Exemplo n.º 1
def generate_ip(session, logger, dbinterface, ip=None, ipfromip=None,
                ipfromsystem=None, autoip=None, ipalgorithm=None, compel=False,
                network_environment=None, audit_results=None, **kwargs):
    ip_options = [ip, ipfromip, ipfromsystem, autoip]
    numopts = sum([1 if opt else 0 for opt in ip_options])
    if numopts > 1:
        raise ArgumentError("Only one of --ip, --ipfromip, --ipfromsystem "
                            "and --autoip can be specified.")
    elif numopts == 0:
        if compel:
            raise ArgumentError("Please specify one of the --ip, --ipfromip, "
                                "--ipfromsystem, and --autoip parameters.")
        return None

    if ip:
        return ip

    dbsystem = None
    dbnetwork = None
    if autoip:
        if not dbinterface:
            raise ArgumentError("No interface available to automatically "
                                "generate an IP address.")
        if dbinterface.port_group:
            # This could either be an interface from a virtual machine
            # or an interface on an ESX vmhost.
            dbcluster = None
            if getattr(dbinterface.hardware_entity, "cluster", None):
                # VM
                dbcluster = dbinterface.hardware_entity.cluster
            elif getattr(dbinterface.hardware_entity, "host", None):
                dbcluster = dbinterface.hardware_entity.host.cluster
            if not dbcluster:
                raise ArgumentError("Can only automatically assign an IP "
                                    "address to an interface with a port "
                                    "group on virtual machines or ESX hosts.")
            if not dbcluster.switch:
                raise ArgumentError("Cannot automatically assign an IP "
                                    "address to an interface with a port group "
                                    "since {0} is not associated with a "
            vlan_id = VlanInfo.get_vlan_id(session, dbinterface.port_group)
            dbnetwork = ObservedVlan.get_network(session, vlan_id=vlan_id,
        elif dbinterface.mac:
            q = session.query(ObservedMac)
            q = q.filter_by(mac_address=dbinterface.mac)
            q = q.order_by(desc(ObservedMac.last_seen))
            dbom = q.first()
            if not dbom:
                raise ArgumentError("No switch found in the discovery table "
                                    "for MAC address %s." % dbinterface.mac)
            if not dbom.switch.primary_ip:
                raise ArgumentError("{0} does not have a primary IP address "
                                    "to use for network "
            dbnetwork = get_net_id_from_ip(session, dbom.switch.primary_ip)
            raise ArgumentError("{0} has neither a MAC address nor port group "
                                "information, it is not possible to generate "
                                "an IP address automatically."

    if ipfromsystem:
        # Assumes one system entry, not necessarily correct.
        dbdns_rec = ARecord.get_unique(session, fqdn=ipfromsystem, compel=True)
        dbnetwork = dbdns_rec.network

    if ipfromip:
        # determine network
        dbnetwork = get_net_id_from_ip(session, ipfromip, network_environment)

    if not dbnetwork:
        raise ArgumentError("Could not determine network to use for %s." %

    # When there are e.g. multiple "add manager --autoip" operations going on in
    # parallel, we must ensure that they won't try to use the same IP address.
    # This query places a database lock on the network, which means IP address
    # generation within a network will be serialized, while operations on
    # different networks can still run in parallel. The lock will be released by

    startip = dbnetwork.first_usable_host

    used_ips = session.query(ARecord.ip)
    used_ips = used_ips.filter_by(network=dbnetwork)
    used_ips = used_ips.filter(ARecord.ip >= startip)

    full_set = set(range(int(startip), int(dbnetwork.broadcast)))
    used_set = set([int(item.ip) for item in used_ips])
    free_set = full_set - used_set

    if not free_set:
        raise ArgumentError("No available IP addresses found on "
                            "network %s." % str(dbnetwork.network))

    if ipalgorithm is None or ipalgorithm == 'lowest':
        # Select the lowest available address
        ip = IPv4Address(min(free_set))
    elif ipalgorithm == 'highest':
        # Select the highest available address
        ip = IPv4Address(max(free_set))
    elif ipalgorithm == 'max':
        # Return the max. used address + 1
        if not used_set:
            # Avoids ValueError being thrown when used_set is empty
            ip = IPv4Address(min(free_set))
            next = max(used_set)
            if not next + 1 in free_set:
                raise ArgumentError("Failed to find an IP that is suitable "
                                    "for --ipalgorithm=max.  Try an other "
                                    "algorithm as there are still some free "
            ip = IPv4Address(next + 1)
        raise ArgumentError("Unknown algorithm %s." % ipalgorithm)

    if audit_results is not None:
        if dbinterface:
            logger.info("Selected IP address {0!s} for {1:l}"
                        .format(ip, dbinterface))
            logger.info("Selected IP address %s" % ip)
        audit_results.append(('ip', ip))

    return ip
Exemplo n.º 2
    def render(self, session, network, network_environment, ip, type, side,
               machine, fqdn, cluster, pg, has_dynamic_ranges, exact_location,
               fullinfo, style, **arguments):
        """Return a network matching the parameters.

        Some of the search terms can only return a unique network.  For
        those (like ip and fqdn) we proceed with the query anyway.  This
        allows for quick scripted tests like "is the network for X.X.X.X
        a tor_net2?".

        dbnet_env = NetworkEnvironment.get_unique_or_default(session,
        q = session.query(Network)
        q = q.filter_by(network_environment=dbnet_env)
        if network:
            # Note: the network name is not unique (neither in QIP)
            q = q.filter_by(name=network)
        if ip:
            dbnetwork = get_net_id_from_ip(session, ip, dbnet_env)
            q = q.filter_by(id=dbnetwork.id)
        if type:
            q = q.filter_by(network_type=type)
        if side:
            q = q.filter_by(side=side)
        if machine:
            dbmachine = Machine.get_unique(session, machine, compel=True)
            vlans = []
            if dbmachine.cluster and dbmachine.cluster.network_device:
                # If this is a VM on a cluster, consult the VLANs.  There
                # could be functionality here for real hardware to consult
                # interface port groups... there's no real use case yet.
                vlans = [VlanInfo.get_vlan_id(session, i.port_group)
                         for i in dbmachine.interfaces if i.port_group]
                if vlans:
                    q = q.join('observed_vlans')
                    q = q.filter_by(network_device=dbmachine.cluster.network_device)
                    q = q.filter(ObservedVlan.vlan_id.in_(vlans))
                    q = q.reset_joinpoint()
            if not vlans:
                networks = [addr.network.id for addr in
                if not networks:
                    msg = "Machine %s has no interfaces " % dbmachine.label
                    if dbmachine.cluster:
                        msg += "with a portgroup or "
                    msg += "assigned to a network."
                    raise ArgumentError(msg)
                q = q.filter(Network.id.in_(networks))
        if fqdn:
            (short, dbdns_domain) = parse_fqdn(session, fqdn)
            dnsq = session.query(ARecord.ip)
            dnsq = dnsq.join(ARecord.fqdn)
            dnsq = dnsq.filter_by(name=short)
            dnsq = dnsq.filter_by(dns_domain=dbdns_domain)
            networks = [get_net_id_from_ip(session, addr.ip, dbnet_env).id
                        for addr in dnsq.all()]
            q = q.filter(Network.id.in_(networks))
        if cluster:
            dbcluster = Cluster.get_unique(session, cluster, compel=True)
            if dbcluster.network_device:
                q = q.join('observed_vlans')
                q = q.filter_by(network_device=dbcluster.network_device)
                q = q.reset_joinpoint()
                net_ids = [h.hardware_entity.primary_name.network.id for h in
                           dbcluster.hosts if getattr(h.hardware_entity.primary_name,
                q = q.filter(Network.id.in_(net_ids))
        if pg:
            vlan = VlanInfo.get_vlan_id(session, pg, compel=ArgumentError)
            q = q.join('observed_vlans')
            q = q.filter_by(vlan_id=vlan)
            q = q.reset_joinpoint()
        dblocation = get_location(session, **arguments)
        if dblocation:
            if exact_location:
                q = q.filter_by(location=dblocation)
                childids = dblocation.offspring_ids()
                q = q.filter(Network.location_id.in_(childids))
        if has_dynamic_ranges:
            q = q.filter(exists([DynamicStub.dns_record_id],
                         .where(Network.id == DynamicStub.network_id))
        q = q.order_by(Network.ip)
        if fullinfo or style != 'raw':
            q = q.options(undefer('comments'))
            return q.all()
        return StringAttributeList(q.all(),
                                   lambda n: "%s/%s" % (n.ip, n.cidr))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def render(self, session, network, network_environment, ip, type, side,
               machine, fqdn, cluster, pg, has_dynamic_ranges, fullinfo,
        """Return a network matching the parameters.

        Some of the search terms can only return a unique network.  For
        those (like ip and fqdn) we proceed with the query anyway.  This
        allows for quick scripted tests like "is the network for X.X.X.X
        a tor_net2?".

        dbnet_env = NetworkEnvironment.get_unique_or_default(
            session, network_environment)
        q = session.query(Network)
        q = q.filter_by(network_environment=dbnet_env)
        if network:
            # Note: the network name is not unique (neither in QIP)
            q = q.filter_by(name=network)
        if ip:
            dbnetwork = get_net_id_from_ip(session, ip, dbnet_env)
            q = q.filter_by(id=dbnetwork.id)
        if type:
            q = q.filter_by(network_type=type)
        if side:
            q = q.filter_by(side=side)
        if machine:
            dbmachine = Machine.get_unique(session, machine, compel=True)
            vlans = []
            if dbmachine.cluster and dbmachine.cluster.switch:
                # If this is a VM on a cluster, consult the VLANs.  There
                # could be functionality here for real hardware to consult
                # interface port groups... there's no real use case yet.
                vlans = [
                    VlanInfo.get_vlan_id(session, i.port_group)
                    for i in dbmachine.interfaces if i.port_group
                if vlans:
                    q = q.join('observed_vlans')
                    q = q.filter_by(switch=dbmachine.cluster.switch)
                    q = q.filter(ObservedVlan.vlan_id.in_(vlans))
                    q = q.reset_joinpoint()
            if not vlans:
                networks = [
                    addr.network.id for addr in dbmachine.all_addresses()
                if not networks:
                    msg = "Machine %s has no interfaces " % dbmachine.label
                    if dbmachine.cluster:
                        msg += "with a portgroup or "
                    msg += "assigned to a network."
                    raise ArgumentError(msg)
                q = q.filter(Network.id.in_(networks))
        if fqdn:
            (short, dbdns_domain) = parse_fqdn(session, fqdn)
            dnsq = session.query(ARecord.ip)
            dnsq = dnsq.join(ARecord.fqdn)
            dnsq = dnsq.filter_by(name=short)
            dnsq = dnsq.filter_by(dns_domain=dbdns_domain)
            networks = [
                get_net_id_from_ip(session, addr.ip, dbnet_env).id
                for addr in dnsq.all()
            q = q.filter(Network.id.in_(networks))
        if cluster:
            dbcluster = Cluster.get_unique(session, cluster, compel=True)
            if dbcluster.switch:
                q = q.join('observed_vlans')
                q = q.filter_by(switch=dbcluster.switch)
                q = q.reset_joinpoint()
                net_ids = [
                    h.machine.primary_name.network.id for h in dbcluster.hosts
                    if getattr(h.machine.primary_name, "network")
                q = q.filter(Network.id.in_(net_ids))
        if pg:
            vlan = VlanInfo.get_vlan_id(session, pg, compel=ArgumentError)
            q = q.join('observed_vlans')
            q = q.filter_by(vlan_id=vlan)
            q = q.reset_joinpoint()
        dblocation = get_location(session, **arguments)
        if dblocation:
            if arguments.get('exact_location'):
                q = q.filter_by(location=dblocation)
                childids = dblocation.offspring_ids()
                q = q.filter(Network.location_id.in_(childids))
        if has_dynamic_ranges:
            q = q.filter(
                               Network.id == DynamicStub.network_id))
        q = q.order_by(Network.ip)
        if fullinfo:
            q = q.options(undefer('comments'))
            return q.all()
        return ShortNetworkList(q.all())
Exemplo n.º 4
def generate_ip(session,
    ip_options = [ip, ipfromip, ipfromsystem, autoip]
    numopts = sum([1 if opt else 0 for opt in ip_options])
    if numopts > 1:
        raise ArgumentError("Only one of --ip, --ipfromip, --ipfromsystem "
                            "and --autoip can be specified.")
    elif numopts == 0:
        if compel:
            raise ArgumentError("Please specify one of the --ip, --ipfromip, "
                                "--ipfromsystem, and --autoip parameters.")
        return None

    if ip:
        return ip

    dbsystem = None
    dbnetwork = None
    if autoip:
        if not dbinterface:
            raise ArgumentError("No interface available to automatically "
                                "generate an IP address.")
        if dbinterface.port_group:
            # This could either be an interface from a virtual machine
            # or an interface on an ESX vmhost.
            dbcluster = None
            if getattr(dbinterface.hardware_entity, "cluster", None):
                # VM
                dbcluster = dbinterface.hardware_entity.cluster
            elif getattr(dbinterface.hardware_entity, "host", None):
                dbcluster = dbinterface.hardware_entity.host.cluster
            if not dbcluster:
                raise ArgumentError("Can only automatically assign an IP "
                                    "address to an interface with a port "
                                    "group on virtual machines or ESX hosts.")
            if not dbcluster.switch:
                raise ArgumentError(
                    "Cannot automatically assign an IP "
                    "address to an interface with a port group "
                    "since {0} is not associated with a "
            vlan_id = VlanInfo.get_vlan_id(session, dbinterface.port_group)
            dbnetwork = ObservedVlan.get_network(session,
        elif dbinterface.mac:
            q = session.query(ObservedMac)
            q = q.filter_by(mac_address=dbinterface.mac)
            q = q.order_by(desc(ObservedMac.last_seen))
            dbom = q.first()
            if not dbom:
                raise ArgumentError("No switch found in the discovery table "
                                    "for MAC address %s." % dbinterface.mac)
            if not dbom.switch.primary_ip:
                raise ArgumentError("{0} does not have a primary IP address "
                                    "to use for network "
            dbnetwork = get_net_id_from_ip(session, dbom.switch.primary_ip)
            raise ArgumentError(
                "{0} has neither a MAC address nor port group "
                "information, it is not possible to generate "
                "an IP address automatically.".format(dbinterface))

    if ipfromsystem:
        # Assumes one system entry, not necessarily correct.
        dbdns_rec = ARecord.get_unique(session, fqdn=ipfromsystem, compel=True)
        dbnetwork = dbdns_rec.network

    if ipfromip:
        # determine network
        dbnetwork = get_net_id_from_ip(session, ipfromip, network_environment)

    if not dbnetwork:
        raise ArgumentError("Could not determine network to use for %s." %

    # When there are e.g. multiple "add manager --autoip" operations going on in
    # parallel, we must ensure that they won't try to use the same IP address.
    # This query places a database lock on the network, which means IP address
    # generation within a network will be serialized, while operations on
    # different networks can still run in parallel. The lock will be released by

    startip = dbnetwork.first_usable_host

    used_ips = session.query(ARecord.ip)
    used_ips = used_ips.filter_by(network=dbnetwork)
    used_ips = used_ips.filter(ARecord.ip >= startip)

    full_set = set(range(int(startip), int(dbnetwork.broadcast)))
    used_set = set([int(item.ip) for item in used_ips])
    free_set = full_set - used_set

    if not free_set:
        raise ArgumentError("No available IP addresses found on "
                            "network %s." % str(dbnetwork.network))

    if ipalgorithm is None or ipalgorithm == 'lowest':
        # Select the lowest available address
        ip = IPv4Address(min(free_set))
    elif ipalgorithm == 'highest':
        # Select the highest available address
        ip = IPv4Address(max(free_set))
    elif ipalgorithm == 'max':
        # Return the max. used address + 1
        if not used_set:
            # Avoids ValueError being thrown when used_set is empty
            ip = IPv4Address(min(free_set))
            next = max(used_set)
            if not next + 1 in free_set:
                raise ArgumentError("Failed to find an IP that is suitable "
                                    "for --ipalgorithm=max.  Try an other "
                                    "algorithm as there are still some free "
            ip = IPv4Address(next + 1)
        raise ArgumentError("Unknown algorithm %s." % ipalgorithm)

    if audit_results is not None:
        if dbinterface:
            logger.info("Selected IP address {0!s} for {1:l}".format(
                ip, dbinterface))
            logger.info("Selected IP address %s" % ip)
        audit_results.append(('ip', ip))

    return ip