def getcache(page, lang, usecache): # Check if the requested page, in language 'lang', is in the cache # If not, use the backup cache. # If the cache should not be used, return None # First, compute the language if not lang: lang = 'sv' if 'sv' in request.url_rule.rule else 'en' if not usecache or app.config['TEST']: return None, lang pagename = cache_name(page, lang=lang) try: with mc_pool.reserve() as client: # Look for the page, return if found art = client.get(pagename) if art is not None: return art, lang # if not, look for the backup of the page and return art = client.get(pagename + '_backup') if art is not None: return art, lang except: # TODO what to do?? pass # If nothing is found, return None return None, lang
def compute_activity(lang="", cache=True, url=''): set_language_switch_link("activity_index", lang=lang) art, lang = getcache('activity', lang, cache) if art is not None: return art infotext = helpers.get_infotext("activity", request.url_rule.rule) # Fix list with references to be inserted in results reference_list = static_info.activities_reference_list [ref.append("reference") for ref in reference_list] art = bucketcall(queryfield='verksamhetstext', name='activity', title=gettext("Activities"), infotext=infotext, alphabetical=True, description=helpers.get_shorttext(infotext), insert_entries=reference_list, page_url=url) try: with mc_pool.reserve() as client: client.set(cache_name('activity', lang), art, time=app.config['CACHE_TIME']) except: # TODO what to do? pass return art
def copytobackup(fields, lang): # Make backups of all requested fields to their corresponding backup field for field in fields: with mc_pool.reserve() as client: art = client.get(field + lang) client.set(cache_name(field, lang) + '_backup', art, time=app.config['CACHE_TIME'])
def compute_artikelforfattare(infotext='', description='', lang="", cache=True, url=''): set_language_switch_link("articleauthor_index", lang=lang) art, lang = getcache('author', lang, cache) if art is not None: return art q_data = { 'buckets': 'artikel_forfattare_fornamn.bucket,artikel_forfattare_efternamn.bucket' } data = karp_query('statlist', q_data) # strip kw0 to get correct sorting stat_table = [[kw[0].strip()] + kw[1:] for kw in data['stat_table'] if kw[0] != ""] stat_table = [[kw[1] + ',', kw[0], kw[2]] for kw in stat_table] # Remove duplicates and some wrong ones (because of backend limitation): stoplist = { u"Grevesmühl,Kajsa": True, u"Ohrlander,Anders": True, u"Myrberg Burström,Mats": True, u"Burström,Nanouschka": True, u"Ljung,Yvonne": True, u"Lindholm,Barbro": True } added = {} new_stat_table = [] for item in stat_table: fullname = item[0] + item[1] if fullname not in added and fullname not in stoplist: new_stat_table.append(item) added[fullname] = True art = render_template('bucketresults.html', results=new_stat_table, alphabetical=True, title=gettext('Article authors'), name='articleauthor', infotext=infotext, description=description, sortnames=True, page_url=url) try: with mc_pool.reserve() as client: client.set(cache_name('author', lang), art, time=app.config['CACHE_TIME']) except: # TODO what to do? pass return art
def compute_place(lang="", cache=True, url=''): set_language_switch_link("place_index", lang=lang) art, lang = getcache('place', lang, cache) if art is not None: return art infotext = helpers.get_infotext("place", request.url_rule.rule) def parse(kw): place = kw.get('key') # May be used to parse names with or without coordinates: # "Lysekil" or "Lysekil|58.275573|11.435558" if '|' in place: name, lat, lon = place.split('|') else: name = place.strip() lat, lon = 0, 0 placename = name if name else '%s, %s' % (lat, lon) return { 'name': placename, 'lat': lat, 'lon': lon, 'count': kw.get('doc_count') } def has_name(kw): name = kw.get('key').split('|')[0] if name and u"(osäker uppgift)" not in name: return name else: return None # To use the coordinates, use 'getplaces' instead of 'getplacenames' data = karp_query('getplacenames', {}) stat_table = [parse(kw) for kw in data['places'] if has_name(kw)] art = render_template('places.html', places=stat_table, title=gettext("Placenames"), infotext=infotext, description=helpers.get_shorttext(infotext), page_url=url) try: with mc_pool.reserve() as client: client.set(cache_name('place', lang), art, time=app.config['CACHE_TIME']) except: # TODO what to do? pass return art
def compute_article(lang="", cache=True, url=''): set_language_switch_link("article_index", lang=lang) art, lang = getcache('article', lang, cache) if art is not None: return art show = ','.join( ['name', 'url', 'undertitel', 'lifespan', 'undertitel_eng']) infotext = helpers.get_infotext("article", request.url_rule.rule) if lang == 'sv': data = karp_query('minientry', { 'q': "extended||and|namn|exists", 'show': show, 'sort': 'sorteringsnamn.sort,sorteringsnamn.init,sorteringsnamn,tilltalsnamn.sort,tilltalsnamn' }, mode="skbllinks") else: data = karp_query('minientry', { 'q': "extended||and|namn|exists", 'show': show, 'sort': 'sorteringsnamn.eng_sort,sorteringsnamn.eng_init,sorteringsnamn,tilltalsnamn.sort,tilltalsnamn' }, mode="skbllinks") art = render_template('list.html', hits=data["hits"], headline=gettext(u'Women A-Z'), alphabetic=True, split_letters=True, infotext=infotext, title='Articles', page_url=url) try: with mc_pool.reserve() as client: client.set(cache_name('article', lang), art, time=app.config['CACHE_TIME']) except: # TODO what to do? pass return art
def compute_organisation(lang="", infotext="", cache=True, url=''): set_language_switch_link("organisation_index", lang=lang) art, lang = getcache('organisation', lang, cache) if art is not None: return art infotext = helpers.get_infotext("organisation", request.url_rule.rule) if lang == "en": data = karp_query( 'minientry', { 'q': 'extended||and|anything|regexp|.*', 'show': 'organisationsnamn,organisationstyp_eng' }) typefield = "type_eng" else: data = karp_query( 'minientry', { 'q': 'extended||and|anything|regexp|.*', 'show': 'organisationsnamn,organisationstyp' }) typefield = "type" nested_obj = {} for hit in data['hits']['hits']: for org in hit['_source'].get('organisation', []): orgtype = helpers.unescape(org.get(typefield, '-')) if orgtype not in nested_obj: nested_obj[orgtype] = defaultdict(set) nested_obj[orgtype][org.get('name', '-')].add(hit['_id']) art = render_template('nestedbucketresults.html', results=nested_obj, title=gettext("Organisations"), infotext=infotext, name='organisation', page_url=url) try: with mc_pool.reserve() as client: client.set(cache_name('organisation', lang), art, time=app.config['CACHE_TIME']) except: # TODO what to do? pass return art
def compute_emptycache(fields): # Empty the cache (but leave the backupfields). # Only users with write permission may do this # May raise error, eg if the authorization does not work emptied = False auth = request.authorization postdata = {} user, pw = auth.username, auth.password postdata["username"] = user postdata["password"] = pw postdata["checksum"] = + pw + app.config['SECRET_KEY']).hexdigest() server = app.config['WSAUTH_URL'] contents = urlopen(server, urllib.urlencode(postdata)).read() auth_response = json.loads(contents) lexitems = auth_response.get("permitted_resources", {}) rights = lexitems.get("lexica", {}).get(app.config['SKBL'], {}) if rights.get('write'): with mc_pool.reserve() as client: for field in fields: client.delete(field + 'sv') client.delete(field + 'en') emptied = True return emptied
def searchresult(result, name='', searchfield='', imagefolder='', query='', searchtype='equals', title='', authorinfo=False, lang='', show_lang_switch=True, cache=True): set_language_switch_link("%s_index" % name, result) try: result = result.encode("UTF-8") pagename = name + '_' + urllib.quote(result) art = check_cache(pagename, lang) if art is not None: return art show = ','.join( ['name', 'url', 'undertitel', 'lifespan', 'undertitel_eng']) if query: hits = karp_query('minientry', {'q': query, 'show': show}) else: hits = karp_query( 'minientry', { 'q': "extended||and||%s|%s" % (searchfield, searchtype, result), 'show': show }) title = title or result.decode("UTF-8") no_hits = hits['hits']['total'] if no_hits > 0: picture = None if os.path.exists(app.config.root_path + '/static/images/%s/%s.jpg' % (imagefolder, result)): picture = '/static/images/%s/%s.jpg' % (imagefolder, result) page = render_template('list.html', picture=picture, alphabetic=True, title=title, headline=title, hits=hits["hits"], authorinfo=authorinfo, show_lang_switch=show_lang_switch) if no_hits >= app.config['CACHE_HIT_LIMIT']: try: with mc_pool.reserve() as client: client.set(cache_name(pagename, lang), page, time=app.config['CACHE_TIME']) except: # TODO what to do? pass return page else: return render_template( 'page.html', content=gettext('Contents could not be found!')) except Exception as e: return render_template( 'page.html', content="%s\n%s: extended||and||%s|%s" % (e, app.config['KARP_BACKEND'], searchfield, searchtype, result))
def cachestats(): # Show stats of the cache with mc_pool.reserve() as client: return jsonify({"cached_stats": client.get_stats()})