Exemplo n.º 1
    def cluster(self, data, n_clusters):

        n_samples, _ = shape(data)
        assert self.n_ants < n_samples, "number of ants must be lower than number of samples"

        bestscore = float('inf')
        bestcentroids = None
        bestweights = None

        pheromone = self.t0 * ones((n_samples, n_clusters))

        for it in range(self.n_iter):

            for _ in range(self.n_ants):

                # memory = -1 * ones(n_samples, dtype='int')
                weights = zeros((n_samples, n_clusters), dtype='bool')
                centroids = array([data[randint(n_samples), :] for _ in range(n_clusters)], copy=True)

                for i in permutation(n_samples):
                    scores = self.centroidscore(data[i, :], centroids, pheromone[i, :], self.beta)

                    if randfloat() < self.q0:
                        j = argmax(scores)  # exploit
                        j = choice(n_clusters, p=(scores / sum(scores)))  # explore

                    weights[i, j] = True
                    centroids[j, :] = average(data, axis=0, weights=weights[:, j])

                currentscore = score(data, centroids=centroids, norm=self.beta)
                if currentscore < bestscore:
                    bestscore = currentscore
                    bestcentroids = copy(centroids)
                    bestweights = copy(weights)

            pheromone = (self.ro * pheromone) + ((1.0 / bestscore) * bestweights)

            if it % self.printfreq == 0:
                print "Ant Colony iteration", it, "best score:", bestscore

        return getlabels(data, centroids=bestcentroids, norm=self.beta)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def getnewcentroids(self, data, locations, k):
     a = randint(self.n_bees)
     theta = randfloat(-1.0, 1.0)
     newcentroids = locations[k, :, :] + (theta * (locations[k, :, :] - locations[a, :, :]))
     newscore = score(data, centroids=newcentroids, norm=self.norm)
     return newcentroids, newscore