or web browser.

        appkey, key = login_apptudio(
        )  # Perform login to Apptudio; should return appkey and key.
        print('appkey: {}, key: {}'.format(appkey, key))

        flog = apilog.API_logfname()

        global data_
            pid = dpcon.main_process_pid(
                file_name, threshold, scoop_size, appkey, key, flog
            )  # Calls main_process in DpcController.py (DeepCrush's controller module).
            print('Main process initiated via API')
            return apilog.API_Response(appkey, key, flog, apilog.STATUS_OK, "",
                                       "deepcrush started", {})

        except Exception as e:
            print('Exception', e)
            return apilog.API_Response(appkey,


        data_ = dpcon.load_data(appkey, key)

        global map_data
        map_data = dpcon.maps_to_dict(
        )  # Creates the dictionary structure to be stored in Apptudio.
            'map_data:\n{}'.format(map_data))  # Printing structure; debugging.

        data_id = post_api(
            appkey, key, 0, map_data
        )  # POST dictionary structure to Apptudio, using appkey and key as authentication. 0 is process_id for now. Should return data_id if successful.
        print('data_id: {}'.format(data_id))

        r_json = get_api(
            appkey, key, data_id
        )  # GET from Apptudio end; using appkey, key, and data_id to confirm map_data has been stored. Should return json response including map_data (map_count, map_0, map_1, ..., map_M).

    return apilog.API_Response(appkey, key, flog, apilog.EXIT_OK, "",
                               "deepcrush finished", {})