def __init__(self, parent, session_key = None): self.keymap = {} self.server = arara.get_server() self.set_session_key(session_key) self.parent = parent self.overlay = None self.__initwidgets__()
def __init__(self, parent, session_key=None): self.keymap = {} self.server = arara.get_server() self.set_session_key(session_key) self.parent = parent self.overlay = None self.__initwidgets__()
def mig_read_status(): server = arara.get_server() user = {} error = '' for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."): #read userinfo from files root_split = root.split("/") if len(root_split) == 4: user['id'] = root_split[-1] for file_name in files: #if file_name.count('newsrc') and not file_name.count('20060809') and not file_name.count('bak') and not file_name.count('webara'): if file_name.count('newsrc'): user['read_status'] = {} for line in file('/'.join([root, file_name])): line = line.replace('\n', '') line = line.replace(' ', '') board_name = line.split(':')[0].split('.')[-1] user['read_status'][board_name] = [] for article_no in line.split(':')[-1].split(','): if article_no == '': continue elif article_no.count('-'): try: if int(article_no.split('-')[-1]) > 200000: error += '/'.join([ root, file_name, board_name, article_no ]) + '\n' continue user['read_status'][board_name] += range( int(article_no.split('-')[0]), int(article_no.split('-')[-1])) except ValueError: if article_no.split( '-')[0] == '' or article_no.split( '-')[-1] == '': article_no = article_no.replace( '-', '') user['read_status'][board_name].append( int(article_no)) else: error += '/'.join([ root, file_name, board_name, article_no ]) + '\n' else: if article_no.isdigit(): user['read_status'][board_name].append( int(article_no)) else: error += '/'.join([ root, file_name, board_name, article_no ]) + '\n' file('error', 'w').write(error)
def __init__(self, session_key, board_name, callback): self.server = arara.get_server() self.session_key = session_key self.board_name = board_name self.callback = callback self.fetch_size = 30 self.cached_page = [] self.fetched_page = [1,] self.fetch_pages() self.focus = self.cached_page[0]
def mig_article(): server = arara.get_server() article_dir = "./articles" db = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='******', passwd='q1q1q1', db='webara2g') cursor = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute('set names utf8') boards = os.listdir(article_dir) for board in boards: if not os.path.isdir(article_dir + '/' + board ): #if the directory of the board does not exist continue suc, board_list = server.board_manager.get_board_list() if not board in [ exist_board['board_name'] for exist_board in board_list ]: #if the board is not exist suc, sess = server.login_manager.login('SYSOP', 'SYSOP', '') suc, mes = server.board_manager.add_board(sess, board, 'add description later') suc, mes = server.login_manager.logout(sess) board_table = 'webara_' + hashlib.md5('kaist.bbs.ara.' + board).hexdigest() cursor.execute('select max(depth) from ' + board_table) max_depth = cursor.fetchall()[0]['max(depth)'] max_depth = int(max_depth) for depth in range(max_depth + 1): cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM ' + board_table + ' WHERE depth=' + str(depth) + ' LIMIT 5000,100') #cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM ' + board_table + ' WHERE depth=' + str(depth)) article_results = cursor.fetchall() for article_result in article_results: article = {} article['content'] = '' article_file = '/'.join( [article_dir, board, str(article_result['msgnb'])]) if not os.path.isfile(article_file): continue iscontent = 0 #the flag whther the line is header or content for line in file(article_file): if iscontent: article['content'] += line if line == '\n': iscontent = 1 if article_result['parent'] == 0: pass #article write function need else: parent = int(article_result['parent']) pass #reply write function need
def __init__(self, session_key, board_name, callback): self.server = arara.get_server() self.session_key = session_key self.board_name = board_name self.callback = callback self.fetch_size = 30 self.cached_page = [] self.fetched_page = [ 1, ] self.fetch_pages() self.focus = self.cached_page[0]
def mig_user(): server = arara.get_server() user = {} error = '' for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."): #read userinfo from files root_split = root.split("/") if len(root_split) == 4: user['id'] = root_split[-1] if 'lastlogin' in files: #lastlogin user['lastlogin'] = file(root + '/lastlogin').read() if 'signature' in files: #signature user['signature'] = file(root + '/signature').read() if 'profile' in files: user['email_address'] = file(root + '/profile').read().replace( 'MAIL=', '') if 'mail' in dirs: #mail user['email'] = {} user['email']['content'] = '' for mail in os.listdir(root + '/mail'): isheader = 1 #the flag whther the line is header or content for line in file('/'.join([root, 'mail', mail])): if line == '\n': isheader = 0 if isheader: user['email'][line.split(': ')[0]] = line.split( ': ')[-1] else: user['email']['content'] += line file('error', 'w').write(error) #read userinfo from mysql db = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='******', passwd='q1q1q1', db='webara2g') cursor = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute('set names utf8') cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 100,10') rec = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute('show tables') tables = cursor.fetchall()
def mig_read_status(): server = arara.get_server() user = {} error = '' for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."): #read userinfo from files root_split = root.split("/") if len(root_split) == 4: user['id'] = root_split[-1] for file_name in files: #if file_name.count('newsrc') and not file_name.count('20060809') and not file_name.count('bak') and not file_name.count('webara'): if file_name.count('newsrc'): user['read_status'] = {} for line in file('/'.join([root, file_name])): line = line.replace('\n', '') line = line.replace(' ', '') board_name = line.split(':')[0].split('.')[-1] user['read_status'][board_name] = [] for article_no in line.split(':')[-1].split(','): if article_no == '': continue elif article_no.count('-'): try: if int(article_no.split('-')[-1]) > 200000: error += '/'.join([root, file_name, board_name, article_no]) + '\n' continue user['read_status'][board_name] += range(int(article_no.split('-')[0]), int(article_no.split('-')[-1])) except ValueError: if article_no.split('-')[0] == '' or article_no.split('-')[-1] == '': article_no = article_no.replace('-', '') user['read_status'][board_name].append(int(article_no)) else: error += '/'.join([root, file_name, board_name, article_no]) + '\n' else: if article_no.isdigit(): user['read_status'][board_name].append(int(article_no)) else: error += '/'.join([root, file_name, board_name, article_no]) + '\n' file('error', 'w').write(error)
def mig_article(): server = arara.get_server() article_dir = "./articles" db = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='******', passwd='q1q1q1', db='webara2g') cursor = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute('set names utf8') boards = os.listdir(article_dir) for board in boards: if not os.path.isdir(article_dir + '/' + board): #if the directory of the board does not exist continue suc, board_list = server.board_manager.get_board_list() if not board in [exist_board['board_name'] for exist_board in board_list]: #if the board is not exist suc, sess = server.login_manager.login('SYSOP', 'SYSOP', '') suc, mes = server.board_manager.add_board(sess, board, 'add description later') suc, mes = server.login_manager.logout(sess) board_table = 'webara_' + hashlib.md5('kaist.bbs.ara.' + board).hexdigest() cursor.execute('select max(depth) from ' + board_table) max_depth = cursor.fetchall()[0]['max(depth)'] max_depth = int(max_depth) for depth in range(max_depth+1): cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM ' + board_table + ' WHERE depth=' + str(depth) + ' LIMIT 5000,100') #cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM ' + board_table + ' WHERE depth=' + str(depth)) article_results = cursor.fetchall() for article_result in article_results: article = {} article['content'] = '' article_file = '/'.join([article_dir, board, str(article_result['msgnb'])]) if not os.path.isfile(article_file): continue iscontent = 0 #the flag whther the line is header or content for line in file(article_file): if iscontent: article['content'] += line if line == '\n': iscontent = 1 if article_result['parent'] == 0: pass #article write function need else: parent = int(article_result['parent']) pass #reply write function need
def mig_user(): server = arara.get_server() user = {} error = '' for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."): #read userinfo from files root_split = root.split("/") if len(root_split) == 4: user['id'] = root_split[-1] if 'lastlogin' in files: #lastlogin user['lastlogin'] = file(root + '/lastlogin').read() if 'signature' in files: #signature user['signature'] = file(root + '/signature').read() if 'profile' in files: user['email_address'] = file(root + '/profile').read().replace('MAIL=', '') if 'mail' in dirs: #mail user['email'] = {} user['email']['content'] = '' for mail in os.listdir(root + '/mail'): isheader = 1 #the flag whther the line is header or content for line in file('/'.join([root, 'mail', mail])): if line == '\n': isheader = 0 if isheader: user['email'][line.split(': ')[0]] = line.split(': ')[-1] else: user['email']['content'] += line file('error', 'w').write(error) #read userinfo from mysql db = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='******', passwd='q1q1q1', db='webara2g') cursor = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute('set names utf8') cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 100,10') rec = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute('show tables') tables = cursor.fetchall()