def test_from_file3():
    BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname((os.path.abspath(__file__))))

    file = BASE_PATH + '/tests/dragonskin_boots.arc'
    with open(file, 'r') as arc:
        contents =

    parser = Arch2Json()
    items = parser.keys(contents)
    items.add_field('arch_filename', file)

    k, v = created_timestamp()
    items.add_field(k, v)

    k, v = updated_timestamp()
    items.add_field(k, v)

    assert (items.find('object', 'dragonskin_boots'))
    assert (items.find('name', 'dragonskin boots'))
    assert (items.find('arch_filename', file))
    assert (items.find_key('created'))
    assert (items.find_key('updated'))

    field = Field()
    field.add('model', '')

    for item in items.items:
def test_add_items2():
    BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname((os.path.abspath(__file__))))
    file = BASE_PATH + '/tests/emptybottles.arc'

    parser = Arch2Json()

    with open(file, 'r') as arc:
        contents =

    fields = parser.keys(contents)

    k, v = created_timestamp()
    fields.add_field(k, v)

    assert (fields.find('object', 'coffee_empty'))
    assert (fields.find('object', 'w_glass_empty'))
    assert (fields.find('object', 'boozebottle_empty'))
    assert (fields.find('object', 'winebottle_empty'))
    assert (fields.find('object', 'wbottle_empty'))
    assert (fields.find('object', 'potion_empty'))
    assert (fields.find('object', 'vial_empty'))
    assert (fields.find('object', 'bag_empty'))
    assert (fields.find_key('created'))

    item = fields.item(0)
    assert (item['object'] == 'coffee_empty')
    assert ('created' in item)
def test_message6():
    contents = '''Object goldgrass
name drop 10 gold coins
slaying goldcoin
type 18
activate_on_push 1
activate_on_release 1
face goldgrass.111
food 10
animation goldgrass
no_pick 1
move_on walk
is_floor 1

    #import pdb
    # pdb.set_trace()

    contents = contents.splitlines()
    parser = Arch2Json()
    fields = parser.keys(contents)
    msg = [

    assert (fields.find('object', 'goldgrass'))
    assert (not fields.find_key('Click!'))
    assert (not fields.find_key('click!'))
    assert (fields.find('msg', msg))
def test_message3():
    contents = '''Object magic_ear
type 29
face magic_ear.111
@match sesame
no_pick 1
invisible 1

    # import pdb
    # pdb.set_trace()

    contents = contents.splitlines()
    parser = Arch2Json()
    fields = parser.keys(contents)
    msg = ['@match sesame', 'Click.']

    assert (fields.find('object', 'magic_ear'))
    assert (not fields.find_key('Click.'))
    assert (not fields.find_key('click'))
    assert (not fields.find_value('Click.'))
    assert (not fields.find_value('click'))
    assert (fields.find('msg', msg))
def test_python1():
    BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname((os.path.abspath(__file__))))

    file = BASE_PATH + '/tests/temp_summon_fog.arc'
    with open(file, 'r') as arc:
        contents =

    #import pdb
    # pdb.set_trace()
    parser = Arch2Json()
    items = parser.keys(contents)
    items.add_field('arch_filename', file)

    k, v = created_timestamp()
    items.add_field(k, v)

    k, v = updated_timestamp()
    items.add_field(k, v)

    assert (items.find('arch_filename', file))
    assert (items.find_key('created'))
    assert (items.find_key('updated'))

    field = Field()
    field.add('model', 'items.ground')

    for item in items.items:
def test_comments1():
    contents = '# This is a single line comment'

    contents = contents.splitlines()
    parser = Arch2Json()
    results = parser.keys(contents)

    assert (results.len <= 0)
def test_comments2():
    contents = '''# This is a multi-line comment1
# This is a multi-line comment2
# This is a multi-line comment3
# This is a multi-line comment4'''

    contents = contents.splitlines()
    parser = Arch2Json()
    results = parser.keys(contents)

    assert (results.len <= 0)
def test_keys6():
    contents = '''# Acid spehres are sort of odd creatures - they are really
# only a danger if the player is not careful and runs into
# them - they otherwise move slowly and are easily killed.
# But they do a lot of damage if a player does run into one.
Object acid_sphere
race slime
name acid sphere
face acidsphere.111
animation acid_sphere
monster 1
move_type walk
sleep 1
Wis 5
alive 1
ac 5
wc 1
dam 50
weight 1
level 4
resist_fire 100
resist_electricity 100
resist_cold 100
resist_confusion 100
resist_acid 100
resist_drain 100
resist_weaponmagic 100
resist_ghosthit 100
resist_poison 100
resist_slow 100
resist_paralyze 100
resist_turn_undead 100
resist_blind 100
attacktype 64
hitback 1
hp 1
maxhp 1
speed 0.01
anim_speed 1
exp 100
one_hit 1

    contents = contents.splitlines()
    parser = Arch2Json()
    fields = parser.keys(contents)

    assert (fields.find('object', 'acid_sphere'))
    assert (fields.find('race', 'slime'))
    assert (fields.find('face', 'acidsphere.111'))
    assert (fields.find('resist_weaponmagic', '100'))
    assert (fields.find('speed', '0.01'))
    assert (fields.find('exp', '100'))
    assert (fields.find('one_hit', '1'))
def test_from_file1():
    BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname((os.path.abspath(__file__))))

    file = BASE_PATH + '/tests/dragonskin_boots.arc'
    with open(file, 'r') as arc:
        contents =

    parser = Arch2Json()
    fields = parser.keys(contents)

    assert (fields.find('object', 'dragonskin_boots'))
    assert (fields.find('name', 'dragonskin boots'))
def test_no_name():
    BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname((os.path.abspath(__file__))))
    file = BASE_PATH + '/tests/dragon_guild.arc'

    parser = Arch2Json()

    with open(file, 'r') as arc:
        contents =

    items = parser.keys(contents)

    assert (items.find('object', 'Dragon Guild'))
    assert (items.find('name', 'Dragon Guild'))
def test_keys4():
    contents = '''# Acid spehres are sort of odd creatures - they are really
# only a danger if the player is not careful and runs into
# them - they otherwise move slowly and are easily killed.
# But they do a lot of damage if a player does run into one.
Object acid_sphere

    contents = contents.splitlines()
    parser = Arch2Json()
    fields = parser.keys(contents)

    assert (fields.len == 1)
    assert (fields.find('object', 'acid_sphere'))
def test_double_ends():
    BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname((os.path.abspath(__file__))))
    file = BASE_PATH + '/tests/altarvalk.arc'

    parser = Arch2Json()

    with open(file, 'r') as arc:
        contents =

    #import pdb
    # pdb.set_trace()
    items = parser.keys(contents)

    assert (items.find('object', 'altar_valkyrie'))
    assert (items.find('name', 'Altar of Valkyrie'))
    assert (items.find('object', 'altar_valkyrie_pray_event'))
    assert (items.find('title', 'Python'))
    assert (items.find('slaying', '/python/gods/'))
def test_multiple_objects():
    BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname((os.path.abspath(__file__))))
    file = BASE_PATH + '/tests/emptybottles.arc'

    parser = Arch2Json()

    with open(file, 'r') as arc:
        contents =

    fields = parser.keys(contents)

    assert (fields.find('object', 'coffee_empty'))
    assert (fields.find('object', 'w_glass_empty'))
    assert (fields.find('object', 'boozebottle_empty'))
    assert (fields.find('object', 'winebottle_empty'))
    assert (fields.find('object', 'wbottle_empty'))
    assert (fields.find('object', 'potion_empty'))
    assert (fields.find('object', 'vial_empty'))
    assert (fields.find('object', 'bag_empty'))
def test_from_file2():
    BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname((os.path.abspath(__file__))))

    files = [
        '/tests/dragonskin_boots.arc', '/tests/elvenboots.arc',

    parser = Arch2Json()

    for file in files:
        with open(BASE_PATH + file, 'r') as arc:
            contents =

        fields = parser.keys(contents)

    assert (fields.find('object', 'dragonskin_boots'))
    assert (fields.find('object', 'elvenboots'))
    assert (fields.find('object', 'golem_shoes'))
def test_message2():
    contents = '''Object spell_magic_missile
anim_suffix spellcasting
name magic missile
name_pl magic missile
face spell_magic_missile.111
level 1
sp 1
casting_time 3
path_attuned 16
other_arch magic_missile
dam 9
dam_modifier 1
maxsp 20
skill sorcery
type 101
subtype 11
value 10
attacktype 2
no_drop 1
invisible 1
range 25
Fires a target-tracking magical bolt that can turn to seek out enemies.  The bolt does not always track well and may run into walls or even return and strike the caster.

    # import pdb
    # pdb.set_trace()

    contents = contents.splitlines()
    parser = Arch2Json()
    fields = parser.keys(contents)
    msg = [
        "Fires a target-tracking magical bolt that can turn to seek out enemies.  The bolt does not always track well and may run into walls or even return and strike the caster."

    assert (fields.find('object', 'spell_magic_missile'))
    assert (not fields.find_key('Fires'))
    assert (not fields.find_key('fires'))
    assert (not fields.find_value('Fires'))
    assert (not fields.find_value('fires'))
    assert (fields.find('msg', msg))
def test_multiple_objects2():
    BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname((os.path.abspath(__file__))))
    file = BASE_PATH + '/tests/emptybottles.arc'

    parser = Arch2Json()

    with open(file, 'r') as arc:
        contents =

    items = parser.keys(contents)
    items.add_field('arch_filename', file)

    k, v = created_timestamp()
    items.add_field(k, v)

    k, v = updated_timestamp()
    items.add_field(k, v)

    assert (items.find('object', 'coffee_empty'))
    assert (items.find('object', 'w_glass_empty'))
    assert (items.find('object', 'boozebottle_empty'))
    assert (items.find('object', 'winebottle_empty'))
    assert (items.find('object', 'wbottle_empty'))
    assert (items.find('object', 'potion_empty'))
    assert (items.find('object', 'vial_empty'))
    assert (items.find('object', 'bag_empty'))
    assert (items.find('arch_filename', file))
    assert (items.find_key('created'))
    assert (items.find_key('updated'))

    fields = Field()
    fields.add('model', 'items.potion')

    assert (fields.find_key('fields'))
    assert (fields.find_key('model'))

    _list = []
    for item in items.items:
def test_message1():
    contents = '''Object dwarf_wiz
race dwarf
tanneritems tanner_books
name dwarf wizard
animation dwarf_wiz
@match *
I'm too busy to answer your queries.
face dwarf_wiz.111
Pow 18
sp 50
maxsp 50
monster 1
move_type walk
unaggressive 1
alive 1
ac 10
wc 15
dam 5
hp 38
maxhp 38
exp 10
speed 0.06
weight 50000
level 15
can_cast_spell 1

    contents = contents.splitlines()
    parser = Arch2Json()
    fields = parser.keys(contents)
    msg = ["@match *", "I'm too busy to answer your queries."]

    assert (fields.find('object', 'dwarf_wiz'))
    assert (fields.find('msg', msg))
    assert (fields.find('monster', '1'))
    assert (fields.find('maxsp', '50'))
def test_comments3():
    contents = '''Object spell_reincarnation
anim_suffix spellcasting
name reincarnation
name_pl reincarnation
face spell_reincarnation.111
type 101
subtype 1
level 25
value 250
grace 350
casting_time 30
path_attuned 256
skill praying
no_drop 1
invisible 1
exp 20
# tanneritems reincarnation_failure
race reincarnation_races
Brings a slain character back to life, as with the resurrection spell, but without requiring a corpse, and usually as a different race, with all the benefits and penalties associated with it.  Gaea grants this spell, and it is only useful on permanent death servers.

    # import pdb
    # pdb.set_trace()

    contents = contents.splitlines()
    parser = Arch2Json()
    fields = parser.keys(contents)

    assert (fields.find('object', 'spell_reincarnation'))
    assert (not fields.find_key('reincarnation_failure'))
    assert (not fields.find_key('tanneritems'))
    assert (not fields.find_key('#tanneritems'))
    assert (not fields.find_value('reincarnation_failure'))
    assert (not fields.find_value('tanneritems'))
    assert (not fields.find_value('#tanneritems'))
def test_animation1():
    contents = '''Object werewolf
face 1728
monster 1
Wis 10
alive 1
hp 50
maxhp 50
Con 10
speed 0.10
exp 100
ac 5
dam 8
wc 1
level 5
protected 1
weight 80000
run_away 15
pick_up 64
can_use_weapon 1
attacktype 3

    contents = contents.splitlines()
    parser = Arch2Json()
    fields = parser.keys(contents)
    anim = ['1728', '1729', '1728', '1728', '1730', '1728']

    assert (fields.find('object', 'werewolf'))
    assert (fields.find('anim', anim))
def test_message5():
    contents = '''Object spell_magic_missile
Fires a target-tracking magical bolt that can turn to seek out enemies.  The bolt does not always track well and may run into walls or even return and strike the caster.

    # import pdb
    # pdb.set_trace()

    contents = contents.splitlines()
    parser = Arch2Json()
    fields = parser.keys(contents)
    msg = [
        "Fires a target-tracking magical bolt that can turn to seek out enemies.  The bolt does not always track well and may run into walls or even return and strike the caster."

    assert (fields.find('object', 'spell_magic_missile'))
    assert (not fields.find_key('Fires'))
    assert (not fields.find_key('fires'))
    assert (not fields.find_value('Fires'))
    assert (not fields.find_value('fires'))
    assert (fields.find('msg', msg))
def test_keys1():
    contents = ''.splitlines()
    parser = Arch2Json()
    results = parser.keys(contents)

    assert (results.len <= 0)
def test_model2():
    parser = Arch2Json()
    parser.model = 'items.spells'

    assert (parser.model == 'items.spells')