Exemplo n.º 1
def add_job():
    """Adds a new job."""
        from apscheduler.jobconf import JobConf
        conf = JobConf()
        conf.id = 1
        conf.cmd = 'date +%s; echo ----------------------------------------'
        conf.name = 'job1'
        conf.status = 1
        #from apscheduler.triggers.interval import IntervalTrigger 
#         current_app.swrapper.scheduler.add_job(cmdfunc, 'interval', seconds=100, id='tick1', name='tick1 x', replace_existing=True, conf=conf)
        from apscheduler.triggers.cron import CronTrigger
        trigger = CronTrigger(second='*/5')
        current_app.swrapper.scheduler.add_job(cmdfunc, trigger, second=5, id=conf.id, name=conf.name, replace_existing=True, conf=conf, jobstore=current_app.swrapper.jobstore_alias)
#         data = request.get_json(force=True)
#         if data:
#             job = current_app.swrapper.scheduler.add_job(**data)
#             return __jsonify(job.conf.to_dict())
#         else:
#             return __jsonify({'message': 'data is empty', 'code':0})
        return __jsonify({'message': 'add done', 'code':0})

    except ConflictingIdError:
        return __jsonify(dict(error_message='Job %s already exists.' % conf.id), status=409)
    except LookupError as e:
        return __jsonify(dict(error_message=str(e)), status=400)
    except Exception as e:
        return __jsonify(dict(error_message=str(e)), status=500)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _reconstitute_job(self, row):
            code gen by shell cmd: cat a | awk -F '=' '{print $1}' | cut -c5- | awk '{ print "job."$1" = row."$1}'
            what in file a is the wm_jobs_t create statement which can be found in the current source code file

        conf = JobConf()
        conf.id = row.id
        conf.cmd = row.cmd
        conf.cron_str = row.cron_str
        conf.name = row.name
        conf.desc = row.desc
        conf.mails = row.mails
        conf.phones = row.phones
        conf.team = row.team
        conf.owner = row.owner
        conf.hosts = row.hosts
        conf.host_strategy = row.host_strategy
        conf.restore_strategy = row.restore_strategy
        conf.retry_strategy = row.retry_strategy
        conf.error_strategy = row.error_strategy
        conf.exist_strategy = row.exist_strategy
        conf.running_timeout_s = row.running_timeout_s
        conf.status = row.status
        conf.modify_time = row.modify_time
        conf.modify_user = row.modify_user
        conf.create_time = row.create_time
        conf.create_user = row.create_user
        conf.start_date = row.start_date
        conf.end_date = row.end_date
        conf.oupput_match_reg = row.oupput_match_reg
        conf.next_run_time = row.next_run_time

        job = Job.__new__(Job)
        job.conf = conf
        job.id = job.conf.id
        job._scheduler = self._scheduler
        job._jobstore_alias = self._alias
        job.trigger = self._create_trigger_by_conf(job)
        t = apscheduler.util.local_timestamp_to_datetime(
            conf.next_run_time) if conf.next_run_time > 0 else None
        t = apscheduler.util.convert_to_ware_datetime(t, get_localzone(),
        state = {
            'version': 1,
            'conf': conf,
            'id': conf.id,
            'name': conf.name,
            'next_run_time': t,


        return job
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _reconstitute_job(self, row):
         code gen by shell cmd: cat a | awk -F '=' '{print $1}' | cut -c5- | awk '{ print "job."$1" = row."$1}'
         what in file a is the wm_jobs_t create statement which can be found in the current source code file
     conf = JobConf()
     conf.id = row.id
     conf.cmd = row.cmd
     conf.cron_str = row.cron_str
     conf.name = row.name
     conf.desc = row.desc
     conf.mails = row.mails
     conf.phones = row.phones
     conf.team = row.team
     conf.owner = row.owner
     conf.hosts = row.hosts
     conf.host_strategy = row.host_strategy
     conf.restore_strategy = row.restore_strategy
     conf.retry_strategy = row.retry_strategy
     conf.error_strategy = row.error_strategy
     conf.exist_strategy = row.exist_strategy
     conf.running_timeout_s = row.running_timeout_s
     conf.status = row.status
     conf.modify_time = row.modify_time
     conf.modify_user = row.modify_user
     conf.create_time = row.create_time
     conf.create_user = row.create_user
     conf.start_date = row.start_date
     conf.end_date = row.end_date
     conf.oupput_match_reg = row.oupput_match_reg 
     conf.next_run_time = row.next_run_time 
     job = Job.__new__(Job)
     job.conf = conf
     job.id = job.conf.id
     job._scheduler = self._scheduler
     job._jobstore_alias = self._alias
     job.trigger = self._create_trigger_by_conf(job) 
     t = apscheduler.util.local_timestamp_to_datetime(conf.next_run_time) if conf.next_run_time > 0 else None
     t = apscheduler.util.convert_to_ware_datetime(t, get_localzone(), 'conf.next_run_time' )
     state = {
          'version': 1,
          'conf': conf, 
          'id': conf.id, 
          'name': conf.name, 
          'next_run_time': t, 
     return job