Exemplo n.º 1
def _set_out_additional_keys(state: State, dst_entr):
    If needed (decided in step 1), additional tx keys are calculated
    for this particular output.
    if not state.need_additional_txkeys:
        return None

    additional_txkey_priv = crypto.random_scalar()

    if dst_entr.is_subaddress:
        # R=r*D
        additional_txkey = crypto.scalarmult(
        # R=r*G
        additional_txkey = crypto.scalarmult_base(additional_txkey_priv)

    return additional_txkey_priv
Exemplo n.º 2
def ecdh_encode(unmasked, receiver_pk=None, derivation=None):
    Elliptic Curve Diffie-Helman: encodes and decodes the amount b and mask a
    where C= aG + bH
    :param unmasked:
    :param receiver_pk:
    :param derivation:
    from apps.monero.xmr.serialize_messages.tx_ecdh import EcdhTuple

    rv = EcdhTuple()
    if derivation is None:
        esk = crypto.random_scalar()
        rv.senderPk = crypto.scalarmult_base(esk)
        derivation = crypto.encodepoint(crypto.scalarmult(receiver_pk, esk))

    sharedSec1 = crypto.hash_to_scalar(derivation)
    sharedSec2 = crypto.hash_to_scalar(crypto.encodeint(sharedSec1))

    rv.mask = crypto.sc_add(unmasked.mask, sharedSec1)
    rv.amount = crypto.sc_add(unmasked.amount, sharedSec2)
    return rv
Exemplo n.º 3
    def verify_batch(self, proofs, single_optim=True, proof_v8=False):
        BP batch verification
        :param proofs:
        :param single_optim: single proof memory optimization
        :param proof_v8: previous testnet version
        max_length = 0
        for proof in proofs:
            utils.ensure(is_reduced(proof.taux), "Input scalar not in range")
            utils.ensure(is_reduced(proof.mu), "Input scalar not in range")
            utils.ensure(is_reduced(proof.a), "Input scalar not in range")
            utils.ensure(is_reduced(proof.b), "Input scalar not in range")
            utils.ensure(is_reduced(proof.t), "Input scalar not in range")
            utils.ensure(len(proof.V) >= 1, "V does not have at least one element")
            utils.ensure(len(proof.L) == len(proof.R), "|L| != |R|")
            utils.ensure(len(proof.L) > 0, "Empty proof")
            max_length = max(max_length, len(proof.L))

        utils.ensure(max_length < 32, "At least one proof is too large")

        maxMN = 1 << max_length
        logN = 6
        N = 1 << logN
        tmp = _ensure_dst_key()

        # setup weighted aggregates
        is_single = len(proofs) == 1 and single_optim  # ph4
        z1 = init_key(_ZERO)
        z3 = init_key(_ZERO)
        m_z4 = vector_dup(_ZERO, maxMN) if not is_single else None
        m_z5 = vector_dup(_ZERO, maxMN) if not is_single else None
        m_y0 = init_key(_ZERO)
        y1 = init_key(_ZERO)
        muex_acc = init_key(_ONE)

        Gprec = self._gprec_aux(maxMN)
        Hprec = self._hprec_aux(maxMN)

        for proof in proofs:
            M = 1
            logM = 0
            while M <= _BP_M and M < len(proof.V):
                logM += 1
                M = 1 << logM

            utils.ensure(len(proof.L) == 6 + logM, "Proof is not the expected size")
            MN = M * N
            weight_y = crypto.encodeint(crypto.random_scalar())
            weight_z = crypto.encodeint(crypto.random_scalar())

            # Reconstruct the challenges
            hash_cache = hash_vct_to_scalar(None, proof.V)
            y = hash_cache_mash(None, hash_cache, proof.A, proof.S)
            utils.ensure(y != _ZERO, "y == 0")
            z = hash_to_scalar(None, y)
            copy_key(hash_cache, z)
            utils.ensure(z != _ZERO, "z == 0")

            x = hash_cache_mash(None, hash_cache, z, proof.T1, proof.T2)
            utils.ensure(x != _ZERO, "x == 0")
            x_ip = hash_cache_mash(None, hash_cache, x, proof.taux, proof.mu, proof.t)
            utils.ensure(x_ip != _ZERO, "x_ip == 0")

            # PAPER LINE 61
            sc_mulsub(m_y0, proof.taux, weight_y, m_y0)
            zpow = vector_powers(z, M + 3)

            k = _ensure_dst_key()
            ip1y = vector_power_sum(y, MN)
            sc_mulsub(k, zpow[2], ip1y, _ZERO)
            for j in range(1, M + 1):
                utils.ensure(j + 2 < len(zpow), "invalid zpow index")
                sc_mulsub(k, zpow.to(j + 2), _BP_IP12, k)

            # VERIFY_line_61rl_new
            sc_muladd(tmp, z, ip1y, k)
            sc_sub(tmp, proof.t, tmp)

            sc_muladd(y1, tmp, weight_y, y1)
            weight_y8 = init_key(weight_y)
            if not proof_v8:
                weight_y8 = sc_mul(None, weight_y, _EIGHT)

            muex = MultiExpSequential(points=[pt for pt in proof.V])
            for j in range(len(proof.V)):
                sc_mul(tmp, zpow[j + 2], weight_y8)

            sc_mul(tmp, x, weight_y8)
            muex.add_pair(init_key(tmp), proof.T1)

            xsq = _ensure_dst_key()
            sc_mul(xsq, x, x)

            sc_mul(tmp, xsq, weight_y8)
            muex.add_pair(init_key(tmp), proof.T2)

            weight_z8 = init_key(weight_z)
            if not proof_v8:
                weight_z8 = sc_mul(None, weight_z, _EIGHT)

            muex.add_pair(weight_z8, proof.A)
            sc_mul(tmp, x, weight_z8)
            muex.add_pair(init_key(tmp), proof.S)

            multiexp(tmp, muex, False)
            add_keys(muex_acc, muex_acc, tmp)
            del muex

            # Compute the number of rounds for the inner product
            rounds = logM + logN
            utils.ensure(rounds > 0, "Zero rounds")

            # PAPER LINES 21-22
            # The inner product challenges are computed per round
            w = _ensure_dst_keyvect(None, rounds)
            for i in range(rounds):
                hash_cache_mash(tmp_bf_0, hash_cache, proof.L[i], proof.R[i])
                w.read(i, tmp_bf_0)
                utils.ensure(w[i] != _ZERO, "w[i] == 0")

            # Basically PAPER LINES 24-25
            # Compute the curvepoints from G[i] and H[i]
            yinvpow = init_key(_ONE)
            ypow = init_key(_ONE)
            yinv = invert(None, y)

            winv = _ensure_dst_keyvect(None, rounds)
            for i in range(rounds):
                invert(tmp_bf_0, w.to(i))
                winv.read(i, tmp_bf_0)

            g_scalar = _ensure_dst_key()
            h_scalar = _ensure_dst_key()
            twoN = self._two_aux(N)
            for i in range(MN):
                copy_key(g_scalar, proof.a)
                sc_mul(h_scalar, proof.b, yinvpow)

                for j in range(rounds - 1, -1, -1):
                    J = len(w) - j - 1

                    if (i & (1 << j)) == 0:
                        sc_mul(g_scalar, g_scalar, winv.to(J))
                        sc_mul(h_scalar, h_scalar, w.to(J))
                        sc_mul(g_scalar, g_scalar, w.to(J))
                        sc_mul(h_scalar, h_scalar, winv.to(J))

                # Adjust the scalars using the exponents from PAPER LINE 62
                sc_add(g_scalar, g_scalar, z)
                utils.ensure(2 + i // N < len(zpow), "invalid zpow index")
                utils.ensure(i % N < len(twoN), "invalid twoN index")
                sc_mul(tmp, zpow.to(2 + i // N), twoN.to(i % N))
                sc_muladd(tmp, z, ypow, tmp)
                sc_mulsub(h_scalar, tmp, yinvpow, h_scalar)

                if not is_single:  # ph4
                    sc_mulsub(m_z4[i], g_scalar, weight_z, m_z4[i])
                    sc_mulsub(m_z5[i], h_scalar, weight_z, m_z5[i])
                    sc_mul(tmp, g_scalar, weight_z)
                    sub_keys(muex_acc, muex_acc, scalarmult_key(tmp, Gprec.to(i), tmp))

                    sc_mul(tmp, h_scalar, weight_z)
                    sub_keys(muex_acc, muex_acc, scalarmult_key(tmp, Hprec.to(i), tmp))

                if i != MN - 1:
                    sc_mul(yinvpow, yinvpow, yinv)
                    sc_mul(ypow, ypow, y)
                if i & 15 == 0:

            del (g_scalar, h_scalar, twoN)

            sc_muladd(z1, proof.mu, weight_z, z1)
            muex = MultiExpSequential(
                point_fnc=lambda i, d: proof.L[i // 2]
                if i & 1 == 0
                else proof.R[i // 2]
            for i in range(rounds):
                sc_mul(tmp, w[i], w[i])
                sc_mul(tmp, tmp, weight_z8)
                sc_mul(tmp, winv[i], winv[i])
                sc_mul(tmp, tmp, weight_z8)

            acc = multiexp(None, muex, False)
            add_keys(muex_acc, muex_acc, acc)

            sc_mulsub(tmp, proof.a, proof.b, proof.t)
            sc_mul(tmp, tmp, x_ip)
            sc_muladd(z3, tmp, weight_z, z3)

        sc_sub(tmp, m_y0, z1)
        z3p = sc_sub(None, z3, y1)

        check2 = crypto.encodepoint(
                crypto.decodeint(z3p), crypto.xmr_H(), crypto.decodeint(tmp)
        add_keys(muex_acc, muex_acc, check2)

        if not is_single:  # ph4
            muex = MultiExpSequential(
                point_fnc=lambda i, d: Gprec.to(i // 2)
                if i & 1 == 0
                else Hprec.to(i // 2)
            for i in range(maxMN):
            add_keys(muex_acc, muex_acc, multiexp(None, muex, True))

        if muex_acc != _ONE:
            raise ValueError("Verification failure at step 2")
        return True
Exemplo n.º 4
def sc_gen(dst=None):
    dst = _ensure_dst_key(dst)
    crypto.encodeint_into(dst, tmp_sc_1)
    return dst
Exemplo n.º 5
def generate_ring_signature(
    prefix_hash: bytes,
    image: Ge25519,
    pubs: list[Ge25519],
    sec: Sc25519,
    sec_idx: int,
    test: bool = False,
) -> Sig:
    Generates ring signature with key image.
    void crypto_ops::generate_ring_signature()
    from trezor.utils import memcpy

    if test:
        t = crypto.scalarmult_base(sec)
        if not crypto.point_eq(t, pubs[sec_idx]):
            raise ValueError("Invalid sec key")

        k_i = monero.generate_key_image(crypto.encodepoint(pubs[sec_idx]), sec)
        if not crypto.point_eq(k_i, image):
            raise ValueError("Key image invalid")
        for k in pubs:

    buff_off = len(prefix_hash)
    buff = bytearray(buff_off + 2 * 32 * len(pubs))
    memcpy(buff, 0, prefix_hash, 0, buff_off)
    mvbuff = memoryview(buff)

    sum = crypto.sc_0()
    k = crypto.sc_0()
    sig = []

    for _ in range(len(pubs)):
        sig.append([crypto.sc_0(), crypto.sc_0()])  # c, r

    for i in range(len(pubs)):
        if i == sec_idx:
            k = crypto.random_scalar()
            tmp3 = crypto.scalarmult_base(k)
            crypto.encodepoint_into(mvbuff[buff_off:buff_off + 32], tmp3)
            buff_off += 32

            tmp3 = crypto.hash_to_point(crypto.encodepoint(pubs[i]))
            tmp2 = crypto.scalarmult(tmp3, k)
            crypto.encodepoint_into(mvbuff[buff_off:buff_off + 32], tmp2)
            buff_off += 32

            sig[i] = [crypto.random_scalar(), crypto.random_scalar()]
            tmp3 = pubs[i]
            tmp2 = crypto.ge25519_double_scalarmult_base_vartime(
                sig[i][0], tmp3, sig[i][1])
            crypto.encodepoint_into(mvbuff[buff_off:buff_off + 32], tmp2)
            buff_off += 32

            tmp3 = crypto.hash_to_point(crypto.encodepoint(tmp3))
            tmp2 = crypto.ge25519_double_scalarmult_vartime2(
                sig[i][1], tmp3, sig[i][0], image)
            crypto.encodepoint_into(mvbuff[buff_off:buff_off + 32], tmp2)
            buff_off += 32

            sum = crypto.sc_add(sum, sig[i][0])

    h = crypto.hash_to_scalar(buff)
    sig[sec_idx][0] = crypto.sc_sub(h, sum)
    sig[sec_idx][1] = crypto.sc_mulsub(sig[sec_idx][0], sec, k)
    return sig
async def init_transaction(
    state: State,
    address_n: list,
    network_type: int,
    tsx_data: MoneroTransactionData,
) -> MoneroTransactionInitAck:
    from apps.monero.signing import offloading_keys
    from apps.common import paths

    await paths.validate_path(state.ctx, misc.validate_full_path, keychain,
                              address_n, CURVE)

    state.creds = misc.get_creds(keychain, address_n, network_type)
    state.client_version = tsx_data.client_version or 0
    if state.client_version == 0:
        raise ValueError("Client version not supported")

    state.fee = state.fee if state.fee > 0 else 0
    state.tx_priv = crypto.random_scalar()
    state.tx_pub = crypto.scalarmult_base(state.tx_priv)

    state.input_count = tsx_data.num_inputs
    state.output_count = len(tsx_data.outputs)
    state.progress_total = 4 + 3 * state.input_count + state.output_count
    state.progress_cur = 0

    # Ask for confirmation
    await confirms.require_confirm_transaction(state.ctx, state, tsx_data,
    state.creds.address = None
    state.creds.network_type = None

    # Basic transaction parameters
    state.output_change = tsx_data.change_dts
    state.mixin = tsx_data.mixin
    state.fee = tsx_data.fee
    state.account_idx = tsx_data.account
    state.last_step = state.STEP_INIT
    if tsx_data.hard_fork:
        state.hard_fork = tsx_data.hard_fork

    # Ensure change is correct
    _check_change(state, tsx_data.outputs)

    # At least two outpus are required, this applies also for sweep txs
    # where one fake output is added. See _check_change for more info
    if state.output_count < 2:
        raise signing.NotEnoughOutputsError(
            "At least two outputs are required")

    _check_rsig_data(state, tsx_data.rsig_data)
    _check_subaddresses(state, tsx_data.outputs)

    # Extra processing, payment id
    _process_payment_id(state, tsx_data)
    await _compute_sec_keys(state, tsx_data)

    # Iterative tx_prefix_hash hash computation
        2)  # current Monero transaction format (RingCT = 2)
    state.tx_prefix_hasher.uvarint(state.input_count)  # ContainerType, size
    state.mem_trace(10, True)

    # Final message hasher

    # Sub address precomputation
    if tsx_data.account is not None and tsx_data.minor_indices:
        _precompute_subaddr(state, tsx_data.account, tsx_data.minor_indices)
    state.mem_trace(5, True)

    # HMACs all outputs to disallow tampering.
    # Each HMAC is then sent alongside the output
    # and trezor validates it.
    hmacs = []
    for idx in range(state.output_count):
        c_hmac = await offloading_keys.gen_hmac_tsxdest(
            state.key_hmac, tsx_data.outputs[idx], idx)


    from trezor.messages.MoneroTransactionInitAck import MoneroTransactionInitAck
    from trezor.messages.MoneroTransactionRsigData import MoneroTransactionRsigData

    rsig_data = MoneroTransactionRsigData(offload_type=state.rsig_offload)

    return MoneroTransactionInitAck(hmacs=hmacs, rsig_data=rsig_data)
Exemplo n.º 7
def _generate_clsag(
    message: bytes,
    P: List[bytes],
    p: Sc25519,
    C_nonzero: List[bytes],
    z: Sc25519,
    Cout: Ge25519,
    index: int,
    mg_buff: List[bytes],
) -> List[bytes]:
    sI = crypto.new_point()  # sig.I
    sD = crypto.new_point()  # sig.D
    sc1 = crypto.new_scalar()  # sig.c1
    a = crypto.random_scalar()
    H = crypto.new_point()
    D = crypto.new_point()
    Cout_bf = crypto.encodepoint(Cout)

    tmp_sc = crypto.new_scalar()
    tmp = crypto.new_point()
    tmp_bf = bytearray(32)

    crypto.hash_to_point_into(H, P[index])
    crypto.scalarmult_into(sI, H, p)  # I = p*H
    crypto.scalarmult_into(D, H, z)  # D = z*H
    crypto.sc_mul_into(tmp_sc, z, crypto.sc_inv_eight())  # 1/8*z
    crypto.scalarmult_into(sD, H, tmp_sc)  # sig.D = 1/8*z*H
    sD = crypto.encodepoint(sD)

    hsh_P = crypto.get_keccak()  # domain, I, D, P, C, C_offset
    hsh_C = crypto.get_keccak()  # domain, I, D, P, C, C_offset

    def hsh_PC(x):
        nonlocal hsh_P, hsh_C

    for x in P:

    for x in C_nonzero:

    hsh_PC(crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp_bf, sI))
    mu_P = crypto.decodeint(hsh_P.digest())
    mu_C = crypto.decodeint(hsh_C.digest())

    del (hsh_PC, hsh_P, hsh_C)
    c_to_hash = crypto.get_keccak()  # domain, P, C, C_offset, message, aG, aH
    for i in range(len(P)):
    for i in range(len(P)):

    chasher = c_to_hash.copy()
    crypto.scalarmult_base_into(tmp, a)
    chasher.update(crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp_bf, tmp))  # aG
    crypto.scalarmult_into(tmp, H, a)
    chasher.update(crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp_bf, tmp))  # aH
    c = crypto.decodeint(chasher.digest())
    del (chasher, H)

    L = crypto.new_point()
    R = crypto.new_point()
    c_p = crypto.new_scalar()
    c_c = crypto.new_scalar()
    i = (index + 1) % len(P)
    if i == 0:
        crypto.sc_copy(sc1, c)

    for _ in range(len(P)):

    while i != index:
        crypto.encodeint_into(mg_buff[i + 1], tmp_sc)

        crypto.sc_mul_into(c_p, mu_P, c)
        crypto.sc_mul_into(c_c, mu_C, c)

        # L = tmp_sc * G + c_P * P[i] + c_c * C[i]
        crypto.add_keys2_into(L, tmp_sc, c_p,
                              crypto.decodepoint_into(tmp, P[i]))
        crypto.decodepoint_into(tmp, C_nonzero[i])  # C = C_nonzero - Cout
        crypto.point_sub_into(tmp, tmp, Cout)
        crypto.scalarmult_into(tmp, tmp, c_c)
        crypto.point_add_into(L, L, tmp)

        # R = tmp_sc * HP + c_p * I + c_c * D
        crypto.hash_to_point_into(tmp, P[i])
        crypto.add_keys3_into(R, tmp_sc, tmp, c_p, sI)
        crypto.point_add_into(R, R, crypto.scalarmult_into(tmp, D, c_c))

        chasher = c_to_hash.copy()
        chasher.update(crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp_bf, L))
        chasher.update(crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp_bf, R))
        crypto.decodeint_into(c, chasher.digest())

        P[i] = None
        C_nonzero[i] = None

        i = (i + 1) % len(P)
        if i == 0:
            crypto.sc_copy(sc1, c)

        if i & 3 == 0:

    # Final scalar = a - c * (mu_P * p + mu_c * Z)
    crypto.sc_mul_into(tmp_sc, mu_P, p)
    crypto.sc_muladd_into(tmp_sc, mu_C, z, tmp_sc)
    crypto.sc_mulsub_into(tmp_sc, c, tmp_sc, a)
    crypto.encodeint_into(mg_buff[index + 1], tmp_sc)

    return mg_buff
Exemplo n.º 8
def generate_mlsag(
    message: bytes,
    pk: KeyM,
    xx: List[Sc25519],
    index: int,
    dsRows: int,
    mg_buff: List[bytes],
) -> List[bytes]:
    Multilayered Spontaneous Anonymous Group Signatures (MLSAG signatures)

    :param message: the full message to be signed (actually its hash)
    :param pk: matrix of public keys and commitments
    :param xx: input secret array composed of a private key and commitment mask
    :param index: specifies corresponding public key to the `xx`'s private key in the `pk` array
    :param dsRows: separates pubkeys from commitment
    :param mg_buff: mg signature buffer
    rows, cols = gen_mlsag_assert(pk, xx, index, dsRows)
    rows_b_size = int_serialize.uvarint_size(rows)

    # Preallocation of the chunked buffer, len + cols + cc
    for _ in range(1 + cols + 1):

    mg_buff[0] = int_serialize.dump_uvarint_b(cols)
    cc = crypto.new_scalar()  # rv.cc
    c = crypto.new_scalar()
    L = crypto.new_point()
    R = crypto.new_point()
    Hi = crypto.new_point()

    # calculates the "first" c, key images and random scalars alpha
    c_old, II, alpha = generate_first_c_and_key_images(message, pk, xx, index,
                                                       dsRows, rows, cols)

    i = (index + 1) % cols
    if i == 0:
        crypto.sc_copy(cc, c_old)

    ss = [crypto.new_scalar() for _ in range(rows)]
    tmp_buff = bytearray(32)

    while i != index:
        hasher = _hasher_message(message)

        # Serialize size of the row
        mg_buff[i + 1] = bytearray(rows_b_size + 32 * rows)
        int_serialize.dump_uvarint_b_into(rows, mg_buff[i + 1])

        for x in ss:

        for j in range(dsRows):
            # L = rv.ss[i][j] * G + c_old * pk[i][j]
            crypto.add_keys2_into(L, ss[j], c_old,
                                  crypto.decodepoint_into(Hi, pk[i][j]))
            crypto.hash_to_point_into(Hi, pk[i][j])

            # R = rv.ss[i][j] * H(pk[i][j]) + c_old * Ip[j]
            crypto.add_keys3_into(R, ss[j], Hi, c_old, II[j])

            _hash_point(hasher, L, tmp_buff)
            _hash_point(hasher, R, tmp_buff)

        for j in range(dsRows, rows):
            # again, omitting R here as discussed above
            crypto.add_keys2_into(L, ss[j], c_old,
                                  crypto.decodepoint_into(Hi, pk[i][j]))
            _hash_point(hasher, L, tmp_buff)

        for si in range(rows):
            crypto.encodeint_into(mg_buff[i + 1], ss[si],
                                  rows_b_size + 32 * si)

        crypto.decodeint_into(c, hasher.digest())
        crypto.sc_copy(c_old, c)
        pk[i] = None
        i = (i + 1) % cols

        if i == 0:
            crypto.sc_copy(cc, c_old)

    del II

    # Finalizing rv.ss by processing rv.ss[index]
    mg_buff[index + 1] = bytearray(rows_b_size + 32 * rows)
    int_serialize.dump_uvarint_b_into(rows, mg_buff[index + 1])
    for j in range(rows):
        crypto.sc_mulsub_into(ss[j], c, xx[j], alpha[j])
        crypto.encodeint_into(mg_buff[index + 1], ss[j], rows_b_size + 32 * j)

    # rv.cc
    mg_buff[-1] = crypto.encodeint(cc)
    return mg_buff
Exemplo n.º 9
def prove_range_mem(amount, last_mask=None):
    Memory optimized range proof.

    Gives C, and mask such that \sumCi = C
    c.f. http:#eprint.iacr.org/2015/1098 section 5.1

    Ci is a commitment to either 0 or 2^i, i=0,...,63
    thus this proves that "amount" is in [0, 2^ATOMS]
    mask is a such that C = aG + bH, and b = amount
    :param amount:
    :param last_mask: ai[ATOMS-1] will be computed as \sum_{i=0}^{ATOMS-2} a_i - last_mask
    :param use_asnl: use ASNL, used before Borromean
    :return: sumCi, mask, RangeSig.
        sumCi is Pedersen commitment on the amount value. sumCi = aG + amount*H
        mask is "a" from the Pedersent commitment above.
    res = bytearray(32 * (64 + 64 + 64 + 1))
    mv = memoryview(res)

    def as0(mv, x, i):
        crypto.encodeint_into(x, mv[32 * i:])

    def as1(mv, x, i):
        crypto.encodeint_into(x, mv[32 * 64 + 32 * i:])

    def aci(mv, x, i):
        crypto.encodepoint_into(x, mv[32 * 64 * 2 + 32 + 32 * i:])

    n = 64
    bb = d2b(amount, n)  # gives binary form of bb in "digits" binary digits
    ai = key_zero_vector(n)
    a = crypto.sc_0()

    C = crypto.identity()
    alpha = key_zero_vector(n)
    c_H = crypto.gen_H()
    kck = crypto.get_keccak()  # ee computation

    # First pass, generates: ai, alpha, Ci, ee, s1
    for ii in range(n):
        ai[ii] = crypto.random_scalar()
        if last_mask is not None and ii == 64 - 1:
            ai[ii] = crypto.sc_sub(last_mask, a)

        a = crypto.sc_add(
            a, ai[ii]
        )  # creating the total mask since you have to pass this to receiver...

        alpha[ii] = crypto.random_scalar()
        L = crypto.scalarmult_base(alpha[ii])

        if bb[ii] == 0:
            Ctmp = crypto.scalarmult_base(ai[ii])
            Ctmp = crypto.point_add(crypto.scalarmult_base(ai[ii]), c_H)
        C = crypto.point_add(C, Ctmp)
        aci(mv, Ctmp, ii)

        if bb[ii] == 0:
            si = crypto.random_scalar()
            c = crypto.hash_to_scalar(crypto.encodepoint(L))
            L = crypto.add_keys2(si, c, crypto.point_sub(Ctmp, c_H))
            as1(mv, si, ii)


        c_H = crypto.point_double(c_H)

    # Compute ee, memory cleanup
    ee = crypto.sc_reduce32(crypto.decodeint(kck.digest()))
    crypto.encodeint_into(ee, mv[64 * 32 * 2:])
    del kck

    # Second phase computes: s0, s1
    c_H = crypto.gen_H()

    for jj in range(n):
        if not bb[jj]:
            s0 = crypto.sc_mulsub(ai[jj], ee, alpha[jj])

            s0 = crypto.random_scalar()
            Ctmp = crypto.decodepoint(
                mv[32 * 64 * 2 + 32 + 32 * jj:32 * 64 * 2 + 32 + 32 * jj + 32])
            LL = crypto.add_keys2(s0, ee, Ctmp)
            cc = crypto.hash_to_scalar(crypto.encodepoint(LL))
            si = crypto.sc_mulsub(ai[jj], cc, alpha[jj])
            as1(mv, si, jj)
        as0(mv, s0, jj)

        c_H = crypto.point_double(c_H)

    return C, a, res
Exemplo n.º 10
def generate_ring_signature(prefix_hash,
    Generates ring signature with key image.
    void crypto_ops::generate_ring_signature()

    :param prefix_hash:
    :param image:
    :param pubs:
    :param sec:
    :param sec_idx:
    :param test:
    from apps.monero.xmr.common import memcpy

    if test:
        from apps.monero.xmr import monero

        t = crypto.scalarmult_base(sec)
        if not crypto.point_eq(t, pubs[sec_idx]):
            raise ValueError("Invalid sec key")

        k_i = monero.generate_key_image(crypto.encodepoint(pubs[sec_idx]), sec)
        if not crypto.point_eq(k_i, image):
            raise ValueError("Key image invalid")
        for k in pubs:

    image_unp = crypto.ge_frombytes_vartime(image)
    image_pre = crypto.ge_dsm_precomp(image_unp)

    buff_off = len(prefix_hash)
    buff = bytearray(buff_off + 2 * 32 * len(pubs))
    memcpy(buff, 0, prefix_hash, 0, buff_off)
    mvbuff = memoryview(buff)

    sum = crypto.sc_0()
    k = crypto.sc_0()
    sig = []
    for i in range(len(pubs)):
        sig.append([crypto.sc_0(), crypto.sc_0()])  # c, r

    for i in range(len(pubs)):
        if i == sec_idx:
            k = crypto.random_scalar()
            tmp3 = crypto.scalarmult_base(k)
            crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp3, mvbuff[buff_off:buff_off + 32])
            buff_off += 32

            tmp3 = crypto.hash_to_ec(crypto.encodepoint(pubs[i]))
            tmp2 = crypto.scalarmult(tmp3, k)
            crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp2, mvbuff[buff_off:buff_off + 32])
            buff_off += 32

            sig[i] = [crypto.random_scalar(), crypto.random_scalar()]
            tmp3 = crypto.ge_frombytes_vartime(pubs[i])
            tmp2 = crypto.ge_double_scalarmult_base_vartime(
                sig[i][0], tmp3, sig[i][1])
            crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp2, mvbuff[buff_off:buff_off + 32])
            buff_off += 32

            tmp3 = crypto.hash_to_ec(crypto.encodepoint(tmp3))
            tmp2 = crypto.ge_double_scalarmult_precomp_vartime(
                sig[i][1], tmp3, sig[i][0], image_pre)
            crypto.encodepoint_into(tmp2, mvbuff[buff_off:buff_off + 32])
            buff_off += 32

            sum = crypto.sc_add(sum, sig[i][0])

    h = crypto.hash_to_scalar(buff)
    sig[sec_idx][0] = crypto.sc_sub(h, sum)
    sig[sec_idx][1] = crypto.sc_mulsub(sig[sec_idx][0], sec, k)
    return sig
Exemplo n.º 11
    async def diag(ctx, msg, **kwargs) -> Failure:
        log.debug(__name__, "----diagnostics")

        if msg.ins == 0:
            return retit()

        elif msg.ins == 1:
            return retit()

        elif msg.ins == 2:
            log.debug(__name__, "_____________________________________________")
            log.debug(__name__, "_____________________________________________")
            log.debug(__name__, "_____________________________________________")
            return retit()

        elif msg.ins == 3:

        elif msg.ins == 4:
            total = 0
            monero = 0

            for k, v in sys.modules.items():
                log.info(__name__, "Mod[%s]: %s", k, v)
                total += 1
                if k.startswith("apps.monero"):
                    monero += 1
            log.info(__name__, "Total modules: %s, Monero modules: %s", total, monero)
            return retit()

        elif msg.ins in [5, 6, 7]:
            from apps.monero.xmr import bulletproof as bp

            check_mem("BP Imported")
            from apps.monero.xmr import crypto

            check_mem("Crypto Imported")

            bpi = bp.BulletProofBuilder()
            bpi.gc_fnc = gc.collect
            bpi.gc_trace = log_trace

            vals = [crypto.Scalar((1 << 30) - 1 + 16), crypto.Scalar(22222)]
            masks = [crypto.random_scalar(), crypto.random_scalar()]
            check_mem("BP pre input")

            if msg.ins == 5:
                bp_res = bpi.prove_testnet(vals[0], masks[0])
                check_mem("BP post prove")
                check_mem("BP post verify")

            elif msg.ins == 6:
                bp_res = bpi.prove(vals[0], masks[0])
                check_mem("BP post prove")
                check_mem("BP post verify")

            elif msg.ins == 7:
                bp_res = bpi.prove_batch(vals, masks)
                check_mem("BP post prove")
                check_mem("BP post verify")

            return retit()

        return retit()
Exemplo n.º 12
def _generate_random_vector(n):
    Generates vector of random scalars
    return [crypto.random_scalar() for _ in range(0, n)]
Exemplo n.º 13
def generate_first_c_and_key_images(message, rv, pk, xx, kLRki, index, dsRows,
                                    rows, cols):
    MLSAG computation - the part with secret keys
    :param message: the full message to be signed (actually its hash)
    :param rv: MgSig
    :param pk: matrix of public keys and commitments
    :param xx: input secret array composed of a private key and commitment mask
    :param kLRki: used only in multisig, currently not implemented
    :param index: specifies corresponding public key to the `xx`'s private key in the `pk` array
    :param dsRows: row number where the pubkeys "end" (and commitments follow)
    :param rows: total number of rows
    :param cols: size of ring
    Ip = _key_vector(dsRows)
    rv.II = _key_vector(dsRows)
    alpha = _key_vector(rows)
    rv.ss = _key_matrix(rows, cols)

    tmp_buff = bytearray(32)
    hasher = _hasher_message(message)

    for i in range(dsRows):
        # this is somewhat extra as compared to the Ring Confidential Tx paper
        # see footnote in From Zero to Monero section 3.3
        if kLRki:
            raise NotImplementedError("Multisig not implemented")
            # alpha[i] = kLRki.k
            # rv.II[i] = kLRki.ki
            # hash_point(hasher, kLRki.L, tmp_buff)
            # hash_point(hasher, kLRki.R, tmp_buff)

            Hi = crypto.hash_to_point(crypto.encodepoint(pk[index][i]))
            alpha[i] = crypto.random_scalar()
            # L = alpha_i * G
            aGi = crypto.scalarmult_base(alpha[i])
            # Ri = alpha_i * H(P_i)
            aHPi = crypto.scalarmult(Hi, alpha[i])
            # key image
            rv.II[i] = crypto.scalarmult(Hi, xx[i])
            _hash_point(hasher, aGi, tmp_buff)
            _hash_point(hasher, aHPi, tmp_buff)

        Ip[i] = rv.II[i]

    for i in range(dsRows, rows):
        alpha[i] = crypto.random_scalar()
        # L = alpha_i * G
        aGi = crypto.scalarmult_base(alpha[i])
        # for some reasons we omit calculating R here, which seems
        # contrary to the paper, but it is in the Monero official client
        # see https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/636153b2050aa0642ba86842c69ac55a5d81618d/src/ringct/rctSigs.cpp#L191
        _hash_point(hasher, pk[index][i], tmp_buff)
        _hash_point(hasher, aGi, tmp_buff)

    # the first c
    c_old = hasher.digest()
    c_old = crypto.decodeint(c_old)
    return c_old, Ip, alpha
Exemplo n.º 14
    def gen_clsag_sig(self, ring_size=11, index=None):
        msg = random.bytes(32)
        amnt = crypto.Scalar(random.uniform(0xFFFFFF) + 12)
        priv = crypto.random_scalar()
        msk = crypto.random_scalar()
        alpha = crypto.random_scalar()
        P = crypto.scalarmult_base_into(None, priv)
        C = crypto.add_keys2_into(None, msk, amnt, crypto.xmr_H())
        Cp = crypto.add_keys2_into(None, alpha, amnt, crypto.xmr_H())

        ring = []
        for i in range(ring_size - 1):
            tk = TmpKey(
                    crypto.scalarmult_base_into(None, crypto.random_scalar())),
                    crypto.scalarmult_base_into(None, crypto.random_scalar())),

        index = index if index is not None else random.uniform(len(ring))
        ring2 = list(ring)
        mg_buffer = []

                crypto.scalarmult_base_into(None, priv),
                    None, crypto.sc_sub_into(None, msk, alpha)),
                    None, crypto_helpers.decodepoint(ring[index].commitment),

            CtKey(priv, msk),

        sD = crypto_helpers.decodepoint(mg_buffer[-1])
        sc1 = crypto_helpers.decodeint(mg_buffer[-2])
        scalars = [crypto_helpers.decodeint(x) for x in mg_buffer[1:-2]]
        H = crypto.Point()
        sI = crypto.Point()

        crypto.hash_to_point_into(H, crypto_helpers.encodepoint(P))
        crypto.scalarmult_into(sI, H, priv)  # I = p*H
        return msg, scalars, sc1, sI, sD, ring2, Cp
Exemplo n.º 15
 def test_clsag_invalid_sD(self):
     res = self.gen_clsag_sig(ring_size=11, index=5)
     msg, scalars, sc1, sI, sD, ring2, Cp = res
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         sD = crypto.scalarmult_base_into(None, crypto.random_scalar())
         self.verify_clsag(msg, scalars, sc1, sI, sD, ring2, Cp)
Exemplo n.º 16
def prove_range_borromean(amount, last_mask):
    """Calculates Borromean range proof"""
    # The large chunks allocated first to avoid potential memory fragmentation issues.
    ai = bytearray(32 * 64)
    alphai = bytearray(32 * 64)
    Cis = bytearray(32 * 64)
    s0s = bytearray(32 * 64)
    s1s = bytearray(32 * 64)
    buff = bytearray(32)
    ee_bin = bytearray(32)

    a = crypto.sc_init(0)
    si = crypto.sc_init(0)
    c = crypto.sc_init(0)
    ee = crypto.sc_init(0)
    tmp_ai = crypto.sc_init(0)
    tmp_alpha = crypto.sc_init(0)

    C_acc = crypto.identity()
    C_h = crypto.xmr_H()
    C_tmp = crypto.identity()
    L = crypto.identity()
    kck = crypto.get_keccak()

    for ii in range(64):
        if last_mask is not None and ii == 63:
            crypto.sc_sub_into(tmp_ai, last_mask, a)

        crypto.sc_add_into(a, a, tmp_ai)

        crypto.scalarmult_base_into(L, tmp_alpha)
        crypto.scalarmult_base_into(C_tmp, tmp_ai)

        # if 0: C_tmp += Zero (nothing is added)
        # if 1: C_tmp += 2^i*H
        # 2^i*H is already stored in C_h
        if (amount >> ii) & 1 == 1:
            crypto.point_add_into(C_tmp, C_tmp, C_h)

        crypto.point_add_into(C_acc, C_acc, C_tmp)

        # Set Ci[ii] to sigs
        crypto.encodepoint_into(Cis, C_tmp, ii << 5)
        crypto.encodeint_into(ai, tmp_ai, ii << 5)
        crypto.encodeint_into(alphai, tmp_alpha, ii << 5)

        if ((amount >> ii) & 1) == 0:
            crypto.encodepoint_into(buff, L)
            crypto.hash_to_scalar_into(c, buff)

            crypto.point_sub_into(C_tmp, C_tmp, C_h)
            crypto.add_keys2_into(L, si, c, C_tmp)

            crypto.encodeint_into(s1s, si, ii << 5)

        crypto.encodepoint_into(buff, L)

        crypto.point_double_into(C_h, C_h)

    # Compute ee
    tmp_ee = kck.digest()
    crypto.decodeint_into(ee, tmp_ee)
    del (tmp_ee, kck)

    C_h = crypto.xmr_H()

    # Second pass, s0, s1
    for ii in range(64):
        crypto.decodeint_into(tmp_alpha, alphai, ii << 5)
        crypto.decodeint_into(tmp_ai, ai, ii << 5)

        if ((amount >> ii) & 1) == 0:
            crypto.sc_mulsub_into(si, tmp_ai, ee, tmp_alpha)
            crypto.encodeint_into(s0s, si, ii << 5)

            crypto.encodeint_into(s0s, si, ii << 5)

            crypto.decodepoint_into(C_tmp, Cis, ii << 5)
            crypto.add_keys2_into(L, si, ee, C_tmp)
            crypto.encodepoint_into(buff, L)
            crypto.hash_to_scalar_into(c, buff)

            crypto.sc_mulsub_into(si, tmp_ai, c, tmp_alpha)
            crypto.encodeint_into(s1s, si, ii << 5)

        crypto.point_double_into(C_h, C_h)

    crypto.encodeint_into(ee_bin, ee)

    del (ai, alphai, buff, tmp_ai, tmp_alpha, si, c, ee, C_tmp, C_h, L)

    return C_acc, a, [s0s, s1s, ee_bin, Cis]