Exemplo n.º 1
def get_user_jobs(user_id):
    """Used to retrieve user's jobs.

        user_id (str): Unique id of the user
        List of dictionaries (where each dictionary is a matched object
    user = database.get('User', user_id)

    if request.method == 'GET':
        results = user.get_jobs_applied()
        return jsonify(results), 200

    if request.is_json is False:
        return jsonify(error="Not a valid JSON"), 400

    data = request.get_json()

    if request.method == 'POST':

    if request.method == 'PUT':

    if request.method == 'DELETE':

    return jsonify(success="yay"), 200
Exemplo n.º 2
def csv():
    API call for the CSV formatted jobs_applied variable of a user
    CSV formatted jobs_applied variable of the user
    user = database.get('User', session['id'])
    return user.get_csv()
Exemplo n.º 3
def user_token():
    API call for obtaining the user's current amount of currency
    Currency of a user
    user = database.get('User', session['id'])
    return jsonify({'currency': user.currency})
Exemplo n.º 4
def user_info():
    API call for returning a user for userpage
    JSON formatted user information
    user = database.get('User', session['id'])
    return jsonify(user.to_json())
Exemplo n.º 5
def jobs_applied():
    Used to retrieve, add, update, and delete jobs that the user has applied to
    A user's jobs_applied for successful GET requests, error on invalid requests, and status code otherwise
    user = database.get('User', session['id'])

    # GET: Return all jobs that user has applied to
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return jsonify(user.jobs_applied), 200

    if request.is_json is False:
        return jsonify(error="Not a valid JSON"), 400

    jobs = json.loads(user.jobs_applied)
    data = request.get_json()
    if request.method != 'POST':
        job_id = data.get('id')
    if ((request.method == 'DELETE' or request.method == 'PUT')
            and (job_id not in jobs)):
        response = {'error': 'Not a valid ID'}
        # PUT: Change an existing entry
        response = {'success': True}
        message = ''
        if request.method == 'PUT':
            token = 10
            for key, value in data.items():
                if key != 'id':
                    if value == 'Rejection':
                        message = 'Rejection is hard - Have some extra coins!'
                        token += 20
                    if value == 'Received Offer':
                        message = 'Congratulations!!!!'
                        token += 50
                    jobs[job_id][key] = value
            user.currency += token

        # POST: Creates a new entry
        elif request.method == 'POST':
            job_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
            jobs[job_id] = data
            token = 30
            user.currency += token

        # DELETE: Deletes an entry
        elif request.method == 'DELETE':

        user.jobs_applied = json.dumps(jobs)
        response['token'] = token
        response['message'] = message

    status = 200 if 'success' in response.keys() else 404
    return jsonify(response), status
Exemplo n.º 6
def rewards():
    Processes GET and POST requests to fetch a randomized array of rewards or update user_rewards with a newly
    created user_reward relationship, respectively
    For GET requests will return a dictionary with an array of randomized rewards, populated based on rarity
    For POST requests will take the data and add the user_reward object to the database based on user_id and reward_id
    if request.method == 'GET':
        rand_rewards = {'data': []}
        for i in range(10):
            random_int = randint(0, 100)
            """ Setting rarities of rewards based on the result of a random int """
            if random_int < 70:
                roll = database.get('Reward', str(randint(26, 48)))
            elif random_int < 90:
                roll = database.get('Reward', str(randint(17, 25)))
            elif random_int < 98:
                roll = database.get('Reward', str(randint(3, 16)))
                roll = database.get('Reward', str(randint(0, 2)))
            if roll is None:
                roll = database.get('Reward', '30')
            rand_rewards['data'].append({'name': roll.name, 'img': roll.image, 'rarity': roll.rarity, 'id': roll.id})
        return jsonify(rand_rewards)
    data = request.get_json()
    user = database.get('User', data['user_id'])
    """ Checks database for duplicate user_reward entry """
    if user.check_duplicate_reward(data['reward_id']) is False:
        new_user_reward = UserReward(**data)
    user.currency -= 30
    return jsonify(user.to_json())
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_user_jobs_appliedstats(user_id):
    """Used to retrieve jobs applied stats of user

        user_id (str): unique id of user

        Dictionary of the following results:
            avg_applications (int): Average applications per week up to today
            this_week (int): Applications this week
    user = database.get('User', user_id)
    results = user.get_jobs_applied_stats(date.today())
    return jsonify(results), 200
Exemplo n.º 8
def jobs_interested():
    Used to retrieve, add, update, and delete jobs that the user is interested in
    A user's jobs_interested for valid GET request, error, or status code for valid non GET requests
    user = database.get('User', session['id'])
    # GET: Return all jobs that user is interested in
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return jsonify(user.jobs_interested), 200

    if request.is_json is False:
        return jsonify(error="Not a valid JSON"), 400

    jobs = json.loads(user.jobs_interested)
    data = request.get_json()
    job_id = data.get('id')
    if ((request.method == 'DELETE' or request.method == 'PUT')
            and (job_id not in jobs)):
        response = {'error': 'Not a valid job ID'}
        # PUT: Change an existing entry
        if request.method == 'PUT':
            for key, value in data.items():
                if key != 'id':
                    jobs[job_id][key] = value
            user.currency += 10
        # POST: Creates a new entry
        elif request.method == 'POST':
            if job_id not in jobs:
                jobs[job_id] = data
                user.currency += 10

        # DELETE: Deletes an entry
        elif request.method == 'DELETE':

        user.jobs_interested = json.dumps(jobs)
        response = {'success': True}

    status = 200 if 'success' in response else 404
    return jsonify(response), status
Exemplo n.º 9
def user_email(user_id):
    """Used to retrieve, add and update user's email
        All checks to verify if email is valid will be performed on frontend side
        User id should exist in database
        Params: user_id should be specified in url
        Response Body:
            Put Request - Should contain new email address
        Email address of the user.
    user = database.get('User', user_id)
    if request.method == 'PUT':
        body = request.get_json()
        user.email = body.get('email')

    return jsonify(email=user.email), 200
Exemplo n.º 10
def rewards():
    testing things
    if request.method == 'GET':
        rewards = {'data': []}
        for i in range(10):
            random_int = randint(0, 100)
            """ This logic can be changed as rewards becomes more populated"""
            if random_int < 70:
                roll = database.get('Reward', str(randint(26, 48)))
            elif random_int < 90:
                roll = database.get('Reward', str(randint(17, 25)))
            elif random_int < 98:
                roll = database.get('Reward', str(randint(3, 16)))
                roll = database.get('Reward', str(randint(0, 2)))
            if roll is None:
                roll = database.get('Reward', '30')
                'name': roll.name,
                'img': roll.image,
                'rarity': roll.rarity,
                'id': roll.id
        return jsonify(rewards)
    data = request.get_json()
    user = database.get('User', data['user_id'])
    if database.duplicateUserReward(data['user_id'],
                                    data['reward_id']) is False:
        new_user_reward = UserReward(**data)
    user.currency -= 30
    print('this is the current currency {}'.format(user.currency))
    return jsonify(user.to_json())
Exemplo n.º 11
def user_rewards():
    return all rewards associated with a user
    user = database.get('User', session['id'])
    return jsonify(user.get_user_rewards())
Exemplo n.º 12
def jobs_applied():
    Used to retrieve, add, update, and delete jobs that the user has applied to
    A user's jobs_applied for successful GET requests, error on invalid requests, and status code otherwise
    user = database.get('User', session['id'])

    # GET: Return all jobs that user has applied to
    if request.method == 'GET':
        results = user.get_jobs_applied()
        return jsonify(results), 200

    if request.is_json is False:
        return jsonify(error="Not a valid JSON"), 400

    data = request.get_json()
    if request.method != 'POST':
        job_id = data.get('id')
    if ((request.method == 'DELETE' or request.method == 'PUT') and
        (job_id not in jobs)):
        response = {'error': 'Not a valid ID'}
        # PUT: Change an existing entry
        response = {'success': True }
        message = ''
        if request.method == 'PUT':
            token = 10
            for key, value in data.items():
                if key != 'id':
                    if value == 'Rejection':
                        message = 'Rejection is hard - Have some extra coins!'
                        token += 20
                    if value == 'Received Offer':
                        message = 'Congratulations!!!!'
                        token += 50
                    jobs[job_id][key] = value
            user.currency += token

        # POST: Creates a new entry
        elif request.method == 'POST':
            # TODO create a method within user class to add jobs
            token = 30
            user.currency += token

        # DELETE: Deletes an entry
        elif request.method == 'DELETE':
            token = 0

        # TODO: make sure to update how delete and put save the new data! there
        # is currently nothing right now

        response['token'] = token
        response['message'] = message
#        response['updated_jobs'] = jobs
        print('return value from applied', response)

    status = 200 if 'success' in response.keys() else 404
    return jsonify(response), status
Exemplo n.º 13
def csv():
    returns a string csv of the jobs applied for a user
    user = database.get('User', session['id'])
    return user.get_csv()
Exemplo n.º 14
def user_token():
    returns the currency that a user has
    user = database.get('User', session['id'])
    return jsonify({'currency': user.currency})
Exemplo n.º 15
def user_info():
    return user info in order to populate user page
    user = database.get('User', session['id'])
    return jsonify(user.to_json())