Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_friendly_time(self):
        """Returns a user-friendly representation of this solve's overall time, including penalties. """

        if not self.time:
            return ''

        # TODO: handle blind DNFs, which show "DNF(time here)"
        if self.is_dnf:
            return 'DNF'

        total_time = self.get_total_time()

        if self.UserEventResults.is_fmc:
            converted_value = int(total_time) / 100
            if converted_value == int(converted_value):
                converted_value = int(converted_value)
            return converted_value

        if self.UserEventResults.is_mbld:
            return build_mbld_results(total_time)

        converted_to_friendly = convert_centiseconds_to_friendly_time(
        if self.is_plus_two:
            converted_to_friendly = converted_to_friendly + '+'

        return converted_to_friendly
Exemplo n.º 2
def format_mbld_result(value):
    """ Jinja custom filter to convert a fake 'centisecond' result to MBLD results. """

    if value is None:
        return ''

    if not value:
        return ''

    return build_mbld_results(value)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __format_for_friendly(self, value):
        """ Utility method to return a friendly representation of the value passed in. Depends
        on whether or not this UserEventResults is for an FMC event or not. """

        if not value:
            return ''

        if value == 'DNF':
            return value

        if self.is_fmc:
            converted_value = int(value) / 100
            if converted_value == int(converted_value):
                converted_value = int(converted_value)
            return converted_value

        if self.is_mbld:
            return build_mbld_results(value)

        return convert_centiseconds_to_friendly_time(value)
Exemplo n.º 4
def __build_times_string(results, event_format, is_fmc, is_blind, is_mbld):
    """ Builds a list of individual times, with best and worst times in parentheses if appropriate
    for the given event format. """

    # Extract the solves out of the UserEventResults, since we'll be using them often
    solves = results.solves

    # Bo1 is special, just return the friendly representation of the one time
    if event_format == EventFormat.Bo1:
        first_solve = solves[0]
        if first_solve.is_dnf:
            return DNF
            if is_mbld:
                return build_mbld_results(first_solve.get_total_time())
                return convert_centiseconds_to_friendly_time(

    # Build a list which contains the user-friendly representation of the total solve time for each solve
    if not is_fmc:
        if is_mbld:
            friendly_times = [
                build_mbld_results(solve.get_total_time()) for solve in solves
            friendly_times = [
                for solve in solves

    # FMC is special, the 'time' is actually the number of moves, not number of centiseconds, so instead
    # interpret the time value here as "centimoves" and convert to integer number of moves represented as a string
        friendly_times = [
            str(int(solve.get_total_time() / 100)) for solve in solves

    # Iterate over the solves themselves, and if any of those solves have +2 penalty, add a '+' marker to the
    # corresponding user-friendly representation of that time
    for i, solve in enumerate(solves):
        if solve.is_plus_two:
            friendly_times[i] = PLUS_TWO_SOLVE_TEMPLATE.format(

    # Initialize some variables to hold the current best and worst times, and the index at which they
    # reside, so we mark those with parentheses
    curr_best = MAX
    curr_worst = -1
    best_index = -1
    worst_index = -1

    # Store the indices of any DNFs, so we can denote replace the user-friendly times with "DNF"
    dnf_indicies = list()
    have_found_dnf = False

    # Iterate over each list, and check if the solve is the current best or worst time, remembering the
    # index if it is. Only the first DNF counts as the worst time. Remember indices of each DNF
    for i, solve in enumerate(solves):
        if (not solve.is_dnf) and (solve.get_total_time() < curr_best):
            best_index = i
            curr_best = solve.get_total_time()

        if (not have_found_dnf) and (solve.get_total_time() > curr_worst):
            worst_index = i
            curr_worst = solve.get_total_time()

        if solve.is_dnf:
            if not have_found_dnf:
                worst_index = i
                have_found_dnf = True

    # For all DNFs in the solve, replace the corresponding user-friendly time with "DNF",
    # or wrap the time with "DNF(<time>)" for blind events
    for i in dnf_indicies:
        if is_blind:
            friendly_times[i] = BLIND_EVENT_DNF_SOLVE_TEMPLATE.format(
            friendly_times[i] = DNF

    # Best-of-3 events can be "complete" without all solves being finished.
    # If we have fewer than 3 times for a Bo3 event, keep adding 'DNS' (did not start) until
    # we have 3 time entries
    if event_format == EventFormat.Bo3:
        while len(friendly_times) < 3:

    # For Bo3 and Mo3 event formats, we don't enclose best and worst times in parentheses.
    # Return the list of times if a list is requested, otherwise join each time with a comma and
    # return the final result.
    if event_format in [EventFormat.Bo3, EventFormat.Mo3]:
        return SOLVE_TIMES_SEPARATOR.join(friendly_times)

    # For other event formats, we enclose the best and worst times in parentheses.
    friendly_times[best_index] = SOLVE_PARENS_TEMPLATE.format(
    friendly_times[worst_index] = SOLVE_PARENS_TEMPLATE.format(

    # Return the list of times if a list is requested, otherwise join each time with a comma and
    # return the final result.
    return SOLVE_TIMES_SEPARATOR.join(friendly_times)