Exemplo n.º 1
    def calculateDues(book_id, token=None, uid=None):
			Function to calculate the dues for a student given the student token/ USN and the book id
			We take both token and USN because if the admin makes the request when viewing a students page then we need to be able to 
			handle that as well
				book_id : <str> The books ID
				token : <str> Default None , The token of the user making the request
				uid : <str> The USN of the student to calculate the due for
				<str> ---  if theres no due
				<int> The amount due if books are due
        # get the token from the tokencollection
        userData = tokenCollection.find_one({"token": token})
        # if the token belongs to an admin then the borrow data needs to come from the student ie students user id
        if userData['_id'] == "Admin":
            userData = {"_id": uid}
        # get the borrow object
        borrowObj = borrowsCollection.find_one({
            "User": userData['_id'],
            "BookID": book_id
        # get the number of days overdue
        daysDue = (
            datetime.now().replace(minute=0, second=0, hour=0, microsecond=0) -
                minute=0, second=0, hour=0, microsecond=0)).days
        if daysDue <= 0:
            return "--"
            return format_price(5 * daysDue)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
			Function to wrap the passed function
				*args: <args> The arguments
				**kwargs : <kwargs> The Kwargs

				<f::returnType> The Return of the passed function

        # If the token isnt available, redirect to login
        if "token" not in session or not session['token']:
            return redirect(url_for("loginHandler"))

        token = session['token']
        # If the tokendata is not present redirect to login
        tokenData = tokenCollection.find_one({"token": token}, {"token": 0})
        if not tokenData:
            return redirect(url_for("loginHandler"))

        # If the user data does not exist, redirect to login
        userData = usersCollection.find_one({"_id": tokenData['_id']},
                                            {"Type": 1})
        if not userData:
            return redirect(url_for("index"))

        # If the type is Stuent we redirect to index ie home page
        if userData['Type'] == "Student":
            return redirect(url_for("index"))

        return f(*args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 3
def userLogin(userData):
		Function to check the users credentials and login.
			userData : <dict> Dict containing the user details ie password and usn
			<dict> {status:True,message:True,token:<str:token string>} if success
					{status:False,message:Error Message} if failure
	# Check if USN and password fields are non-empty
	# if empty return the error
	if not userData['USN']:
		return {'status':False,'message':"Please Enter USN"}

	if not userData['password']:
		return {'status':False,'message':"Please Enter password"}

	# Check if the user token exists or not in the token collection
	# if it exists it means the user is already logged in
	userToken = tokenCollection.find_one({"_id":userData['USN']})
	if userToken:
		return {'status':True,'message':"User logged in","token":userToken['token']}

		# Fetch the users auth data
		userAuth = authCollection.find_one({"_id":userData['USN']})
	# handle connection failure
	except ConnectionFailure:
		return {'status':False,'message':"Could not connect to database"}
	# if the auth data does not exist , error out
	if not userAuth:
		return {'status':False,'message':"User does not exist"}
	# calculate the the hash of the given password + the salt
	passHash = sha256((userData['password']+userAuth['salt']).encode()).hexdigest()
	# if it matches , login successfully
	if passHash == userAuth['passHash']:
		token = str(uuid4())
		# insert the token and the id into the token collection
		except DuplicateKeyError:
			return {"status":True,'message':"User already logged in","token":token}
		return {"status":True,'message':"User Logged in","token":token}
	# if the hash does not match we error out
		return {'status':False,'message':"Incorrect USN or password"}
Exemplo n.º 4
    def checkIfReserved(token, book_id):
			Function to check if the book has been reserved by the current user
				token: <str> The token of the current user
				book_id : <str> The ID of the book

				<bool> True, if reserved
						False if not reserved
        tokenObj = tokenCollection.find_one({"token": token})
        borrowObj = borrowsCollection.find_one({
            "User": tokenObj['_id'],
            "BookID": book_id
        if not borrowObj:
            return False
            return True
Exemplo n.º 5
    def getDueDate(token, book_id, uid=None):
			Function to get the due date for the given book for the given user
				token : <str> The token of the user making the request
				book_id : <str> The ID of the book

				<str> Date in yyyy-mm-dd format

        # get the token from the tokencollection
        tokenObj = tokenCollection.find_one({"token": token})
        # if the token belongs to an admin then the borrow data needs to come from the student ie students user id
        if tokenObj['_id'] == "Admin":
            tokenObj = {"_id": uid}
        borrowObj = borrowsCollection.find_one({
            "User": tokenObj['_id'],
            "BookID": book_id
        duedate = borrowObj['DueDate'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        return duedate
Exemplo n.º 6
def getUserFromToken(token):
		Function to get the user data for a particular user based on the token
			token : <str> The Users token
			<dict> {status:True,message:<dict: User data>,borrows:<List(dict): list of all borrowed books >} if success
					{status:False,message:Error Message} if failure
		# get the token object from the token collection
		tokenData = tokenCollection.find_one({"token":token})
	# handle connection failure
	except ConnectionFailure:
		return {'status':False,'message':"Unable to connnect to database"}	
	# if the token obj does not exist, then return an error
	if not tokenData:
		return {'status':False,'message':"Token does not exist, please refresh/logout and log back in"}
	# get the user associated with that token
	userId = tokenData['_id']
		# get the userdata based on that token
		userData = usersCollection.find_one({"_id":userId})
	# handle connection faliure
	except ConnectionFailure:
		return {'status':False,'message':"Unable to connnect to database"}
	# if user obj does not exist throw an error
	if not userData:
		return {'status':False,'message':"User data does not exist"}

	borrowData = getUsersBorrowedBooks(userId)
	if not borrowData['status']:
		return {'status':False,'message':"Unable to fetch user data"}
	borrowData = borrowData['message']

	# return the user object
	return {'status':True,'message':userData,'borrows':borrowData}
Exemplo n.º 7
    def isAdmin(token):
			Function to check if the token of the user is an admin token or not
				token :<str> The token of the user making the request

				<bool> True if admin
						False if not admin
        tokenData = tokenCollection.find_one({"token": token}, {"token": 0})
        if not tokenData:
            return False

        userData = usersCollection.find_one({"_id": tokenData['_id']},
                                            {"Type": 1})
        if not userData:
            return False

        if userData['Type'] == "Student":
            return False
            return True
Exemplo n.º 8
def reserveBook(book_id,book_name,token):
		Function to reserve a book 
			book_id : <str> The book id for the book being borrowed
			book_name : <str> The book Name
			token : <str> The token of the user making the request
	tokenObj = tokenCollection.find_one({"token":token})
	if not tokenObj:
		return {'status':False,'message':"Unable to find token, please logout and log back in"}

	# generate the book borrow object
	borrowObj = {
		"DueDate":(datetime.now() + timedelta(days=10)),
	# find if the book is in stock before inserting the borrow data into the database
	book_stock = booksCollection.find_one({"_id":book_id},{"Stock":1})
	# if not in stock throw an error
	if book_stock['Stock']<=0:
		return {'status':False,'message':"Book is out Stock"}
	# if in stock then update the count of that book and insert the borrow obj
	# insert the object
	except ConnectionFailure:
		return {'status':False,'message':"Unable to connect to database"}
	return {'status':True,'message':"Book reserved"}