Exemplo n.º 1
class ArchivedResource(Resource):
    datasource = {
        "search_backend": "elastic",
        "aggregations": aggregations,
        "default_sort": [("_updated", -1)],
        "elastic_filter_callback": get_content_filter,
        "projection": {
            "old_version": 0,
            "last_version": 0

    mongo_prefix = "ARCHIVED"

    extra_fields = published_item_fields.copy()
    # item_id + _current_version will be used fetch archived item.
    extra_fields["archived_id"] = {"type": "string", "mapping": not_analyzed}

    schema = item_schema(extra_fields)
    resource_methods = ["GET"]
    item_methods = ["GET", "PATCH", "DELETE"]
    privileges = {"PATCH": "archived", "DELETE": "archived"}

    additional_lookup = {"url": 'regex("[\w,.:-]+")', "field": "archived_id"}

    mongo_indexes = {
        "item_id_1": ([("item_id", 1)], {
            "background": True
Exemplo n.º 2
class ContentTemplatesApplyResource(Resource):
    endpoint_name = "content_templates_apply"
    resource_title = endpoint_name
    schema = {
        "template_name": {
            "type": "string",
            "required": True
        "item": {
            "type": "dict",
            "required": True,
            "schema": item_schema()
        "_links": {
            "type": "dict"

    # in response there can be anything..

    resource_methods = ["POST"]
    item_methods = []
    privileges = {"POST": ARCHIVE}
    url = "content_templates_apply"
Exemplo n.º 3
class ArchivedResource(Resource):
    datasource = {
        'search_backend': 'elastic',
        'aggregations': aggregations,
        'default_sort': [('_updated', -1)],
        'elastic_filter_callback': get_content_filter,
        'projection': {
            'old_version': 0,
            'last_version': 0

    mongo_prefix = 'ARCHIVED'

    extra_fields = published_item_fields.copy()
    # item_id + _current_version will be used fetch archived item.
    extra_fields['archived_id'] = {'type': 'string', 'mapping': not_analyzed}

    schema = item_schema(extra_fields)
    resource_methods = ['GET']
    item_methods = ['GET', 'PATCH', 'DELETE']
    privileges = {'PATCH': 'archived', 'DELETE': 'archived'}

    additional_lookup = {'url': 'regex("[\w,.:-]+")', 'field': 'archived_id'}

    mongo_indexes = {
        'item_id_1': ([('item_id', 1)], {
            'background': True
Exemplo n.º 4
class PublishedItemResource(Resource):
    datasource = {
        "search_backend": "elastic",
        "aggregations": aggregations,
        "es_highlight": get_elastic_highlight_query,
        "default_sort": [("_updated", -1)],
        "elastic_filter_callback": get_content_filter,
        "projection": {
            "old_version": 0,
            "last_version": 0,

    schema = item_schema(published_item_fields)
    etag_ignore_fields = [
        config.ID_FIELD, "highlights", "item_id", LAST_PUBLISHED_VERSION,

    privileges = {"POST": "publish_queue", "PATCH": "publish_queue"}
    item_methods = ["GET", "PATCH"]
    additional_lookup = {"url": 'regex("[\w,.:-]+")', "field": "item_id"}

    mongo_indexes = {
        "guid_1": ([("guid", 1)], {
            "background": True
        "item_id_1": ([("item_id", 1)], {
            "background": True
Exemplo n.º 5
class ContentTemplatesApplyResource(Resource):
    endpoint_name = 'content_templates_apply'
    resource_title = endpoint_name
    schema = {
        'template_name': {
            'type': 'string',
            'required': True
        'item': {
            'type': 'dict',
            'required': True,
            'schema': item_schema()

    resource_methods = ['POST']
    item_methods = []
    privileges = {'POST': ARCHIVE}
    url = 'content_templates_apply'
Exemplo n.º 6
class PublishedItemResource(Resource):
    datasource = {
        'search_backend': 'elastic',
        'aggregations': aggregations,
        'default_sort': [('_updated', -1)],
        'projection': {
            'old_version': 0,
            'last_version': 0

    schema = item_schema(published_item_fields)
    etag_ignore_fields = [
        config.ID_FIELD, 'highlights', 'item_id', LAST_PUBLISHED_VERSION

    privileges = {'POST': 'publish_queue', 'PATCH': 'publish_queue'}
    item_methods = ['GET', 'PATCH']
    additional_lookup = {'url': 'regex("[\w,.:-]+")', 'field': 'item_id'}
Exemplo n.º 7
class ContentTemplatesApplyResource(Resource):
    endpoint_name = 'content_templates_apply'
    resource_title = endpoint_name
    schema = {
        'template_name': {
            'type': 'string',
            'required': True
        'item': {
            'type': 'dict',
            'required': True,
            'schema': item_schema()
        '_links': {'type': 'dict'},

    # in response there can be anything..

    resource_methods = ['POST']
    item_methods = []
    privileges = {'POST': ARCHIVE}
    url = 'content_templates_apply'
Exemplo n.º 8
class PublishedItemResource(Resource):
    datasource = {
        'search_backend': 'elastic',
        'aggregations': aggregations,
        'elastic_filter': {
            'and': [{
                'term': {
                    'allow_post_publish_actions': True
            }, {
                'terms': {
                    ITEM_STATE: [
        'default_sort': [('_updated', -1)],
        'projection': {
            'old_version': 0,
            'last_version': 0

    published_item_fields = {
        'item_id': {
            'type': 'string',
            'mapping': not_analyzed

        # last_published_version field is set to true for last published version of the item in the published collection
        # and for the older version is set to false. This field is used to display the last version of the digital copy
        # in the published view.
            'type': 'boolean',
            'default': True
        'rewritten_by': {
            'type': 'string',
            'mapping': not_analyzed,
            'nullable': True

        # This field is set to False if the item is expired and is not killed after publishing/correcting.
        'allow_post_publish_actions': {
            'type': 'boolean',
            'default': True

        # This field is set to True, when user uses "delete from archived" option.
        # When the article is expired, 'can be removed' flag is True and 'allow post publish actions' flag is False
        # then the article will be removed from published collection.
        'can_be_removed': {
            'type': 'boolean',
            'default': False

    schema = item_schema(published_item_fields)
    etag_ignore_fields = [
        config.ID_FIELD, 'highlights', 'item_id', LAST_PUBLISHED_VERSION

    privileges = {'POST': 'publish_queue', 'PATCH': 'publish_queue'}

    additional_lookup = {'url': 'regex("[\w,.:-]+")', 'field': 'item_id'}