def test_get_proposals(self):

        proposals = _db_get_proposals(self.tapp)
        len(proposals) == 0

        # We add a fake proposal for the test app we have.
        # The data for the proposal is NOT valid, but shouldn't affect this test.
        api.add_var(self.tapp, "proposal", "{}")
        api.add_var(self.tapp, "proposal", "{}")
        proposals = _db_get_proposals(self.tapp)
        assert len(proposals) == 2
    def test_conflicting_composer_proposal(self):
        Check that there is no mistake when there is a conflicting composer using the same appvar names.
        # We now declare add 1 proposal to the app.
        add_var(self.tapp, "proposal", "{}")

        # We now create a non-translate app.
        app2 = api.create_app("UTApp2", "dummy", "{'spec':''}")
        # We add 1 proposal to the app with the same spec but different composer type.
        add_var(app2, "proposal", "{}")

        # Get the proposals for our app.
        proposals = _db_get_proposals(self.tapp)
        assert len(proposals) == 1
Exemplo n.º 3
def translate_proposed_list():
    Displays the list of proposed translations.

    # No matter if we are handling a GET or POST, we require these parameters.
    appid = request.values["appid"]
    app = get_app(appid)

    appdata = json.loads(


    # Ensure that only the app owner can carry out these operations.
    # owner_app = _db_get_owner_app(appdata["spec"])
    # if app != owner_app:
    #    return render_template("composers/errors.html",
    #                           message="Not Authorized: You don't seem to be the owner of this app")

    # Get the list of proposed translations.
    proposal_vars = _db_get_proposals(app)
    proposed_translations = []
    for prop in proposal_vars:
        propdata = json.loads(prop.value)
        propdata["id"] = str(prop.var_id)

    # If we received a POST with acceptButton set then we will need to merge the
    # proposal.
    if request.method == "POST" and request.values.get("acceptButton") is not None:
        proposal_id = request.values.get("proposals")
        if proposal_id is None:
            return render_template("composers/errors.html", message=gettext("Proposal not selected"))

        merge_data = request.values.get("data")
        if merge_data is None:
            return render_template("composers/errors.html", message=gettext("Merge data was not provided"))
        merge_data = json.loads(merge_data)

        # TODO: Optimize this. We already have the vars.
        proposal = AppVar.query.filter_by(app=app, var_id=proposal_id).first()
        if proposal is None:
            return render_template("composers/errors.html", message=gettext("Proposals not found"))

        data = json.loads(proposal.value)
        bundle_code = data["bundle_code"]

        proposed_bundle = Bundle.from_messages(merge_data, bundle_code)

        bm = BundleManager.create_from_existing_app(
        bm.merge_bundle(bundle_code, proposed_bundle)

        update_app_data(app, bm.to_json())

        flash(gettext("Merge done."), "success")

        # Remove the proposal from the DB.

        # Remove it from our current proposal list as well, so that it isn't displayed anymore.
        proposed_translations = [prop for prop in proposed_translations if prop["id"] != proposal_id]

    # The DENY button was pressed. We have to discard the whole proposal.
    elif request.method == "POST" and request.values.get("denyButton") is not None:
        proposal_id = request.values.get("proposals")
        if proposal_id is None:
            return render_template("composers/errors.html", message=gettext("Proposal not selected"))

        proposal = AppVar.query.filter_by(app=app, var_id=proposal_id).first()
        if proposal is None:
            return render_template("composers/errors.html", message=gettext("Proposal not found"))


        # Remove it from our current proposal list as well, so that it isn't displayed anymore.
        proposed_translations = [prop for prop in proposed_translations if prop["id"] != proposal_id]

    return render_template("composers/translate/proposed_list.html", app=app, proposals=proposed_translations)
Exemplo n.º 4
def translate_selectlang():
    Source language & target language selection.

    Different cases when creating an App:
        - Default translation exists; other translations exist -> Created normally
        - Default translation DOES NOT exist or is invalid; english translations exist or is invalid -> English is the default
        - Default translation DOES NOT exist or is invalid; english translation DOES NOT exist or is invalid; other translations exist -> First Other translation is the default
        - Default translation, english translation, and other translations DO NOT exist or are invalid -> NoValidTranslations page; App is not created

    # Note: The name pcode refers to the fact that the codes we deal with here are partial (do not include
    # the group).

    # We will build a list of possible languages using the babel library.
    languages = babel.core.Locale("en", "US").languages.items()
    languages.sort(key=lambda it: it[1])
    # TODO: Currently, we filter languages which contain "_" in their code so as to simplify.
    # Because we use _ throughout the composer as a separator character, trouble is caused otherwise.
    # Eventually we should consider whether we need to support special languages with _
    # on its code.
    targetlangs_codes = [lang[0] + "_ALL" for lang in languages if "_" not in lang[0]]

    targetlangs_list = [{"pcode": code, "repr": BundleManager.get_locale_english_name(
        *BundleManager.get_locale_info_from_code(code))} for code in targetlangs_codes]

    full_groups_list = [("ALL", "ALL"), ("10-13", "Preadolescence (age 10-13)"), ("14-18", "Adolescence (age 14-18)")]

    # As of now (may change in the future) if it is a POST we are creating the app for the first time.
    # Hence, we will need to carry out a full spec retrieval.
    if request.method == "POST":

        # Protect against CSRF attacks.
        if not verify_csrf(request):
            return render_template("composers/errors.html",
                                       "Request does not seem to come from the right source (csrf check)")), 400

        # URL to the XML spec of the gadget.
        appurl = request.form.get("appurl")
        spec = appurl
        if appurl is None or len(appurl) == 0:
            flash(gettext("An application URL is required"), "error")
            return redirect(url_for("translate.translate_index"))

        base_appname = request.values.get("appname")
        if base_appname is None:
            return render_template("composers/errors.html", message=gettext("An appname was not specified"))

            # XXX FIXME
            # TODO: this makes this method to call twice the app_xml. We shouldn't need
            # that. We should have the contents here downloaded for later.
            if appurl.startswith(('http://', 'https://')):
                print appurl
                xmldoc = minidom.parseString(urllib2.urlopen(appurl).read())
                appurl = get_original_url(xmldoc, appurl)
                print "New app xml:", appurl

        # Generates a unique (for the current user) name for the App,
        # based on the base name that the user himself chose. Note that
        # this method can actually return None under certain conditions.
        appname = _find_unique_name_for_app(base_appname)
        if appname is None:
            return render_template("composers/errors.html",
                                   message=gettext("Too many Apps with the same name. Please, choose another."))

        # Create a fully new App. It will be automatically generated from a XML.
            bm = BundleManager.create_new_app(appurl)
        except NoValidTranslationsException:
            return render_template("composers/errors.html",
                                       "The App you have chosen does not seem to have any translation. At least a base translation is required, which will often be"
                                       " prepared by the original developer.")
            ), 400
        except InvalidXMLFileException:
            # TODO: As of now, not sure that this exception can actually ever arise. Maybe it should be merged with NoValidTranslationsException.
            return render_template("composers/errors.html",
                                       "Invalid XML in either the XML specification file or the XML translation bundles that it links to.")), 400
        except MissingSchema:
            return render_template("composers/errors.html",
                                       "Failed to retrieve the XML spec. The URL was maybe invalid or not available.")), 400

        if len(bm._bundles) == 0:
            # TODO: Consider adding a "go-back" screen / button.
            return render_template("composers/errors.html",
                                       "The App you have chosen does not seem to have a base translation. The original developer needs to prepare it for internationalization first.")), 400

        spec = bm.get_gadget_spec()  # For later

        # Build JSON data
        js = bm.to_json()

        # Create a new App from the specified XML
        app = create_app(appname, "translate", js)

        # Register our appurl as the "spec" in an app-specific variable in the DB. This will let us search later, for
        # certain advanced features.
        set_var(app, "spec", appurl)

        # Handle Ownership-related logic here.
        # Locate the owner for the App's DEFAULT language.
        ownerApp = _db_get_lang_owner_app(appurl, "all_ALL")
        # If there isn't already an owner for the default languages, we declare ourselves
        # as the owner for this App's default language.
        if ownerApp is None:
            _db_declare_ownership(app, "all_ALL")
            ownerApp = app

            # Report initial bundle creation. Needed for the MongoDB replica.
            for bundle in bm.get_bundles("all_ALL"):
                on_leading_bundle_updated(spec, bundle)

        # We do the same for the other included languages which are not owned already.
        # If the other languages have a translation but no owner, then we declare ourselves as their owner.
        for partialcode in bm.get_langs_list():
            otherOwner = _db_get_lang_owner_app(appurl, partialcode)
            if otherOwner is None:
                _db_declare_ownership(app, partialcode)

                # Report initial bundle creation. Needed for the MongoDB replica.
                for bundle in bm.get_bundles(partialcode):
                    on_leading_bundle_updated(spec, bundle)

        # Advanced merge. Merge owner languages into our bundles.
        do_languages_initial_merge(app, bm)

        # Find out which locales does the app provide (for now).
        translated_langs = bm.get_locales_list()

        # We do a redirect rather than rendering in the POST. This way we can get proper
        # URL.
        return redirect(url_for('translate.translate_selectlang', appid=app.unique_id))

    # This was a GET, the app should exist already somehow, we will try to retrieve it.
    elif request.method == "GET":

        appid = request.args.get("appid")
        if appid is None:
            flash(gettext("appid not received"), "error")

            # An appid is required.
            return redirect(url_for("user.apps.index"))

        app = get_app(appid)
        if app is None:
            return render_template("composers/errors.html",
                                   message=gettext("Specified App doesn't exist")), 404

        # Load a BundleManager from the app data.
        bm = BundleManager.create_from_existing_app(

        spec = bm.get_gadget_spec()

        # Check whether an owner exists. If it doesn't, it means the original owner was deleted.
        # In that case, we make ourselves a new owner.
        # Locate the owner for the App's DEFAULT language.
        ownerApp = _db_get_lang_owner_app(spec, "all_ALL")
        # If there isn't already an owner for the default languages, we declare ourselves
        # as the owner for this App's default language.
        # TODO: NOTE: With the latest changes, this should never happen, because owners are declared
        # for all existing languages by the user who creates the app. It may, however, happen in the future,
        # when we take deletions and such into account.
        if ownerApp is None:
            _db_declare_ownership(app, "all_ALL")
            ownerApp = app

        translated_langs = bm.get_locales_list()

    # The following is again common for both GET (view) and POST (edit).

    # Check ownership. Probably eventually we will remove the ownership check above.
    ownerApp = _db_get_lang_owner_app(spec, "all_ALL")
    if ownerApp == app:
        is_owner = True
        is_owner = False

    owner = ownerApp.owner
    if not is_owner and owner is None:
        # TODO: Improve this error handling. This should NEVER happen.
        flash(gettext("Error: Language Owner is None"), "error")
        return render_template("composers/errors.html",
                               message=gettext("Internal Error: Language owner is None")), 500

    # Just for the count of proposals
    proposal_num = len(_db_get_proposals(app))

    # Build a dictionary. For each source lang, a list of source groups.
    src_groups_dict = defaultdict(list)
    for loc in translated_langs:

    locales_codes = [tlang["pcode"] for tlang in translated_langs]

    # Remove from the suggested targetlangs those langs which are already present on the bundle manager,
    # because those will be added to the targetlangs by default.
    suggested_target_langs = [elem for elem in targetlangs_list if elem["pcode"] not in locales_codes]

    # We pass the autoaccept data var so that it can be rendered.
    # TODO: Optimize this once we have this fully covered with tests.
    data = json.loads(
    autoaccept = data.get("autoaccept",
                          True)  # We autoaccept by default. Problems may arise if this value changes, because it is used in a couple of places.

    # We pass some parameters as JSON strings because they are generated dynamically
    # through JavaScript in the template.
    return render_template("composers/translate/selectlang.html",
                           app=app,  # Current app object.
                           xmlspec=spec,  # URL to the App XML.
                           autoaccept=autoaccept,  # Whether the app is configured to autoaccept proposals or not.
                           suggested_target_langs=suggested_target_langs,  # Suggested (not already translated) langs
                           source_groups_json=json.dumps(src_groups_dict),  # Source groups in a JSON string
                           full_groups_json=json.dumps(full_groups_list),  # (To find names etc)
                           target_groups=full_groups_list,  # Target groups in a JSON string
                           translated_langs=translated_langs,  # Already translated langs
                           is_owner=is_owner,  # Whether the loaded app has the "Owner" status
                           owner=owner,  # Reference to the Owner
                           proposal_num=proposal_num)  # Number of pending translation proposals