def load(name): setDefaultDrivers = False if (not LoadedDrivers.default): setDefaultDrivers = True if (name + 'Driver' not in Drivers.drivers): Log().error("Driver '" + name + 'Driver' + "' does not exist or has not been imported/added.") return LoadedDrivers.drivers[name + 'Driver'] = Drivers.get(name + 'Driver') if (setDefaultDrivers): LoadedDrivers.default['base'] = Drivers.get(name + 'Driver') Log().log("> Driver '" + name + 'Driver' + "' is loaded.") Log().log('') if (name + 'Commands' in Drivers.drivers): LoadedDrivers.drivers[name + 'Commands'] = Drivers.get(name + 'Commands') Log().log("> Driver '" + name + 'Commands' + "' is loaded.") Log().log('') if (setDefaultDrivers): LoadedDrivers.default['commands'] = Drivers.get(name + 'Commands')
def __init__(self, config, header, auth, parameters, options): self.header = header self.auth = auth self.options = options self.parameters = parameters self.config = config self.log = Log('logs/log.log')
def npmCleanup(): log = Log() for p in Npm.processes: log.log("") log.log(">>> Terminating NPM watch processes") log.log("") p.terminate()
def __init__(self, config, header, auth, parameters, options): Request.__init__(self, '', header.get(), '', options=options, customResponse=True) self.config = config self.header = header self.auth = auth self.options = options self.parameters = parameters self.scriptax = Scriptax(self.config, self.header, self.auth, self.parameters, self.options) self.parser = None self.executionTime = None self.log = Log()
def execute(self, command=''): if (command != ''): self.command = command t0 = time() self.commandHandler = Commandtax(self.header, self.command, self.config, options=self.options, parameters=self.parameters, auth=self.getCredentials()) self.executionTime = time() - t0 log = Log() self.logBuffer = log.getLoggerDriver().buffer log.getLoggerDriver().outputLog() return self.commandHandler
def __init__(self, url, headers='', postData='', paramData={}, pathData={}, options=Options(), customResponse=False): self.url = url self.headers = headers self.postData = postData self.paramData = paramData self.pathData = pathData self.options = options self.request = None self.customResponse = customResponse self.log = Log() self.humanReadable = self.log.getLoggerSettings().get('human-readable')
def __init__(self, config, header, auth, parameters={}, options=Options(), file=''): = DataStore() self.log = Log() self.appOptions = options self.header = header self.config = config self.parser = None self.options = {}"params.passed", parameters) self.state = {'file': file, 'line': 0, 'char': 0} self.threads = [] # Replace the below functionality if possible self.regexVar = '{{[ ]{0,}[A-z0-9_$.\-]{1,}[ ]{0,}}}'
class bottleServer(): directory = 'apitax/ah/web/node/' log = Log() config = None options = None def start(self, ip, port, config=None, options=Options(), reloader=False): # = Bottle() bottleServer.config = config bottleServer.options = options = config.path + '/ah/web/node/' run(host=ip, port=port, reloader=reloader, debug=options.debug)
class Script(Request): def __init__(self, config, header, auth, parameters, options): Request.__init__(self, '', header.get(), '', options=options, customResponse=True) self.config = config self.header = header self.auth = auth self.options = options self.parameters = parameters self.scriptax = Scriptax(self.config, self.header, self.auth, self.parameters, self.options) self.parser = None self.executionTime = None self.log = Log() def handle(self, command): t0 = time() self.parser = self.scriptax.execute(command[0]) self.executionTime = time() - t0 if (self.options.debug): self.log.log('>> Script Finished Processing in ' + round2str(self.executionTime) + 's') self.log.log('') # print("thing: " + self.parser) self.request = {} self.request['text'] = {} self.request['text']['result'] = self.request['text']['commandtax'] = command[0] self.request['text']['execution-time'] = round2str(self.executionTime) if (self.parser.isError()): self.request['text']['error'] = self.request['status_code'] = 500 else: self.request['status_code'] = 200
class Scriptax(): def __init__(self, config, header, auth, parameters, options): self.header = header self.auth = auth self.options = options self.parameters = parameters self.config = config self.log = Log('logs/log.log') # Begins executing the script from top to bottom & handles nested scripts def execute(self, filepath): if (self.options.debug): self.log.log('>>> Opening Script: ' + filepath) self.log.log('') self.log.log('') if (self.options.driver): driver = LoadedDrivers.getBaseDriver(self.options.driver) else: driver = LoadedDrivers.getDefaultBaseDriver() input = InputStream(driver.readScript(filepath)) # input = FileStream(filepath) lexer = Ah210Lexer(input) stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer) parser = Ah210Parser(stream) tree = parser.prog() printer = AhListener() visitor = AhVisitor(self.config, self.header, self.auth, parameters=self.parameters, options=self.options) visitor.setState(file=getPath(filepath)) return visitor.visit(tree)
class Npm: processes = [] def __init__(self, pathToNode=''): atexit.register(npmCleanup) self.path = pathToNode self.log = Log() def install(self): prefix = '' if (self.path != ''): prefix = '--prefix ' + self.path + ' ' subprocess.check_call('npm ' + prefix + 'install', shell=True) def build(self): prefix = '' if (self.path != ''): prefix = '--prefix ' + self.path + ' ' subprocess.check_call('npm ' + prefix + 'run build', shell=True) def test(self): prefix = '' if (self.path != ''): prefix = '--prefix ' + self.path + ' ' subprocess.check_call('npm ' + prefix + 'run test', shell=True) def buildWatch(self, newProcess=False): if (newProcess): self.spawnWatcher else: prefix = '' if (self.path != ''): prefix = '--prefix ' + self.path + ' ' subprocess.check_call('npm ' + prefix + 'run build-watch', shell=True) @property def spawnWatcher(self): if (len(Npm.processes) < 1): self.log.log("") self.log.log( ">>> Spawning new process to watch for website changes and build them" ) self.log.log("") process = Process(target=self.buildWatch) process.start() Npm.processes.append(process)
def getBaseDriver(name): if (name not in Drivers.drivers): Log().error("Driver '" + name + "' has not been loaded.") return LoadedDrivers.drivers[name]
def __init__(self, passedArgs: list = []): if (len(passedArgs) == 0): self.args = sys.argv[1:] else: self.args = passedArgs self.usage = 'cli' self.debug = False self.sensitive = False self.reloader = False self.watcher = False self.username = '' self.password = '' self.command = '' self.script = '' = True self.doLog = True if (State.paths['log'] != ""): self.logPath = State.paths['log'] else: self.logPath = '/logs/apitax.log' self.logColorize = True self.logPrefixes = True self.logHumanReadable = False # print(getRootPath('/config.txt')) if (State.paths['config'] != ""): configFile = State.paths['config'] else: configFile = getRoot('/config.txt') self.config = self.config.path = str( Path(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( inspect.stack()[0][1]))).resolve()) # print(getRootPath()) if (self.config.has('default-mode')): self.usage = self.config.get('default-mode') if (self.config.has('log')): self.doLog = self.config.get('log') if (self.config.has('log-file')): self.logPath = self.config.get('log-file') if (self.config.has('log-colorize')): self.logColorize = self.config.get('log-colorize') if (self.config.has('log-human-readable')): self.logHumanReadable = self.config.get('log-human-readable') if (self.config.has('log-prefixes')): self.logPrefixes = self.config.get('log-prefixes') if (self.logPath[:1] != '/'): self.logPath = '/' + self.logPath #self.logPath = getRootPath(self.logPath) self.log = Log(StandardLog(), logFile=self.logPath, doLog=self.doLog, logColorize=self.logColorize, logPrefixes=self.logPrefixes, logHumanReadable=self.logHumanReadable) self.log.log('') self.log.log('') self.log.log( ">>> Apitax - Combining the power of Commandtax and Scriptax") self.log.log('') self.log.log('') if ('--cli' in self.args): self.usage = 'cli' elif ('--web' in self.args): self.usage = 'web' elif ('--build-only' in self.args): self.usage = 'build' elif ('--grammar-test' in self.args): self.usage = 'grammar-test' elif ('--feature-test' in self.args): self.usage = 'feature-test' if ('--debug' in self.args): self.debug = True if ('--sensitive' in self.args): self.sensitive = True if ('--reloader' in self.args): self.reloader = True if ('--watcher' in self.args): self.watcher = True if ('--dev' in self.args): self.watcher = True self.reloader = True if ('--no-build' in self.args): = False if ('-u' in self.args): self.username = self.args[self.args.index('-u') + 1] if ('-p' in self.args): self.password = click.prompt('Enter Your Password', hide_input=True) if ('-s' in self.args): self.script = self.args[self.args.index('-s') + 1] if ('-r' in self.args): self.command = self.args[self.args.index('-r') + 1] elif (self.script == '' and self.usage == 1): self.command = click.prompt('R') # This is to turn the '-s' flag into a command behind the scenes if (self.script != ''): self.command = 'script ' + self.script self.options = Options(debug=self.debug, sensitive=self.sensitive) self.loggingSettings = self.log.getLoggerSettings() self.log.log('>> Runtime Settings:') self.log.log(' * Using config: ' + configFile) self.log.log(' * Debug: ' + str(self.debug)) self.log.log(' * Sensitive: ' + str(self.sensitive)) self.log.log(' * Operating out of: ' + str(self.config.path)) self.log.log(' * Logging: ' + str(self.loggingSettings.get('doLog'))) if (self.loggingSettings.get('doLog')): self.log.log(' * Log Filepath: ' + str(self.loggingSettings.get('path'))) self.log.log(' * Colorize CLI: ' + str(self.loggingSettings.get('colorize'))) self.log.log('') self.log.log('') if (self.options.debug): self.log.log('>> Setting up AppState') self.log.log('') self.log.log('') # Setup App State State.config = self.config State.options = self.options State.log = self.log if (State.paths['node'] == ""): State.paths['node'] = getRoot('/apitax/ah/api/dashboard') if (State.paths['log'] == ""): State.paths['log'] = self.logPath if (State.paths['root'] == ""): State.paths['root'] = getRoot() if (State.paths['apitax'] == ""): State.paths['apitax'] = str( Path(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( inspect.stack()[0][1]))).resolve()) if (State.paths['config'] == ""): State.paths['config'] = configFile if (self.options.debug): self.log.log('>> Loading Drivers') self.log.log('') Drivers.initialize()
class AhVisitor(Ah210VisitorOriginal): def __init__(self, config, header, auth, parameters={}, options=Options(), file=''): = DataStore() self.log = Log() self.appOptions = options self.header = header self.config = config self.parser = None self.options = {}"params.passed", parameters) self.state = {'file': file, 'line': 0, 'char': 0} self.threads = [] # Replace the below functionality if possible self.regexVar = '{{[ ]{0,}[A-z0-9_$.\-]{1,}[ ]{0,}}}' def setState(self, file='', line=-1, char=-1): if (file != ''): self.state['file'] = file if (line != -1): self.state['line'] = line if (char != -1): self.state['char'] = char def importCommandRequest(self, commandHandler, export=False): from apitax.ah.commandtax.commands.Custom import Custom as CustomCommand if (commandHandler.getRequest().getResponseBody().strip() != ''): if (not isinstance(commandHandler.getRequest(), CustomCommand)): commandHandler.getRequest(), export=export) else: commandHandler.getRequest().getResponseBody(), export=export) def executeCommand(self, resolvedCommand, logPrefix=''): from apitax.ah.Connector import Connector if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log( '> Executing Commandtax: \'' + resolvedCommand['command'] + '\' ' + 'with parameters: ' + str(resolvedCommand['parameters']), logPrefix) self.log.log('') auth = None if (resolvedCommand['auth']): auth = resolvedCommand['auth'] else: auth = connector = Connector(options=Options( debug=self.appOptions.debug, sensitive=self.appOptions.sensitive, driver=resolvedCommand['driver']), credentials=Credentials(username=auth.username, password=auth.password, token=auth.token), command=resolvedCommand['command'], parameters=resolvedCommand['parameters'], json=True) commandHandler = connector.execute() if (hasattr(commandHandler.getRequest(), 'parser')): if (commandHandler.getRequest().parser.isError()): self.error( 'Subscript contains error: ' + commandHandler.getRequest().parser.isError()['message'], logPrefix) if (resolvedCommand['strict'] and commandHandler.getRequest().getResponseStatusCode() >= 300): self.error( 'Request returned non-success status code while in strict mode. Request returned: Status ' + str(commandHandler.getRequest().getResponseStatusCode()) + ' ' + commandHandler.getRequest().getResponseBody(), logPrefix) returnResult = commandHandler.getReturnedData() if ('callback' in resolvedCommand): returnResult = self.executeIsolatedCallback( resolvedCommand['callback'], returnResult, logPrefix) return dict({ "command": resolvedCommand['command'], "commandHandler": commandHandler, "result": returnResult }) def getVariable(self, label, isRequest=False, convert=True): if (convert): label = self.visit(label) try: if (isRequest): return else: return except: return None def useOptions(self): if (self.options['params']): if (len(self.options['params']) != len('params.passed'))): self.error('Insufficient parameters. Expected: ' + str(self.options['params']) + ' but received: ' + str('params.passed'))) else: i = 0 for param in self.options['params']: 'params.' + param,'params.passed.' + param)) i += 1 def inject(self, line): matches = re.findall(self.regexVar, line) for match in matches: label = match[2:-2].strip() replacer = self.getVariable(label, convert=False) line = line.replace(match, replacer) return line def executeIsolatedCallback(self, callback, resultScope, logPrefix=''): visitor = AhVisitor(self.config, self.header,, options=Options( debug=self.appOptions.debug, sensitive=self.appOptions.sensitive)) visitor.setState(file=self.state['file']) visitor.log.prefix = logPrefix'result', resultScope) for key, value in callback['params'].items():, value) block = callback['block'] callbackResult = visitor.visit(block) return'result') def error(self, message, logprefix=''):, logprefix=logprefix) def isError(self): return'error') def isExit(self): return'exit') def isReturn(self): return'return') # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#prog. def visitProg(self, ctx): self.parser = ctx.parser temp = self.visitChildren(ctx) if (self.isError()): error = self.isError() self.log.error(error['message'] + ' in ' + self.state['file'] + ' @' + str(self.state['line']) + ':' + str(self.state['char']), prefix=error['logprefix']) if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('') self.log.log('') return self # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#statements. def visitStatements(self, ctx): if (self.isReturn() or self.isError()): return temp = self.visitChildren(ctx) return temp # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#statement. def visitStatement(self, ctx): if (self.isReturn()): return if (self.isError()): return debugTemp = self.appOptions.debug sensitiveTemp = self.appOptions.sensitive line = ctx.getText().strip() if (line != "" and self.appOptions.debug): if (ctx.NOT()): self.log.log( '> Now processing: (This lines contents has been hidden via the \'!\' operator. This is usually done to hide sensitive information)' ) self.log.log('') self.log.log( '> Treating the rest of this statement as sensitive and disabling debug' ) self.log.log('') self.appOptions.debug = False self.appOptions.sensitive = True else: self.log.log('> Now processing: ' + line) self.log.log('') temp = self.visitChildren(ctx) if (line != "" and self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('') self.setState( line=ctx.start.line) # TODO: Try to add character here as well if (ctx.NOT() and line != "" and debugTemp): self.log.log( '> Setting debug and sensitive back to their original values') self.log.log('') self.log.log('') self.appOptions.debug = debugTemp self.appOptions.sensitive = sensitiveTemp return temp # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#terminated. def visitTerminated(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.TerminatedContext): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#non_terminated. def visitNon_terminated(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.Non_terminatedContext): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#executers. def visitExecuters(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.ExecutersContext): if (ctx.execute()): return self.visit(ctx.execute()) if (ctx.async_execute()): thread = self.visit(ctx.async_execute()) thread.start() return thread # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#expr. def visitExpr( self, ctx): # Get number of terms and loop this code for #terms - 1 if (ctx.execute()): return self.visit(ctx.execute())['result'] if (ctx.async_execute()): return self.visit(ctx.async_execute()) if (ctx.atom()): return self.visit(ctx.atom()) if (ctx.casting()): return self.visit(ctx.casting()) if (ctx.login_statement()): return self.visit(ctx.login_statement()) if (ctx.endpoint_statement()): return self.visit(ctx.endpoint_statement()) if (ctx.count()): return self.visit(ctx.count()) if (ctx.labels()): return self.getVariable(ctx.labels(), isRequest=ctx.REQUEST()) if (ctx.inject()): return self.visit(ctx.inject()) if (ctx.MINUS() and not ctx.expr(1)): return self.visit(ctx.expr(0)) * -1 if (ctx.NOT()): return not self.visit(ctx.expr(0)) if (ctx.AND()): return self.visit(ctx.expr(0)) and self.visit(ctx.expr(1)) if (ctx.OR()): return self.visit(ctx.expr(0)) or self.visit(ctx.expr(1)) if (ctx.EQ()): return self.visit(ctx.expr(0)) == self.visit(ctx.expr(1)) if (ctx.NEQ()): return self.visit(ctx.expr(0)) != self.visit(ctx.expr(1)) if (ctx.GE()): return self.visit(ctx.expr(0)) >= self.visit(ctx.expr(1)) if (ctx.LE()): return self.visit(ctx.expr(0)) <= self.visit(ctx.expr(1)) if (ctx.GT()): return self.visit(ctx.expr(0)) > self.visit(ctx.expr(1)) if (ctx.LT()): return self.visit(ctx.expr(0)) < self.visit(ctx.expr(1)) if (ctx.LPAREN()): return self.visit(ctx.expr(0)) if (ctx.POW()): return self.visit(ctx.expr(0))**self.visit(ctx.expr(1)) if (ctx.PLUS()): left = self.visit(ctx.expr(0)) right = self.visit(ctx.expr(1)) if ((isinstance(left, str) and not isinstance(right, str)) or (isinstance(right, str) and not isinstance(left, str))): left = str(left) right = str(right) if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('> Implicit cast to string: \'' + left + '\' + \'' + right + '\'') self.log.log('') return left + right if (ctx.MINUS()): return self.visit(ctx.expr(0)) - self.visit(ctx.expr(1)) if (ctx.MUL()): return self.visit(ctx.expr(0)) * self.visit(ctx.expr(1)) if (ctx.DIV()): return self.visit(ctx.expr(0)) / self.visit(ctx.expr(1)) return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#set_var. def visitAssignment(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.AssignmentContext): label = self.visit(ctx.labels()) value = None if (ctx.expr()): value = self.visit(ctx.expr()) if (not ctx.EQUAL()): var = if (ctx.D_PLUS()): value = var + 1 elif (ctx.D_MINUS()): value = var - 1 else: if (ctx.PE()): value += var elif (ctx.ME()): value = var - value elif (ctx.MUE()): value *= var elif (ctx.DE()): value = var / value if (ctx.SOPEN()): var = if (not isinstance(var, list)): self.error( "Appending to a list requires the variable being a list") return var.append(value) tval = value value = var, value) if (isinstance(tval, threading.Thread)): tval.label = label + "." + str(len(value) - 1) tval.start() else:, value) if (isinstance(value, threading.Thread)): value.label = label value.start() if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('> Assigning Variable: ' + label + ' = ' + str( self.log.log('') # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#flow. def visitFlow(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.FlowContext): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#if_statement. def visitIf_statement(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.If_statementContext): i = 0 while (True): if (ctx.condition(i) is None): if (ctx.ELSE()): return self.visit(ctx.block(i)) else: return None condition = self.visit(ctx.condition(i)) if (condition): return self.visit(ctx.block(i)) else: i += 1 # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#while_statement. def visitWhile_statement(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.While_statementContext): while (self.visit(ctx.condition())): self.visit(ctx.block()) # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#for_statement. def visitFor_statement(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.For_statementContext): clause = self.visit(ctx.expr()) label = self.visit(ctx.labels()) if (isinstance(clause, str) and isJson(clause)): clause = json.loads(clause) if (isinstance(clause, list)): if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('> Looping through list with var ' + label) self.log.log('') for item in clause: if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('>> Assigning ' + label + ' = ' + str(item)) self.log.log('') self.log.log(''), item) self.visit(ctx.block()) elif (isinstance(clause, float) or isinstance(clause, int)): if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('> Looping through range with var ' + label) self.log.log('') for i in range(0, int(clause)): if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('>> Assigning ' + label + ' = ' + str(i)) self.log.log('') self.log.log(''), i) self.visit(ctx.block()) else: if (self.appOptions.debug): self.error('Invalid Loop Type: ' + str(type(clause))) self.log.log('') # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#each_statement. def visitEach_statement(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.Each_statementContext): clause = self.visit(ctx.expr()) if (isinstance(clause, str) and isJson(clause)): clause = json.loads(clause) if (isinstance(clause, list)): if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('> Looping through result') self.log.log('') callback = self.visit(ctx.callback()) for item in clause: if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('>> Assigning result = ' + str(item)) self.log.log('') self.log.log('') self.executeIsolatedCallback(callback, item) else: self.error("An each loop must be passed a list") # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#condition. def visitCondition(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.ConditionContext): condition = self.visit(ctx.expr()) if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('>> Evaluated Flow Condition as: ' + str(condition)) self.log.log('') return condition # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#block. def visitBlock(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.BlockContext): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#callback. def visitCallback(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.CallbackContext): parameters = {} if (ctx.optional_parameters_block()): parameters = self.visit(ctx.optional_parameters_block()) return {"params": parameters, "block": ctx.callback_block()} # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#callback_block. def visitCallback_block(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.Callback_blockContext): return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#optional_parameters_block. def visitOptional_parameters_block( self, ctx: Ah210Parser.Optional_parameters_blockContext): i = 0 parameters = {} while (ctx.optional_parameter(i)): opParam = self.visit(ctx.optional_parameter(i)) parameters[opParam['label']] = opParam['value'] i += 1 return parameters # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#sig_parameter. def visitSig_parameter(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.Sig_parameterContext): if (ctx.labels()): return {"label": self.visit(ctx.labels())} else: return self.visit(ctx.optional_parameter()) # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#call_parameter. def visitCall_parameter(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.Call_parameterContext): if (ctx.expr()): return {"value": self.visit(ctx.expr())} else: return self.visit(ctx.optional_parameter()) # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#optional_parameter. def visitOptional_parameter(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.Optional_parameterContext): return { "label": self.visit(ctx.labels()), "value": self.visit(ctx.expr()) } # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#commandtax. def visitCommandtax(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.CommandtaxContext): from apitax.ah.commandtax.commands.Script import Script as ScriptCommand firstArg = self.visit(ctx.expr()) command = "" strict = True auth = None driver = None if (not ctx.SCRIPT() and not ctx.COMMANDTAX()): command += "custom" if (ctx.GET()): command += " --get" if (ctx.POST()): command += " --post" if (ctx.PUT()): command += " --put" if (ctx.PATCH()): command += " --patch" if (ctx.DELETE()): command += " --delete" command += " --url " +"current") + firstArg elif (ctx.SCRIPT()): command += "script " + firstArg elif (ctx.COMMANDTAX()): command = firstArg if (ctx.obj_dict()): dataArg = self.visit(ctx.obj_dict()) if ('post' in dataArg): command += " --data-post '" + json.dumps(dataArg['post']) + "'" if ('query' in dataArg): command += " --data-query '" + json.dumps( dataArg['query']) + "'" if ('path' in dataArg): command += " --data-path '" + json.dumps(dataArg['path']) + "'" if ('header' in dataArg): command += " --data-header '" + json.dumps( dataArg['header']) + "'" if ('driver' in dataArg): command += " --driver " + dataArg['driver'] driver = dataArg['driver'] if ('strict' in dataArg): strict = bool(dataArg['strict']) if ('auth' in dataArg): auth = dataArg['auth'] i = 0 parameters = {} while (ctx.optional_parameter(i)): opParam = self.visit(ctx.optional_parameter(i)) parameters[opParam['label']] = opParam['value'] i += 1 return { 'command': command, 'parameters': parameters, 'strict': strict, 'auth': auth, 'driver': driver } # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#execute. def visitExecute(self, ctx): resolvedCommand = self.visit(ctx.commandtax()) if (ctx.callback()): resolvedCommand['callback'] = self.visit(ctx.callback()) return self.executeCommand(resolvedCommand) # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#async_execute. def visitAsync_execute(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.Async_executeContext): resolvedCommand = self.visit(ctx.commandtax()) if (ctx.callback()): resolvedCommand['callback'] = self.visit(ctx.callback()) thread = GenericExecution(self, "Async execution and callback", resolvedCommand, log=self.log, debug=self.appOptions.debug, sensitive=self.appOptions.sensitive) self.threads.append(thread) return thread # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#await. def visitAwait(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.AwaitContext): if (not ctx.labels()): for thread in self.threads: thread.join() return threads = self.getVariable(ctx.labels()) if (isinstance(threads, list)): for thread in threads: if (isinstance(thread, threading.Thread)): thread.join() elif (isinstance(threads, threading.Thread)): threads.join() # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#labels. def visitLabels(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.LabelsContext): label = [self.visit(ctx.label_comp(0))] i = 0 while (ctx.DOT(i)): label.append(str(self.visit(ctx.label_comp(i + 1)))) i += 1 label = '.'.join(label) return label.replace('$', '') # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#label_comp. def visitLabel_comp(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.Label_compContext): if (ctx.LABEL()): return ctx.LABEL().getText() else: return self.visit(ctx.inject()) # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#params_statement. def visitParams_statement(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.Params_statementContext): i = 0 while (ctx.sig_parameter(i)): sigItem = self.visit(ctx.sig_parameter(i)) if ('params.passed.' + sigItem['label'])): 'params.' + sigItem['label'],'params.passed.' + sigItem['label'])) elif ('value' in sigItem):'params.' + sigItem['label'], sigItem['value']) else: self.error('Insufficient parameters. Expected Parameter: \'' + str(sigItem['label']) + '\'') i += 1 # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#options_statement. def visitOptions_statement(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.Options_statementContext): self.options = self.visit(ctx.expr()) self.useOptions() # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#delete_statement. def visitDelete_statement(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.Delete_statementContext): label = self.visit(ctx.labels()) if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('> Deleteing variable: ' + label) self.log.log('') # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#error_statement. def visitError_statement(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.Error_statementContext): message = "No error message was specified" if (ctx.expr()): message = self.visit(ctx.expr()) self.error(message) # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#return_statement. def visitReturn_statement(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.Return_statementContext): exportation = "" if (ctx.expr()): exportation = self.visit(ctx.expr()) else:{})'return', True) if (self.appOptions.debug): if (exportation != ""): self.log.log('> Returning with value: ' + str(exportation)) else: self.log.log('> Returning ') self.log.log('') # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#login_statement. def visitLogin_statement(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.Login_statementContext): from apitax.ah.Connector import Connector parameters = self.visit(ctx.optional_parameters_block()) driver = self.appOptions.driver extra = {} if ('driver' in parameters): driver = parameters['driver'] if ('extra' in parameters): extra = parameters['extra'] if ('username' in parameters and 'password' in parameters): if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log("> Logging into API with username and password.") self.log.log("") connector = Connector(options=Options(debug=self.appOptions.debug, sensitive=True, driver=driver), credentials=Credentials( username=parameters['username'], password=parameters['password'], extra=extra)) return connector.getCredentials() elif ('token' in parameters): return Credentials(token=parameters['token']) else: self.error( 'Must pass a `username` and `password` or a `token` for authentication' ) return None # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#endpoint_statement. def visitEndpoint_statement(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.Endpoint_statementContext): name = self.visit(ctx.expr()) driver = None try: name.find('@') name = name.split('@') driver = LoadedDrivers.getBaseDriver(name[1]) name = name[0] except: if (self.appOptions.driver): driver = LoadedDrivers.getBaseDriver(self.appOptions.driver) else: driver = LoadedDrivers.getDefaultBaseDriver() endpoints = driver.getCatalog(['endpoints'] if (name in endpoints): return endpoints[name]['value'] else: self.error("The endpoint requested does not exist") return None # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#scoping. def visitScoping(self, ctx): # print('scoping') return self.visitChildren(ctx) # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#name. def visitName(self, ctx): if ctx.expr(): = self.visit(ctx.expr()) if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('> Setting Script Name: ' + self.log.log('') # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#exports. def visitExports(self, ctx): exportation = "" if (ctx.labels()): exportation = self.visit(ctx.labels()) if (ctx.execute()): commandHandler = self.visit(ctx.execute()) self.importCommandRequest(commandHandler['commandHandler'], export=True) exportation = commandHandler['command'] if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('> Exporting: ' + exportation) self.log.log('') # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#imports. def visitImports(self, ctx): commandHandler = self.visit(ctx.execute())['commandHandler'] self.importCommandRequest(commandHandler) if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('> Importing: ' + resolvedCommand['command']) self.log.log('') # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#casting. def visitCasting(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.CastingContext): value = self.visit(ctx.expr()) if (ctx.TYPE_INT()): returner = int(value) if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('> Explicitly Casting \'' + str(value) + '\' to int: ' + json.dumps(returner)) self.log.log('') return returner if (ctx.TYPE_DEC()): returner = float(value) if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('> Explicitly Casting \'' + str(value) + '\' to number: ' + json.dumps(returner)) self.log.log('') return returner if (ctx.TYPE_BOOL()): returner = bool(value) if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('> Explicitly Casting \'' + str(value) + '\' to boolean: ' + json.dumps(returner)) self.log.log('') return returner if (ctx.TYPE_STR()): returner = str(value) if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('> Explicitly Casting \'' + str(value) + '\' to string: ' + json.dumps(returner)) self.log.log('') return returner if (ctx.TYPE_LIST()): returner = list(str(value).split(",")) if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('> Explicitly Casting \'' + str(value) + '\' to list: ' + json.dumps(returner)) self.log.log('') return returner if (ctx.TYPE_DICT()): returner = None if (isinstance(value, dict)): returner = value elif (isinstance(value, list)): count = 0 newdict = {} for i in value: newdict.update({str(count): i}) count += 1 returner = dict(newdict) elif (isinstance(value, str) and isJson(value)): returner = dict(json.loads(str(value))) else: returner = dict({"default": value}) if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('> Explicitly Casting \'' + str(value) + '\' to dictionary: ' + json.dumps(returner)) self.log.log('') return returner # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#auth. def visitAuth(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.AuthContext): auth = self.visit(ctx.expr()) if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log("> Setting active auth credentials to user: "******"") # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#url. def visitUrl(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.UrlContext): url = self.visit(ctx.expr())"current", url) if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('> Setting URL: ' + url) self.log.log('') # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#log. def visitLog(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.LogContext): if (ctx.expr()): self.log.log('> Logging: ' + json.dumps(self.visit(ctx.expr()))) self.log.log('') # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#count. def visitCount(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.CountContext): return len(self.visit(ctx.expr())) # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#inject. def visitInject(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.InjectContext): returner = self.visit(ctx.expr()) if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('> Injecting into: ' + ctx.getText() + ' with the value ' + str(returner)) self.log.log('') return returner # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#atom. def visitAtom(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.AtomContext): if (ctx.obj_dict()): return self.visit(ctx.obj_dict()) if (ctx.obj_list()): return self.visit(ctx.obj_list()) if (ctx.string()): return self.visit(ctx.string()) if (ctx.number()): return self.visit(ctx.number()) if (ctx.boolean()): return self.visit(ctx.boolean()) # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#obj_dict. def visitObj_dict(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.Obj_dictContext): dictionary = {} i = 0 if (ctx.COLON(0)): dictionary[self.visit(ctx.expr(0))] = self.visit(ctx.expr(1)) while (ctx.COMMA(i) and ctx.expr((i + 1) * 2)): base = (i + 1) * 2 dictionary[self.visit(ctx.expr(base))] = self.visit( ctx.expr(base + 1)) i += 1 return dictionary # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#obj_list. def visitObj_list(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.Obj_listContext): parameters = [] i = 0 if (ctx.expr(0)): parameters.append(self.visit(ctx.expr(0))) while (ctx.COMMA(i) and ctx.expr(i + 1)): parameters.append(self.visit(ctx.expr(i + 1))) i += 1 return parameters # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#string. def visitString(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.StringContext): line = ctx.STRING().getText()[1:-1] line = line.replace('\\"', '"') line = line.replace('\\\'', '\'') matches = re.findall(self.regexVar, line) for match in matches: label = match[2:-2].strip() label = label.replace('$', '') replacer = str(self.getVariable(label, convert=False)) line = line.replace(match, replacer) if (self.appOptions.debug): self.log.log('> Injecting Variable into String \'' + label + '\': ' + line) self.log.log('') return line # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#number. def visitNumber(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.NumberContext): if (ctx.INT()): return int(ctx.INT().getText()) else: return float(ctx.FLOAT().getText()) # Visit a parse tree produced by Ah210Parser#boolean. def visitBoolean(self, ctx: Ah210Parser.BooleanContext): if (ctx.TRUE()): return True if (ctx.FALSE()): return False
def __init__(self, pathToNode=''): atexit.register(npmCleanup) self.path = pathToNode self.log = Log()
class Request: def __init__(self, url, headers='', postData='', paramData={}, pathData={}, options=Options(), customResponse=False): self.url = url self.headers = headers self.postData = postData self.paramData = paramData self.pathData = pathData self.options = options self.request = None self.customResponse = customResponse self.log = Log() self.humanReadable = self.log.getLoggerSettings().get('human-readable') def setDebug(self, debug): self.options.debug = debug def setSensitive(self, sensitive): self.options.sensitive = sensitive def setHeaders(self, headers): self.headers = headers def setUrl(self, url): self.url = url def setPostData(self, postData): self.postData = postData def setParamData(self, paramData): self.paramData = paramData def setPathData(self, pathData): self.pathData = pathData def getRequestUrl(self): return self.request.url def getResponse(self): return self.request def getResponseHeaders(self): if (self.customResponse): return self.request['headers'] else: return self.request.headers def getResponseBody(self): if (self.customResponse): if (isinstance(self.request['text'], dict)): return json.dumps(self.request['text'], separators=(',', ':'), indent=None).replace("\n", "") return self.request['text'].replace("\n", "") else: if (isinstance(self.request.text, dict) or isinstance(self.request.text, list)): return json.dumps(self.request.text, separators=(',', ':'), indent=None).replace("\n", "") return self.request.text.replace("\n", "") def getResponseBodyAsStructure(self): return json.loads(self.getResponseBody()) def getResponseStatusCode(self): if (self.customResponse): return self.request['status_code'] else: return self.request.status_code def getCLIResponse(self): return json.dumps(self.getResponseBodyAsStructure(), indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')) def getDebugResponse(self): line = '' line += 'Status: ' + str(self.getResponseStatusCode()) + '\n' line += 'Headers:' + '\n' if (self.options.sensitive): line += 'Headers are not shown as it contains sensitive data. ie. token' + '\n' else: line += str(self.getResponseHeaders()) + '\n' line += 'Body:' + '\n' line += str(self.getResponseBody()) + '\n' return line def getDebugRequest(self): line = '' line += 'Endpoint: ' + self.url + '\n' line += 'Formed Endpoint: ' + self.getRequestUrl() + '\n' line += 'Headers:' + '\n' if (self.options.sensitive): line += 'Headers are not shown as it contains sensitive data. ie. password' + '\n' else: line += str(self.headers) + '\n' line += 'Post Data:' + '\n' if (self.options.sensitive): line += 'Post Data is not shown as it contains sensitive data. ie. password' + '\n' elif (not self.postData): line += '{}' + '\n' else: line += str(self.postData) + '\n' return line def injectPathData(self): if (not self.pathData): return matches = re.findall('{[A-z0-9]{1,}}', self.url) for match in matches: matchStr = match[1:-1] if (matchStr in self.pathData): self.url = self.url.replace(match, self.pathData.get(matchStr)) else: self.log.log('Path data did not contain key for `' + matchStr + '`') def logRequest(self): if (self.options.debug and not self.humanReadable): self.log.log('\n<==========' + '\n' + self.getDebugRequest() + '\n' + self.getDebugResponse() + '==========>' + '\n\n') elif (self.options.debug): self.log.log('\n<==========\n' + self.getCLIResponse() + '\n' + '==========>\n\n') def post(self): self.injectPathData() self.request =, data=json.dumps(self.postData), headers=self.headers, params=self.paramData) self.logRequest() def get(self): self.injectPathData() self.request = requests.get(self.url, data=json.dumps(self.postData), headers=self.headers, params=self.paramData) self.logRequest() def put(self): self.injectPathData() self.request = requests.put(self.url, data=json.dumps(self.postData), headers=self.headers, params=self.paramData) self.logRequest() def patch(self): self.injectPathData() self.request = requests.patch(self.url, data=json.dumps(self.postData), headers=self.headers, params=self.paramData) self.logRequest() def delete(self): self.injectPathData() self.request = requests.delete(self.url, data=json.dumps(self.postData), headers=self.headers, params=self.paramData) self.logRequest()
def get(name): if (name not in Drivers.drivers): Log().error("Driver '" + name + "' does not exist or has not been imported/added.") return None return Drivers.drivers[name]
def getDefaultCommandsDriver(): if ('commands' in LoadedDrivers.default): return LoadedDrivers.default['commands'] else: Log().error('No default command driver is loaded')
def getCommandsDriver(name): if (name + 'Commands' not in Drivers.drivers): Log().error("Driver '" + name + 'Commands' + "' has not been loaded.") return LoadedDrivers.drivers[name + 'Commands']
def add(name, driver): if (name == 'Default' or name == 'DefaultDriver'): Log().error("A driver cannot be named default for driver: " + name) return None Drivers.drivers[name] = driver