Exemplo n.º 1
	def checkConflicts(self):
		if self.params['stackid'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("stack id was not defined")
		if self.params['start'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("a number of starting classes was not provided")
		if self.params['end'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("a number of ending classes was not provided")
		if self.params['runname'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("run name was not defined")
		self.stackdata = apStack.getOnlyStackData(self.params['stackid'], msg=False)
		stackfile = os.path.join(self.stackdata['path']['path'], self.stackdata['name'])
		# check for virtual stack
		self.params['virtualdata'] = None
		if not os.path.isfile(stackfile):
			vstackdata = apStack.getVirtualStackParticlesFromId(self.params['stackid'])
			npart = len(vstackdata['particles'])
			self.params['virtualdata'] = vstackdata
			npart = apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile)

		if self.params['numpart'] is None:
			self.params['numpart'] = npart
		elif self.params['numpart'] > npart:
			apDisplay.printError("trying to use more particles "+str(self.params['numpart'])
				+" than available "+str(apFile.numImagesInStack(stackfile)))

		self.boxsize = apStack.getStackBoxsize(self.params['stackid'])
		self.workingboxsize = math.floor(self.boxsize/self.params['bin'])
		if not self.params['mask']:
			self.params['mask'] = (self.boxsize/2)-2
		self.workingmask = math.floor(self.params['mask']/self.params['bin'])
		if self.params['mramethod'] == 'imagic':
			self.imagicroot = apIMAGIC.checkImagicExecutablePath()
			self.imagicversion = apIMAGIC.getImagicVersion(self.imagicroot)
 def checkConflicts(self):
         ### check for IMAGIC installation
         self.imagicroot = apIMAGIC.checkImagicExecutablePath()  
         self.imagicversion = apIMAGIC.getImagicVersion(self.imagicroot)
         ### check input parameters
         if self.params['alignid'] is None:
                 apDisplay.printError("There is no stack ID specified")
         if self.params['runname'] is None:
                 apDisplay.printError("enter a run ID")
         if self.params['MSAdistance'] is None:
                 apDisplay.printError("enter distance criteria for MSA program (i.e. eulidean, chisquare, modulation)")
        def checkConflicts(self):
                ### check for IMAGIC installation
                self.imagicroot = apIMAGIC.checkImagicExecutablePath()
                self.imagicversion = apIMAGIC.getImagicVersion(self.imagicroot)

                ### check input parameters
                if self.params['analysisId'] is None:
                        apDisplay.printError("There is no imagic analysis Id specified")
                if self.params['runname'] is None:
                        apDisplay.printError("enter a run ID")
                if self.params['num_classes'] is None:
                        apDisplay.printError("enter number of classes that you want")

	def checkConflicts(self):
		### check for IMAGIC installation
		self.imagicroot = apIMAGIC.checkImagicExecutablePath()
		self.imagicversion = apIMAGIC.getImagicVersion(self.imagicroot)

		### check input parameters
		if self.params['analysisId'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("There is no imagic analysis Id specified")
		if self.params['runname'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("enter a run ID")
		if self.params['num_classes'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("enter number of classes that you want")

	def checkConflicts(self):
		### check for IMAGIC installation
		self.imagicroot = apIMAGIC.checkImagicExecutablePath()	
		### run parameters
		if self.params['templateStackId'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("enter template stack Id")
		if self.params['stackId'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("enter a stack Id")

		### references
		if self.params['refs'] is True:
			if self.params['thresh_refs'] is None or self.params['maskrad_refs'] is None:
				apDisplay.printError("enter ALL parameters for preparing references")
		### Multi Reference Alignment params
		if self.params['mirror'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("enter option of using mirrors")

	def checkConflicts(self):
		### check for IMAGIC installation
		self.imagicroot = apIMAGIC.checkImagicExecutablePath()	
		### run parameters
		if self.params['templateStackId'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("enter template stack Id")
		if self.params['stackId'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("enter a stack Id")

		### references
		if self.params['refs'] is True:
			if self.params['thresh_refs'] is None or self.params['maskrad_refs'] is None:
				apDisplay.printError("enter ALL parameters for preparing references")
		### Multi Reference Alignment params
		if self.params['mirror'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("enter option of using mirrors")

Exemplo n.º 7
	def checkConflicts(self):
		""" basic error handlign for running scripts """
		### check for IMAGIC installation
			self.imagicroot = apIMAGIC.checkImagicExecutablePath()
			c = "some IMAGIC functions, e.g. prealignment and angular reconstitution "
			c+= "may not work. Use EMAN instead"
			self.imagicroot = None
			self.params['useEMAN1'] is True

		### check class averages
		if self.params['templatestackid'] is not None:
			self.stackdata = appiondata.ApTemplateStackData.direct_query(self.params['templatestackid'])
			self.clsname = self.stackdata['templatename']
			self.params['apix'] = self.stackdata['apix']
			self.params['boxsize'] = self.stackdata['boxsize']
			self.params['oldavgs'] = os.path.join(self.stackdata['path']['path'], self.clsname[:-4]+".hed")
			self.params['avgs'] = os.path.basename(self.clsname)
		elif self.params['clusterid'] is not None:
			self.stackdata = appiondata.ApClusteringStackData.direct_query(self.params['clusterid'])
			self.clsname = self.stackdata['avg_imagicfile']
			self.params['apix'] = self.stackdata['clusterrun']['pixelsize']
			self.params['boxsize'] = self.stackdata['clusterrun']['boxsize']
			self.params['oldavgs'] = os.path.join(self.stackdata['path']['path'], self.clsname[:-4]+".hed")
			self.params['avgs'] = self.clsname
		elif self.params['classavgs'] is not None:
			if self.params['apix'] is None:
				apDisplay.printError("enter pixel size for manually uploaded classes")
			self.params['oldavgs'] = self.params['classavgs']
			bavgs = os.path.basename(self.params['classavgs'])
			self.params['avgs'] = bavgs
			apDisplay.printError("enter class averages for the run")

		if not os.path.isfile(os.path.abspath(self.params['oldavgs'])):
			apDisplay.printError("cannot find input class averages")			
		if self.params['templatestackid'] is not None and self.params['clusterid'] is not None:
			apDisplay.printError("enter either templatestack ID OR cluster ID")
		if self.params['templatestackid'] is not None and self.params['classavgs'] is not None:
			apDisplay.printError("enter either templatestack ID OR manually uploaded classes")
		if self.params['clusterid'] is not None and self.params['classavgs'] is not None:
			apDisplay.printError("enter either cluster ID OR manually uploaded classes")			
		### pretreatment
		if self.imagicroot is not None and self.params['prealign'] is True:
			warning = "particles will not be prealigned, IMAGIC is not installed or path "
			warning+= "to IMAGIC cannot be located"
		### basic input parameters
		self.params['numpart'] = apFile.numImagesInStack(self.params['oldavgs'])
		if self.params['numpart'] < 3:
			apDisplay.printError("need at least 3 class averages in stack to run")			
		self.params['boxsize'] = apFile.getBoxSize(self.params['oldavgs'])[0]
		if self.params['num_volumes'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("specify the number of volumes to produce")
		if self.params['apix'] is None:
			apDisplay.printError("enter pixel size of class averages")					

		### refinement class averages
		if self.params['r_templatestackid'] is not None:
			self.rstackdata = appiondata.ApTemplateStackData.direct_query(self.params['r_templatestackid'])
			self.rclsname = self.rstackdata['templatename']
			self.params['refineapix'] = self.rstackdata['apix']
			self.params['refineboxsize'] = self.rstackdata['boxsize']
			self.params['oldravgs'] = os.path.join(self.rstackdata['path']['path'], self.rclsname[:-4]+".hed")
			self.params['ravgs'] = os.path.basename(self.rclsname)
		elif self.params['r_clusterid'] is not None:
			self.rstackdata = appiondata.ApClusteringStackData.direct_query(self.params['r_clusterid'])
			self.rclsname = self.rstackdata['avg_imagicfile']
			self.params['refineapix'] = self.rstackdata['clusterrun']['pixelsize']
			self.params['refineboxsize'] = self.rstackdata['clusterrun']['boxsize']
			self.params['oldravgs'] = os.path.join(self.rstackdata['path']['path'], self.rclsname[:-4]+".hed")
			self.params['ravgs'] = self.rclsname
		elif self.params['refine_classavgs'] is not None:
			rbavgs = os.path.basename(self.params['refine_classavgs'])
			self.params['ravgs'] = rbavgs
			self.params['refineboxsize'] = apFile.getBoxSize(self.params['oldravgs'])[0]
			if self.params['refineapix'] is None:
				warning = "refinement pixel size not specified ... assuming it is the same"
				self.params['refineapix'] = self.params['apix']		
#			self.params['ravgs'] = None
			self.params['oldravgs'] = self.params['avgs']
 			self.params['ravgs'] = self.params['avgs']
			self.params['refineapix'] = self.params['apix']
			self.params['refineboxsize'] = self.params['boxsize']
		if not os.path.isfile(os.path.abspath(self.params['oldravgs'])):
			warning = "cannot find class averages for refinement using the "
			warning+= "specified path. Original averages will be used instead."
			self.params['oldravgs'] = self.params['avgs']
			self.params['ravgs'] = self.params['avgs']
		### check for scaling		
		if self.params['scale'] is True:
			self.scalefactor = float(64.0 / self.params['boxsize'])
			self.params['apix'] = self.params['apix'] / self.scalefactor
			self.params['boxsize'] = 64	
			self.scalefactor = 1
		### angular reconstitution checks
		if self.params['keep_ordered'] < 1.0: ### probably specified as a fraction
			self.params['keep_ordered'] = self.params['keep_ordered'] * 100	### convert to percentage
		self.params['keep_ordered_num'] = self.params['numpart'] * self.params['keep_ordered'] / 100

		### EMAN1 cross common lines checks
		if self.params['useEMAN1'] is True:
			if self.params['images_per_volume'] is None:
				self.params['images_per_volume'] = int(self.params['numpart'] * 0.66)
			if self.params['images_per_volume'] > self.params['numpart']:
				warning = "number of images per volume greater than number of class averages "
				warning+= "in input. Setting to (0.66)*(num_averages)"
				self.params['images_per_volume'] = int(self.params['numpart'] * 0.66)
			if self.params['images_per_volume'] > self.params['numpart'] * 0.75:
				warning = "consider asking for less images per volume to provide more variety "
				warning = "during common lines search"
		### number of processors for threading ONLY works on a single node
		self.params['threadnproc'] = apParam.getNumProcessors()
		### refinement parameters
		if self.params['linmask'] == 0:
			self.params['linmask'] = (self.params['boxsize']-2)/2*self.params['apix']
		if self.params['mask_radius'] is None and self.params['linmask'] != 0:
			self.params['mask_radius'] = self.params['linmask'] * 1.2
		elif self.params['mask_radius'] is None and self.params['linmask'] == 0:
			self.params['mask_radius'] = self.params['boxsize'] * self.params['refineapix']
		if self.params['outer_radius'] is None:
			self.params['outer_radius'] = self.params['mask_radius'] * 0.8
