Exemplo n.º 1
def fetchResourceData(dataset_id):
  Fetch resource information from datasets.

    # Creates a dataset instance
    # and collects an array with the
    # resource ids.
    d = Dataset(dataset_id)
    resources = d.resources()
    resource_data = []
    for resource in resources:
        data = {
            k: Resource(resource).info()[k]
            for k in _fields(config, 'resources')

    # Selects only the fields
    # of interest from the dictionary.
    return resource_data
    def test_dataset_keys(self):
    classes.dataset:  Test that the Dataset classe returns the right keys.

        result = Dataset('ebola-cases-2014').info()

        for key in self.keys:
            self.assertIn(key, result.keys())
Exemplo n.º 3
def fetchClassData(key=None, id=None):
  Loads data from specified CKAN object class.

    classes = {
        'users': User(id),
        'countries': Country(id),
        'datasets': Dataset(id),
        'revisions': Revision(id),
        'resources': Resource(id),
        'gallery_items': GalleryItem(id),
        'organizations': Organization(id)

    # Selects only the fields
    # of interest from the dictionary.
    result = {k: classes[key].info()[k] for k in _fields(config, key)}
    return result