Exemplo n.º 1
 def POST(self):
     # Reads the email in the HTTP request parameters
     email = web.input(email=None).email
     # Check if the user exists and is active
     user = User.get_user(email)
     if user is None or not user.active:
         raise http.Forbidden("Utilisateur inconnu")
     # Checks if there is already an active password token matching this email
     current_password_token = PasswordToken.get_password_token(email)
     if current_password_token is not None:
         formatted_creation_dt = formatting.format_date(dates.change_timezone(current_password_token.creation_dt), "%d/%m/%y %H:%M")
         raise http.Forbidden(u"Demande similaire déjà effectuée le %s" % formatted_creation_dt)
     # Creates a new password token valid for 2 days
     password_token = PasswordToken(validity=2, user=user, token=PasswordToken.generate_random_token(16))
     # Registers an email notification
     http.register_hook(lambda: notify_via_email(password_token, Events.NEW))
     return u"Instructions en cours d'envoi à %s" % email
Exemplo n.º 2
    def POST(self):

        # Reads the email in the HTTP request parameters
        email = web.input(email=None).email

        # Check if the user exists and is active
        user = User.get_user(email)

        if user is None or not user.active:
            raise http.Forbidden("Utilisateur inconnu")

        # Checks if there is already an active password token matching this email
        current_password_token = PasswordToken.get_password_token(email)

        if current_password_token is not None:
            formatted_creation_dt = formatting.format_date(
                "%d/%m/%y %H:%M")
            raise http.Forbidden(u"Demande similaire déjà effectuée le %s" %

        # Creates a new password token valid for 2 days
        password_token = PasswordToken(

        # Registers an email notification
            lambda: notify_via_email(password_token, Events.NEW))

        return u"Instructions en cours d'envoi à %s" % email
Exemplo n.º 3
    def POST(self, key):
        if not key in ADMIN_COMPONENTS:
            raise web.notfound()

        http_input = web.input()
        # Scenario 1 : edit an existing element
        if http_input.event == Events.MODIFIED:
            # The grid should be bound to the form data
            component_to_sync = grid =  ADMIN_COMPONENTS.get(key).grid_component()
            fieldset = ADMIN_COMPONENTS.get(key).fieldset_component()
        # Scenario 2 : create a new element
        elif http_input.event == Events.NEW:
            # The fieldset should be bound to the form data & the session
            grid =  ADMIN_COMPONENTS.get(key).grid_component()
            component_to_sync = fieldset = ADMIN_COMPONENTS.get(key).fieldset_component().bind(data=http_input, session=config.orm)
        # Scenario 3 : invalid action
            raise web.notfound()
        # Synchronizes the grid or the fieldset (depending on the action) & registers an email notification
        if component_to_sync.validate():
            http.register_hook(lambda: notify_via_email(component_to_sync.model, http_input.event))
            raise web.seeother("/")
            return config.views.layout(config.views.administration(grid, fieldset))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def POST(self):

        # Reads the HTTP request parameters
        http_input = web.input(poll_id=None, poll_user_choices=[])
        poll_id = http_input.poll_id
        poll_user_choices = http_input.poll_user_choices

        # Loads the poll
        if poll_id is None:
            raise web.notfound()

        poll = Poll.get(int(poll_id),
                        joined_attrs=["choices", "votes_by_user"])

        if poll is None:
            raise web.notfound()

        # Passes the user's choices to the model

            # Parses the choice numbers & makes sure they're valid
            poll_user_choices = map(int, poll_user_choices)
            if any(i not in range(len(poll.choices))
                   for i in poll_user_choices):
                raise ValueError(
                    u"Un des entiers passes a la methode /poll/vote n'est pas compris dans l'intervalle %s"
                    % range(len(poll.choices)))

            # Determines if it's the first vote ever in the poll
            someone_already_voted = poll.has_votes

            # Determines if it's the first vote for the user
            user_already_voted = config.session_manager.user in poll.choices_by_user

            # Actual vote action for the user
            poll_vote = poll.vote(config.session_manager.user,
                                  [poll.choices[i] for i in poll_user_choices])

            # Registers an email notification
            http.register_hook(lambda: notify_via_email(
                poll_vote, Events.MODIFIED
                if user_already_voted else Events.NEW))

            return dict(data=config.views.poll_votes(
                if someone_already_voted else None),

        except ValueError as exception:
            raise http.Forbidden(exception)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def POST(self):
        # Reads the HTTP request parameters
        tournament_id = web.input().tournament_id
        comment = web.input().comment
        # Appends the comment
        # TODO: variables are ambiguous
        tournament = Tournament.get(int(tournament_id), joined_attrs=["comments"])
        added_comment = tournament.add_comment(config.session_manager.user, comment)
        # Registers an email notification
        http.register_hook(lambda: notify_via_email(added_comment, Events.NEW))

        # Returns the dictionary
        return config.views.comment(added_comment)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def POST(self):
        # Reads the HTTP request parameters
        http_input = web.input(poll_id=None, poll_user_choices=[])
        poll_id = http_input.poll_id
        poll_user_choices = http_input.poll_user_choices

        # Loads the poll
        if poll_id is None:
            raise web.notfound() 

        poll = Poll.get(int(poll_id), joined_attrs=["choices", "votes_by_user"])

        if poll is None:
            raise web.notfound()
        # Passes the user's choices to the model
            # Parses the choice numbers & makes sure they're valid
            poll_user_choices = map(int, poll_user_choices)
            if any(i not in range(len(poll.choices)) for i in poll_user_choices):
                raise ValueError(u"Un des entiers passes a la methode /poll/vote n'est pas compris dans l'intervalle %s" % range(len(poll.choices)))
            # Determines if it's the first vote ever in the poll
            someone_already_voted = poll.has_votes
            # Determines if it's the first vote for the user
            user_already_voted = config.session_manager.user in poll.choices_by_user
            # Actual vote action for the user
            poll_vote = poll.vote(config.session_manager.user, [poll.choices[i] for i in poll_user_choices])

            # Registers an email notification
            http.register_hook(lambda: notify_via_email(poll_vote, Events.MODIFIED if user_already_voted else Events.NEW))

            return dict(
                data=config.views.poll_votes(poll, highlight_user=config.session_manager.user if someone_already_voted else None),
        except ValueError as exception:
            raise http.Forbidden(exception)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def POST(self, key):

        if not key in ADMIN_COMPONENTS:
            raise web.notfound()

        http_input = web.input()

        # Scenario 1 : edit an existing element
        if http_input.event == Events.MODIFIED:

            # The grid should be bound to the form data
            component_to_sync = grid = ADMIN_COMPONENTS.get(
            fieldset = ADMIN_COMPONENTS.get(key).fieldset_component()

        # Scenario 2 : create a new element
        elif http_input.event == Events.NEW:

            # The fieldset should be bound to the form data & the session
            grid = ADMIN_COMPONENTS.get(key).grid_component()
            component_to_sync = fieldset = ADMIN_COMPONENTS.get(

        # Scenario 3 : invalid action
            raise web.notfound()

        # Synchronizes the grid or the fieldset (depending on the action) & registers an email notification
        if component_to_sync.validate():
            http.register_hook(lambda: notify_via_email(
                component_to_sync.model, http_input.event))
            raise web.seeother("/")
            return config.views.layout(
                config.views.administration(grid, fieldset))
Exemplo n.º 8
    def POST(self):
        # Reads the HTTP request parameters
        http_input = web.input()
        poll_id = http_input.poll_id
        comment = http_input.comment

        # Loads the poll
        if poll_id is None:
            raise web.notfound() 

        poll = Poll.get(int(poll_id), joined_attrs=["comments"])

        if poll is None:
            raise web.notfound()
        # Appends the comment
        poll_comment = poll.add_comment(config.session_manager.user, comment)
        # Registers an email notification
        http.register_hook(lambda: notify_via_email(poll_comment, Events.NEW))

        # Returns the dictionary
        return config.views.comment(poll_comment)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def POST(self):

        # Reads the HTTP request parameters
        http_input = web.input()
        poll_id = http_input.poll_id
        comment = http_input.comment

        # Loads the poll
        if poll_id is None:
            raise web.notfound()

        poll = Poll.get(int(poll_id), joined_attrs=["comments"])

        if poll is None:
            raise web.notfound()

        # Appends the comment
        poll_comment = poll.add_comment(config.session_manager.user, comment)

        # Registers an email notification
        http.register_hook(lambda: notify_via_email(poll_comment, Events.NEW))

        # Returns the dictionary
        return config.views.comment(poll_comment)