Exemplo n.º 1
def update_ad_teams():
    db = app.db.dbWriteInstance()
    ad = app.ad.ActiveDirectory()

    cur = db.cursor()
    cur.execute("SELECT userid FROM tblusers WHERE team IS NULL")
    users = {}
    while True:
        rc = cur.fetchone()
        if not rc:
        users[rc[0].strip().lower()] = rc[0].strip()

    mapping = json.loads(config.group_mapping)
    userMapping = {}

    for group in mapping:
        adGroup = group[0]
        name = group[1]
        print "Processing %s (%s)" % (adGroup, name)
        allGroupUsers = ad.get_all_members_of_group(adGroup)
        for u in allGroupUsers:
            if u.lower() in users:
                userMapping[users[u.lower()]] = name
                del users[u.lower()]

    for u in userMapping:
        print "Mapping %s to %s" % (u, userMapping[u])
        cur.execute("UPDATE tblusers SET team=%s WHERE userid=%s",
                    [userMapping[u], u])

Exemplo n.º 2
def update_ad_teams():
    db = app.db.dbWriteInstance()
    ad = app.ad.ActiveDirectory()

    cur = db.cursor()
    cur.execute("SELECT userid FROM tblusers WHERE team IS NULL")
    users = {}
    while True:
        rc = cur.fetchone()
        if not rc:
        users[rc[0].strip().lower()] = rc[0].strip()

    mapping = json.loads(config.group_mapping)
    userMapping = {}

    for group in mapping:
        adGroup = group[0]
        name = group[1]
        print "Processing %s (%s)" % (adGroup, name)
        allGroupUsers = ad.get_all_members_of_group(adGroup)
        for u in allGroupUsers:
            if u.lower() in users:
                userMapping[users[u.lower()]] = name
                del users[u.lower()]

    for u in userMapping:
        print "Mapping %s to %s" % (u, userMapping[u])
        cur.execute("UPDATE tblusers SET team=%s WHERE userid=%s", [userMapping[u], u])

Exemplo n.º 3
def refresh_ad_caches(removeUsers=False):
    db = app.db.dbWriteInstance()
    ad = app.ad.ActiveDirectory()

    cur = db.cursor()
    print "Validating users in tblusers..."
    cur.execute("SELECT userid,email,disabled FROM tblusers")
    userCount = 0
    usersToRemove = []
    usersToDisable = []
    usersToEnable = []
    emailUpdates = []
    while True:
        rc = cur.fetchone()
        if not rc:
        userCount += 1
        userid = rc[0].strip()
            adEmail = ad.get_email(userid)
            dbEmail = rc[1] and rc[1].strip()
            if adEmail != dbEmail:
                emailUpdates.append((userid, adEmail))
            adDisabled = ad.is_disabled(userid)
            dbDisabled = rc[2]
            if adDisabled and not dbDisabled:
            elif not adDisabled and dbDisabled:
        except KeyError:

    if len(usersToRemove) > (userCount / 20):
        raise Exception(
            "AD suggests >5% of users no longer exist, this seems unlikely...")

    if removeUsers:
        for u in usersToRemove:
            print "Removing %s" % u
            cur.execute("DELETE FROM tblusers WHERE userid=%s", [u])
    elif len(usersToRemove) > 0:
        print "There are %d users no longer in AD" % (len(usersToRemove))

    for u, e in emailUpdates:
        print "Updating email address for %s (%s)" % (u, e)
        cur.execute("UPDATE tblusers SET email=%s WHERE userid=%s", [e, u])

    for u in usersToEnable:
        print "Enabling %s" % u
        cur.execute("UPDATE tblusers SET disabled='0' WHERE userid=%s", [u])
    for u in usersToDisable:
        print "Disabling %s" % u
        cur.execute("UPDATE tblusers SET disabled='1' WHERE userid=%s", [u])

    print "\nRefreshing group cache..."

    def _deleteGroup(groupid):
        cur.execute("DELETE FROM tblgroupusers WHERE groupid=%s", [groupid])
        cur.execute("DELETE FROM tblgroups WHERE groupid=%s", [groupid])

    cur.execute("SELECT groupid,name FROM tblgroups")
    groups = {}
    while True:
        rc = cur.fetchone()
        if not rc:
        groups[rc[0]] = rc[1].strip()

    aclGroups = []
    cur.execute("SELECT userid FROM tblaclentries WHERE type='group'")
    while True:
        rc = cur.fetchone()
        if not rc:

    # Also put the admin group in the cache
    if not config.admin_group in aclGroups:

    # Add any groups not in the DB to the DB
    extraGroups = set(aclGroups) - set(groups.values())
    for g in extraGroups:
            "INSERT INTO tblgroups (name) VALUES (%s) RETURNING groupid", [g])
        rc = cur.fetchone()
        groups[rc[0]] = g

    for gid in groups:
        gname = groups[gid]
        print gname,
        # Check if the group is still actually in use by any acls
        if not gname in aclGroups:
            print "..No longer required, removing"
        # Is it valid in AD?
        if not ad.is_valid_group(gname):
            print "..not found in AD, removing"
            # TODO: Email the ACL owner(s) to let them know we've removed entries pointing at the group
                "DELETE FROM tblaclentries WHERE type='group' AND userid=%s",
        # Update the members
        adMembers = ad.get_all_members_of_group(gname)
        dbMembers = []
        cur.execute("SELECT userid FROM tblgroupusers WHERE groupid=%s", [gid])
        while True:
            rc = cur.fetchone()
            if not rc:
        am = set(adMembers)
        dm = set(dbMembers)

        newMembers = am - dm
        removeMembers = dm - am
        for m in newMembers:
                "INSERT INTO tblgroupusers (groupid,userid) VALUES (%s,%s)",
                [gid, m])
        for m in removeMembers:
                "DELETE FROM tblgroupusers WHERE groupid=%s AND userid=%s",
                [gid, m])

        print "..%d added, %d removed" % (len(newMembers), len(removeMembers))

Exemplo n.º 4
def refresh_ad_caches(removeUsers=False):
    db = app.db.dbWriteInstance()
    ad = app.ad.ActiveDirectory()

    cur = db.cursor()
    print "Validating users in tblusers..."
    cur.execute("SELECT userid,email,disabled FROM tblusers")
    userCount = 0
    usersToRemove = []
    usersToDisable = []
    usersToEnable = []
    emailUpdates = []
    while True:
        rc = cur.fetchone()
        if not rc:
        userCount += 1
        userid = rc[0].strip()
            adEmail = ad.get_email(userid)
            dbEmail = rc[1] and rc[1].strip()
            if adEmail != dbEmail:
                emailUpdates.append((userid, adEmail))
            adDisabled = ad.is_disabled(userid)
            dbDisabled = rc[2]
            if adDisabled and not dbDisabled:
            elif not adDisabled and dbDisabled:
        except KeyError:

    if len(usersToRemove) > (userCount / 20):
        raise Exception("AD suggests >5% of users no longer exist, this seems unlikely...")

    if removeUsers:
        for u in usersToRemove:
            print "Removing %s" % u
            cur.execute("DELETE FROM tblusers WHERE userid=%s", [u])
    elif len(usersToRemove) > 0:
        print "There are %d users no longer in AD" % (len(usersToRemove))

    for u,e in emailUpdates:
        print "Updating email address for %s (%s)" % (u,e)
        cur.execute("UPDATE tblusers SET email=%s WHERE userid=%s", [e,u])

    for u in usersToEnable:
        print "Enabling %s" % u
        cur.execute("UPDATE tblusers SET disabled='0' WHERE userid=%s", [u])
    for u in usersToDisable:
        print "Disabling %s" % u
        cur.execute("UPDATE tblusers SET disabled='1' WHERE userid=%s", [u])

    print "\nRefreshing group cache..."
    def _deleteGroup(groupid):
        cur.execute("DELETE FROM tblgroupusers WHERE groupid=%s", [groupid])
        cur.execute("DELETE FROM tblgroups WHERE groupid=%s", [groupid])

    cur.execute("SELECT groupid,name FROM tblgroups")
    groups = {}
    while True:
        rc = cur.fetchone()
        if not rc:
        groups[rc[0]] = rc[1].strip()

    aclGroups = []
    cur.execute("SELECT userid FROM tblaclentries WHERE type='group'")
    while True:
        rc = cur.fetchone()
        if not rc:

    # Also put the admin group in the cache
    if not config.admin_group in aclGroups:

    # Add any groups not in the DB to the DB
    extraGroups = set(aclGroups) - set(groups.values())
    for g in extraGroups:
        cur.execute("INSERT INTO tblgroups (name) VALUES (%s) RETURNING groupid", [g])
        rc = cur.fetchone()
        groups[rc[0]] = g

    for gid in groups:
        gname = groups[gid]
        print gname,
        # Check if the group is still actually in use by any acls
        if not gname in aclGroups:
            print "..No longer required, removing"
        # Is it valid in AD?
        if not ad.is_valid_group(gname):
            print "..not found in AD, removing"
            # TODO: Email the ACL owner(s) to let them know we've removed entries pointing at the group
            cur.execute("DELETE FROM tblaclentries WHERE type='group' AND userid=%s", [gname])
        # Update the members
        adMembers = ad.get_all_members_of_group(gname)
        dbMembers = []
        cur.execute("SELECT userid FROM tblgroupusers WHERE groupid=%s", [gid])
        while True:
            rc = cur.fetchone()
            if not rc:
        am = set(adMembers)
        dm = set(dbMembers)

        newMembers = am - dm
        removeMembers = dm - am
        for m in newMembers:
            cur.execute("INSERT INTO tblgroupusers (groupid,userid) VALUES (%s,%s)", [gid, m])
        for m in removeMembers:
            cur.execute("DELETE FROM tblgroupusers WHERE groupid=%s AND userid=%s", [gid, m])

        print "..%d added, %d removed" % (len(newMembers), len(removeMembers))
